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03-07-2012 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by DebtVulture
How often does a PLO game higher than 1-2 (high only) go? I would love to play 2-5 PLO but I never see it going, but I only get to FW a couple times per month.
I would be willing to try to start 2-5 or 5-10 plo whenever I am at foxwoods(which is probably like 3-4 times a week). I do not mind starting heads-up/short handed to try to get the game going. PM me if you want to coordinate something to try to get this game going.
03-07-2012 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by Big Whoop
I'll be down also. Having GOTF, myself and you Mr. Mojo Risin the PLO has a very good chance to get off the ground.
I may try to pull something off as well. Less than optimal chances (~60-70%), but we will see.
03-07-2012 , 10:34 AM
Do points earned before 2/15 still expire on 6/30?

I believe that was the original announcement before some changes were made to the program.

Was that deadline changed?
03-07-2012 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by Saul T. Nutz
Do points earned before 2/15 still expire on 6/30?

I believe that was the original announcement before some changes were made to the program.

Was that deadline changed?
I've heard they will be making a change to this, though that is still the policy in place at the moment.
03-07-2012 , 11:53 AM
And what a crummy policy it is. How am I possibly going to spend my 450 points by June 30th? Buy an ipad to resell?
03-07-2012 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by The Mind Reader
And what a crummy policy it is. How am I possibly going to spend my 450 points by June 30th? Buy an ipad to resell?
Uhh Its quite possible to spend 450 points in 3 months... You could use all those points on one nice meal at craft...
03-07-2012 , 12:40 PM
Seems wasteful to me to use them on food though... idk. Hopefully Foxwoods changes the policy.
03-07-2012 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by The Mind Reader
And what a crummy policy it is. How am I possibly going to spend my 450 points by June 30th? Buy an ipad to resell?
Being from MA also, I am buying a gas card each time to use up points. Let Foxwoods pay for fuel for the next few trips.

I really would have thought they would have at least only taken points on June 30th that were over a year old, and rolled off points going forward that had turned one.

Someone told me of a player that had accumulated over 8k in points, paid cash for everything. I think I would throw one wild party at one of the clubs, especially if I was one of the higher card players so he could also get the discount.
03-07-2012 , 12:43 PM
Do you not eat when you're there? What were your plans for those points? What else would you want to spend them on?
03-07-2012 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by gotf
Being from MA also, I am buying a gas card each time to use up points. Let Foxwoods pay for fuel for the next few trips.

I really would have thought they would have at least only taken points on June 30th that were over a year old, and rolled off points going forward that had turned one.

Someone told me of a player that had accumulated over 8k in points, paid cash for everything. I think I would throw one wild party at one of the clubs, especially if I was one of the higher card players so he could also get the discount.
Let's not rush to conclusions, folks. They *are* making a change to the point expiration policy. I just don't know what it is yet.

And the tier card discounts don't apply to bottle service at the clubs.
03-07-2012 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
Do you not eat when you're there? What were your plans for those points? What else would you want to spend them on?
Yes I do eat while I am there, but I just grab something quick at Fifth Street, Panera, or Pollo Loco so I can quickly get back to the tables. I only make it to FW twice a month or so (if I'm lucky), and try to play as much poker as I can while I am there.
03-07-2012 , 12:58 PM
Gotcha. Yeah I can see how you would get the points accumulated then. Many of us on here grab dinner and drinks and stuff so we go through them.
03-07-2012 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by The Mind Reader
Seems wasteful to me to use them on food though... idk. Hopefully Foxwoods changes the policy.
what else would you use them on if the points were not expiring? Food is prob the least wasteful thing to use points on
03-07-2012 , 01:11 PM
Hey I know the hot topics are how 'why can't I keep saving my points for a Rolex' and 'how do I park in J lot', but wonder what the forum thinks of asking FW to take a poll of interest in creating a better Must Move system in the 2/5nl game?

The current Must Move system is a joke. The only thing it does is control flow for the first few hours of late morning when the floor knows there are plenty of people on the wait list. You may sit down in a Must Move table, an hour later be told you are the Main game (sitting at same table as before), then an hour after that be told there is no longer a must move. Not sure why they start it to begin with.

Every night (or more correctly early AM) the same thing happens in the 2/5. Down to three tables. Half the people looking to transfer. Dealers needing to lock up seats to block new players from unbalancing short tables. Drawing for cards when a table breaks to see what option you have. Repeating the same process an hour later when the second table goes short.

I personally favor creating a must move system and running it until the game breaks. (Hardly ever does that game 100% break.) Most good games at decent casinos have this. The 5/10 has it. I think it not only ends all the late night BS, but also would create a great Main Game.

Without getting into all the pros and cons....what do people think? Would it be a good idea for FW to poll it's regulars over a month long period to see what they think?
03-07-2012 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by o0ch
what else would you use them on if the points were not expiring? Food is prob the least wasteful thing to use points on
Sorry, I should have specified that I meant spending them all on an expensive meal rather than a "good enough" meal. I'm not used to eating at restaurants in the craftsteak/burkes price point.

Hmmm, maybe I should treat myself?
03-07-2012 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by 12bigworm81
Hey I know the hot topics are how 'why can't I keep saving my points for a Rolex' and 'how do I park in J lot', but wonder what the forum thinks of asking FW to take a poll of interest in creating a better Must Move system in the 2/5nl game?

