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Detroit Detroit

12-08-2011 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by suiteddeuces
Great to hear they're better than ever! I definitely didn't see that coming! I hear that the Commerce here has a regular $4/$8 limit game, but I'd rather watch 1960's Russian Cinema with my eyelids pried open a la Clockwork Orange than play that. Maybe I'll see if I can meet, and get Toby Mcguire to spread PLO8 in his home games
Pics or GTFO obv. No really, would love to see pics of that game when you get it running with you and a ton of chips in front. Good luck out there, bro.
Detroit Quote
12-08-2011 , 06:04 PM
They actually had a 6 max tournament monday at nvd. Horrible structure though. Starting stacks at 10000, 15 min levels, 25/50 50/100 100/200 200/400 300/600
Detroit Quote
12-08-2011 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by sevup
Lol well I'm not gonna mention any names, but the player that was on my left at Cada's on Saturday ended up on the losing end of a grudge match with a player we shall call M, and Joker and Rob finished him off with a right-left combo. Turned out to be a really good game last night actually, I think there were at least 3 new faces and another that hasn't sat in the game in awhile. M was in rare form, even showed a bluff or two and left early with a profit. We got to spread the word about the game at Cada's on Saturday and I think some of them are gonna come check it out. I thought the poker room manager , Joe, was gonna have a coronary when Joker walked right in before the game started and announced "we should really move this game to Cada's on Wednesday's" lol....priceless.
I'm willing to declare this, I'm the greatest 30bb PLO8 player in the state. I'm a cockroach, stomp all day but you can't get rid of me. I had a miserable time, went card dead, couldn't hit a draw, M...and more M. I'm mixed about moving the game on Wed. I wouldn't mind having it in a place where we would get more action, but Pampas does treat us good. I do think that "well" will dry up pretty soon, if its just the regs passing money back and forth then we should consider moving...

I'm not a big fan of playing RxR Omaha/Omaha8 though at Cadas. I think just having Joe play will bring in loose action. I saw one or two people who were willing to dumptruck 300 bucks just to sit with him. There really is no need to try to switch the game to bring people in. I think if we give in to the people wanting to play just Hi, then eventually they will out number the O8 players and we will get pushed out.
Detroit Quote
12-08-2011 , 06:32 PM
@Rob yeah the more I think about it, and after hearing Gambit's point of view on it, I agree we should stick to keeping the game all o8. I also feel the same about moving the game, they do treat us well and appreciate the game being there, but that room only brings in so many players and so much traffic. Would be interesting to see how it would do at another room during the week with more traffic.

Last night Rob was like the movie Terminator, just couldn't get rid of him.....I believe he might have been 6 for 6 in winning all in hands.
Detroit Quote
12-08-2011 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by Atarirob
. I think if we give in to the people wanting to play just Hi, then eventually they will out number the O8 players and we will get pushed out.
I agree with this statement.... there are other places and times I can play PLO. I would like to see this stay PLO8 and not switch to anything else. (talking about the Sat game obv)

Last edited by gambit8888; 12-08-2011 at 06:36 PM. Reason: Slow pony
Detroit Quote
12-08-2011 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
Why would you wait that long instead of going to play somewhere else? Fwiw, I am pretty impressed with your patience in waiting it out
where else is there to play downtown? i thought mgm/greek only have a few tables running and nothing above 1/2...coule be mistaken
Detroit Quote
12-08-2011 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
I agree with this statement.... there are other places and times I can play PLO. I would like to see this stay PLO8 and not switch to anything else. (talking about the Sat game obv)
i have been on the fence about going to the pampa games several times over the past few months but everytime i have choosen the snookers rxr game. if the game was plo/plo8 rxr i would have choosen that game instead. Maybe that is just me but it could be possible that there is actually a decent amount of players that would play the game if it was plo/plo8 rxr. you may even get some people who have never even played o8 to give it a try that would have never even considered sitting in a plo8 game. being worried about plo8 being pushed out is a legitimate concern but if you guys are the ones that set up the game and you have a good relationship with the room you should be able to prevent that from happening. people have been trying to get snookers to change to straight omaha for a long time now and that hasnt happened yet. another opition may be to try to keep the plo8 games you guys have on wed and sat and try to set up a plo/plo8 rxr game a different night and see how it goes.

i have been wishing there was a plo/plo8 rxr game around here ever since i started going to the charity rooms about a year and a half ago. just never really though there was any chance of running it. since it has been discussed maybe there is a chance. i would commit to playing the game once a week if there were others interested as well.
Detroit Quote
12-08-2011 , 07:27 PM
This is going to be an irrelevant TR given the buy-in but I played the $25 re-entry at Cada's today which only had about 15 runners. I liked the re-entry nature but kept getting the calling stations to my left which was annoying.

The first orbit was pretty annoying, I would raise in late position with A3dd get called in two spots, flop was Ac3c4d, I'd bet 3/4ish of the pot and the turn would come 5c and old dude would pot it. Then I'd have 10's the flop would come 462 two spades, turn would come a 3 of spades and some other dude would lead out.

