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Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH)

01-24-2013 , 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by UnknownName3
According to Cleveland Hoseshoe's Bravo listing, there's interest in a 10/25 NLHE on Sat. 1/26 @ 4PM.

Also, the room is going to try to start $7.50/$15.00 LHE on Wednesday nights starting on Wed, 1/30 @ 5:00PM.

It's the first 7.50/15.00 game I've heard of outside of Tropicana in AC (AKA the "pink chip game" -

Are they using special $2.50 chips?
Is it a 2 chip/3 chip game (blinds 5.00/7.50, limits 7.50/15.00)?

Also, I wonder if the game will actually get off...I heard they tried to get a consistent HORSE game going, but that didn't happen.
Ya they started a list for a 10/25 game but it does not mean it will happen. The 5/10 has been basically nonexistant of late so its debatable if a game will materialize. Its obviously possible that some people from out of town will show up but don't necessarily count on it. The last time 10/25 happened was only because the floor had told people to come to play a 50/100 NL game with some poker celebrities and it basically got some people in the door and 10/25 was the biggest that could get off.

As for the pink chip game they might be able to get it off i really don't know. The problem is there is like 0 demand for limit hold em above 3-6 or 4-8. The 5-10 got off maybe twice for a few hrs. so i dont know maybe these limit players will come out of nowhere or some NL players will decide they like limit games because it uses pink chips. I don't know.

Im not criticizing the moves. Its probably the right idea to target limit players and higher limit NL players. Two groups that might not be coming much at the moment. But don't assume for sure the games will happen.

People play want they want to play and that is basically low limit NL hold em and PLO. I would not mind a HORSE game but the casual players just don't play in cleveland and its boring to play vs. a group of more serious players.

Last edited by PrinceHenry; 01-24-2013 at 03:52 AM.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
01-24-2013 , 10:10 AM
The demand for bigger limit hold em is not 0 but its not enough to generate a game. I am willing to play bigger limit and i hear others say they would play. We did try a 20/40 a while back and it was just me and 2 others that showed up from a list of 10.

I dont think it will run but good luck and i hope it does.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
01-24-2013 , 10:27 AM
If it runs consistently, I will probably be making the occasional appearance.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
01-25-2013 , 01:28 AM
I'm hoping but I highly doubt the 10-25 game will get off.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
01-25-2013 , 05:55 PM
Speaking of HORSE- On the same day that they were advertising the 25/50 NLHE game for out-of-towners, a few of us were pushing for higher mixed games. I think there were about 8 names for 5-10 HORSE and 4 names for 10-20 HORSE but neither ever happened.

It's like cap said- interest isn't nonexistent, but not enough for a game.

I've honestly given up on trying to push for it (though I used to)... PLO8 is more realistic to push for at this point (though I've also given up on trying to push for higher PLO8 games).

If people are actually interested and actually going to show up, I'd love to play a higher mixed game.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
01-25-2013 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by cap217
The demand for bigger limit hold em is not 0 but its not enough to generate a game. I am willing to play bigger limit and i hear others say they would play. We did try a 20/40 a while back and it was just me and 2 others that showed up from a list of 10.

I dont think it will run but good luck and i hope it does.
imo the reality is that in all but the biggest rooms in the U.S., for games other than PLO, low stakes limit, and NL Holdem, it requires some effort on part of the room managment to get games going.

Opening the table and putting a plaque on the table and a dealer in the box usally does not a game make.

The Room has to make an effort to attact more recreational type players to these games are its just a bad experience for the core players who on their own try to get the games off.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
01-25-2013 , 11:37 PM
Hey everyone,
Sorry if this has been asked before. Are the 1/2nl games still worth the drive? I used to play up there last summer so I remember what they were like then, but I've been western PA for school since then and I'm thinking about playing next weekend. It's about a 2 hour drive for me to Cleveland vs 45 minutes to Pittsburgh. But if the games are still that much better I'll come there instead. Do you think they are worth it still?

Sent from my ADR6350 using 2+2 Forums
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
01-26-2013 , 12:38 AM
Id play HORSE but basically if its 8 geeks who post on poker forums or 8 guys over 65 im basically not going to play. People seem to like the big bet games like NL Holdem and PLO. If you could get some new games played NL or PL i think there would be more of a chance. The action players in the room are not going to play HORSE.

