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live 5/10 450bb giant draw live 5/10 450bb giant draw

12-08-2012 , 05:17 AM
seems like a split decision between folding and continueing in some way. very close spot indeed. game was runtwotime friendly looking back on it.
12-08-2012 , 02:55 PM
pre would reraise or fold and usually fold. were all stacks 5K?

flop i didn't catch the stack sizes on SB and UTG. do you have fold equity here? do you like your equity in an all-in given the money in the pot?
12-09-2012 , 10:26 AM
as i said before 3 bet is mandatory but if you choose not too and get this flop not putting in all the monezzz means you are not rolled for the game imo
12-10-2012 , 04:04 PM
Make it like 3k and get it in. Still in decent shape vs like a5hh and akhh. He might fold 85 also and big pair. What do u guys think about raising and committing yourself but not shoving so it doesn't look like obv FD, combo draw? Do u guys do that?
12-10-2012 , 04:57 PM
Folding this flop is criminal.
12-10-2012 , 07:54 PM
Was reading this and was like damn this hand sounds familiar. Then realized it was against me lol. Also, at the people saying fold pre ... lol
12-10-2012 , 09:16 PM
If we flat the 1300 here what does that imply to our opponents? not to derail but theres no real discussion with the answers of fold pre or fold the flop so can we map a hand like this out with options? If we flat the 1300 were commiting ourselves to get it in if the initial reraiser jams and theres a call we can assume we have 6 clean outs and were going to play a big one. We can jam and get called by 88 and 55 and probably get 8-5 overpairs and non-nut flush draws to fold out? We can raise large and get it in to any jam, Opening into 5 ppl on this board this deep with people limp calling in my opinion and then coming back with a 3bet has to look insanely strong to our opponents probably narrowing our range to 88-55-67hh. Lets not forget that we are leading into 5 ppl extremely deep. I personally like jamming over the top of the 3 bet pricing out nutflush draws and overpairs and gambling HU vs probably top set and middle set and possibly botom set hero'ing. Thoughts on these thoughts?
12-10-2012 , 09:19 PM
the fact is we did call now were facing this decision. Another question, What do we think the nut flush draw does here if we jam or imply its getting in on the flop with a jam or large reraise? if he's A. The initial re-raiser or B. the 3 better?
12-11-2012 , 04:10 AM
12-11-2012 , 06:08 AM
Originally Posted by snowmen8883
If we flat the 1300 here what does that imply to our opponents? not to derail but theres no real discussion with the answers of fold pre or fold the flop so can we map a hand like this out with options? If we flat the 1300 were commiting ourselves to get it in if the initial reraiser jams and theres a call we can assume we have 6 clean outs and were going to play a big one. We can jam and get called by 88 and 55 and probably get 8-5 overpairs and non-nut flush draws to fold out? We can raise large and get it in to any jam, Opening into 5 ppl on this board this deep with people limp calling in my opinion and then coming back with a 3bet has to look insanely strong to our opponents probably narrowing our range to 88-55-67hh. Lets not forget that we are leading into 5 ppl extremely deep. I personally like jamming over the top of the 3 bet pricing out nutflush draws and overpairs and gambling HU vs probably top set and middle set and possibly botom set hero'ing. Thoughts on these thoughts?
Jamming is def attractive if pfr ever folds after cold 3betting.
12-14-2012 , 04:08 AM
I jammed hoping for some FE, ran it twice vs top set and chopped it up.
12-27-2012 , 12:09 PM
1) If SB is on a flush draw AK (or similar), he will fold to a shove.
2) If SB has a straight draw (unlikely with the preflop raise) he will fold to a shove.
3) If SB has a set (unlikely with the preflop raise) both your straight and flush draw are good.
4) SB might have AA, KK, QQ but his preflop raise is on the smaller side for a hand like that. Having said that his flop action could well be an over pair.
5) SB can have A5. This kills the most outs. SB would never do the preflop raise with that hand though.
6) What flop are you looking for preflop if you cant shove here?

I think AA, KK or QQ are the most likely hands here.
I'd say shove.
12-28-2012 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by kk405
Folding pre for $65 is LOL... Fold the flop. Doubt SB would play NFD this way...but very likely a set... Folding is not the worst play.
This doesn't make sense. If you're calling pre with 76s than why fold the best possible flop you can get for 76s , especially given you have a chance to 3x your stack here.

What were you hoping for when you call with 76s oop?

Second, I doubt 76s is a profitable hand to play OOP this deep. Not sure if someone has a way to run the numbers on this...but I doubt it's a long term profitable call Pre from the BB.

For that reason, I'd fold pre. I would call if we were in pos obv.

As played, there is a very high % chance you are up against a set and you're just not in that great of shape to get the money in imo.

You maybe at best 40% to win a huge pot, or lose 5k. I think you can find better spots.

I guess it just depends on how much variance you like...if you don't care and are over rolled, I suppose jamming here would be fine, especially if one of these players has a over pair/NFD, b/c they're snap folding.

but overall, I like folding pre. And folding flop. Calling flop is the worst play imo.
12-28-2012 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by Leeson
6) What flop are you looking for preflop if you cant shove here?
Originally Posted by Pro Playa
This doesn't make sense. If you're calling pre with 76s than why fold the best possible flop you can get for 76s , especially given you have a chance to 3x your stack here.

What were you hoping for when you call with 76s oop?
You guys realize we can flop better then 8 high with our hand right?
12-28-2012 , 11:36 PM
call pre is standard

fold flop is standard given the action, unless the player reraising to 1300 is a huge ****ing spewtard

but well you ran it twice and chopped it up so I guess if we're being result oriented you made the right play
12-31-2012 , 08:47 AM
question, in regards to SB's range, what is an optimal 4ball range for him on the flop here? how bad is it for him to take this line with QQ?
01-01-2013 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by Inyaface
You guys realize we can flop better then 8 high with our hand right?
i think their just optimistic loll

fwiw i like a fold otf, your up against a pretty strong range and
3better *if solid as you mentioned will unlikely have an OP here*
01-01-2013 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by look at me now
question, in regards to SB's range, what is an optimal 4ball range for him on the flop here? how bad is it for him to take this line with QQ?
its an atrocious play with an OP.
your never getting better to fold and worse to call.
