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Detroit Detroit

12-13-2011 , 05:13 AM
2/5 at MC has been very good for the last 3 monday nights fyi
Detroit Quote
12-13-2011 , 05:29 AM
So i don't know exactly where to start. I can only say that i run so bad only so many times. I believe in being honest. no just with myself but with others.

I decided to call Jose and see what he is up to today. We decide to play at snookers. I have hardly played any poker lately and decided to quit my whining and go play. Jose tells me he will meet me up at Cadas.

Playing the tournament

We sit down and they are getting table 2 set up for the people who came in later for the tournament. I sit in seat 4 and we start to play at level two with blinds at 25/50. The Action is pretty insane quickly as Jose seems to be playing position against people. Turns out he has QQ and i forgot the other hand he played.

With in the first 2 orbits there has been at least 5 or 6 three bets preflop. with seat 6 calling half of them out of position and folding the flop. Seat 8 was a dealer from Snookers and seemed competent. I also noticed seat 3 was three betting Jose quite a few times. in and out of position.

i kept folding the first 4 orbits and Jose and seat 3 kept picking up hands. There was a really weird hand that Jose won on a J 55 A x board where it went ck/ck/ck on the flop and turn when Jose had 3 bet preflop and he got two callers. Seat 8 leads out on the river and Jose 3 bets the River. Seat 8 folds and Jose picks up a pot.

First hand of the day
For some stupid reason i raise w ATo from utg+1. i have not played a hand but feel i have a pretty good read on the table. So like a idiot i raise 3x at 50/100. I get 4 stations that call. the flop comes 3T4 rainbow. there are 4 stations (lol) So 5 players and i think AT is good here a large % of the time. so i calculate the pot and bet half of it for $750. i take some time which might make my continuation bet look weak. Seat 6 calls and Seat 8 who has been playing alot of hands RR to 3,000. I seen him 3 bet before preflop and figure he doesn't have JJ+. i don't think he looks comfortable here either.
The pot has $1500+ $1500 +$3000= $6000 in the pot.
The last hand villain in seat 8 showed KT w ? middle pair. i consider folding but i come to the conclusion he doesn't have 33 or 44. so i think my hand is good.
I decided that if i push here i am getting worse hands to fold and better hands to call. if he has KT or JT he will no doubt fire the turn as well. i don't think 33 or 44 wants to push me off the hand as well. Also i called with the intention of calling a shove on the turn.

So i call and seat 8 lets out a gulp. i am 100% sure i am ahead. The turn hits and it is a 7. one of the draws which is 56 now is the nuts. If seat 8 was on any type of a draw this would be it. I check and villain pushes all in for $9600.

And now i am totally confused. I would do this move if i thought my opponent had a Overpair and i had a set. But i think i would only do it if i there was a flush draw here. to make my hand look more like a draw which is hoping top pair which should get called more often. I however am not sure my opponent is capable of making that play. now i am not so sure what to do here. I pretty much decide to go with my read here. but i take a few seconds to think. i ask my opponent why he would shove 56 here. He says i honestly don't have 56 here. That should of been my cue i think to fold. When they talk like that and are honest and say i don't have this! then they are usually pretty strong. and have it.
I consider folding as i should never be good here. With solid opponents i think they check a ten here as well. but i have seen my opponent call 2 three bets out of position which seems pretty spewy. Again he seems competent, but i am not so sure. i decide to go with my read. Turns out i my original read was correct on the flop. Needless to say i lost the pot to a 2 outer.

Your guys thoughts here are appreciated. Jose said he thought i should of reraised if i thought i was ahead. which i think worse hands fold and by calling i can get worse hands to keep on bluffing. I talked to another friend of mine who said if i call the flop i have to call the turn bet. But folding the flop was fine. Also i could /should of folded preflop from that early position. Which i agree.

a couple of hands go by and Jose 3 bets again. Seat 8 looks like he wants to 4 bet. Action gets pretty crazy and Jose Jams turn or the River? as he folds i see he has AA.

