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04-13-2010 , 09:01 AM
Whilst we're quoting Good Will Hunting this seems apt:

"Sooner or later you're gonna realize you dropped 150 grand on a f***in' education you could have got for a dollar fifty in late charges at the public library!"

But srsly, if you want to expand your mind and find out new things you don't have to go to school, the structure of lectures and essay deadlines would likely bore you and having little motivation to complete would make it very difficult.

There is a never ending wealth of information you can full your mind with and unless getting the accreditation of the degree itself is important, you don't need school to get it.

Start here: and watch the best lecturers in the world from Harvard, Yale, MIT etc talk about morality, quantum mechanics, game theory or whatever looks interesting to you and become enlightened.

If you become enthralled with a particular aspect to the extent that you're looking at the midterms and sitting them yourself then maybe find a good school and do it (I dare say your story may mean you can go to America and do Harvard etc providing you show a high level of enthusiasm but I'm not 100% on that).
04-13-2010 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by jungleman
school requires much more discipline than poker, at least in terms of work ethic (not so much emotionally)

also, go out and get a PARTYBUS. PARTYBUS=WIN
what school do/did you go to? studying?

04-13-2010 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by Deldar182
I am Australian- but thanks for the advice.

I'm also not sure if I exaggerated the depression issue or not. I AM unhappy mainly because of my recent results in poker, and a bit generally speaking, but for the most part, am contented with how I live. Not to say this can't be improved upon, but I'm not on the verge of suicide or anything lol

Having a bit of trouble describing where I'm at mentally as you guys can see
Buy a 4 wheel drive and circum navigate OZ either by yourself or a mate/gf. If you are single you can also advertise at back packer places to get company for any leg of the trip - with the side advantage of choosing just the euro-chicks.

prolly take you 9 months and 40k upfront and living expenses - which by the sound of it is well within your range.

just a thought
04-13-2010 , 10:20 AM
If you wanted to gain a more US style feel of university, you could get a place at ANU in Canberra, and stay in one of the collages. I have mates that really enjoy that as apposed to the usual style of australian unis.
04-13-2010 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by Ansky
Yeah I don't really see why you need poker, I'd pack all my stuff into a backpack and go wandering around the world if I were you.
just because I'm in a giving mood today deldy.

Most college experiences are that great if you are there to do something other than hangout, have fun and meet girls. You basically need to go to a very good school if you want to expand your mind. But deldar, you are rich! congrats sick brag. What you should do is start the deldar university of deldary. Pick some subject(s) you want to learn about, then schedule meetings with the foremost experts in those fields, travel the world to meet/hangout with him. Either pay them for their time or maybe just offer to take them out to lunch at a restaurant of their choosing and just pick their brain for knowledge. I would do this for at least half a year as you have no idea what you are interested in doing, the foremost experts in the field of your interest will be way better at answering these questions of life than the internet poker community. Also its way more fun then going to school but normally class is gay!

gl broski


ps I should point out that a lot of the people in academia get paid ****, so it really wouldn't cost that much.
04-13-2010 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by fees
ps I should point out that a lot of the people in academia get paid ****, so it really wouldn't cost that much.
I would just like to point out that most people in academia aren't really motivated by money. Your much more likely to get some of their valuable time by showing enthusiasm by asking probing, intelligent questions.
04-13-2010 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by AntiMatter
I would just like to point out that most people in academia aren't really motivated by money. Your much more likely to get some of their valuable time by showing enthusiasm by asking probing, intelligent questions.
yeah sorry I forgot to add this, though it was kind of implied, you should be genuinly interested in what they have to chat about and probably should have an idea as a driving force for your meeting (a business, paper, article, project, whatever)
04-13-2010 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by zander24
If you wanted to gain a more US style feel of university, you could get a place at ANU in Canberra, and stay in one of the collages. I have mates that really enjoy that as apposed to the usual style of australian unis.
lol Canberra

IDK, I'm personally trying to get a business going since I don't like poker and nl is hard, but I never made 500k+/year either

you're young and rich and white and Australian and male and healthy, and I played you @ Crown 10/20 a while ago, you're like a millionaire and I'm still pretty much here, like cool story brah
04-13-2010 , 11:50 AM
Why do rich people cry about money. Kinda makes me sick + you said your getting a Large inheritance that will have you set for life? Wow.... Please I thnk you need a life, that's what it comes down to. Invest your money, start a business with a friend, start a family and stop crying if that doesn't help go to a hospitol. Grow up

just a realty check because TONS of people had it WAY worse then you do
04-13-2010 , 11:51 AM
What do i know?i have never met ye before.I think this could be a question of finding some balance in your life.You will never be fulfilled with online poker.What sort of legacy will you create playing internet poker?Will you create anything?
My advice mate.Get a trade.Start a business.Employ people.Get married and raise a family.Live a good life.contribute to your community.Help people.This is the road to fulfillment.i think.
04-13-2010 , 12:02 PM
deldar, can you imagine eating a sandwich without tomatoes?
04-13-2010 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by Zeestein
lol Canberra

Just trying to trick him into a less fulfilling place to live imo!
04-13-2010 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by AGx19
deldar, can you imagine eating a sandwich without tomatoes?
fruit doesnt belong in a sandwich.
04-13-2010 , 12:24 PM
I think you first have to understand why you are unhappy to make a change accordingly. People may tell you to go to university or to travel the world but until you really know the route of your problems these are just diversions that may last a few weeks/months/years but once you return to the life you are living now, which will eventually happen the fullfilment will still not be there.

