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08-11-2021 , 04:37 PM
Any word when the room will return to 24 hours, or at least expanded hours on the weekdays like we have for Friday and Saturday currently?

Last edited by chickenfeed; 08-11-2021 at 04:45 PM.
08-11-2021 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by chickenfeed
Any word when the room will return to 24 hours, or at least expanded hours on the weekdays like we have for Friday and Saturday currently?
dude wrong question.. The thing you should be worried about is if they're gonna keep the poker room open through this next shutdown and when the plexiglass and masks will be dropped again if so
08-12-2021 , 10:49 AM
Not taking the cheese on that lol
08-12-2021 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by kimoser22
yeah ride-share is best IMO, I have taken the grayhound (pre-covid) and unless you are really strapped for dough the ride-share option will save you the hassle.
okay good to know. Amtrak to New London makes sense and is not a problem.

I've noticed mention of a bus that runs from union station to Foxwoods. anyone take this before?

"Connect to Foxwoods Casino Resort in Ledyard, CT (FOX) on an Amtrak Thruway bus from New London."

Thanks so much, guys!
08-13-2021 , 01:41 PM
Change your Amtrak destination from "New London, CT - Union Station (NLC)" to "Ledyard, CT (FOX)" when you search for tickets.

If you book an Amtrak to the "Ledyard, CT (FOX)" station, a bus ride from New London to the casino is included in the fare.
08-13-2021 , 07:11 PM
thank you so much for the tip/adjustment.

i ran several searches. some tough wait times between the connecting bus and the train -- in both directions.

may have to cab it and pray it's not too expensive!
08-13-2021 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by chickenfeed
thank you so much for the tip/adjustment.

i ran several searches. some tough wait times between the connecting bus and the train -- in both directions.

may have to cab it and pray it's not too expensive!
Don’t use a car sharing app. Did that one time and all the drivers on the way back kept cancelling on me
08-14-2021 , 04:40 PM
For those asking about bus to FW.

The local CT SEAT Bus runs from
New London Train station to FW.
stops infront Cedar.
Its bus #108
Its like $2.00 each way.
( I used to use it alot)
Do web search for CT SEAT BUS
Doesnt run on Sundays.
If staying at Groton Hotels next to 95
it stops next to Highway.
Also stops in Mystic by hotels and
the Aquarium too
(Great to note if staying at FW with
family send tjem to Aqarium while

I rarely post here anymore but read alot
08-14-2021 , 04:44 PM
Since Im logged in....
might as well ask..

Whats going on with all the
stud action ???
FW must be stud capital of world
these days.
As I write this theirs 4 20-40 games
going. Plus 1-5
I never see 1-3 so must not run during
Ive seen 40-80 and the old 75- 150
game too..

Why so much stud ???
08-15-2021 , 08:17 AM
Foxwood has been the center of the stud universe for quite a while.
08-15-2021 , 07:41 PM
Stud is a great game, I wish the NLH crowd would invest some time and learn it, poker is not only NLH!
08-16-2021 , 12:46 AM
Sure do miss coming home with a bag full of silver half-dollars after grinding out a single-digit win at 1-3 Stud
08-17-2021 , 12:58 PM
Foxwoods is having its first tournament back finally. How many people do you think will enter? The structure doesn’t look half bad. I hope this is the resurgence of tournament poker at Foxwoods!
08-17-2021 , 03:26 PM
If it's anything like the first tournament in my area (Philly Live) there will be an avalanche of players that the staff will barely be able to handle.
08-17-2021 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by NYCNative
If it's anything like the first tournament in my area (Philly Live) there will be an avalanche of players that the staff will barely be able to handle.
They listed a max capacity in the flyer so I'm sure it shouldn't be too bad, unless they get tons of overflow players that want to play cash after getting left out.
08-17-2021 , 10:31 PM
They should have later late reg and 15 min blind levels…

Not sure how I feel about forced equity chop at 1245 I guess that’s a good thing
08-17-2021 , 11:00 PM
Given that the room closes at 1am they have no choice but to do that.
08-17-2021 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
Given that the room closes at 1am they have no choice but to do that.
Didn't they just extend the hours?

Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
08-17-2021 , 11:38 PM
only on the weekend
08-18-2021 , 01:33 AM
20 tables, 9 per I think I read. It’ll sell out.
08-19-2021 , 04:51 PM
Anyone know what happened in the tourney? Assume it was a huge equity chop?
08-19-2021 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by wesrwood
Anyone know what happened in the tourney? Assume it was a huge equity chop?
Rumored to be 389 entries and 18 at the chop hour but that's only a rumor.
08-19-2021 , 05:16 PM
Either you or mohawgs trolling lol
08-19-2021 , 07:53 PM
Anyone here used to have comped rooms before the pandemic and no longer have them? Something like 2 nights a week on weekedays.
08-19-2021 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by MTT_9797
Anyone here used to have comped rooms before the pandemic and no longer have them? Something like 2 nights a week on weekedays.
They changed how they offer them. You can book more in a row now, but the availability shows up later. Also, 2 trees is closed,and cedar and fox are only open Thurs-Sunday, so there's less rooms available. And as usual, if you only play poker you're probably not going to see free rooms late May through early September.
