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Detroit Detroit

09-22-2011 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by Caveman921
2 decks of card player cards (good qualty) 1 deck of 'holdems most wanted' with pictures of players. 1 dvd from hellmuth when he was only a 9 time champ and 2 books from '05 and '06. Nothing special.
lol have fun reading Helmuths the Wizard of Vegas. Except there is no Dorthy or Totto

Elephants and lions and beers oh my!
Elephants and lions and beers oh my!
Elephants and lions and beers oh my!
Elephants and lions and beers oh my!

i don't know what book is more outdated that or super system. I guess it would make a great paper weight hahaha.
Detroit Quote
09-22-2011 , 08:41 AM
Super system was my first poker book. Bought it in '02 when it was relivant. I read books on an e-reader now. I have kindle on my phone so I can read while I'm waiting for a seat.
Detroit Quote
09-22-2011 , 01:38 PM
OK poker world. I think the village idiot my grace snookers tonight. depends what time i get done eating Fresh Perch w my Dad. Mom is in Seattle so sure my dad needs company.
Detroit Quote
09-22-2011 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by the village idiot1
OK poker world. I think the village idiot my grace snookers tonight. depends what time i get done eating Fresh Perch w my Dad. Mom is in Seattle so sure my dad needs company.
Finally feeling better? I'm well enough for the Tiger's game tonight. I'll make it to Snookers for the $50 7pm tomorrow. Make sure you win tonight so you'll come back tomorrow. Good luck!
Detroit Quote
09-22-2011 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by the village idiot1
OK poker world. I think the village idiot my grace snookers tonight. depends what time i get done eating Fresh Perch w my Dad. Mom is in Seattle so sure my dad needs company.
I'm passing by there tonight. How do I find you?
Detroit Quote
09-22-2011 , 04:22 PM
ScreaminAsian do you play cash at the stick ever?
Detroit Quote
09-22-2011 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by Pay4Myschool
ScreaminAsian do you play cash at the stick ever?
ya ive been there a bit, few of my buddies live right around the corner. it's a cool place
Detroit Quote
09-22-2011 , 05:15 PM
Yeah I don't mind it. The cashgame is solid as long as people aren't short. Players are bad but shortstacking kinda makes it tougher to make a ton of $. Love the morons in that room sometimes though
Detroit Quote
09-22-2011 , 05:49 PM
they're light on money but heavy on stupid
Detroit Quote
09-22-2011 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
I'm passing by there tonight. How do I find you?
Just look for the first guy eliminated from the tournament
Detroit Quote
09-22-2011 , 09:41 PM
At Snookers now. Wearing black sports coat, blue checkered shirt.
Detroit Quote
09-23-2011 , 08:32 AM
Who's hitting Snooker's 7pm $50 tourney tonight?
Detroit Quote
09-23-2011 , 09:30 AM
I was there last night, Caveman. Can't make it tonight, but the place was packed last night. Some highlights:

1. Sat at an aggressive action table. One guy was opening every pot from any position for $15. Eventually ran into kings. Then as a short stack got it all in three hands in a row preflop with tens, jacks and queens. Of course lost with the queens.
2. Got lucky on a raised pot where I turned a flush draw and had two overs. Aggressive player bets $40 and me and crazy guy call. I hit top pair on the river to double my stack.
3. I get called a d-bag for the first time in my life, after I ask the game to move along when a blond girl was too dumb to understand multiple explanations of what it meant to buy the button. In all fairness I had just had my aces cracked by QJ in a pretty big pot and she was trying to flirt with one of the guys at the table, so there was a lot going on in that brief interaction. Still, I was happy that she was put off that not everyone thought she was cute and adorable and could stop the game whenever she felt like it.
Detroit Quote
09-23-2011 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
3. I get called a d-bag for the first time in my life, after I ask the game to move along when a blond girl was too dumb to understand multiple explanations of what it meant to buy the button. In all fairness I had just had my aces cracked by QJ in a pretty big pot and she was trying to flirt with one of the guys at the table, so there was a lot going on in that brief interaction. Still, I was happy that she was put off that not everyone thought she was cute and adorable and could stop the game whenever she felt like it.
Was she short with short hair, drunk off her ass and probably wearing all Tiger's gear?
Detroit Quote
09-23-2011 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by Caveman921
Was she short with short hair, drunk off her ass and probably wearing all Tiger's gear?
Don't remember the Tigers gear but she had big headphones and glasses. Just annoying the whole dumb girl act. But I shouldn't be so harsh, maybe she was really dumb.
Detroit Quote
09-23-2011 , 11:23 AM
[QUOTE=Omaha8A2;28879970]I was there last night, Caveman. Can't make it tonight, but the place was packed last night. Some highlights:

3. I get called a d-bag for the first time in my life

I assume you mean to your face, right?

