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Stoxtrader cheating/multi accounting discussion Stoxtrader cheating/multi accounting discussion

03-16-2010 , 06:15 AM
Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth
Isn't this something like a "Have you stopped beating your wife? question. If we at Two Plus Two are ever aware or become aware that an individual or a company is not acting with appropriate integrity, our relationship with them will be severed.

if the allegations aren't allowed to be heard, how are all the internet detectives going to do all the work on it like they did with UB/AP?

To afford these people a different standard of protection than you do other individuals and entities may be a smart business decision, but it doesn't make it moral.
03-16-2010 , 06:20 AM
Fees and LucidDream if you know something about Stox/CR hustling accounts you ought to spill it. It kind of gives credence to Viffers anonymous buddy.
03-16-2010 , 06:43 AM
03-16-2010 , 07:34 AM
Originally Posted by LucidDream
u sure u want to put ur name on this one?
Yes. I'll throw out some caveats, though, and am going to address this as if everyone can see the e-mail, since I'm assuming that it's circulating in the background now.

Nick was heavily involved in actively managing/maintaining SP in its early days before I joined up with the website, and for quite a while afterwards. He’s never made much of a secret of the fact that he played on an account other than ‘stoxtrader’ for years.

The TFTP is not so much false as misconstrued as badly as possible; I'll leave it to Jim to explain the details of how we process TFTP members if he sees fit (he's in Dublin right now). FTP is not being hustled out of anything, in any case (and, for what it's worth, we'd be morons to try).

The comments regarding Leatherass and his reasons for leaving SP are false. LA is ****ed up. We’ll leave it at that.

The comments regarding the SP video process are false. All videos are watched by the production team, obviously, who vets to some small extent. The videos of new coaches and coaches who’ve scored low recently are put through a review panel. Jason Ho made it in before we had a formal review system set up, and given that he was able to convince us that he was a winning small stakes grinder and that his videos were generally well received we obviously ended up with a debacle on our hands, which was embarrassing.

Regarding people knowing that BT had a second account and that Taylor or someone else has sat in Ezra’s seat at some point I can’t verify, but neither of these things would shock me. I’ve looked over Ezra’s shoulder and given his tips, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if someone has sat in his seat and given him tips while he looked over their shoulder. Obviously some people take issue with this.

Regarding the ‘friend’ that had a video put up on CR without review I can’t vouch for that individual case, but CR follows the same review process for videos that we do, and has been doing it longer than we have.

Nick recently changed accounts. I just got off the phone with Jim about this (given that he’s in Dublin and actually awake). Nick is going to have to make a personal decision about whether to out the reason that he recently changed accounts. To my own surprise there actually is a good reason, and it’s ****ed up. And yes, that’s a bull**** answer to the question of what’s going on, but it’s ultimately up to him whether or not to out this. He is not colluding.

The rest of the e-mail is basically speculation and slander.

I will stake my entire reputation and poker career on the truth of the above.

This 2/3rds answer with minimal details won’t be satisfying for some, and understandably so, but going into details beyond what I’ve written gets into information that is either somewhat intimate to the business or personally intimate and so it’s not my place to out it (it comes down to both Jim and Nick).
03-16-2010 , 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by bronx bomber
Anyone else have the feeling that Lee Jones could clear alot of this up quickly if he chose to? I always found it odd that he left so quickly.
The hiring of Lee Jones could have had something to do with the fact that they wanted to establish business with stars, which fortunately stars refused.
03-16-2010 , 07:56 AM
I think stoxpoker should be removed from green if not by 2p2 then by his company, id give my reasons for it but they are personal and you will just have to trust me.
03-16-2010 , 08:15 AM
Originally Posted by The Bryce
Regarding people knowing that BT had a second account and that Taylor or someone else has sat in Ezra’s seat at some point I can’t verify, but neither of these things would shock me. I’ve looked over Ezra’s shoulder and given his tips, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if someone has sat in his seat and given him tips while he looked over their shoulder. Obviously some people take issue with this.
This one is likely true, but is pretty pointless without a timeframe context. There was a time when this was pretty commonplace and most wouldn't even blink an eye if it was mentioned that it happened in 2007, there was even a video where GP and CTS played EC10 on an anonymous account and CTS tagged in halfway through the video. There was a pretty big fuss about it at the time, but if it happened now there would probably be a much bigger dramabomb.
03-16-2010 , 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by viffer
I think stoxpoker should be removed from green if not by 2p2 then by his company, id give my reasons for it but they are personal and you will just have to trust me.
lol. nh
03-16-2010 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by The Bryce
Also, that's not to say that the more serious claims shouldn't be investigated. Quite the opposite. I have every reason to doubt that they're true, but I could, of course, be wrong. The lack of any sort of intellectual or empirical procedure in relation to the sort of accusations that are being freely flung around, however, is asinine.
Good job reasoning with the mob imo.

