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Detroit Detroit

08-10-2011 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by twoblack9s
You will come across as very douchey if you start using lines like that when playing, so I would advise against it
+1. You will also come across as douchey if you keep doing the things you say you do in previous posts.
Detroit Quote
08-10-2011 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
Thanks... I am interested in playing PLO or PLO8 but would rather not play a tourney.. If any plo/plo8 cash games are going on this weekend I would be willing to drive down and play in them.
Their PLO/PLO8 action is pretty loltastic there. My favorite PLO8 hand was when I held A346 on a flop of 257 rainbow and 3 ways we got a $900 pot in there. I was up against A229 and AA8K. Thank you runner runner T, J btw, but yeah, that's the stuff I've come to expect there.

Another classic was when a guy held A25T on a board of 3455T, sighs deeply, calls a huge all in while whining "I know you're quartering me, but whatever" and the other guy flips over 26xx. The guy shows his A2 for low and puts 5T to the side not realizing he also has a full house. That guy also told us the game was profitable for him before a few of us people who were knowledgeable in the game showed up. Imagine the quality of play HE was beating up on, and there you go, Big Beaver Omaha/Omaha hi-lo.
Detroit Quote
08-10-2011 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
Thanks... I am interested in playing PLO or PLO8 but would rather not play a tourney.. If any plo/plo8 cash games are going on this weekend I would be willing to drive down and play in them.
Ok Gambit, will let you know
Detroit Quote
08-10-2011 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by the village idiot1
i am pretty sure he will play more hands then i will lol. i fold the small blind for $1 hahaha.
I highly doubt it. You should PM him and ask him how many hands/orbit he plays. If its not under 1/orbit then hes lying.
Detroit Quote
08-10-2011 , 06:59 PM
^^^ thats amazing to have patience like that. 1/orbit must be really boring ... ( but I'm sure its smarter to do that than play like me lol)
Detroit Quote
08-10-2011 , 07:07 PM
I dont know... You should flood his inbox with questions.
I find it incredible because I play 7 hands/orbit. I have the nit in my range, but not anything like that, its sickening.
He seems to do well with it. I just think that if you compare a winning aggro play to a winning nit player, I think that the winning aggro player will have a higher win rate than a nit, at least over a larger sample size.
I dont want to come off like an ass, but I think that I have a higher win rate than him, but then again, twoblack9s has a response to that:
"I have never seen people giftwrap more pots (big pots) to you. Its unreal."
At this time, I ask for twoblack9s to interject.
Detroit Quote
08-10-2011 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by MJCASRoma
I highly doubt it. You should PM him and ask him how many hands/orbit he plays. If its not under 1/orbit then hes lying.
LOL i must be doing something wrong. i try to win 3 big pots a session. which seems to be about 4 hours. but most people do just Give money away. i could tell some guy i have AA and shove my entire stack preflop and i am sure these idiots will find some way to justify pot odds lol. and 1 hand an orbit. i don't think anyone could beat folding for 4 hours straight with out playing a single hand. i remember getting KJ and i almost crapped my pants thinking omg this hand is gold. only to have to fold it preflop lol.
Detroit Quote
08-10-2011 , 08:19 PM
Youre crazy. I dont want to sound rude or come off like an *******, but if you constantly fold, how do win? Like, consistently? You understand what im saying... In the long run.
Detroit Quote
08-11-2011 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by MJCASRoma
Youre crazy. I dont want to sound rude or come off like an *******, but if you constantly fold, how do win? Like, consistently? You understand what im saying... In the long run.
at 1/2 nobody ever folds. it blows me away. Pretty much wait for a set or a really big hand and people will pay you off. it blows my mind. the funniest thing is they think that you/me are really week. And try to bluff or out play you. Only thing is when you get a really good table that knows your tight then you can change your game up or play alittle bit differently. Also taking lines that are not so super obvious. maybe flatting w AA in late position with only one person or if you close the action heads up or 3 handed. Also knowing your opponent. Some Aggressive players will never slow down. they bet bet bet cause they might think your in a spot where you might fold a marginal hand.
And to be honest i have had 3 or 4 loosing sessions since black friday, Probably play less then 40 sessions tho. Only thing that hurts is when your all in preflop w the best of it and get sucked out, or you flop the nuts against someone with two pair.