Like a Rock

So seat 9 who has limped with AK preflop 2 times comes out and raises from utg. blinds are 100/200 and i am sitting with 1950 in chips. I look down at TT and I shake my head as i start thinking about the hands he IS RAiSING with here. Like i am not so sure he even raise w JJ. I consider folding but figure i will just go play cash. i decide to put myself out of my misery and jam TT and hope he is raising with AK this time. i ship his $1500 chip bet for 1950 and seat 7 calls. I am mad now as i want to be heads up. and i don't want to be against AK and KQ as i now have more cards to dodge.
Seat 9 can only call. The flop comes A x6 and i am like **** YOU! i stand up both players check. The turn comes Tx and seat 9 bets the turn and seat 7 folds (??? wtf is he calling with?)
Turns out seat 9 has QQ. i apologize and stack up my $6300 in chips.

Blinds move up to 150/300

so the blinds move up and i am sitting on a 20bb stack. i pick up a couple of spots to shove but elect to fold my small pocket pair as i have alot of people left to act.

i pick up 77 from utg and i am not sure what to do. i have 3 players who are pretty crazy. seat 8 seat 1 (jose) and Seat 3. I consider folding as playing 77 utg is probably spewy with my stack. But then i decide to make a plan. i decided to lmip from utg w 77 and if one of these players raises and they get a caller i was going to jam preflop and hope to create a squeeze. I then consider folding but become enameler (spelling?) with the sexyness of my play.

Well i got what i wanted. Seat 8 who made a bad 3 bet a few orbits later makes a raise. To be honest i didn't look at his sizing either. Everyone folds and i am heads up. i hve a 20bb stack and i don't have enough to set mine here. I elect to Jam thinking he folds alot of hands to my shove as it looks pretty strong. He snap calls w AA and flops top set. GG me. (hope he did well as he played better then i did)
not sure if i like the play or not. Talked to my friend and Jose about it later. In hindsight i am not entirely sure if i still think it was a sexy play.
Detroit Quote
12-13-2011 , 06:19 AM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
Good luck felting him.. and BTW, look to your left
So who got felted?
Detroit Quote
12-13-2011 , 06:27 AM
Trip report 2 cash game session

so i will try to make this one shorter. To be honest i think this is one of the worst played cash game sessions i have played in a while. My stupid assumptions took over.

Cadas does their best to try and start another cash game for us. but for some reason majority of the players want to play 1/3. I figure ok. Joe Cada sits in seat 3. Immediatly Seat 4 is playing every hand and staddles every chance he can. i am pretty sure he will be the laggiest player at the table. I am also pretty sure he will be loosing alot of money as he is the most aggressive calling station i have ever seen.

First big hand of the day

Seat 4 straddles and Joe Cada raises to ? $21 i think. Seat 4 defends his button straddle.
Flop comes A86 and Joe leads out. Maniac in seat 4 RR here. Cadda jams and seat 4 calls. Joe looses w A 7 or AT to 86. Joe gets up and goes outside? i think maybe out front.

Pretty sure Joe had the same read as i did. and i don't mind Joe's call as i think at this time seat 4 is going to fight over every pot.

Jose tears it up.And Joe Capitalizes

We play a few hands and seat 4 is trying to run over the table.Jose in position of course is having none of it. Seat 4 takes alot of weird lines. And Jose Jams on him Every time. And Everytime Seat 4 folds. This of course is taking a toll on seat 4. Who then turns into Passive Calling station. Life seems grand!

Jose is sitting on $450 + and i am still waiting for cards.

Seat 4 straddles

So seat 4 straddles again and i decided to call w AJo. Everyone calls and seat 4 checks.

The flop comes KQT w 2 clubs. i decide to bet $35 and Seat 8 ****s his pants and shoves all in instantly. i figure 2 pair. Seat 4 who is the Maniac calling station calls. i am like lol ok and i shove for $50-$60 more. Turns out Seat 4 and i share same cards. Seat 8 shows QQ and doesn't improve. Lucky me.

Next hand i look down at KcKs and i raise to $16 as Seat 4 has straddled. Jose flats w (99) and Seat 10 RR to $45 which commits his whole stack. I jam with KK and Jose folds Seat Ten calls w TT. and of course Hits his gut shot for the straight. Fml.

i am sitting down with $60 and consider leaving. I get a $100 loan from Jose. I actually wanted to play 10h8h which would of gotten me alot of money.

I get AK and double up against Seat 4 who calls when i bet all three streets. About this time i am sitting on $350 which i should of just left then. but there where so many bad players. The thing i didn't realize is i was lol one of them.

it literally goes down hill from here

So Jose and i are playing pretty tight. I am completely blown away as Joe Cada is completely owning seat 4. I honestly think seat 4 won 1 maybe 2 hands against Joe the whole time. it seemed as if he missed every draw and his top pair was no good against Joes Top pair weak kicker. You would figure the guy would figure it out. I seriously think he dumped a Pay check at the table.

i decided to 3 bet w AQo in position after i totally blow playing AdKd in positon a few hands earlier. Seat 4 who just flatted preflop decided to jam for $64 more with no fold equity. i honestly think that was the last pot he won that night. AQ<JJ.