The saturation of soap opera mentality never ceases to amaze me. Thank you Bryce for your comments, I hope your trust is vindicated. Thank you Viffer for raising a potentially serious issue of which we should be aware, even if it was done in a somewhat distasteful matter. I know you probably don't give a crap, but be aware that you never walk away from a mud flinging match clean.

Cancelling my stox subscription if this isn't cleared up satisfactorily - re-watching all the Bryce vids before it ends of course.
03-16-2010 , 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by waow
wait bryce, your argument is, stox once played poker in a time where multiaccounting was more prolific and accepted, so he is still allowed to do it now?

the sense of entitlement here is incredible
Well obviously, my grandfather use to drive home drunk when it was accepted so of course he's allowed to do it these days as well....wait a second.
03-16-2010 , 08:43 AM
but be aware that you never walk away from a mud flinging match clean.

hahahaha im fat, im ugly i got a little penis, well i think its little i havent seen it in for ever, what else can they take from me?

and im not throwing stones here, im just making sure the castle stays open for people to fight in, if you dont remember the reason i started this was someone accused stoxpoker of cheating, the mods hid it, and i called for it to be reopened. The rest just happenned....

Anyways isa always down for a good fight anyways, hell maybe ill get caught and get to go visit fee fee again
03-16-2010 , 08:55 AM
lmao at this, if he "has some good reason" for cheating a bunch of people out of money how the **** is that something that he doesn't want to share......its so absurd.

the idiocy of this whole defense is mind blowing, and it comes off really great that he refuses to answer any questions but has THE bryce running around trying to defend him.

good lord.

once again a big <3 to viffer and also ike.
03-16-2010 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by greg nice
wtf is this shiit. you mods are gonna censor any and all allegations? you tried to do it once already and then you relented and allowed this thread. so wtf is going on here. nazi germans running this site
Originally Posted by lwrunner103
Go **** yourself, you ****ing weird ****** ass supermods. I mean 2 mods stealing and blatantly cheating for an extended period of time and then there are the ****ing creeps that come in and ban people trying to get to the core of it.
Instead of getting indignant I suggest you read my initial post after deleted viff's post, where I explicitly said this isn't a permanent move.

stox is very different from other 2p2 mods since he only mods his sponsored forum.
03-16-2010 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by Pudge714
Instead of getting indignant I suggest you read my initial post after deleted viff's post, where I explicitly said this isn't a permanent move.