I will say this, i am worried about moving up to 2/5 as i imagine the players at that limit have to be better right? so if they are paying attention i might have to change my game up alittle.?? have not played there right. Also every now and then i come in trying to play a Loose Aggressive style but i have never been successful at it yet. i usually try to pick my spots
Also i have a mentor who crushes 1/2 and is a winning player from Canada. he has really helped my game as well.
Detroit Quote
08-11-2011 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by the village idiot1
at 1/2 nobody ever folds. it blows me away. Pretty much wait for a set or a really big hand and people will pay you off. it blows my mind. the funniest thing is they think that you/me are really week. And try to bluff or out play you. Only thing is when you get a really good table that knows your tight then you can change your game up or play alittle bit differently. Also taking lines that are not so super obvious. maybe flatting w AA in late position with only one person or if you close the action heads up or 3 handed. Also knowing your opponent. Some Aggressive players will never slow down. they bet bet bet cause they might think your in a spot where you might fold a marginal hand.
And to be honest i have had 3 or 4 loosing sessions since black friday, Probably play less then 40 sessions tho. Only thing that hurts is when your all in preflop w the best of it and get sucked out, or you flop the nuts against someone with two pair.

I will say this, i am worried about moving up to 2/5 as i imagine the players at that limit have to be better right? so if they are paying attention i might have to change my game up alittle.?? have not played there right. Also every now and then i come in trying to play a Loose Aggressive style but i have never been successful at it yet. i usually try to pick my spots
Also i have a mentor who crushes 1/2 and is a winning player from Canada. he has really helped my game as well.
You've lost 3 sessions out of 40 lol? That sets a new standard for run good. Either that or you're the best NL hold em player east of the Mississippi
Detroit Quote
08-11-2011 , 04:53 AM
no! no way. i been talking to alot of live players and they are saying the variance in live cash is alot less then tournaments.

The players live pretty much play a different game. They don't fold to most 3 bets, and everyone has to see a flop. therefore hands like 88-JJ have less value. I feel that my play is highly explotable, hence the reason i have a Mentor right now. Example would be a hand i had JJ. Tight player who was a dealer from the River raises to $17. i have JJ. so at this point i pretty much am set mining as i feel he has QQ+ maybe AK. i don't play hands, but i pay attention alot more then most players out there. The Guys that play every hand will lose money due to kicker problems or they simply do not want to fold. at this point i had a over pair to the board. i really struggled with this hand. The guy makes a big continuation bet and i have to make a decision. call or fold. i had three people to act. i tanked for a while and it went to heads up. The Guy fires again and other guy calls. ended up showing KK which head against the other guys 99s. Biggest problem i see live is people don't even consider the other persons range of hands. Another example is i have QQ and flat a solid regulars raise preflop. i am really really deep at this point 400+. the flop comes w Ax x heart heart. guy makes a continuation bet and gets two callers. at this point i am drawing to two outs. why continue. so i fold. i see so many other players who are unable to fold in these spots. if you have skype and you want to talk about hands then let me know. vilageidiot1. And yes it can really suck when your folding what might be the best hands. but your key decisions in my Amateur opinion is preflop and post flop. once you hit the turn and River you should be committed to the hand unless you think they hit their draw and you think that they are bluffing alot less often. Also i do think i have been pretty lucky. i will say this also. if i do win i don't win a crazy amount. Usually these nights are around $150 -$380 ish. Also i have sat down for two orbits and won $280 dollars and left because the fish had left the table and figured it would be good for my confidence. And i also protect my stack where i see other players will do no such thing.
Detroit Quote
08-11-2011 , 08:05 AM
Why so much douchiness and dick waving all of a sudden ITT? At first I thought it was playful. But lately it seems to have taken on a different tone.