Almost made trip for HORSE game. Did it go?
Detroit Quote
09-23-2011 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
I was there last night, Caveman. Can't make it tonight, but the place was packed last night. Some highlights:

3. I get called a d-bag for the first time in my life

I assume you mean to your face, right?

Almost made trip for HORSE game. Did it go?
I almost forgot you were here. Yes, to my face. When are you going to show your mug in Detroit again?
Detroit Quote
09-23-2011 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
Don't remember the Tigers gear but she had big headphones and glasses. Just annoying the whole dumb girl act. But I shouldn't be so harsh, maybe she was really dumb.
i remember glasses. She was acting drunk as hell and dumb as hell when I played with her last time. She had about 1200 in front of her and just about every guy at the table was more interested in getting in her pants than taking her money.
Detroit Quote
09-23-2011 , 09:40 PM
heading up the river. in tigers hat, dark blue hoody, black and light blue bball shorts.
Detroit Quote
09-24-2011 , 03:00 AM
Whats up Just got back from Snookers.
I met Caveman today. He seemed to be a pretty cool guy. I made it to the final three tables in the tournament tonight. I ended up shoving a mid pocket pair w 50k at 3k/6k and ran into KK. GG me.

Played Cash and knew i should of moved tables. Guy straddles for $5 and PearlJammer Look alike makes it $25. some how there where 3 limpers also and i look down at KcKs. i have $130 behind and am like wtf. Guy puts in 20% of his stack so i figured he wasn't folding. I jam everyone folds. FML and that was the 2nd from last big hand i had.
Flopped a set of 6s on a 6 7 8 board and of course the 5 hits the turn. we both check and i am praying for the board to pair. (its heads up) River is a blank and he bets $27. he seemed somewhat laggy. i wanted to fold but the station in me thought he might of missed flush draw.
And made a pretty sweet bluff last hand of the night. Thanks fellas for giving up.
Detroit Quote
09-24-2011 , 02:17 PM
Heading to snookers 6pm tourney today. Say hi. I will tweet my table/seat. I am a pasty white guy with glasses. I will be wearing a 'nom nom nom' pacman shirt.. green hoodie over it if it is chilly in there.

Just please don't take all my chips!
Detroit Quote
09-24-2011 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by BananaJammers
Heading to snookers 6pm tourney today. Say hi. I will tweet my table/seat. I am a pasty white guy with glasses. I will be wearing a 'nom nom nom' pacman shirt.. green hoodie over it if it is chilly in there.

Just please don't take all my chips!
So look for the guy with no fashion sense?
Lol joke.
Good luck tonight bro, and "may the flop be with you"
Detroit Quote
09-24-2011 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by Jose313
So look for the guy with no fashion sense?
Lol joke.
Good luck tonight bro, and "may the flop be with you"
I said i was white. Of course i have no style or fashion!

Thanks Jose! Caveman on his was as well!
Detroit Quote
09-24-2011 , 07:26 PM
Don't feel bad. Comfort > all whilst grinding.
Detroit Quote
09-24-2011 , 10:38 PM
had my whole TR wrote up for Friday and my comp decided it wanted to reboot. So here we go again...

Met up with VI. Nice guy. Wish I could have seen him play some.

I get to the table and i'm raising and re-raising. Picking up blinds mostly. Flopped TP and lost to over pair. Had someone 3bet me and c-bet then checked it down. I had JJ he had KK.

Then this hand comes up. UTG+3 limps, I raise from HJ to 1400 (blinds were 2/400) CO calls and UTG+3 calls. Flop comes KQT rainbow. I c-bet for 2k and both call. Turn is a 9 still rainbow and she checks, I check, CO bets 3k. She calls and I shove for 10k more. Both call then check the river. She turns over KJ, CO has JT and I table the nutz AJ!

Going into the break I have about 39k. Then the action starts. I raise 1600 UTG+2 with TT and SB shoves for 4k with AJ and I call. Flop is AxxJJ. Next UTG limps and I raise from SB to 1800 and BB thinks I'm making a play and desides to shove for 4.6k with K5. I call and he hits a 5 on the flop.

Then UTG+1 limps and I raise on the button to 2.2k with QQ. he calls and flop is 269 and he shoves for 8k more. I call with and it goes 5,3 with he had 44.

I finally get 66 in the CO and shove for 9bbs and get called by BB with KQ. Night over.
Detroit Quote
