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2012 Super Bowl Squares!!! 2012 Super Bowl Squares!!!

02-04-2012 , 08:07 PM
wtf someone vouch for me
02-04-2012 , 08:11 PM
i will not vouch for jcmoussa
02-04-2012 , 08:54 PM
confirmed received 4k from zam
1k from matt20
1k from stevie,
2k from GodlikeRoy and KingDan
02-04-2012 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by ahh_snap
confirmed received 4k from zam
1k from matt20
1k from stevie (this is for airic1400)
2k from GodlikeRoy and KingDan
just for clarity
02-04-2012 , 09:36 PM
snap im leaving the country the 12th, is it cool if I send then?
02-04-2012 , 09:58 PM
Looking forward to it. Is Admo or someone handling the square distribution thing?
02-05-2012 , 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by BKiCe
can you guys identify (either in the thread or by pming me) who you are uncomfortable with not being required to escrow? i tried to unbold people who have been around long enough for there to be no issue (aejones, stinger, charder, etc) or people that i personally know and would vouch for. i agree that everyone participating should be completely comfortable with the escrow situation, so just let me know who you have issues with.
i'm not uncomfortable with any of the bolded people, for what its worth i've not ever heard anything but good things about them (besides differing opinions in poker skill obviously). I realize with most/all of them being americans it's possibly non-trivial for them to get stars money/transfer it, but I very much think that if they can they should obviously try their hardest to escrow. Just prevents possible cluster****s and it's a good thing to follow fixed MO's while gambling with a large number of people. I cant imagine any of the betters disagreeing with that.
02-05-2012 , 02:38 AM
Im.good with everything posted, I still want my squares. Bkice vouched for me, but if you guys want I can ship BOA for Stars if someone can help me since I cant access Stars.

I mentioned this earlier but I vouch for Bkice.
02-05-2012 , 02:44 AM
sent 2k to ahh_snap
02-05-2012 , 02:58 AM
2012 super bowl squares google doc

still need to hear from trambopoline, roman, foxfox1, and stinger88 on the stars side (about whether they approve of the various things discussed ITT, and in foxfox's case escrowing his $)

still need to hear from wins_pot, hu4stax, jcmoussa, boiler_bd, and bronbron006 on the boa side (who is vouching for you and whether you approve of the various things discussed ITT)

i have no clue how to do the rng thing, i hope someone can take that and run with it.

we have 2 squares left unreserved and foxfox's 1 square if he doesn't escrow before the game if anyone wants a last minute sweat.
02-05-2012 , 03:19 AM
any chance I could get the last 2 with carbon $? I'd be willing to pay a little extra
02-05-2012 , 03:21 AM
Ill take up to 4 squares. Can send stars
02-05-2012 , 03:51 AM
sorry aaron c, no carbon. try__an__hit you have the last two reserved and if foxfox1 doesn't escrow by tomorrow afternoon you'll get his square for a total of three. please send 2k to ahh_snap on stars to reserve your squares.

additionally if anyone is still looking to sell a square try__an__hit wants one more.
02-05-2012 , 03:52 AM
I'm officially calling foxfox's square unreserved. Any $ sent to me will be considered reserved in the order it is received. Right now there is at least 3 squares available. Try_An_Hit send $ to ahh_snap (Canada) and you have them reserved. Its likely there are going to be more than just those 3 available.

edit: Just saw Bkice's message. Will consider Try_An_Hit reserved for 3 squares until I wake up in the morning. Anyone who sends is in line after that.

I assume there's still a few open squares on Zima's side or is everyone accounted for?
02-05-2012 , 04:01 AM
Thanks will get that 2k seen ASAP. I "Should" be up before the start to check on the 3rd. If not can you consider it reserved for and will get SirWatts to vouch for me on paying up on the 3rd.
02-05-2012 , 04:08 AM
try__an__hit you are booked for three squares at 1k/each. please send 3k to ahh_snap, not 2k. that takes us to 100 reserved squares but i have not heard back from several people so like ahh_snap said it is very likely there will be some open squares.

try__an__hit should i put you first on the waiting list for 1 square?

still need to hear from trambopoline, roman, foxfox1, and stinger88 on the stars side (about whether they approve of the various things discussed ITT, and in foxfox's case escrowing his $)

still need to hear from wins_pot, hu4stax, jcmoussa, boiler_bd, and bronbron006 on the boa side (who is vouching for you and whether you approve of the various things discussed ITT)
02-05-2012 , 04:19 AM
Sure will send 3. Yep put me on the list for reserve. thanks
02-05-2012 , 04:23 AM
Sent. can you please confirm

Last edited by Try__An__Hit; 02-05-2012 at 04:28 AM.
02-05-2012 , 04:30 AM
Originally Posted by ahh_snap
I assume there's still a few open squares on Zima's side or is everyone accounted for?
i can still take BoA for stars.

