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Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI)

03-09-2011 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by reegz21
100 guys play 60 guys that don't normally play on Saturdays and 30 that will play cash games on Saturdays that normally don't. Action after the circuit event are insane! Man I wish they would do a tournament that would draw some people.
I understand that I was just being an idiot. I would love tournaments. I don't know why they don't run any, this is an obvious way to get people in the casino that don't normally come. I wish Oneida would run more than they do, cash games are better on the nights they have games.
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-09-2011 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by bacats32
I understand that I was just being an idiot. I would love tournaments. I don't know why they don't run any, this is an obvious way to get people in the casino that don't normally come. I wish Oneida would run more than they do, cash games are better on the nights they have games.
No, I totally understood. All good. I knew where you were coming from. It'd be great for the summer months. The stuff they do now is all based for their regulars, such as the the Firekeepers Club challenge tournament and the HU tournament. Having a well structured tournament would ACTUALLY bring non regulars to the poker room.

I really enjoy playing in the room there. It's big, bright, the dealers are cool, and the drive is easy. The games and limits are cool. Although it'd be nice to play in a limit game higher then 3/6 that isn't a nosebleed. Overall, it's a great homey feel. I just wish they wouldn't run their tournaments so badly. I have yet to play in a tournament there because I am all about a tournament having a good structure. I bet there are 100 of me out there that don't play in tournaments at POTO for the same reasons. I'm not asking for a weekly, just give us once a month, or every other month of a solid structured tournament and I would be very pleased, along with many others.
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-12-2011 , 10:53 AM
Is there really a regular 5/10 NL game running at Poto now? How often has the PLO game been going? I get back to mke next week and would love to play in some decent games.
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-12-2011 , 05:23 PM
the 5-10 plo runs 4 to 5 times a week there isnt a regular 5-10 nl game but they have started spreading a 5-5 no limit with 500 to 1500 buy-in which plays just like a 5-10 has been one or both of the games running everyday
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-13-2011 , 02:54 AM
For anyone interested there will be 1020nl tomorrow/today, Sunday March 13, 1k-10k buy in. Game starts at 1pm.
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-14-2011 , 10:48 PM
Sent poto an email to fix their tournaments and structures. All I received back was an automated response. You guys should get on it too! Thanks.

How'd that 10/20 game go?? Some big pots?? How much did the big winner walk away with??
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-14-2011 , 10:53 PM
the game ran for maybe 8-10 hours and was made up of mostly regulars and 3 or 4 randoms. the regs have decided to play a big NL game every sunday in the hopes of attracting some new players who want to play higher.

the buy-in range was 1k-10k, but i'd say most bought in for 2-4k.
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-15-2011 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by Shiftyeye7;2541r228
the game ran for maybe 8-10 hours and was made up of mostly regulars and 3 or 4 randoms. the regs have decided to play a big NL game every sunday in the hopes of attracting some new players who want to play higher.

the buy-in range was 1k-10k, but i'd say most bought in for 2-4k.
Man, I would love to take my whole bankroll and dump it on that game!!! Gotta stick to 1/2 and the occasional 3/5 when I'm running hot.
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-15-2011 , 06:12 PM
Regulars soft playing each other as usual?
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-15-2011 , 07:30 PM
you say that like it's a problem, and it's really not. soft playing happens in every room in the world in some form or another. sometimes it's regs that know each other, sometimes it's the new guy who just bought a round of drinks. certainly not a reason to not play.

but you seem kinda bitter about it. you have a specifc instance where you were somehow wronged in this room?
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-18-2011 , 07:17 PM
The $1-$1-$2 NL game is now $1/$2. They are also working on reducing the rake in that game to $5.
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-19-2011 , 05:23 AM
Originally Posted by BradleyT
The $1-$1-$2 NL game is now $1/$2. They are also working on reducing the rake in that game to $5.
Unfortunately, I would probably have to come up there 3x's a week if they did that.
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-19-2011 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by BradleyT
The $1-$1-$2 NL game is now $1/$2. They are also working on reducing the rake in that game to $5.
If they do that, I will play there. I live about halfway between Poto and Horseshoe. I currently play at Horseshoe 95% of the time.
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-19-2011 , 01:50 PM
i think you guys are nuts for playing the 1/2 instead of the 3/5. the game is so much nittier. i understand bankroll concerns, but i think it would be more profitable to play the 3/5 buying in for 200 at a time. you're going to get paid off so much more often just making top pair. i sometimes play the 1/2 when i'm waiting for a seat, and its like pulling teeth trying to get guys to call a 2/3rds pot bet.

maybe i'm just hating on the 1/2 cuz i don't want it to take players from the 3/5 game, but tbh, i think it'll hurt the limit games more than the NL games.
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-22-2011 , 02:08 AM
making the trip up sometime late morning. is it 1/2 currently?? are they consistently running 2 tables?? and when is the rake going to be five bucks?!?!

oh yeah, and when are they going to run a good tournament.

god bless you all!
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-22-2011 , 02:43 AM
I feel the need to correct Shifteye7 about the 1020nl game because pretty much everything he's said is inaccurate.

The last game did not go 8-10 hours it only went 5. The previous two times it went 8 and 9 hours respectively.