Some of the old school people say they want to play limit Hold'em but the games never really materialize. If they pick a day and advertise it well and there is no game there never will be. I think limit holdem is the worst form of poker so don't really care whether it gets off or not. They could do a better job of advertising the games. Maybe put it on a video board (larger than it is now or a flier with the featured games. People who check bravo all the time probably are not exactly a great market for building an action game.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
01-26-2013 , 06:45 PM
Twiggy, just play 1/3 at Rivers. If you're gonna go to Cleveland, play 2/5 if you can afford it. Yes the players still suck at 1/2, but so many buy in for 50 bucks, its hard to crush the game. Plus I'm sure you know the rake is horrible.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
01-27-2013 , 12:40 PM
I'm heading in for today's MTT. Any suggestions on where to park? Will I need a players card? Thanks for any input.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
01-27-2013 , 02:51 PM
Park in the garage which is at 2151 Ontario St. short walk to the casino. You will need a player's card to get free parking, as I'm sure you'll also need it to register for the tournament.

They may be able to get you one in the poker room itself but I would cut any hassle and go the player's clubs located on either the 1st or 2nd floor. If you've never been a member at any other CET properties you should inquire about any offers to new members.

Good luck
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
01-27-2013 , 05:37 PM
Thanks! I parked in that garage and got a players card. Do I need to do anything else to get validated?
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
01-27-2013 , 05:44 PM
Never mind floor guy just explained.

Thanks again- loving this casino although I haven't seen much of it yet. Hoping to explore after I ship this MTT.

Only complaint so far is no cell photos at the table. Although some dealers do seem to let us use them.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
01-27-2013 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by POKER DEAL
We are pretty lenient, as long as you are not in a hand, and respect the other players. But understand how easy it would be to collude with another player via text, so we have to protect the integrity of the game.
Thanks! Obv meant "phones" not "photos" lol autocorrect.

How about some rungood to end the tournament?
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
01-28-2013 , 01:08 AM
I was very impressed with my first trip here, other than not winning this tournament. It's way way nicer than Columbus. The poker rooms are comparable but the rest of the casino seems so much bigger and nicer.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
01-28-2013 , 02:06 AM
don - how was the quality of play in the monthly 500? structure/dealing as well?
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
01-28-2013 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by Teph
don - how was the quality of play in the monthly 500? structure/dealing as well?
Much, much better than I had expected - well let me explain-

Dealing was pretty much fine. There were a few less experienced dealers, but no problems throughout the 10+ hours of play.

Quality of play was OK - my initial table was a dream - nice, older gentlemen and one young kid who was solid (but I had position on him).

During the run from 102 down to 20, it amazingly only took like 5 hours. Equally amazingly is the fact that it took another 5 hours to play down to the final table. We played 11 handed (5/6) for 2+ hours. With 18 players left the avg stack was 50 BBs. Play was fairly tight/straight forward. After losing a few key pots, I fell < 20k and was able to more than triple my stack sans showdown.

It was set to pay top 9. Because of the "slow" pace of play, eventually everyone agreed to pay $100 (out of pocket) to give $550 to 11th and 10th. That didn't really speed things up but it made people smile.

Official payouts were:
1- 14.7k
2- 9.6k
3- 5.9k
4- 4.3k
5- 3.2k
6- 2.5k
7- 2k
8- 1.8k (worst)
9- 1.6k

I'll let you guess which one I got.

Looking forward to returning to the Horseshoe Cleveland.

Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
01-29-2013 , 01:27 PM
in cleveland for work for a week. played here both nights i've been here so far. extremely impressive for a new room. very well run. good dealers. huge tables and the space for each player is amplified by having it 9 handed instead of 10 (though i personally would prefer the extra player at the table). tables are spaced out well and everyone is friendly (which i think is more indicative of friendly midwestern people compared to nj/ny people lol... is ohio considered midwest?).

the promos are great in the casino in general and they keep bringing out food and stuff for poker players which is very generous given that they don't really need to... the room is pretty much always packed.

the only complaint i have is that the dealers are too friendly... at the point that they often slow the game down. they chat with the players and each other and stop following the action while they do so. i'd rather friendly dealers than rude or indifferent, but i think moving the game along should be first. i've constantly checked or bet in the one seat and while the dealer talks to the other side of the table and nothing happens and then the dealer will look over at me to tell me its my turn 10 - 30 seconds later.

but that really is just me nitpicking and the dealers certainly aren't being lazy or trying to slow things down, some of them just get focused on the friendliness at the expense of following the action.

