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ATTN: /0 NLHE & PLO to be Zoom-Only as of January 1st, 2014 ATTN: /0 NLHE & PLO to be Zoom-Only as of January 1st, 2014

12-21-2013 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by revlis87
TwoShae -

You're on about level 1.5/10 here. You may be a god amongst men at poker, but you simply don't know what the hell you're talking about and reflect a complete lack of understanding of what is and isn't technologically possible.

You simply have been making comments about the seating software I pioneered and continue to develop for years now that had and has absolutely zero basis in reality or understanding. I'm comfortable saying I have a very, very good idea of what can and cannot be done as far as detecting seating software, and I would say that I'd be fully comfortable playing on Stars even if they were "banned" or something - from the perspective of, Stars isn't going to "catch" me and I won't be "reported" - not from the ethical perspective of whether or not it is/isn't right. I can't speak for all the home-grown crap people use. I bet you could eliminate a lot of that, which would be a net positive I guess for me personally.

I'd honestly suggest that as we all grow up a bit over the years, you might consider the idea that you don't always know everything about everything in poker. In your case, it especially sucks because just yesterday someone I was speaking with spoke highly of your personality and intellect -- just not when you're not talking about poker (re: your personality).

If you didn't take the lead in trying to build a "script" with some guys while publicly disparaging them, then actually have the audacity to petition to ban "scripts," then leave the petition and in the same thread announce you and your "best players in the world" friends (or something like that) were going to build a script and have the last laugh, you would be a bit more credible.

Isn't it a bit ironic? I mean don't you get that a huge number of HSNL and HSPLO players want to work with us and don't really care about anything besides making a living like most normal people. And the people that don't know about this stuff were complaining 2+ years ago and are still complaining - but now offering their expert advice/solutions, like a losing poker player offering free coaching. And the few people that were making things and working hard and actually figuring these things out are still the ones who know a whole lot more about the issue to this day?

I'm honestly curious why you believe yourself to be even remotely credible here as far as your knowledge of seating software goes.
You sound like a horrible person.
12-21-2013 , 07:52 PM
He is a known scumbag. Id take twoshaes word and opinion over revils any day of the week. go make some more scripts you bumhunting @@##@
12-21-2013 , 09:02 PM
confirmed. scumbag/terrible person etc.
12-22-2013 , 12:07 AM
You're a -7 out of 10 if you think you're not going to get reported if you play as sublime8700 and use seating software. I'm not making any claims about technology here. Also, it was < 1 year ago when I first complained about the script-- get your facts right if you're going to post such a wall of know-it-all condescending bull**** furthering your own agenda.

Last edited by Two SHAE; 12-22-2013 at 12:19 AM.
12-22-2013 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by revlis87
confirmed. scumbag/terrible person etc.
Don't forget greedy....
12-22-2013 , 01:36 AM
Greedy is definitely true too. I'm LOTS of bad things to LOTS of bad people.

TwoShae - At the very least, and this isn't among the things I know that you don't about the technical side to this since I live in scum-land married to my "script" but it would seem that someone as scummy as me would start to multi-account to avoid someone like you who would report me, no? Solve one problem, do more to motivate people to behave badly in another way?

And again, to what end? The money should come out of PS budget so you and your friends who aren't even remotely good for a poker site's business are happy? I'll say it again: you should really learn more about the industry if you believe PS wants to keep you happy. You're too smart to believe that. Or are you really going to go with the claim that it improves the games or something?

I'd say the single things recs want is to not lose so quickly. That would improve the games. It would help if you used HEM, CREV, and whatever else a whole lot less quickly. That would even things out a little and you'd win -- just not as quickly. So it would be better overall for the precious poker ecology you care so very much about.

But since you know how to use all those things, you don't have a problem with them I assume. Have I missed your participation in any "ban CREV" threads - or any petitions to ban it?
12-22-2013 , 01:39 AM
"Please, Stars, listen to the players who have logged the most mileage (or at least some, in my case) in these games like Lottenice and forhayley."

You may be really, really good at math, but you fail common sense in my humble, scummy, extremely limited and distorted view of the world.
12-22-2013 , 03:30 AM
At the end of the day I know Stars is a business-- I can only hope there will be less action if this goes through and they change it back. But in the mean time, in a feedback thread, I don't see what's wrong with 1) giving your opinion and 2) explaining why you hold that opinion. You can do the same. But instead you just insult people and brag about your "script"

Obviously overall experience is very important here as well. I personally, like a lot of others have voiced, hate zoom. Poker is a lot more fun when there are table dynamics throughout the session.