He literally gave the rest of his stack to Joe in obvious spots he was crushed.

I am pretty dumb

i played a few more hands and then make the dumbest play ever.i decided to limp from utg w Jd9d. Jose makes it $15 and i believe there where 4 or 5 callers. (not 100% sure)

I am last to close out the action so i call. the flop comes J 8 6d and the pot is somewhere between $60-$75. Joe who has been making 2/3 pot bets all day leads out for $25. And i really think he isn't that strong here. I actually decide he has 9T here or a weakish Jack. i know he leads out with sets and two pair hands as well. but i decide to go with my bet sizing read and jam with what i think is enough to get him to fold most jacks. Also i thought my tight image would work to my advantage. Also i would like to add that he RR big preflop w KQ. so i think that he might reraise w AJ here preflop. but then again he might of just flatted here cause of the utg+1 raise. I think about min raising here but i don't have enough in my stack to get him to fold the turn and i imagine he bets the turn as he always does. So i jam hoping to take down the pot and everyone folds. It is now on Joe Cada and he tanks. This is the longest i seen him take on any hand. He eventually calls w JTo and scoops the rest of the chips from the 3rd biggest fish at the table.
In retrospect that was by far one of the worst played hands i have played. when i left Joe had over $2100-$2200. Which by far i think is the most i have seen somebody win at a 1/3 table. I do have to say i played far less hands in the past 3 sessions then Joe had tonight. Flop 2 pair or a set and enjoy as your most certainly to double up. Joe has no Fear what so ever. And seems to run pretty good I however don't want to take anything away from the guy. As he owed all of the fish this night including me.

also out of 6 hours i only played 16 hands maybe. last two sessions i have been beyond card dead.

hope you guys enjoyed the TR.
Detroit Quote
12-13-2011 , 06:35 AM
Also i noticed that the cash games seem to be totally different then at Cadas.
At Snookers you will get away with more limping preflop at most of the tables. where you won't get away with it at Cadas. But to be honest this has not been a huge sample size at Cadas. You seem to get alot of dealers playing here.

Snookers definatly has alot of weaker regs there.
Detroit Quote
12-13-2011 , 07:06 AM
Village, I fold 77 utg there as there's probably better spots to shove, even with weaker hands.
Detroit Quote
12-13-2011 , 01:13 PM
I agree about Cada's. I played once and there were few average players at the table. Some good, most bad. The fish come for the name and the sharks for the fish.
Detroit Quote
12-13-2011 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by the village idiot1

i have not been to Cadas all that much (or Snookers) as i have been taking a break from poker. Not really sure how to say what i am thinking here without sounding like a douche. Every time i have been to Cadas there has been at most 6 tables. but from what i understand there has not been a tournament that has has 174 players. kind of wondering when this happened. Surprised no one posted anything about this. Again i tried to write it a different way Pills so sorry in advance.

The fact you can carry over for 4 days seems pretty interesting. This is the first i have heard of it. wouldn't mind looking to see what the laws are and such. Also i wonder what first place was paying with 176 people in that tournament.
he's talking about the northville downs tourney $150 tourney that joe cada played and 1st place was 10k
Detroit Quote
12-13-2011 , 05:09 PM
Nice TR VI, when I played at Cada's I noticed that he (Joe_ called a ton of top pair, no kicker hands and had no idea how they would hold against 17-out combo draws. I wish I had the kind of money to play like "I has top pair, I'll shove" but I don't!

Jose, do you give lessons?

