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06-06-2017 , 11:31 AM
A weird thing just happened when I redeemed this month's Choice Reward. I took the points, and the machine spit out a ticket at me. I read the ticket and it said it had no redemption value. I thought that meant no cash value so I was ablut to take it to a rewards booth, but then I logged back in and the points were already credited to my balance. So why spit out a ticket?
06-06-2017 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Mat the Gambler
A weird thing just happened when I redeemed this month's Choice Reward. I took the points, and the machine spit out a ticket at me. I read the ticket and it said it had no redemption value. I thought that meant no cash value so I was ablut to take it to a rewards booth, but then I logged back in and the points were already credited to my balance. So why spit out a ticket?
Same thing happened to me. The Rewards Booth clerk couldn't give a reason why it's doing that. The points were added on once you accept your choice
06-06-2017 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Casinoplr
Same thing happened to me. The Rewards Booth clerk couldn't give a reason why it's doing that. The points were added on once you accept your choice
What level do you have to be to get Choice Points? And what are your choices?
06-06-2017 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
What level do you have to be to get Choice Points? And what are your choices?
Gold        $75/$25             $75/$25     15% SLOTS 30% TABLE GAMES	75 POINTS/25 POINTS

Platinum    $150/$50            $150/$50    20% SLOTS 30% TABLE GAMES	150 POINTS/50 POINTS

Diamond     $300/$100 	        $300/$100   30% SLOTS 30% TABLE GAMES   300 POINTS/100 POINTS
The reason for the split amounts (like $75/$25) is because some people can get the whole $75 in 1 single pickup, and others will get $25 3 times for the month (1-10th, 11-20th, 21-)
06-09-2017 , 11:35 AM
2 questions regarding the sattelites. 1. Are they running regularly? 2. Is it cash awarded or a direct ticket/entry?
06-11-2017 , 01:44 PM
Lat- looks like they upped the resort fee again - $22.95. I was playing around to see what they are charging for rooms and I noticed the higher fee.
06-11-2017 , 05:08 PM
Hi everyone, it's been a long time. There was a guy at my table on Friday morning and I'm wondering if he's on here. We were talking about a sporting event and he told me about If you're on here, please PM me as I left in a hurry and forgot to talk to you more first.
06-11-2017 , 05:11 PM
I have been reading about the Gold card status and see that we have until Sept 30th to earn enough points to move up a level. If I hit Gold status in August, would I have it for a year or would I drop back down to a Wonder on Oct 1st and have to work my way up again?
06-11-2017 , 11:27 PM
Are you a pro yet?

I remember you from Mohegan thread iirc.
06-12-2017 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
Are you a pro yet?

I remember you from Mohegan thread iirc.
Haha, far from it. Ya, I used to play at Mohegan, too, but I haven't been there in a couple years.
06-12-2017 , 09:03 PM
Does anyone know when no limit startedatfoxwoods? I'm in a debate with a friend
06-13-2017 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by kiderino
Does anyone know when no limit startedatfoxwoods? I'm in a debate with a friend
I don't know when it started, but my first trip there was in 2005 and I played NL then if that helps.
06-13-2017 , 07:40 AM
Hold'em was there in the 90's. Stud was king but Limit Hold'em was played. N/L was being played in 2003. Sometime before that is a good starting point.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
06-13-2017 , 08:09 AM
I don't remember NLHE cash at FW before '04. There was a semi-regular 5-5 pot limit HE game that Greg Raymer played in regularly before he moved out of the area.
06-13-2017 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by chickengrizz
Hold'em was there in the 90's. Stud was king but Limit Hold'em was played. N/L was being played in 2003. Sometime before that is a good starting point.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I can confirm all of this. NL in 2003 was back when the max at 1/2 was $100. I can't comment about NL before 2003 because I played stud until Moneymaker.
06-13-2017 , 08:30 AM
I do remember back in the 90's when I was broke from playing slots and I was walking around and saw a sign for the poker room downstairs at that time. I went downstairs and they had a table set up right to the side at the bottom. A big sign said "Learn how to play Texas Hold'em". They played some play hands that I watched for a few minutes and I said "The hell with this!" And went back upstairs. I watched Moneymaker win it on ESPN when they aired it around Xmas of 2003.
My plan was to go down when I got my income tax back. I called the poker room asking questions about poker and the woman actually was trying to explain how to play the game to me step by step over the phone! I laugh now that think how cool that was of her to do that all over the phone!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
06-13-2017 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by chickengrizz
I called the poker room asking questions about poker and the woman actually was trying to explain how to play the game to me step by step over the phone! I laugh now that think how cool that was of her to do that all over the phone!
That is pretty awesome, could only imagine. Wonder if it was part of the required training for employees back in the day to know how to play poker and explain/teach possible players.
06-13-2017 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by kiderino
Does anyone know when no limit startedatfoxwoods? I'm in a debate with a friend
IIRC, Limit Holdem started gaining momentum in the late 90s when Rounders came out. It went from 10% of the action at Foxwoods to about 30%. I did play in some random No Limit games at Foxwoods and Mohegan in the '99 - '03 period, but just as fluke games that popped up or part of the FARGO group when they came to town in the Fall.

