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PokerStars HU Hypers groups thread PokerStars HU Hypers groups thread

02-04-2014 , 11:11 AM
If the cartels are so good for the game and above board, then why are they so hush hush? Make them official, publish 'cartel' player lists, sit lists, and then maybe people like me will gain a bit more respect for the members.

I have the utmost respect for 147_star as a player, and for the time and effort he put into his post, but until something like that happens, and everything about them is made transparent, I, along with many others I am sure, will be against the cartels.
02-04-2014 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by pavels4444
Way to twist around some words We dont share reads! It would be just plain stupid and unfair.

When the group was forming, there were like 1000 messages a day on skype. Many people were (I guess) not completely aware of all rules. Basicaly anybody in husng was previously involved in some sort of skype study group where people were posting random HH. It was made clear to all members many times that it is not allowed in this group. People were asked to remove their post if it had something to do with reads. And now everyone gets it and it does NOT happen anymore.

You can believe whatever you want but it is not happening and strictly not allowed!
This post made me chuckle. Of course people are sharing notes. Are you really that naive that you think otherwise? And the Cartel will 100% have led to an increase in this kind of behaviour, especially among the weaker cartel regs, of which there are plenty.
02-04-2014 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by TheIc3man
If the cartels are so good for the game and above board, then why are they so hush hush? Make them official, publish 'cartel' player lists, sit lists, and then maybe people like me will gain a bit more respect for the members.

I have the utmost respect for 147_star as a player, and for the time and effort he put into his post, but until something like that happens, and everything about them is made transparent, I, along with many others I am sure, will be against the cartels.
A very big +1 to this.
Make things transparent.
Let everyone know who's in the cartel, how did they get there or at least what are the *exact* requirements for joining in/staying in (they probably differ).
This way the community will have more trust in the fact that they are good to poker economy and everyone will be able to call bs out.

With regards to "who's on the sitlist" my guess is "everyone who's not in the cartel itself". Although as per my previous posts, if a reg proves themselve worthy of a stake, member or not, they should not be in the sitlist. This doesn't necessarily mean that this reg should not be sat by whoever actually believes it is +EV to sit that reg.

02-04-2014 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by TheIc3man
If the cartels are so good for the game and above board, then why are they so hush hush? Make them official, publish 'cartel' player lists, sit lists, and then maybe people like me will gain a bit more respect for the members.

I have the utmost respect for 147_star as a player, and for the time and effort he put into his post, but until something like that happens, and everything about them is made transparent, I, along with many others I am sure, will be against the cartels.
Spot on, +1.

Maybe have posts on front page news feed every day, like the "high stakes rail" things. Details of cartel comings and goings, who battled who, votes in progress etc. I mean, this is a good thing for the game! would surely attract new players
02-04-2014 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by _dave_
Spot on, +1.

Maybe have posts on front page news feed every day, like the "high stakes rail" things. Details of cartel comings and goings, who battled who, votes in progress etc. I mean, this is a good thing for the game! would surely attract new players

Legit sick idea, +1+1
02-04-2014 , 12:44 PM
Good idea!

Also this is not aimed at blue or anyone else in the cartel but can leaders be forced out of the cartel if their results don't meet requirements? I just cant see a leader or someone who created the cartels being forced out because they are simply not cutting it at that stake.

If that is the case then this for some is simply a way to get in with a crowd of people for protection allowing them to move up stakes when really they are not ready for it.
02-04-2014 , 03:31 PM
The greed and arrogance of the cartels..somehow convince themselves that this is not a form of collusion and they can't get away with it?

I do think 147_star is respectable and that was well written. He made some good points. My personal opinion is that this was all set in to motion when PokerStars added a game format that was too formulaic and inherently solved. 25 bb play that increases every 2 mins was never going to remain competitive(too easy to teach, not a reactionary game, sucks money out of the economy way too fast).

It's somewhat irrelevant at this point as I realize PokerStars will never allow this to continue. Cartels dug their own graves, this is gonna last maximum 2 months more before a drastic change happens.
02-04-2014 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by NNNobodYYY
The greed and arrogance of the cartels..somehow convince themselves that this is not a form of collusion and they can't get away with it?

I do think 147_star is respectable and that was well written. He made some good points. My personal opinion is that this was all set in to motion when PokerStars added a game format that was too formulaic and inherently solved. 25 bb play that increases every 2 mins was never going to remain competitive(too easy to teach, not a reactionary game, sucks money out of the economy way too fast).