We play a few hands and seat 4 is trying to run over the table.Jose in position of course is having none of it. Seat 4 takes alot of weird lines. And Jose Jams on him Every time. And Everytime Seat 4 folds. This of course is taking a toll on seat 4. Who then turns into Passive Calling station. Life seems grand!
This is the **** that I wish I could pull the trigger on more often
Detroit Quote
12-13-2011 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Jamie Platinum
Nice TR VI, when I played at Cada's I noticed that he (Joe_ called a ton of top pair, no kicker hands and had no idea how they would hold against 17-out combo draws. I wish I had the kind of money to play like "I has top pair, I'll shove" but I don't!
yea i noticed it too. i thought his bet sizing was weak one hand. I was somewhat correct that his hand was marginal, my thinking was flawed however thinking he folds top pair crummy kicker to me. I guess in his mind i am a weak passive random. LOL good read Joe.
Detroit Quote
12-13-2011 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by Jamie Platinum
Nice TR VI, when I played at Cada's I noticed that he (Joe_ called a ton of top pair, no kicker hands and had no idea how they would hold against 17-out combo draws. I wish I had the kind of money to play like "I has top pair, I'll shove" but I don't!

Jose, do you give lessons?
This is the **** that I wish I could pull the trigger on more often
The guy was pretty much a SpewTard and I actually held solid hands 3 of the times I shoved on him. I just let him bet flop, turn then I jammed on his river bets. One hand I remember vs. SpewTard:
I'm the button holding QJ and 3 players limp and SpewTard bets $10 I'm next to act on the button and 3-bet to $25 to isolate the SpewTard. We're HU to the flop of Qx105 He checks and I put out a weak $12 bet (to intice a raise) he raises to $30 and I flat. Turn 7 he bets $50 and I figure he's strong so I Jammed and he folds. Kinda wish I flatted and maybe he shoves the river
I really thought he'd call there because we kept bullying him.

I finally had the chance to witness the VillageIdiot RunGood(sarcasm) He played well but seriously could not catch a break. The hand that sticks out was his KK losing to 10-10 AIPF

It was fun playing at Cada's Room with Joe Cada but I much prefer the cash games at MotorCity Casino. The players are far weaker and easier to read and despite what others say about MCC being nitty I'm always stacking players. I usually play $1/2 during weeknights and $2/5 on weekends (alot more fish) I rarely ever go to MCC during the day because that's when they really do have nitty regs.
Detroit Quote
12-13-2011 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
hey pillsburry if you dont mind giving cada's TD a call and sharing your experience id appreciate it, cause i'd hate to drive way out there to have the thing full if it didn't have to be.
The key to spreading out the money over the four days is that you pre-sell seats on the three days prior. You still can only take in $15k on the day of tournament.
Detroit Quote
12-14-2011 , 12:08 AM
Just curious, anyone know how much those satty's into the $250 are gonna be?
Detroit Quote
12-14-2011 , 12:24 AM
their fb page is awful, how much could it cost to throw up a website with some general info.

what time does the poker room open saturday? 11am
Detroit Quote
12-14-2011 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by ollierye
Just curious, anyone know how much those satty's into the $250 are gonna be?
They are running a $40 satellite at 3pm and a $65 at 5pm on Thursday and Friday.
From what I understand, the 10-man single Table satellites ($40 or $65) will run when 10 players register all evening on Thursday and Friday.
Detroit Quote
12-14-2011 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by Jose313
They are running a $40 satellite at 3pm and a $65 at 5pm on Thursday and Friday.
From what I understand, the 10-man single Table satellites ($40 or $65) will run when 10 players register all evening on Thursday and Friday.
also the $65 dollar ones will have 2 winners where the $40 only has one seat and $70 cash
Detroit Quote
12-14-2011 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by Jose313
The guy was pretty much a SpewTard and I actually held solid hands 3 of the times I shoved on him. I just let him bet flop, turn then I jammed on his river bets. One hand I remember vs. SpewTard:
I'm the button holding QJ and 3 players limp and SpewTard bets $10 I'm next to act on the button and 3-bet to $25 to isolate the SpewTard. We're HU to the flop of Qx105 He checks and I put out a weak $12 bet (to intice a raise) he raises to $30 and I flat. Turn 7 he bets $50 and I figure he's strong so I Jammed and he folds. Kinda wish I flatted and maybe he shoves the river
I really thought he'd call there because we kept bullying him.

