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3bet pot, ck flop, ck turn, 4-bet river bluff-shove v. Andrew Roble? (100/200) 3bet pot, ck flop, ck turn, 4-bet river bluff-shove v. Andrew Roble? (100/200)

06-15-2009 , 03:01 PM
seems like you both rep total air so i don't think a shove is that good b/c IMO (take for what its worth, highest I've played is 25/50, but I am winning player) its a zero play. You are actually good a pretty decent percent of the time, since Andrew is very good and aggressive, he is well aware that you rep nothing here and could definitely make this play as a bluff. I like your raise for value and I think its pretty good to call his river 3-bet, but what are you expecting to be called by/fold out with the shove. You definitely cannot rep the nuts since it would be a pretty decent leak not to bet KQ on the turn, especially against this opponent and what else can you really have? Now what does Andrew have? Since his 3 bet range is very wide he can have almost ATC preflop, but the flop significantly narrows his range. It seems that with his image he would bet both his monsters and his total airballs, so we can rule out those types of hands with pretty decent certainty. This narrows his range down to draws (probably non-nut draws since consensus seems that he would also bet KQ on this flop, although I am not sure) and hands with marginal showdown value. I think Andrew is very capable of having low suited connectors here so depending on what the river was (2 or 3??) he could have made a small two pair where he was willing to check down one pair given its showdown value, but lack of value against any hands you would simply call with. Now if he does have a hand like this and with your hand appearing to be nothing, he would certainly 3-bet river for value, but I also expect him to snap with this type of hand if he does so making a shove bad. Other hands that I think he could possibly have are the draws 98 and 87. 87 gets there while 98 makes a pair that you can obviously beat, but with 98 he probably calls your river raise instead of 3bet and 87 again he will snap when you shove. To me his range is limited to hands that have become strong on the turn/river and total air so i like raise/call better than a shove. Again take it FWIW, just trying to help if I can.
06-15-2009 , 07:05 PM
i mean im prob gonna be called a nit by aejones when i say it, but if i was in andrews shoes, id be much more inclined to think u were playing KQ or whatever weirdly than to give u credit for bluffshoving this deep.
06-16-2009 , 12:39 AM
If you're looking for a range of hands that good2 can call your shove with on this river, it would probably have been better to post this hand from his point of view and give him a bluffcatcher like 87. I do think you would have gotten some very mixed responses.
06-17-2009 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by Equal
Chance of hand getting posted if hero got stacked: 0.00%
i never play at this level. but 100% right.
05-27-2010 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by fds
fwiw, I thought the 13K raise was for value.

jlocdog, I understand what you mean about the flop and turn bet in that they would obviously justify this river line far, far more. But this river line is also based on the fact that he checked both streets as well.
what? I don't see how.
05-27-2010 , 06:20 PM
^^^ Yeah I don't know what I was thinking there. The initial raise was beyond terrible and only possibly gets him off a T, possibly. I cannot defend that raise or the reasoning behind it, and a lot of what I wrote above trying to defend it is just embarassing. That said, I completely stand behind my reasoning behind the shove, which is basically that his line is so fos and includes mostly air + he doesn't think I can shove that much money on a bluff = shove. He says he folded a straight:

Last edited by fds; 05-27-2010 at 06:35 PM. Reason: added link
05-28-2010 , 08:37 PM
change your name to fps.

interesting hand nontheless
05-29-2010 , 08:28 AM
i really don't get why you wouldn't bet the flop here
06-01-2010 , 12:59 AM
Havent really read other than the OP' original post (so sorry if there are more info's later on) - but I don't like it at all. I don't see why you are turning your hand into a bluff at this point in this hand? You are not very convincing - and I don't see him folding alot of hands that he's reraising to 30k here. Both of you are repping thinly, but yet he can show up with like 99, 87(given his flop check, and obvious c/r plan on the turn) far more often than you can. What are you trying to rep? You'll NEVER ever check back turn w KQ, and I'm not sure you'll even check back KQ on the flop? Honestly, the only thing that speaks for him to be folding any value raising hands, is the fact that you mentioned your tanking with KK, and now being this deep - but nevertheless I hate this play.

Fold > Call > Raise

PS. Kudos for making a play that sick though. Gotta be a pretty long wait, till he called/folded, playing this much over normal stakes?
06-03-2010 , 11:32 AM
This was for 1/4 of your roll? that is really sick
06-04-2010 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by sh58
i really don't get why you wouldn't bet the flop here
Because he was in fact playing scared/taking a shot. He just happened to spaz on river.
06-04-2010 , 11:25 PM
wow, im prob calling riv bet, uhh or folding to riv 3bet, sick shove
06-05-2010 , 04:31 AM
taking shot, up over 60k, 500bb 4 bet raise RIVER bluff for all the op's doh against opponent who covers, if anything in the hand doesnt make sense, it sure the hell is this. Put the crackpipe down, it makes you think you were bluffing with kq
07-05-2010 , 04:46 AM
Thinly veiled brag... Too thin
07-05-2010 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by bugman68
taking shot, up over 60k, 500bb 4 bet raise RIVER bluff for all the op's doh against opponent who covers, if anything in the hand doesnt make sense, it sure the hell is this. Put the crackpipe down, it makes you think you were bluffing with kq

cmon man. this hand is too fishy for it to be true.
07-05-2010 , 08:41 PM
you had kq suited its soo obv.
07-08-2010 , 10:18 AM
This hand is from 2 yrs ago ******s... go back to NVG
07-15-2010 , 02:22 AM
I would have never thought that Robl would fold 87 there, and i was thinking to myself 'yeh right 87 pffft'. The fact that he did actually have 87 is kinda mindblowing to me.
07-20-2010 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by AGame18
You're river raise is a bluff, not a value raise. If he's betting the river with a worse hand than yours, he's doing it as a bluff himself, and once you raise, he won't be able to call just as he wouldn't have been able to check/call. So, your raise (if not to bluff) only serves the purpose of making it look like a bluff and trying to induce a reraise which happened coincidentally, and in that case his range will be very polarized to monsters/air.

Basically, I think your river raise sucks mightily unless you have reason to believe he'd play a ten like this and then fold the river, but then you would be bluffing. Thinking you have the best hand on the river a lot is not reason enough to raise.

Once he does reraise to 30k I once again think it is a call/fold situation. You beat all of his air and none of his sets/straights. Yea his line doesn't look like KQ, but neither does yours and he can hand read well I'm sure. In fact, I think he shows up with the nuts more often here (albeit very rarely) than you (who never has it because you're always betting at least the turn.
perfectly put: his chances of having the nuts here are always greater than yours because you never ever ever check back this turn with a straight(who the fk would?). This being said it is possible you got him off T9 (although trying to get him of it with your line is silly). But I just think in his case 78 is the same hand as a pair of tens here because your never shuving worst than a sr8 for value(are you?). Ergo this can widen his calling range dramatically to your shove. I strongly dislike the shove.

how the fk did he have 78 fsd you are a bad man.

Last edited by bezzer11; 07-20-2010 at 03:27 AM.