My advice would be, Turn off your computer and have no interaction with anything to do with poker for a week. Spend time with your family, take regular walks and keep out of the house (dont waste time sitting on the sofa thinking about the predicament you are in), really appreciate the life you have been given to lead at such a young age and worth so much money, to a mere 17 year old mortal like me you are living the dream!

If after this week you find you are more happy then maybe cutting down on the poker side of things and investing in other opportunities maybe be something you might enjoy.

You have been given such an opportunity at such a young age. However this opportunity in itself may be the cause of your unfullfilment and current unhappiness. You have reached a point in your life that most people dont reach until there mid 40's if ever. Most people around this sort of age experiance a middle age crisis, especially men who have achieved what they set out to do in life and see nowhere to go. Your probably experiancing something in the same sort of category but just at a much younger age.

Its something i, and everyone else on this site can give you advice to help with but you will eventually find your true identity and meaning in this life like everyone does and nothing we say will truly help.

Whatever the future holds for you i wish you much luck.
04-13-2010 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by galen
quit poker for sure

Its almost impossible to make as much as you were making about ayear ago, in the current state of the games. It is even more frustrating and the fullfillment you get will be less and less.
Bull****. Deldar is really ****ing good and hasn't been playing that long or trying that hard. There are plenty of good reasons to quit poker, but it not being possible to make enough money at it is not one of them.
04-13-2010 , 12:40 PM
hey deldar,

join ASIO and maybe one day you'll know what it is to kill a man
04-13-2010 , 01:19 PM
I'm sad to report that money isn't everything, the pursuit of money is actually far for fulfilling than the money itself
04-13-2010 , 01:42 PM
too long/way too hungover to read
04-13-2010 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by fees
I'm sad to report that money isn't everything, the pursuit of money is actually far for fulfilling than the money itself
this is probably only true if you actually get rich, though
04-13-2010 , 01:46 PM
definatly give up poker for a while at least, and if it starts to excite you again, then go back to it.

I think the most important thing is to get ur ass off ur computer and just talk to people.
I can not stress this enough!!
ring up an old mate or a friend and organise to go to lunch with them, you would be supprised at how much happiness and satisfaction you'd get out of this

also get active, go for a run a few times a week. or invest in a bike and do some cycling. go to the gym. it will be hard and exhausting at first but you will feel much better about youself in a short period of time. Again you will be suprised at how much better you feel and how positive your thinking becomes.

and definatley go back to school, but dont just do some generic course, find sometihng that really interests you, just like scrabble and poker did.

and lastly think about the average australian whos your age, he is at uni getting Credits and Passes working part time at the local IGA or stuck in some dead end vac program. or they are learning a trade making 10$ an hour. You do not really have much to be depressed about..
04-13-2010 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by pattye111
You do not really have much to be depressed about..
This kind of thing really tilts me. Depression and how you feel is entirely relative and it is no-one's prerogative to say you should or should not feel one way or the other. Behavior as a result of the depression is something one justifiably can pass comment on and is completely different, but providing you are being decent about it and actively seeking a resolution you are no more or less 'entitled' to feel depressed than anyone else.
04-13-2010 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by sjp507
This kind of thing really tilts me. Depression and how you feel is entirely relative and it is no-one's prerogative to say you should or should not feel one way or the other. Behavior as a result of the depression is something one justifiably can pass comment on and is completely different, but providing you are being decent about it and actively seeking a resolution you are no more or less 'entitled' to feel depressed than anyone else.
This always tilts my face off too.
04-13-2010 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by sjp507
This kind of thing really tilts me. Depression and how you feel is entirely relative and it is no-one's prerogative to say you should or should not feel one way or the other. Behavior as a result of the depression is something one justifiably can pass comment on and is completely different, but providing you are being decent about it and actively seeking a resolution you are no more or less 'entitled' to feel depressed than anyone else.
well said man, and I'm glad someone did.
04-13-2010 , 02:23 PM
I can't give better advice what to do with your life other than already posted I think.
but if your state of mind/how you feel is THAT attached to your poker-results and losing makes you depressed to a dangerous extend plus you have more money than you need, then I really see no sense in playing any more poker.

I guess the only thing that got you going was competition anyway, now thats gone and you want to find a new source that gets you back to the grind.. You already know that there probably isn't one, so yeah just travel or do what you want most.
04-13-2010 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by sjp507
This kind of thing really tilts me. Depression and how you feel is entirely relative and it is no-one's prerogative to say you should or should not feel one way or the other. Behavior as a result of the depression is something one justifiably can pass comment on and is completely different, but providing you are being decent about it and actively seeking a resolution you are no more or less 'entitled' to feel depressed than anyone else.
Haha I've probably typed something out like this to post 3 or 4 times in threads like this then just decided not to post. Totally agree with this.