I finally had the chance to witness the VillageIdiot RunGood(sarcasm) He played well but seriously could not catch a break. The hand that sticks out was his KK losing to 10-10 AIPF

It was fun playing at Cada's Room with Joe Cada but I much prefer the cash games at MotorCity Casino. The players are far weaker and easier to read and despite what others say about MCC being nitty I'm always stacking players. I usually play $1/2 during weeknights and $2/5 on weekends (alot more fish) I rarely ever go to MCC during the day because that's when they really do have nitty regs.
beginning to come around to your thoughts on MCC, as opposed to our disagreement a couple months ago. Your game seems to suit it really well, coming across as a spewtard really gets to the dumb nits. so +1 on your post, although I would argue 2/5 on a reg basis is more worth your time. good thing about 1/2 is you can table change like crazy

Your line against the fish with QJdd is very interesting, I normally dont make these tiny bets to induce, but against this type of villain it sounds like a really good tool to use. WP
Detroit Quote
12-14-2011 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by Pay4Myschool
Your line against the fish with QJdd is very interesting, I normally dont make these tiny bets to induce, but against this type of villain it sounds like a really good tool to use. WP
You obviously can't use the same line on every player, I woulda played this hand totally different against a tight player. After watching him play other hands, I felt the best way to get all his chips was to let him spew them off. He was OOP and checked the flop, the small C-bet was to give him back the lead and induce his spewy nature. My only mistake was not letting him dump the rest of his chips to me on the river. I felt he was pot commited ($25+$30+$50) after putting more than half his stack in there.
Detroit Quote
12-14-2011 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by Jose313
You obviously can't use the same line on every player, I woulda played this hand totally different against a tight player. After watching him play other hands, I felt the best way to get all his chips was to let him spew them off. He was OOP and checked the flop, the small C-bet was to give him back the lead and induce his spewy nature. My only mistake was not letting him dump the rest of his chips to me on the river. I felt he was pot commited ($25+$30+$50) after putting more than half his stack in there.
i noticed after that hand that Cadda kept jamming the River on him. i think in position you can jam on him alot and get extra value. i think that is why Joe has been crushing these games.
Detroit Quote
12-14-2011 , 09:31 AM
Just listening to the Pokercast, and now I want to play Paradise Pick'em for a mix game on Saturday. You get three cards, and the button gets to pick one of the limit HORSE games to be played that hand. If hold'em is picked, everyone discards one card. If Omaha 8 is picked, everyone gets dealt another card. If Razz, stud or stud hi-lo gets picked, everyone gets to pick one card to flip up. Anyone else interested?
Detroit Quote
12-14-2011 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
Just listening to the Pokercast, and now I want to play Paradise Pick'em for a mix game on Saturday. You get three cards, and the button gets to pick one of the limit HORSE games to be played that hand. If hold'em is picked, everyone discards one card. If Omaha 8 is picked, everyone gets dealt another card. If Razz, stud or stud hi-lo gets picked, everyone gets to pick one card to flip up. Anyone else interested?
Sounds very slow. Everyone is going to take time trying to figure out the optimal card to flip up, discard, etc. Probably better to just play HORSE, HOSE, some variant of 8-game or dealer's choce.
Detroit Quote
12-14-2011 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Jose313
Thanks Greg, I'm already here waiting for it to start. I called up here and they said usually 100 people enter this one so I mad the drive. Starting stack is actually 10k so not that bad. 6pm and they still haven't started seating.
Hey, any 2plus2er who can make it before late region closes, I will buy 50% of your action for 50% of the buy in ($18) hurry up!!!

So are you going to buy 50% of my action on Decemeber 17th?
Detroit Quote
12-14-2011 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
Just listening to the Pokercast, and now I want to play Paradise Pick'em for a mix game on Saturday. You get three cards, and the button gets to pick one of the limit HORSE games to be played that hand. If hold'em is picked, everyone discards one card. If Omaha 8 is picked, everyone gets dealt another card. If Razz, stud or stud hi-lo gets picked, everyone gets to pick one card to flip up. Anyone else interested?
I will play this. Sounds like fun.

Also, I would be down to play that version of Omaha where you dont know if its high or high until after the flop and the dice are rolled ( cant remember the name of the game tho)
Detroit Quote
12-14-2011 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
their fb page is awful, how much could it cost to throw up a website with some general info.

what time does the poker room open saturday? 11am
I agree. They've had enough time. They need to step up and get this taken care of. BTW poker rooms in general need to up their game in their web sites. Unbelievable how much old/incorrect information is out there, and the sites don't really entice people to check for events and promotions. Come on Michigan poker, you can do better! #soinexpensivetohaveagoodwebsite
Detroit Quote
12-14-2011 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
I will play this. Sounds like fun.

Also, I would be down to play that version of Omaha where you dont know if its high or high until after the flop and the dice are rolled ( cant remember the name of the game tho)
Blinglaha or something like that?
Detroit Quote