So I'm sitting with ~7k of the starting 10k and get AQ of spades UTG +1, raise to 600 (100.200 blinds), get called in 2 other spots. Flop was AhKs2s. I bet 1500 two calls. Turn came the 7s. I debate betting but check. Next to act bets 2k, other guy ships for around ~7k and I wait a few seconds and call. Initial raisers moans and calls (he had us both covered). Seat 8 had A7, seat 2 has 89ss and I triple up to ~22k

Very next hand I get QJss UTG and limp for 200, everyone folds, cut off raises to 600, again I flat even though I really wanted to 3bet the older guy but I couldn't allow myself to play that bad. Flop is AsKsQd. I check he bet 1200, I 3 bet to 3600 and he called. Turn was a blank, I check he checked. River 10s. I literally have no clue what to do in this spot and bet a 5k chip and he called and I try to act like I've been there before and humbly show the royal even though I can't remember ever getting one that pretty

A few orbits late I get JJ in the bb and utg raised to 2200 (blinds were 200/400) and I raise to 6400. He's [name removed] and is definitely a sold player and think he's capable of doing this with KQ/AQ/AK suited and probably 9s or 10s. But he shoves for 13k and shows up with AA.

Pretty much nothing happened 'til we're down to 6 and I get 77 utg and shove my remaing 11 big blinds (at 1k.2k) and [name removed] gets KK and gg me.

Two of the 6 had 10k stacks, ed had me cover at 28k, one had 77k and the other had 90k.

First was $250, second was $180 and third was $100. Slightly disappointed that I didn't cash after such an good start, especially considering the structure is sooooooo good but overall enjoyed the game.

tl/dr - I hit a royal and bubble (kind of) a $25 tournament

Last edited by Rapini; 12-08-2011 at 08:57 PM.
Detroit Quote
12-08-2011 , 08:08 PM
@gfl I think trying to run a plo/plo8 rxr game on a night that doesn't coincide with the regular plo8 games is a great idea. Maybe we could gauge interest on starting one on like a friday at Cada's? I have a couple friends that probably would make the trip down for something like that on a regular basis....I'll ask around and see if there's enough interest to maybe try something a week from tomorrow. If anyone would have interest just send a reply.
Detroit Quote
12-08-2011 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by Tumaterminator
2.5hr wait for 1/2 last fri around 9pm
completely buried on 2/5 list

mcc thread:
Three things:

(1) If anyone wants to make an FAQ for either this thread or the MCC thread, just shoot me a PM and I can post it under the original OP.

(2) I noticed some of the regs trying to get a particular game at a particular place and time. If you want to make a separate thread for that in the main B&M Forum, you're welcome to do so. Some of the players at Parx and Delaware Park (Philly area casinos) had some success with getting 8-game mixes and higher-limit LHE and O8 games going using that strategy. It might be helpful to post in the low-content threads of the appropriate strat forums as well.

(3) I'm looking forward to seeing some TRs from the Detroit meetup. Those also are welcome on the main B&M Forum or the stickied meetup thread.
Detroit Quote
12-08-2011 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by sevup
Joker and Rob finished him off with a right-left combo.
Rob wasn't involved in that hand. The other player was the (new?/returning?) player in the 10 seat that replaced M's friend. The hand that did him had a [A34][3] board. Seat 10 went all-in for $52, I flat called and K called. I don't recall the river, but it was irrelevant. I bet out $100 and K freaks out, yammering about trying to be nice and makes the call. I had 445x and K had A3xx. K gets up and immediately cashes out his remaining twenty-some in chips. Seat 10 has 25xx and we split the main pot.

The hand that had me in giggle fits was against Rob and kicked off my hot streak that undid my being $300 in the hole. I was in the short blind and there were something like 5-6 limps to me. I had JJ86 and make it $15 to go. Rob called and everyone else folds. The flop was A44 and I bet out $35(?) and Rob calls. The turn is J and I bet $100(?) and Rob folds. I table the hand hand face up to show the table that I had taken all leave of my senses. Rob just rolled his eyes. It was after that hand, I think, that Rob went on his amazing streak of all-in wins.

Originally Posted by gfl
i have been wishing there was a plo/plo8 rxr game around here ever since i started going to the charity rooms about a year and a half ago.
I've seen this experiment already. NVD had a $2/$5 PLO8 game that eventually turned into a $2/$5 PLO8/PLO/NLHE game. The game completely died within a month. PLO/PLO8 does not make a good match for RxR as much as PLO/NLHE does. PLO players always complain about the split pots. If I want to listen to someone complaining I'll either talk to my wife or felt M.