Last edited by Two SHAE; 12-22-2013 at 03:43 AM.
12-22-2013 , 05:10 AM
You're entitled to your opinion on any issue. But facts matter, and when you are categorically uninformed about something your opinion matters less. Less still (to the point of irrelevancy) when that opinion is completely based on no understanding of the issue at hand and a wrong conclusion (yes, what you said about banning scripts or whatever your idea was being easy or even possible is simply categorically and technically wrong and it's not close). This is why sometimes people care more about what a great player like Sauce thinks about a hand than random $25 NL player they don't know. Some people can say things from a point of far better understanding than others on issues. I bet there are more issues in the world you can offer a more informed opinion about than me -- but this isn't one of them

Also, it bears repeating: your opinion matters even less when the company you're offering advice to wants no part of your business or expertise in the end. None. Sorry to tell you. But at least we're in the same boat there. They don't want my business either, I'm sure.

So offer your opinion all you want. You're allowed to. It's just not something any decision maker or rational observer will take seriously or care about. If you still feel strongly enough about such a terrible injustice you're enduring, by all means go ahead and express away. I'd say you can find bigger injustices in the world than someone out-thinking and out-executing you to protest and spend your energy on.

I'm also not bragging about my "script" -- you still haven't learned what a script is I guess - perhaps the programmer you hired to build you one back then didn't tell you about that. I'm sure you were forced into it and all, but... yeah.... Perhaps he was a script kiddie himself Anyway, I don't see much bragging - mostly just telling you that your opinion on a $50-$100 NLHE hand is worth a lot - your opinion on things in this area is close to worthless besides re-iterating that zoom is no fun because you have played it and don't like it. Not a knock on you - just the truth - almost nobody knows what they're talking about when discussing seating software or any number of other issues, and it's amusing I suppose that people still have no problem expressing a view/advice on just about anything.

As for our development, I think it's nice to have accomplished what we have, to have put in the work we have, and to do it every day for 2 years and get a nice result. No doubt we will do well in the future - I personally guarantee you that I can tell you right now every day isn't easy if it's any consolation, especially adding in a baby to the mix. Having a baby is more of a brag I think. I'd say a fair assessment is I was in the tight place/right team/right time/good idea/followed through = I got lucky. I'd rather be lucky than good any day.

Given the work we've put in and the people/experience involved it shouldn't surprise you that we have something you and a few others find so threatening that you've either spent a year trying to get banned and continue to do so.

I might offer an opinion of my own if you'd allow me... sometimes it's better to work with smart people than against them. If you actually thought about it, you'd realize what a lot of people have realized.

1) We're actually good guys in terms of character (and yes, that matters) even if it's not convenient for you to admit it. We are honorable and trustworthy to a fault, and the type of people that are competitive and capable enough that you want us on your side. You may not like what you think we've built and may perceive it as a net negative to your bottom line. But at least now the majority of people are reasonable enough to disagree without name-calling, and mature enough to see there's not logical reason to attempt to ban something when it's the behavior that is the problem, it won't come even remotely close to working, and it will cause more abuse (as you suggested multi-accounting would probably happen as a random consequence of a ban though I hadn't even though of that one yet).

Or people are reasonable enough to change their mind/adapt to changing times. I'd like to think I'm moving forward in my life and with our project and not trying to live in the past generally.

2) The rational decision is to try to work with people like us, not against us (in life). Having hired a lot of people in the past, I can tell you that someone as smart as you will find few people to work at your standards or intellect. Hell, I probably can't in a lot of ways. In your own case, TwoShae, that's probably not going to happen of course. But that's the rational thing you were probably considering when you were talking about using our services months ago and being a general douche to me on Skype for no reason / completely unsolicited.

More people over time have done (2) than (1) but keep at it I suppose - you're entitled, of course.

Random (related) Tip: Everyone should watch the movie "Floored" - you'll learn a thing or two. Should be on Netflix.
12-22-2013 , 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by crabbyface
He is a known scumbag. Id take twoshaes word and opinion over revils any day of the week. go make some more scripts you bumhunting @@##@
Don't confuse how you feel about someone with whether or not they know what they are talking about.
12-22-2013 , 06:16 AM
You win. Your non-script is a true accomplishment and merits praise.
12-22-2013 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by DoubleD
It can run with 4 players although I think if everyone has the 3 handed box checked it might be able to run with 3.

