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The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP

02-01-2017 , 06:38 PM
I got the following email about an hour ago. This is probably the nittiest thing I've ever seen from a casino.

"With the yearly increases that we experience in our over-all operating expenses, we have begun charging a fee for wi-fi usage at Talking Stick Resort™. The $25 fee went into effect February 1, 2017. In order to purchase your wi-fi password, all you need to do is go to the Talking Stick Resort hotel Front Desk desk and a wi-fi passcode valid for 30 days on three devices will be issued to you for a fee of $25 plus applicable tax. You may also purchase your wi-fi passcode by calling Reservations at 1-866-877-9897. We want to thank you and look forward seeing you on your next visit to Talking Stick Resort."
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
02-01-2017 , 07:45 PM
Haha for $25 you can get an extra 4-8 GB on your phone's data plan and share it to your own devices.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
02-01-2017 , 08:06 PM
which is ironic because I occasionally have to turn my wifi off to stream a medium utube.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
02-01-2017 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Uston
I got the following email about an hour ago. This is probably the nittiest thing I've ever seen from a casino.

"With the yearly increases that we experience in our over-all operating expenses, we have begun charging a fee for wi-fi usage at Talking Stick Resort™. The $25 fee went into effect February 1, 2017. In order to purchase your wi-fi password, all you need to do is go to the Talking Stick Resort hotel Front Desk desk and a wi-fi passcode valid for 30 days on three devices will be issued to you for a fee of $25 plus applicable tax. You may also purchase your wi-fi passcode by calling Reservations at 1-866-877-9897. We want to thank you and look forward seeing you on your next visit to Talking Stick Resort."
This doesn't effect me as I just use wireless data anyways, but my god is this ever pathetic. There will be a plethora of angry degenerates, but then again, where are they going to go sweat their last $60 on spread limit?
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
02-02-2017 , 01:24 AM
L O L gotta check the calendar because that one sounds prime for April 1.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
02-02-2017 , 01:49 AM
No more free wifi in the poker room? That's lame. Is there only 1 password? If so I'm sure it will get spread around pretty quickly. They should just limit the bandwidth so that you can do facebook, basic web browsing and stuff like that but it'll be too slow for streaming music, videos or downloading stuff.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
02-02-2017 , 10:20 AM
Or maybe have one free low bandwidth network and then one high speed high bandwidth network that you can pay for if you want to do fancy stuff.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
02-02-2017 , 01:48 PM
At least they gave you plenty of warning.

Next will be parking fees.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
02-02-2017 , 02:02 PM
Did anyone else get that (I didn't)? Or are we basing it on an account that has only 1 other post in this thread?
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
02-02-2017 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by that_pope
Did anyone else get that (I didn't)? Or are we basing it on an account that has only 1 other post in this thread?
Probably just one other post on all the forums since black friday, actually. I won't be playing over the next several days, so confirmation of this policy would be appreciated. If they actually go through with this, I'll probably have to change my data plan on Verizon.

Web version of the email if anyone is interested:
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
02-02-2017 , 06:32 PM
By luck I was looking at my seldom used yahoo email yesterday and there it was. Also it appears 2p2 had some kind of data breach.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
02-02-2017 , 07:08 PM
Sigh, after your confirmation I looked in my spam folder and sure enough, there it was.

This sucks, seems like they are targeting me specifically because I have an old 'flip' phone and an ipod touch I use for wifi instead of a smart phone.

Wonder if this email link works:
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
02-02-2017 , 07:29 PM
It's hilarious they won't eat the tax. Paying cash just makes it an even bigger pain for their staff.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
02-02-2017 , 10:39 PM
If this lowers the number of players on their devices constantly needing reminders that it's their action I'm all for it. To heck w/ the internet, the Devil's work, I say.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
02-02-2017 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
If this lowers the number of players on their devices constantly needing reminders that it's their action I'm all for it. To heck w/ the internet, the Devil's work, I say.
How does the pony express deliver your handwritten letters to this forum?
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
02-02-2017 , 11:10 PM
I have my own Elder Wand. Shhh.......don't tell anyone.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
02-06-2017 , 03:00 PM
Still free wifi in poker room using pokeraudio wifi, password is talkingstick.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
02-15-2017 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by rzweig
Still free wifi in poker room using pokeraudio wifi, password is talkingstick.
I noticed that too.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
03-07-2017 , 12:52 PM
Flying to Phoenix tomorrow for a week to go to Cubs Spring Training. Want to get a couple of sessions in but really the only time I have is in the mornings - is there still action?

Saturday/Sunday/Monday maybe Thursday from like 7am-noon?
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
03-07-2017 , 12:55 PM
There will be games going, but not nearly as much as the evenings. But if you just want the 2/3 spread or 3/6 and 4/8 LHE, you'll be fine.

You can check bravo to see what is going at different times in that range leading up to your trip.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
03-07-2017 , 01:09 PM
Yeah I only realized today that I have plans/meetings every ****ing evening that I thought I was going to have free to play, now can only get the mornings, so haven't checked Bravo for weekend mornings (I did last week for evenings).

I read that NL is illegal there so they have 2/3 spread with a 300 max bet or 3-5 with a 500 max bet? It's effectively NLHE then right that plays like 1-3 or 2-5?

Even though I go between 1-3 and 2-5, in a new place where I'm just playing a short session I'll play the lower stakes, the 2-3 spread is fine.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
03-07-2017 , 01:14 PM
Yeah, they are effectively NL and very rarely does the betting cap significantly impact a bet size you would make at 2/3 and 3/5. The 5/10 and above games are obviously much more impacted by the cap.

Going those hours you should have no trouble finding 2/3 and usually 3/5 as well.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
03-07-2017 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by that_pope
Yeah, they are effectively NL and very rarely does the betting cap significantly impact a bet size you would make at 2/3 and 3/5. The 5/10 and above games are obviously much more impacted by the cap.

Going those hours you should have no trouble finding 2/3 and usually 3/5 as well.
Good lad.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
03-09-2017 , 12:35 AM
Try the pork chops and eggs. Best menu addition in a long while.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
03-15-2017 , 08:33 PM
Played for about 4 hours at the 2-3 300 spread game. Arrived at 8:30 and got a seat in about 20 minutes (pretty quick at that time of day, usually if tables are full people aint moving for some time).

Play was........interesting. Obviously as bad as you'd expect at low stakes live poker but in a different way. The old men were certainly not OMCs, they were there to gambooooooooool (or at least many of them were).

Dealers were great and it was weird to me at first to see no trays of drinks going round but soon figured out what was happening. I actually really liked the self-serve water and coffee station tbh, means I didn't have to wait for a server to come round once every 20 minutes.

Ended up booking a $600 win (AA>KK, A5>AT (guy called a shove on A 5 5 4) and QQ > JT on T high board all for lots helps) and then went to the Cubs game. A great day.
The Arena Poker Room at Casino Arizona's Talking Stick Resort (Scottsdale, AZ) -- FAQ in OP Quote