had one uninteresting but neat little story that's not about me... but about a great run of luck. one kid, who'll i'll call friendly joe, who was at my table sunday playing relatively weak tight and slightly short stacked (which isn't much different than how most seem to play) won a small pot and got his stack to close to 200. then the one aggressive guy at the table, who i'll call poker paul, who was really trying to outplay everyone every hand gets in a hand with him. poker paul raises preflop (it might have been a small 3-bet, i don't remember) and friendly joe limp calls. pot's probably about 35. flop comes rainbow garbage. poker paul bets out his probable over pair for about 25 (may have been a mid pair judging by how i've seen poker paul play) and friendly joe calls. pot is about 85. turn is more garbage and poker paul bets about 40 and friendly joe calls. pot is about 165. river comes a K and there are no draws on the board. poker paul bets 40 again and friendly joe puts in his last 111. poker paul makes a speech about being rivered and makes a crying call (poker paul has friendly joe covered). friendly joe turns over K4o for 2 pair and poker paul makes a crying muck. friendly joe then says "i only went in because it was my last hand". poker paul says "that doesn't make me feel better. you shouldn't have called preflop with K4 yada yada yada why did you keep calling yada yada yada". friendly joe just says "sorry man. it was my last hand. i had a pair on the flop and wanted to see if i was lucky." friendly joe then racks up and right when he stands up and is grabbing his coat the casino calls his name and tells him he's one of 10 people to grab a random envelope for a prize ranging from free buffet to $5000. i ask the guy to shake my hand so i can get some luck. the guy leaves with an incredible lucky streak to end his night.

the next night i see friendly joe walking by so i ask him what he won in the envelope drawing. he tells me won $2500 in slot play, used a few hundred of it immediately and cashed out over $3000. i tell the congrats and he says thank you. real nice guy. i can't wait till i get some of that luck!

anyway, sorry for the ramble. good casino and good room. good action, players tend to buy in short but whatevs. i'll be there every night this week except when i get stuck at work or feel like checking out a cavs or monsters game (like tonight).

good luck guys!

Last edited by 85chickasaw; 01-29-2013 at 01:34 PM.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
01-31-2013 , 12:16 AM
Did the pink chip game go tonight at all? I was working and couldn't make it. Was there even a list?
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
01-31-2013 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by LrdNikon
Did the pink chip game go tonight at all? I was working and couldn't make it. Was there even a list?
Bravo had a game listed as 8/15(sic) LHE. Looks like it ran less than an hour before it broke. Wasn't there, so hopefully someone can give a report.

Frankly it's been a couple months since I've really played at the Horseshoe, but it seems like they do little to promote these games in the room. Maybe they don't care, maybe there is no real market other than low-stakes NL with a niche market of 3/6, PLO, and mid-stakes players. either way, it's disappointing that there isn't a little more variety in the room.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
01-31-2013 , 10:32 AM
I was playing another game in the poker room last night, heard them announcing the 7.50/15 limit game 20 times over an hour or two, not sure it actually got off the ground though.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
01-31-2013 , 10:59 AM
agreed. they are trying to promote different games but no one is signing up. not their fault if the players that complain about lack of variety don't show up when they're advertising an effort to get those games off.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
01-31-2013 , 04:15 PM
I called last night and was told it played 5 handed for 30 minutes before it broke. The guy said they were going to try to get it going on a weekend.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
01-31-2013 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by pokerKopp
I called last night and was told it played 5 handed for 30 minutes before it broke. The guy said they were going to try to get it going on a weekend.
I'd be up for trying 7.5/15 on Saturday.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
02-01-2013 , 12:42 AM
I think part of the problem is that they will only run the game once before saying, "well that failed, let's move it to Saturday". I think what they should do is talk to regular players around the room and ask the following question "What game(s) could we run that you would play instead of what you're playing now?" running the games on the weekend could be a good move (unfortunately I can only play week nights). And, if they want to run games during the week, I would suggest starting them at noon or so. Back when I played at Potawatomi a lot there was a regular Tuesday/Wednesday O8 game that started at 11 or noon. It would start mostly with retirees or people that for whatever reason weren't working at that hour. Early on the game had almost a family feel, the same group playing week in week out. As it got closer to the dinner hour- when I'd usually roll in- more casual players would often filter in, and the game would run until midnight or so. Given, these were different times 2004-05ish.

The other thing that happened in the room was a dedicated board with the feature games and dates written on them. If the Horseshoe put a screen up next to the normal waitlist with upcoming game lists prominently displayed, perhaps they would get more traffic. Haven't played there in a bit, so if they already do this, my bad.

The final issue is the players. If you want to get a game going, you have to be willing to play in it. The 7.5/15 game broke early, and apparently never got more than 5-handed. The high-stakes NL game never went. If players want these games, they need to stick it out and continue to play until curious players are attracted.
Jack Cleveland Casino (Cleveland, OH) Quote