Last edited by Dharzhak; 12-08-2011 at 10:10 PM.
Detroit Quote
12-08-2011 , 10:03 PM
@Dharzak I believe you're mistaken on the hand and I'm pretty sure Rob can confirm, Rob was the one with 2 5 x x there.
Detroit Quote
12-08-2011 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by sevup
@Dharzak I believe you're mistaken on the hand and I'm pretty sure Rob can confirm, Rob was the one with 2 5 x x there.
It was definitely seat 10. All action was on our side of the table. The hand I'm thinking of was after K had chipped up and moved into M's seat.
Detroit Quote
12-08-2011 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by Dharzhak
It was definitely seat 10. All action was on our side of the table. The hand I'm thinking of was after K had chipped up and moved into M's seat.
I'll let Rob chime in on this but I was sitting next to him and I'm 99.9% sure he was the one that flopped the wheel on that hand with 2 5 and got it all in on the turn.
Detroit Quote
12-08-2011 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by sevup
I'll let Rob chime in on this but I was sitting next to him and I'm 99.9% sure he was the one that flopped the wheel on that hand with 2 5 and got it all in on the turn.
There was a similar hand that did involve Rob, I think, but it wasn't the hand that sent K packing. No matter. Whether Rob was in the hand or not isn't going to kick start the world economy.

Time to start looking forward to Saturday and think about how we're going to have to deal with Cada's aggressive play. We're already used to the similar dynamic that The Friendly Bastard brings to the table. I'm inclined to think that Cada brings it to another level because there's something behind it more intelligent than poor impulse control.
Detroit Quote
12-08-2011 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by Jamie Platinum
tl/dr - I hit a royal and bubble (kind of) a $25 tournament
Grats on the Royal. I have seen a couple before but I've never had one. Kind of like hitting a hole in one in golf. I hope you told the other player, nice hand.

Last edited by Omaha8A2; 12-08-2011 at 11:02 PM. Reason: No, I'm not trying to get the first post on every page.
Detroit Quote
12-09-2011 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
I hope you told the other player, nice hand.
Haha... too funny
Detroit Quote
12-09-2011 , 05:07 AM
Originally Posted by gfl
i have been on the fence about going to the pampa games several times over the past few months but everytime i have choosen the snookers rxr game. if the game was plo/plo8 rxr i would have choosen that game instead. Maybe that is just me but it could be possible that there is actually a decent amount of players that would play the game if it was plo/plo8 rxr. you may even get some people who have never even played o8 to give it a try that would have never even considered sitting in a plo8 game. being worried about plo8 being pushed out is a legitimate concern but if you guys are the ones that set up the game and you have a good relationship with the room you should be able to prevent that from happening. people have been trying to get snookers to change to straight omaha for a long time now and that hasnt happened yet. another opition may be to try to keep the plo8 games you guys have on wed and sat and try to set up a plo/plo8 rxr game a different night and see how it goes.

i have been wishing there was a plo/plo8 rxr game around here ever since i started going to the charity rooms about a year and a half ago. just never really though there was any chance of running it. since it has been discussed maybe there is a chance. i would commit to playing the game once a week if there were others interested as well.
If you get a RxR game going on a different night, let me know... I would not mind playing it
Detroit Quote
12-09-2011 , 10:00 AM
Played a little at Johnny G's last night. They had 2 blackjack tables out and only 1 poker table. Thought that was kinda odd but maybe they're trying to push blackjack more since its a bar. Poker game was pretty juicy, and one of the regs made the Shark Club (stack over $1000). They take your pic if u let them but indont lnow if theyre gonna Put it up on a wall or what. I'd like to play some different games, RxR, PLO, anything but NLHE...but that's what everyone plays here and it's literally a mile from my house.

Action is better than you'd expect from such a small poker room, but it'd be nice to switch it up with some new blood/games now and then.
Detroit Quote
12-09-2011 , 11:40 AM
That place is on my way home from work (94), but just like Four Aces the games don't get going till later so it's a hassle to go there again after going home. I do have an interest in playing there again.
Detroit Quote
12-09-2011 , 08:50 PM
one of the mods wants to make a faq for detroit poker. if you want, you guys should compile a list of all of the charities, rooms, and what they offer!
Detroit Quote
12-09-2011 , 10:11 PM
Theres no tipping at northville????
Detroit Quote
12-09-2011 , 10:17 PM
I believe he was just saying he didnt want to tip on his portion of a $20 hand

Ok guys, help me out with what i am missing on the east side:

Plush Pkts
The River
Four Aces
Pampa (how is this still open)
5-Star lanes?
Johnny g's?
Big Beaver
Slapsticks? soon to be again
Detroit Quote
12-09-2011 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by pillsbarry
Pampa (how is this still open)
Be nice. Sunnybrook will probably die off first.

Seriously though, come out and play some PLO8 on Wednesday nights there. You probably already know half of the players in the game.
Detroit Quote
12-09-2011 , 11:34 PM
i can't find the structure for the cada's tourney next sat. all i can find is that it's 20k starting stack and 40 min levels. anybody know it?
Detroit Quote