Different styles for different folks. No one successful approach and something successful for you may not work for the other guy.
Detroit Quote
08-11-2011 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by Pot Odds RAC
Why so much douchiness and dick waving all of a sudden ITT? At first I thought it was playful. But lately it seems to have taken on a different tone.

Different styles for different folks. No one successful approach and something successful for you may not work for the other guy.
Im really not trying to be a douche to most people, especially village idiot. To twoblack9s, yes, I make fun of him at any given opportunity. I just didnt understand how playing that tight, on a consistent basis was a profitable way to play. On top of that, even if it was a profitable play, how much does variance effect that. On a third thought, how does variance from someone like illage idiot, compare to someone like me, who plays 50% of the hands dealt.
I guess I just didn't type it out the way I wanted to, sorry.
Detroit Quote
08-11-2011 , 10:24 AM
On a joyful note, I am going down today to play. I am thinking MGM around 1. Ill be wearing shorts, solid dark blue polo, a tigers away hat, and a full zip hoodie. I usually carry a black satchel with me, which will probably be draped over the back of the seat. Come say hi.

Last edited by MJCASRoma; 08-11-2011 at 10:39 AM.
Detroit Quote
08-11-2011 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by MJCASRoma
Im really not trying to be a douche to most people, especially village idiot. To twoblack9s, yes, I make fun of him at any given opportunity. I just didnt understand how playing that tight, on a consistent basis was a profitable way to play. On top of that, even if it was a profitable play, how much does variance effect that. On a third thought, how does variance from someone like illage idiot, compare to someone like me, who plays 50% of the hands dealt.
I guess I just didn't type it out the way I wanted to, sorry.
If you're Voluntarily Putting $ Into the Pot over 50% of hands dealt, you're in the Uber Loose Range. I believe that many players (especially on-line guys) would consider this to be a massive leak.

10% is the other end of the spectrum and may be lower than "optimal" (if there is such a thing as "optimal"). I just think that you guys are just at opposite ends of the scale. FWIW I am closer to 10% than I am to 50%

Viva la Difference.

Last edited by Pot Odds RAC; 08-11-2011 at 10:52 AM.
Detroit Quote
08-11-2011 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by MJCASRoma
On a joyful note, I am going down today to play. I am thinking MGM around 1. Ill be wearing shorts, solid dark blue polo, a tigers away hat, and a full zip hoodie. I usually carry a black satchel with me, which will probably be draped over the back of the seat. Come say hi.
Cancel this, work decided to get some productivity out of me this month... I'm off to Toledo for the day. Ill be back tonight.

I'm looking to play tomorrow.. MCC, starting at like noon or so and ending at 10 or so...
Let me know.. Ill be around a computer all day, so Ill get PM's if you want to set up a meet.
Detroit Quote
08-11-2011 , 12:38 PM
I'm new to TwoPlusTwo and I was happy to see a Detroit Poker Thread but this thread has nothing to do with Detroit or Poker.
Maybe try taking all of your love quarrels and PM each other or swap phone numbers. Let's please guide this thread back to Detroit Poker and not about who's the bigger "nit" or "fish."
Detroit Quote
08-11-2011 , 01:39 PM
i apologize for derailing the thread. I am having to switch my game from online to live and i believe there is some adjustments. I was pretty excited to talk strat with other people and get some insite, or ideas on different styles of play. I have been looking to meet up with 2black9s, and might as well throw MJCASRoma in there as well. Also i very rarely ever get offended by what someone says.
I guess i was getting excited as the old network of friends that i had on skype, are not able to talk online cause they are either out playing live or moved on from poker. So to be honest i am networking to meet new people to talk strategy with.
Been really lazy past two days, so i will be going to play somewhere today. Any suggestions?
Good luck everyone
Detroit Quote
08-11-2011 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Jose313
I'm new to TwoPlusTwo and I was happy to see a Detroit Poker Thread but this thread has nothing to do with Detroit or Poker.
Maybe try taking all of your love quarrels and PM each other or swap phone numbers. Let's please guide this thread back to Detroit Poker and not about who's the bigger "nit" or "fish."
Funny and I'll say +.5 I mean, as douchey as some of this might SEEM, I've read people talk about post black friday, and the differences between live on online play, comparing a lag style to a tight style. I'd say that's talking about poker, right? I wouldn't say "derailing" is the proper term, but maybe "hijacking". However, go right ahead, the more posts the better, and I'm sure potential opponents have no problem with you divulging your strat

