Originally Posted by DOG IS HEAD
oh my god, anonymous tables would be ****ing amazing
would be a whole new era of heads up poker for real
I think it would be awesome and fun, but do you really think it will have this big of an effect? My best guess is that the rabbithunters will refuse to play these tables out of blind fear of actually. playing. someone. decent. so the only people waiting at those tables will be the tough regs, and there will still be dozens of people waiting at empties on the non-anonymous tables.
I think if they are being introduced, they should be at a new limit. So say, 15/30 or 20/40 NL is ALL anonymous. This would entice the rabbithunters to sit at those limits, lest they give up the chance of snaring a fish who wishes to play 15/30 or 20/40
and this might be better, they could severely cap the number of 25/50 non-anoymous HU tables, and have unlimited anon tables (with something in place to stop someone waiting at 100 of those incognito), so that only those who are actually willing to play get the non-anon ones, and the others are actually forced to play tough opponents now and then.
Just a thought.