The current Must Move system is a joke. The only thing it does is control flow for the first few hours of late morning when the floor knows there are plenty of people on the wait list. You may sit down in a Must Move table, an hour later be told you are the Main game (sitting at same table as before), then an hour after that be told there is no longer a must move. Not sure why they start it to begin with.

Every night (or more correctly early AM) the same thing happens in the 2/5. Down to three tables. Half the people looking to transfer. Dealers needing to lock up seats to block new players from unbalancing short tables. Drawing for cards when a table breaks to see what option you have. Repeating the same process an hour later when the second table goes short.

I personally favor creating a must move system and running it until the game breaks. (Hardly ever does that game 100% break.) Most good games at decent casinos have this. The 5/10 has it. I think it not only ends all the late night BS, but also would create a great Main Game.

Without getting into all the pros and cons....what do people think? Would it be a good idea for FW to poll it's regulars over a month long period to see what they think?

Complete agree that the $2/$5 must-move situation is horribly handled. They only need a must-move probably 15% of the time they actually have one in use. It causes more work for the staff and more confusion and frustration to the players. Something needs to change.
03-07-2012 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by 12bigworm81
Hey I know the hot topics are how 'why can't I keep saving my points for a Rolex' and 'how do I park in J lot', but wonder what the forum thinks of asking FW to take a poll of interest in creating a better Must Move system in the 2/5nl game?

The current Must Move system is a joke. The only thing it does is control flow for the first few hours of late morning when the floor knows there are plenty of people on the wait list. You may sit down in a Must Move table, an hour later be told you are the Main game (sitting at same table as before), then an hour after that be told there is no longer a must move. Not sure why they start it to begin with.

Every night (or more correctly early AM) the same thing happens in the 2/5. Down to three tables. Half the people looking to transfer. Dealers needing to lock up seats to block new players from unbalancing short tables. Drawing for cards when a table breaks to see what option you have. Repeating the same process an hour later when the second table goes short.

I personally favor creating a must move system and running it until the game breaks. (Hardly ever does that game 100% break.) Most good games at decent casinos have this. The 5/10 has it. I think it not only ends all the late night BS, but also would create a great Main Game.

Without getting into all the pros and cons....what do people think? Would it be a good idea for FW to poll it's regulars over a month long period to see what they think?
There's certainly no harm in doing so. Go for it.
03-07-2012 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by The Mind Reader
Sorry, I should have specified that I meant spending them all on an expensive meal rather than a "good enough" meal. I'm not used to eating at restaurants in the craftsteak/burkes price point.

Hmmm, maybe I should treat myself?
Yes, you should. Take the GF out to a nice meal a few times. There are also a couple of places that you can buy gifts if you wanted to oick up a few Xmas gifts early. Pandora, most girls love that ****.
Say you wanted to try Craftsteak, and you probably do not want to go alone. Invite a couple people. Offer to pay with your points and have everyone give you 75 cents on the dollar.

Last edited by Lattimer; 03-07-2012 at 01:32 PM.
03-07-2012 , 01:26 PM
Anyone have April offers yet?
03-07-2012 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
Anyone have April offers yet?
People who get weekend rooms got them last Friday. Nobody else has rooms yet. And nobody at all has point offers yet.
03-07-2012 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by The Mind Reader
Sorry, I should have specified that I meant spending them all on an expensive meal rather than a "good enough" meal. I'm not used to eating at restaurants in the craftsteak/burkes price point.

Hmmm, maybe I should treat myself?
Definitely. (You probably deserve it.)
Actually, I think that the restaurants are probably the closest thing to full value use of points. The prices at Craft and Burke's (or Shrine or Alta Strada) are high, but they're not higher than the same or equivalent restaurants' prices in Boston or NYC.
Or you could use them for hotel nights when you don't have free rooms, and when prices aren't crazy.
Retail store prices at Foxwoods are very high, full+ retail prices. (This is especially true of Dream Rewards store.) Get the Rolex someplace else.
Gas card @$87/50 is like paying about $7/gallon for gas.
03-07-2012 , 01:46 PM
I think that Alta Strada is inexpensive.

Does anyone know if the restaurants are absorbing the tier level discounts? I ask because I have noticed that at Craftsteak, the prices went up recently. I know that the proteins will fluctuate in cost causing them to be a diff price but even the potato puree went up a couple of dollars
03-07-2012 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
I think that Alta Strada is inexpensive.

Does anyone know if the restaurants are absorbing the tier level discounts? I ask because I have noticed that at Craftsteak, the prices went up recently. I know that the proteins will fluctuate in cost causing them to be a diff price but even the potato puree went up a couple of dollars
If true this is absolute bull**** towards wild cards, I don't care about an extra dollar or two but Imagine if that guy who flipped out on the waitress at craft was a wild card and had that explained to him....

edit - treat yourself mind reader, take the GF to craft
03-07-2012 , 01:50 PM
I think I will take my GF out to a nice meal at one of the nicer FW restaurants.

Question: She is (mostly) vegetarian. Which restaurant would have the best choices for her?
03-07-2012 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
I think that Alta Strada is inexpensive.

Does anyone know if the restaurants are absorbing the tier level discounts? I ask because I have noticed that at Craftsteak, the prices went up recently. I know that the proteins will fluctuate in cost causing them to be a diff price but even the potato puree went up a couple of dollars
I'm pretty sure they're not, and get fully compensated for the original bill. But not 100%.