stox is very different from other 2p2 mods since he only mods his sponsored forum.
Wasn't he a BFI mod?
03-16-2010 , 09:33 AM
Apparently he is, I didn't know that. He should absolutely be demodded from BFI.
03-16-2010 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by The Bryce
So there's a fair bit more going on here than I originally realized. The original post is a mess, however, and I had to dig through 150 posts to get a link to another huge post just to get a decent idea of what's being strung together here. The two things to do here are have someone who actually knows what's going on write a condensed, legible post with the relevant information and then, more importantly, someone (if they haven't already) should get FT on this and have them investigate the 40putts/kinettica accounts and then see if there's an IP overlap with the Stoxtrader account.
what does that help? i remember stox playing on party poker when u.s. players had already been banned and his account was located in the netherlands, which i believe you could only do from the us with buying a foreign i.p. address. so he is def. aware of these kind of services...
03-16-2010 , 09:54 AM
isa not very edumacated and have no first hand knowlendge of any og dis, but i was told by what i consider to be reliable resources dat dis be happening. nowsa isa probally end up having to tell some green monsters

quoted for truth
03-16-2010 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by The Bryce
The lack of any sort of intellectual or empirical procedure in relation to the sort of accusations that are being freely flung around, however, is asinine.

This is the internet.

People are free to post whatever they know or think they know about someone, and the accused is free to correct and criticize, and from the back and forth some type of consensus usually emerges.

It actually works really well. See the UB superuser scandal, the various multiaccount outings prior to this one, the Jason Ho scandal, et al.

There is no need for an "intellectual or empirical procedure" when nobody here has any actual power over Stox. It's not like he risks being sent to prison on false charges.

This is about his reputation, he is free to step in and defend it anytime he likes.
03-16-2010 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by The Bryce
So far this thread has pretty much been a train-wreck, consisting of some outrage over Nick short-stacking some percentage of his hand, some outrage over him migrating to new accounts, and a lot of vague, unsubstantiated, and very serious (collusion etc) claims and people slandering Nick as an individual. As “internet fury” threads go this one probably has the lowest evidence to fury ratio I’ve ever seen.

Regarding migrating accounts what I’d like to do is not so much issue up a defense as offer some perspective. Three or four years ago it was entirely common for players to re-roll accounts to sign up for new rakeback deals, to regain their privacy, or even to outright refresh their anonymity. It was completely public information that many well-known nosebleed players (PA, David Benyamine, Lars Luzak) ran multiple accounts or migrated to new accounts and the poker community never so much as batted an eye. When I played nosebleed HU LHE it wasn’t uncommon for opponents to appear under new screen-names and it was something I never particularly took issue with; at the time I just felt it was a part of the game and something to deal with. While you can multi-account for the purpose of trying to hustle people it’s usually pretty benign. Attitudes towards that may be changing, and if you want to have a discussion about whether multi-accounting is something that should be actively cracked down on with no exceptions and strict penalties that’s a very reasonable discussion to have, but what’s been written in this thread so far is mostly the random sensationalist hyperbole of the pathologically bored.

you are what i like to call a ridiculously dumb "smart" person. Mull through your big words and BS examples and you really have said nothing that adds anything to this conversation. You guys were running a poker related business in which you sell a dream to the random fish. You sell the possibility that these people can become as successful as you guys have. By virtue of this you are all role models to some degree. A person like myself on the other hand wants no recognition or notereity, am a role model to no poker player, yet understand that rules are rules and i follow them. I have never opened another account and only played on one screename on the major sites. I prefer to play HU so this has no doubt cost me a ton of action and money. BUt i still follow the rules. Somewhere along the way you decided that you could police yourself and independently decide which rules are important and which aren't? You guys have already made poker tougher for us all, and now you are switching screenames on us to boost your winrates. It is no surprise that online poker is crap compared to what it used to be. You make me sick.

edit: as i read through more of your posts i get increasingly angered. Can you start speaking english please. I know what every word you type means, however it is obvious that you write the way you do to prove your intelligence as compared to that of your peers. Similar mindset to what has allowed you to rationalize why you do not have to follow rules that others do? YOU ARE NOT ABOVE EVERYONE ELSE...TAKE A SEAT PLEASE.
03-16-2010 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by The Bryce
The lack of any sort of intellectual or empirical procedure in relation to the sort of accusations that are being freely flung around, however, is asinine.
are you ******ed? how do you propose anyone initiate "intellectual procedures" to ascertain the validity of the claims, when the nazimods delete the claims before anyone can read them?
03-16-2010 , 10:18 AM
Cant everybody stop spamming with ****ty comments about this and that, who and what and so on.
Lets wait and see what SP guys have to say about it first, give them a chance to respond properly.
To respond quickly to allegations like this would be folish due to several reasons.
Any quick statement that isnt suffcient enough would just add more fuel to the fire and is not what 2+2 need.
Plz wait and let them think through their response (maybe the arent like most you guys, that hang around here 24/7 so it can take a few days or so.)
03-16-2010 , 10:18 AM
"I will stake my entire reputation and poker career on the truth of the above. "