John L.
Detroit Quote
08-11-2011 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by Jose313
To all my fellow Detroit area Grinders,
Great tournament series coming up 9/12 - 9/21 at the Hollywood Casino in Lawrenceburg Indiana about 4hrs away. The Indiana State Poker Championships Event #1 is $345 deepstack (20,000 chips) with $250k guaranteed!!!
I personally will only play the first 3 Events on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (Friday $345, Saturday $555 and Sunday $345) they also have a $235 Pot-Limit Omaha 8 or better on Saturday and the cash games should be "easy pickings" during this series.
Yep. Because this is really relevant to "Detroit" poker.
Detroit Quote
08-11-2011 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Jose313
I'm new to TwoPlusTwo and I was happy to see a Detroit Poker Thread but this thread has nothing to do with Detroit or Poker.
Maybe try taking all of your love quarrels and PM each other or swap phone numbers. Let's please guide this thread back to Detroit Poker and not about who's the bigger "nit" or "fish."
Jose313, don't despair, Detroit poker scene does get talked about regularly too. As far as the flaming and nit upmanship, I'm afraid you will find it in just about all the 2+2 forums. Welcome to 2+2!
Detroit Quote
08-11-2011 , 03:03 PM
This will be my first and last reply to Black9s because I read a few of his post and he is either young and immature or a real Tard.
If my post to Detroit Poker Grinders about a great tournament series with huge prize pools and great structures coming up ONLY 4hrs away isn't relevant to Detroit Poker to you, then I know your a Tard.
I already know of 8 of us going tomorrow and 3 are players I gave this same info to this past week while playing at MotorCity Casino. All players from THE DETROIT AREA
Detroit Quote
08-11-2011 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Jose313
This will be my first and last reply to Black9s because I read a few of his post and he is either young and immature or a real Tard.
If my post to Detroit Poker Grinders about a great tournament series with huge prize pools and great structures coming up ONLY 4hrs away isn't relevant to Detroit Poker to you, then I know your a Tard.
I already know of 8 of us going tomorrow and 3 are players I gave this same info to this past week while playing at MotorCity Casino. All players from THE DETROIT AREA
Good luck. Hopefully you will be able to keep us informed on how things are going for you down there. I would love to go but I have to work. Trip reports are always fun to read.

Detroit Quote
08-11-2011 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Jose313
This will be my first and last reply to Black9s because I read a few of his post and he is either young and immature or a real Tard.
If my post to Detroit Poker Grinders about a great tournament series with huge prize pools and great structures coming up ONLY 4hrs away isn't relevant to Detroit Poker to you, then I know your a Tard.
I already know of 8 of us going tomorrow and 3 are players I gave this same info to this past week while playing at MotorCity Casino. All players from THE DETROIT AREA
First of all, I don't disagree completely with your observations about the thread (guess a sort of +.5 too) - I felt that the tone had changed a bit recently. But you (and sometime I) also have to understand that this thread is more of a "Community" than just guys talking about Detroit Poker. We like bashing, rehashing, and trashing around. If you're just looking for the next tourney format or which B&M has the best free soda - fine, you can get that here too. But it is a little more than that. There are real life friends made through contacts here.

However your post made my Hypocrisy Detector commit suicide.
Detroit Quote
08-11-2011 , 03:26 PM
Hey wassup Gambit,
Sucks you have to work and miss the ISPC.
Me and the guys I'm going with are going to open up Twitter accounts to keep each other updated while playing, I already set mine up and you or anyone else interested is welcome to follow.
My user name is Jose_Serratos
I'm only playing 3 events but I will update regularly.
I will be travelling the WSOP circuit events also.
Detroit Quote