When Mohegan closed their doors in the fall of '03 I don't believe there were any steady No Limit games at either place. I remember standing in line at a sold out Saturday morning tourney at Mohegan wondering what the hell they were thinking that poker was dead.

I remember playing the new No Limit game at Foxwoods after Mohegan closed, so I would say right after Moneymaker in the fall/winter of '03.

I remember the game use to be $30 - $100 $5 time charge, and you could add on anytime you had below $30. so people would buy in for $30 post the $2 then buy another $100 for a starting $128 stack.
06-13-2017 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by MoHawgs
I remember the game use to be $30 - $100 $5 time charge, and you could add on anytime you had below $30. so people would buy in for $30 post the $2 then buy another $100 for a starting $128 stack.
I think you're close. I remember reloading below $40, not $30. People would buy in for $40, tip the dealer $1, then reload to $139 also.

I remember $5 time charge and the light fixture on the wall being turned on as a reminder to collect time (including the first time I ever played NLHE cash when I sat down and the light went on before I got a hand, lol). There was another NLHE game with a $200 minimum buy in that I believe was uncapped but I'm not recalling the blinds.

Those were wacky times. I think there was a yellow chip ($2) only game that was $20/$40 LHE so everyone at the table had a mountain.

Watching old recordings of the WPT events from that era makes me sad that I did not play tournaments back then.
06-13-2017 , 06:16 PM
Yeah it was $40 not $30. I did the same thing to get over the max.
06-14-2017 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by Kurn, son of Mogh
I don't remember NLHE cash at FW before '04. There was a semi-regular 5-5 pot limit HE game that Greg Raymer played in regularly before he moved out of the area.
I moved to the area in late '98, from San Diego County where my main poker room had a regular 2,5 blind PLH game. Pre-boom, FW had 1 tourney per day every day, NLH on Tue night, and stud or limit holdem every other day. I almost always played Tue night. If myself and any of a few others busted early enough, we would start a 2,5 blind NLH or PLH game. It probably went about 2-3 times per month at most. Can't remember the minimum, but there was no max buyin, as I usually bought in for $5000, just to make sure I would always have everyone else covered.

I moved to Raleigh, NC in late 2005. Not sure if a regular NLH cash game was going by that time or not, as I was not there much to play, given my travel schedule. Definitely not a regular (daily) NLH game prior to my win in late spring '04.

Cheers, Greg Raymer (FossilMan)
06-14-2017 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Greg (FossilMan)
I moved to the area in late '98, from San Diego County where my main poker room had a regular 2,5 blind PLH game. Pre-boom, FW had 1 tourney per day every day, NLH on Tue night, and stud or limit holdem every other day. I almost always played Tue night. If myself and any of a few others busted early enough, we would start a 2,5 blind NLH or PLH game. It probably went about 2-3 times per month at most. Can't remember the minimum, but there was no max buyin, as I usually bought in for $5000, just to make sure I would always have everyone else covered.

I moved to Raleigh, NC in late 2005. Not sure if a regular NLH cash game was going by that time or not, as I was not there much to play, given my travel schedule. Definitely not a regular (daily) NLH game prior to my win in late spring '04.

Cheers, Greg Raymer (FossilMan)
Greg, do you recall the 5/5 NLH game at FW? I remember that being the big game back in the early days of NLH..... Good luck at the WSOP!
06-14-2017 , 12:32 PM
Anyone know how long it normally takes for them to charge you for the "resort fees" I stayed for a few days 2 weeks ago now and still haven't had any changes on my card, not that it really matters just thought it was odd. Also they told me they were going to charge the $100 deposit for the room to my card and it would take up to 21 days to refund it back to my account, never got charged for it in the first place either so I don't know if they just messed up or it just takes forever to process.
06-14-2017 , 01:40 PM
Was this for a comped room? There is no resort fee on a comped room. And I've been finding that since the new rez system 3 months ago they sometimes don't take the deposit up front.
06-14-2017 , 09:48 PM
Yes comp'd room. And I thought I read something that they do end up charging you for some kind of fee. Pretty nice if that's not the case. Also maybe that was why with the new system update or whatever but I'm not complaining pretty happy to not have that money tied up for a potential 21 days.