reminds me of boosted j
03-16-2010 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by The Bryce
Yes. I'll throw out some caveats, though, and am going to address this as if everyone can see the e-mail, since I'm assuming that it's circulating in the background now.

Nick was heavily involved in actively managing/maintaining SP in its early days before I joined up with the website, and for quite a while afterwards. He’s never made much of a secret of the fact that he played on an account other than ‘stoxtrader’ for years.

The TFTP is not so much false as misconstrued as badly as possible; I'll leave it to Jim to explain the details of how we process TFTP members if he sees fit (he's in Dublin right now). FTP is not being hustled out of anything, in any case (and, for what it's worth, we'd be morons to try).

The comments regarding Leatherass and his reasons for leaving SP are false. LA is ****ed up. We’ll leave it at that.

The comments regarding the SP video process are false. All videos are watched by the production team, obviously, who vets to some small extent. The videos of new coaches and coaches who’ve scored low recently are put through a review panel. Jason Ho made it in before we had a formal review system set up, and given that he was able to convince us that he was a winning small stakes grinder and that his videos were generally well received we obviously ended up with a debacle on our hands, which was embarrassing.

Regarding people knowing that BT had a second account and that Taylor or someone else has sat in Ezra’s seat at some point I can’t verify, but neither of these things would shock me. I’ve looked over Ezra’s shoulder and given his tips, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if someone has sat in his seat and given him tips while he looked over their shoulder. Obviously some people take issue with this.

Regarding the ‘friend’ that had a video put up on CR without review I can’t vouch for that individual case, but CR follows the same review process for videos that we do, and has been doing it longer than we have.

Nick recently changed accounts. I just got off the phone with Jim about this (given that he’s in Dublin and actually awake). Nick is going to have to make a personal decision about whether to out the reason that he recently changed accounts. To my own surprise there actually is a good reason, and it’s ****ed up. And yes, that’s a bull**** answer to the question of what’s going on, but it’s ultimately up to him whether or not to out this. He is not colluding.

The rest of the e-mail is basically speculation and slander.

I will stake my entire reputation and poker career on the truth of the above.

This 2/3rds answer with minimal details won’t be satisfying for some, and understandably so, but going into details beyond what I’ve written gets into information that is either somewhat intimate to the business or personally intimate and so it’s not my place to out it (it comes down to both Jim and Nick).
Kudos, Bryce, for the above, although you're obviously going to invite some criticism yourself given that you've admitted to ghosting, something that has become more or less acknowledged as cheating, even while it may have been more widespread and tolerated in previous years. In any case, your post is hopefully the first of several mea culpas that will start getting this mess cleaned up. I thought Stox handled the Jason Ho stuff relatively well (after the initial scandal / embarrassment, of course). Hoping that Stox realizes that disclosure will always be welcomed with more open arms than will stonewalling.
03-16-2010 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by The Bryce
If anyone has a copy of the e-mail that got deleted and would PM it to me I'd like to take a look.
hey me too why not amirite? i learned a new phrase streisand effect. pm plz


Originally Posted by fees
yeah I have it as well, posted to my blog
haha nevermind
03-16-2010 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by The Bryce
I will stake my entire reputation and poker career on the truth of the above.
you'll stake your poker CAREER on it? So if anything you said is false you'll quit playing poker, producing videos, and get a "real" job?

just looking for clarification.