I only did 1 transaction so far.
02-05-2012 , 06:59 AM
How do I know what squares I am
02-05-2012 , 08:13 AM
we haven't assigned them yet. i have no clue how the rng process works in terms of assigning squares, gonna try to look into that now that i have a few free min

at this point should i just spam pm everyone we haven't heard back from?

waiting to hear back:
trambopoline (4, stars)
roman (2, stars)
stinger88 (4, stars)

wins_pot (2, boa)
hu4stax (2, boa)
jcmoussa (2, boa)
boiler_bd (1, boa)
bronbron006 (2, wf)

if you see someone on here that you are willing to fully vouch for (# of squares is provided) then please post. we also need each of these people to confirm possibly receiving their winnings on stars.
02-05-2012 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by Admo
Heyo! Ready to scramble?

Copied from the HSNL pool...


1. Before generating squares we declare which team's number line is on which axis.

2. I'll send a seed list of all 100 names to all of the pool admins. Only they will know the contents of that list. This is only a seed list, not the actual list of who gets which square.
If I decide to seed alphabetically, the list I send to the admins will look like this:
We could also seed by post count, reg date, randomly, it really doesnt matter so long as nobody knows. I send the seed list to the pool admins so there is proof that I don't rig the list after the numbers are drawn.
3. I'll ask for volunteers in the thread to generate the Squares number list. To volunteer:
a. Go to the sequence generator at
b. Enter in smallest value: 1
c. Enter in largest value: 100
d. Press the "Get Sequence" button
e. Post list in the thread

We'll use the first list posted in the thread where the person posting the list:
i. is not me or a pool admin
ii. has a 2007 or earlier reg date
iii. has at least 500 posts
I only stipulate the above because it might look shady if a brand new account posts this list.
4. I'll ask for volunteers in the thread to generate the Steelers number line. To volunteer:
a. Go to the sequence generator at
b. Enter in smallest value: 0
c. Enter in largest value: 9
d. Press the "Get Sequence" button
e. Post list in the thread

We'll use the first list posted in the thread using the same criteria as above.
5. I'll ask for volunteers in the thread to generate the Cardinals number line using same method as the previous step.

6. Then I'll match up the Squares numbers list with the seed list, and we've got our squares grid.
example: if the Squares number list generated in Step 3 was:
Then I'd match those numbers up with the seed list used above:
39 AAismyFriend
81 AceCR9
63 Admo
So, AAismyFriend would have the 39th square, AceCR9 the 81st, and so on.

Adding an example Steelers numbers line from Step 4:
  • 0
  • 7
  • 9
  • 6
  • 3
  • 5
  • 4
  • 8
  • 1
  • 2
...with an example Cardinals numbers line from Step 5:
  • 5
  • 2
  • 9
  • 6
  • 7
  • 4
  • 8
  • 3
  • 0
  • 1

And we end up with:

1) the patriots will be on the horizontal axis, the giants will be on the vertical axis

2) i will be arranging a tenatitive seed list. once we have the final pool confirmed (everyone either escrowed or vouched for and ok with accepting stars $) i will pm the list to ike (figured i'd include a well-known high-integrity mod though i know he's not involved at all), ahh_snap, and ak47.


3, 4, 5) i will need 3 different participants from the pool who have a reg date of 2008 or earlier and 500+ posts, one to take care of each bullet. one randomized list of 0-99 and two randomized lists of 0-9, complete instructions are above.

so again right now we are waiting to hear back from everyone listed in the post above. if one of those people is a friend of yours please have them check the thread.
02-05-2012 , 09:02 AM
wins_pots is brandon adams so i dont think he should need vouching for. Im going to have my money sent on stars now instead of BoA and that should be done within the next hour.
02-05-2012 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by jcmoussa
wins_pots is brandon adams so i dont think he should need vouching for. Im going to have my money sent on stars now instead of BoA and that should be done within the next hour.
[insert link to brandon adams emphatically vouching for the reputation of full tilt while trying to throw pokerstars under the bus immed after black friday]

and yea there are several people on that list that don't really need vouching (stinger or you for example) but i think this will work best if everyone is vouched for in case something goes wrong. you wanna vouch for brandon's 2 squares?
02-05-2012 , 09:26 AM
i realize this is super late haven't been following this at all and dunno if this is helpful in the slightest but just wanted to say i would vouch for brandon adams if it is 100% wins_pot is brandon
i would also vouch for jc moussa, and foxfox1 (foxfox1 escrowed and ran the top chef pool, is a former student of mine, i know him IRL and he's very trustworthy).

edit: brandon you can text me to verify its you if you need me to vouch for you, but do it quick i'm about to pass out and won't be up before you guys do the draw.