How did you join the 2/5 zoom second? That runs 24/7 and I think the fewest entries I've ever seen is about 50 during the very dead hours.
i am talking about plo not nl
12-22-2013 , 08:02 AM
Originally Posted by revlis87
Since you think you know how to hypothetically cheat a HUD ban but not a script ban, I'm here to tell you that I know a bit more than you about this and both are trivially easy to cheat. That's a fact. There is absolutely no question in my mind on exactly how to do it. Just because you don't know doesn't mean it's not possible. And that's what Stars knows, and why they haven't invested financial or human resources trying to do something that punishes the people that play by the rules while rewarding the ones that don't, costs them money, and does not a whole lot for them except satisfy people like you who have been whining for years now. Remember, you and people complaining are not a big part of Stars' business going forward. Don't expect to be treated as if you are. If you don't see that, or know that, get used to it. It's something you'll have to come to terms with sooner or later. Poker owes you, me and everyone else nothing. And Stars owes you, me and everyone else nothing.

If you want to understand what Stars is doing/why they're doing it you should know who is running the show. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that's where Stars is headed.

I am curious what the purpose of the thread is. I sort of thought it was "well this is unfair so we're doing this" -- so I pointed out that MANY things, including HUDS, are VERY unfair to recreational players and people do/use/employ these tools to their advantage since they know how to - and there's no outcry on those matters because most of the whiners are the ones doing those things. I am amongst these people -- but at least I can admit it's not fair and I benefit from it.

I always find the annual ban script threads fun because it brings out the blatant hypocrisy in people. I thoroughly enjoyed the numerous applications I've received from people who called me "scum" "cheater" and any number of other things less than 18 months ago. Right and wrong change in a year I suppose, right?

If the goal isn't fairness, but rather overall experience, then I would say fine. That makes sense. But then I'd say the overall experience of getting crushed by someone using a HUD and anything else under the sun isn't too fun either. But nobody wants to talk about that when you're doing the crushing. Which is why there are 0 threads/posts about that from the King Whiner except a throw-away "I'd consider banning HUDs" -- as if it was your decision to make.

And as everyone has pointed out, the overall experience of playing zoom sucks for most of us. Or else we'd be doing it already. So at least I can agree with you there.
its also not fair that i know more about poker than most other people. thats also an unfair advantage. i dont see why huds should be banned as its super easy to use and everyone can buy it and implemet it easiely
12-22-2013 , 08:22 AM
My last post was not sarcastic fwiw
12-22-2013 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by praios
its also not fair that i know more about poker than most other people. thats also an unfair advantage. i dont see why huds should be banned as its super easy to use and everyone can buy it and implemet it easiely
Most seating software possesses these qualities for the user as well.
12-22-2013 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by isunkurbttlship
Most seating software possesses these qualities for the user as well.
dont think so you can not get the seating scripts that easy. i am myself never used one and i also dont know where to get it. and seating scripts are another story...
12-22-2013 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by lvanhoe
You sound like a horrible person.
Lol you can talk
12-22-2013 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by praios
dont think so you can not get the seating scripts that easy. i am myself never used one and i also dont know where to get it. and seating scripts are another story...
Just because you don't know where to get one doesn't mean they are hard to get (you likely never tried very hard). A quick Google search found me results, and at least 2 are advertised in the Software section of 2+2.
12-22-2013 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by DoubleD
Don't confuse how you feel about someone with whether or not they know what they are talking about.
<3 Some Reality
12-22-2013 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by Two SHAE
My last post was not sarcastic fwiw
Thanks. I appreciate it man.
12-22-2013 , 05:13 PM
The arguments have all basically been taken apart re: seating "scripts." Even the most virulent and loud opponents of them have either publicly or privately admitted they were wrong in the things they said personally about me, or about the ethics etc. of seating software. Several of the worst offenders have become good clients of ours which is ironic but cool for us beyond just making money. Turns out they're actually pretty cool people as well who just had a difference of opinion on one thing.

In the end, life goes on. Technology moves on. We all hate zoom. Not sure there's much else to say. Fighting technology is a losing battle. If you think otherwise, I guess you'll just have to learn the hard way.
12-22-2013 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by jakedamus
Lol you can talk
You're the one that tried stealing a rec from me on 2 ****ing 4 headsup. One to talk mate.
12-22-2013 , 07:49 PM
the problem for poker in general nowadays is that the edge of the top players to mediocre ones is maybe 1bigblind/100 in a 6 max game while a real fish is donating 10-30bigblinds/100 for each player, combine that with 5 bigblinds/100 rake per player at lower stakes and you can see why people try to bumhunt.
still 2/3 of omaha tables are probably unprofitable for any player at lower limits.

the games at higher limits are often better as rake is lower in bb and professional players shy away from gambling big sums without an edge.
12-22-2013 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by lvanhoe
You're the one that tried stealing a rec from me on 2 ****ing 4 headsup. One to talk mate.
Lol good one u dirty hoe, don't derail the thread, forced play coming soon mate hope u got a backup plan
12-22-2013 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by lvanhoe
You're the one that tried stealing a rec from me on 2 ****ing 4 headsup. One to talk mate.
Who are you on ps?