It's somewhat irrelevant at this point as I realize PokerStars will never allow this to continue. Cartels dug their own graves, this is gonna last maximum 2 months more before a drastic change happens.
How much action would you take on this at 1:1?
02-04-2014 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by laziale87

But the problem is: the system is scam-friendly and the 60s cartel created by bunch of 30s regs is the best evidence of it.
its true, our next goal is 100$, and then 200$. 30s regs will capture the world
02-04-2014 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Pirus82
Not being funny but as you do not play on stars why are you so actively involved in all of this?
You did read my reply to your accusatory type question earlier in this thread, right?

My business depends on the health of HUSNGs. I'm taking the side that I think is best for that and trying to improve that side so that it is more acceptable to people who are taking the other side.

Group stuff being made public is not a bad idea either. I don't think it matters all that much the way you guys are saying (the 1ks group is indisputably effective and there is nothing public about it), but there doesn't seem to be any downside to having a spreadsheet with a list of players available to anyone that asks or just an unlabeled spreadsheet.

If you want it to say cartel though, I disagree with you (see my post about how people react to that word vs the word's technical meaning, there is a clear difference between how people view the word and what it really means, due to Mexican and Colombia drug conflicts + popular drug movies).

In any case, nothing is really hidden, between this thread and the news post on, a few thousand unique users have likely already seen discussion about this topic. Think even half of them are winners? The #s at the $60s and $100s groups should give you an idea of how many potential winners are possibly viewing these threads... who are the rest of the people?

Hint: Stop acting like this forum is mostly winners, or even close to 50% winners, it's not. It's not technically possible even.
02-04-2014 , 04:39 PM
You may have a business that is aimed at HUSNG players but unless you actually play on the site day in day out for a living you really have no idea what effect this has on anyone.
You are clearly choosing the side that is best for your business. If some of your players get their own way with this cartel their ROI will increase and their profits making your product seem even more attractive to the average player who has no idea what is really going on.
02-04-2014 , 05:06 PM
Come on Pirus... If we didn't allow anyone who possibly have an ulterior motive to post here then no one would be allowed to post here. And chicagory is in a better position information wise than most people here for sure. Debate the points people make instead of attacking the people making the points.
02-04-2014 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Polarized Bear
Also...have you seen many 3,5s or 7s player stop to play HUHT, because of the 200s, 300s, 500s, 1Ks cartels?
no but I have had some discussions with a few aspiring regs at the $15 and $30 and they are quite dishearten about the creation of a cartel at the $60. I don't speak to many people. If the few I talk to feel that way, my guess is they are many more.

I agree with Mudda, they should be a distinction between the $60-$100 cartel and what's happening at high stakes.

Originally Posted by TheIc3man
If the cartels are so good for the game and above board, then why are they so hush hush? Make them official, publish 'cartel' player lists, sit lists, and then maybe people like me will gain a bit more respect for the members.

I have the utmost respect for 147_star as a player, and for the time and effort he put into his post, but until something like that happens, and everything about them is made transparent, I, along with many others I am sure, will be against the cartels.
+1 to that.

The problem of an organisation like the cartels operating outside Stars control is that it's prone to be doing things it shouldn't or at least cast doubt on their way of operating. Already we have seen that the "we don't share notes" has become "well actually we do" "but...we won't do it again"
May be the term "scam friendly" that has been used by another poster is not totally appropriate but I can't help feeling that way about cartels too. Apparently I am not the only one. I have a lot of respect for some of the players in the cartel and don't doubt they genuinely mean well, but, at the end of the day an organisation operating secretly with no clear rules and no impartial control or checks is always bound to be suspect (and often for good reason). Calling themselves "mafia" and "cartel" probably doesn't help either.
It's all good to say that some practices are not allowed but how are we supposed to believe that this is really the case and that these rules are unforced?
Casting that kind of doubt on HUSNGs, that, at least I am sure is not good for the game.

Thanks to 147_star to take the time to explain the reasoning behind the cartels, but once again this all argument works well when people in the cartel are the one deserving to be in it. There has been a discussion already about the $60s cartel. The problem is, that deciding who "deserves" is actually very subjective and inherently difficult to assess anyway.
Also some deserving people will choose not to join the cartel and this is simply not right that they should be punished for it.

I believe, as NNNobodYYY said, that Stars will have to take action at some stage. You have to be realistic. I can't believe they can let an organisation calling themselves "mafia" or "cartel" operating outside their control and harassing (too strong of a word but I couldn't find a better one) people that don't want to be a part of it. As previously mention it also damages their reputation as a fair and legit site. I am sorry but at the end of the day, when people associate to gain an advantage it's called collusion. Pure and simple. I am convinced that this wasn't people intention in the first place and that they meant well but this simply can't be allowed to go on.
02-04-2014 , 05:21 PM
good job guys, give pokerstars the last straw to make blind hu lobbies
02-04-2014 , 05:24 PM
Blind hu lobbies would be even worse than this.
02-04-2014 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by ChicagoRy
Group stuff being made public is not a bad idea either.
If you want it to say cartel though, I disagree with you.
Possibly describe it in terms of the various divisions eg $100 defenders vs $100 challengers and in terms of promotion/relegation.