To say there were mostly regulars and 3-4 randoms is not much of an explanation. I knew everyone who played by name. A few of them play at Potowatxmi infrequently(a few times a year). A few of them play 5 times a week. Everyone else falls anywhere and everywhere in between.

There is no intention of trying to run the game every Sunday. The goal is to have the game once a month on the day and time we feel the game will go for the longest with the most players while not interfering with other larger stakes games.

I wouldn't say the goal is to attract new players that want to play higher. The goal simply to play poker in a setting where everyone is welcome. It is not possible to be too new, too regular, too old, too young, too tight, or too loose.

Soft playing or any form of colluding is not and will not be accepted. I do not recall a specific case of it happening in the three times the game has ran.
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-22-2011 , 03:08 AM
wow ok, my bad. i was playing 3/5 and thought the game went longer. i certainly wasn't trying to make it seem like i played the game or anything, just tryin to answer questions itt.

by "regulars" i meant guys that i personally see in the room on a regular basis (usually in the PLO game.) the rest of the information i got from the floor who i asked about the game.

was i at least right about the buy-ins? lol


Last edited by Shiftyeye7; 03-22-2011 at 03:14 AM.
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-22-2011 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by reegz21
making the trip up sometime late morning. is it 1/2 currently?? are they consistently running 2 tables?? and when is the rake going to be five bucks?!?!

oh yeah, and when are they going to run a good tournament.

god bless you all!
yes it's 1/2 now
two tables when they have the players
$5 rake not anytime soon
you are still nuts for not playing the 3/5
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-22-2011 , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by Shiftyeye7
yes it's 1/2 now
two tables when they have the players
$5 rake not anytime soon
you are still nuts for not playing the 3/5
I know. I usually play 3/five, just under rolled for it right now and I have the itch to play, so I'll check out the 1/2.
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-22-2011 , 05:45 PM
Soft playing is bad for the game. Yes, it can occur anywhere, but I've played all over the world the last 30 years and I've never seen soft playing done so blatantly and so frequently as at the bigger games at Pot. It's a form of collusion, it's against the rules, and the best floors don't permit it.

Shifteye says the collusion can occur among regulars or "the new guy who just bought a round of drinks for the table" (something I've never seen at Pot!), but c'mon, it's always with the usual suspects. I've seem as many as 6 or 7 guys soft playing each other at a table on more than one occasion. There's no way that's good for the game--or makes a good game.
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-22-2011 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Big Orange
I've seem as many as 6 or 7 guys soft playing each other at a table on more than one occasion. There's no way that's good for the game--or makes a good game.
I call BS. give some examples or stfu

this is the 3rd time you've come into this thread without any hard examples. sounds like you had a bad session and want to blame it on a table that wouldn't give you action.
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-22-2011 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by Shiftyeye7
I call BS. give some examples or stfu

this is the 3rd time you've come into this thread without any hard examples. sounds like you had a bad session and want to blame it on a table that wouldn't give you action.
Ha, I'll weigh in. It's the main reason the 3/5 game there doesn't attract more action. I'm not a regular, but every time I play there, guys are soft playing against each other and squeezing any strangers. In a bigtime poker room, they'd be warned, then banned for that kind of collusion. But, you're right, it happens in a lot of smaller local rooms around the country.
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-23-2011 , 09:49 AM
I was there last night and railed one of the 3/5 tables for a bit. I saw a 4-way all-in preflop for over $1200 and another hand that went to showdown for close to that amount in just that brief time. I didn't see anything that would be described as collusion, that's for sure. Your results may vary.
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-24-2011 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by Obral
Ha, I'll weigh in. It's the main reason the 3/5 game there doesn't attract more action. I'm not a regular, but every time I play there, guys are soft playing against each other and squeezing any strangers. In a bigtime poker room, they'd be warned, then banned for that kind of collusion. But, you're right, it happens in a lot of smaller local rooms around the country.
doesn't attract more action? there's great action in the room. idk what you're talking about.

and again, you're not giving any specific examples. if you seriously see soft playing or squeezing/checking it down. SAY SOMETHING.

two weeks ago, i 3-bet someone preflop. another guy called, then another guy 4-bet. i folded and the remaining guy said "if i call, you want to check it down?" i immediately told them they're not allowed to do that. they looked at me kinda strange and i explained that i had money in the pot and it's not right to squeeze someone out and run out the board to chop up their money. they legitimately didn't know any better. most likely it's b/c they are inexperienced players. that's a good thing.
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
03-24-2011 , 04:11 PM
I don't think it is soft playing as much as just avoiding some of the better players at the table. I've played over 100 sessions up there and think that the action is great. The 3/five action is awesome. The 1/2 is just sllllllloooooooow. But the players at 1/2 are extremely weak, which is nice.

It's not soft playing when you know a good opponent has a really good hand. As for the example above, not good and they genuinely might not have known. The dealer should have told them not you though. I went on Tuesday and won 227 at the 3/five in 30 minutes and they called my name for 1/2. I figured I'd freeroll 1/2 game and won another 240 (brag). But I saw no soft playing in 6 hours I was there.
Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI) Quote