People don't start playing husng to bumhunt so it has to be good for potential new players if they know there is a clear pathway to getting promoted (which there would be if provided a description of how a challenger like omaha4rollz was promoted into the "defender" group.)
02-04-2014 , 05:45 PM
Honestly, the HU CAP zoom games are really fun. (but **** the rake) Blind lobbies would be morally the same. Could be legit fun. Whatever about cartels, I'm not afraid of blind lobbies. (but maybe that's because I'm not afraid of the regs at my limit?)
02-04-2014 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by pies01
Possibly describe it in terms of the various divisions eg $100 defenders vs $100 challengers and in terms of promotion/relegation.

People don't start playing husng to bumhunt so it has to be good for potential new players if they know there is a clear pathway to getting promoted (which there would be if provided a description of how a challenger like omaha4rollz was promoted into the "defender" group.)
awesome idea +1
02-04-2014 , 06:58 PM
^^ well from what I understand it's not about being scared of blind lobbies more about them being less profitable. I'd personally be behind cartels if they were open and clear rules for moving up and moving down. Think 1k games in ev vs any cartel member should be sufficient tbh and they get kicked - how longs a piece of string? Never gonna happen though and the best bet is just to start your own group - think some of you guys should and move up as a group. Could cause serious damage like that if play at the same time. Thing is I give up because my main reason to play HUSNG was small volume and it's 1 on 1. That's somewhat changed! Given you would be crap in a cartel playing small volume and now group tactics have came into play. Interesting thread though.

Last edited by doodiewiz; 02-04-2014 at 07:04 PM.
02-04-2014 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Pirus82
You may have a business that is aimed at HUSNG players but unless you actually play on the site day in day out for a living you really have no idea what effect this has on anyone.
You are clearly choosing the side that is best for your business. If some of your players get their own way with this cartel their ROI will increase and their profits making your product seem even more attractive to the average player who has no idea what is really going on.
If I can't post on this topic as someone who has an interest in the game being bigger, then why should you be able to post in here as someone who has an interest only in their own profit (even if it's against the growth and profit of the game of HUSNG)?

AKA, you have a lot more reasons to support things that are bad for HUSNGs when it comes to group play than I do.
02-04-2014 , 08:09 PM
Genher, most of your points are completely off base. They apply even more to friends in poker, or roommates in poker than they do to organized reg groups.

MSG me if you want line by line on your post, but most of it is inconsistent, reread it and think about what exactly these groups are doing, and then think about friends in poker or roommates (or coaching, or staking, or 4 man play) and tell me you don't see even larger problems with all of the other stuff than the groups.
02-04-2014 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by pies01
Possibly describe it in terms of the various divisions eg $100 defenders vs $100 challengers and in terms of promotion/relegation.

People don't start playing husng to bumhunt so it has to be good for potential new players if they know there is a clear pathway to getting promoted (which there would be if provided a description of how a challenger like omaha4rollz was promoted into the "defender" group.)
I'm all for ideas like this that should help groups be more about having the best players in, rather than just the players that got in and are good enough to hold (which shouldn't be such a lower bar to where better players are left out or have to work unreasonably harder to get in).

So I'm definitely open to something of this nature, maybe more specific proposals can be exchanged between you/others and people involved in planning and running these groups. Just keep me posted if anything detailed is supported and I'll be happy to help in any way that I can.
02-04-2014 , 08:22 PM
And to move on to critical points towards groups.

Here's something a few people in groups have bitched about just now:

Player A: what's the go with siting people from the cartel?
Player A: ANOTHER PLAYER is sitting me ' because the waitlist is too long'
Player A: we battle at cash occasionally so I have a feeling it is something to do with that
Player B: i don't think we r suppose to
LEADER: ya were not suppose too
Player C: I thought it was fine to sit whoever you want? as long as your getting your sit list games in?
Player A: yeah I just want to know the rules, obviously I can't just let him take all my lobbies, I'll need to start sitting him if he continues to do it
LEADER: i think after 1st month or so...when nobody from sitlist is getting lobbies, at this time it may be ok....but for now i feel that is not the best way to go
LEADER: ill see what the other leaders have to say about this

A message to LEADER: You should not try to alter the fundamental rules of your groups just to try to push people away. People within groups want to play each other, and if you start to take shortcuts it's going to hurt the image and quality of your group. Next time it seems easier to do something like this, just think "If these groups end up operating too poorly, we might just get battlenet soon, and that hurts everybody." Seriously, repeat that phrase 3x before you brush your teeth every night.

People against groups should start thinking this way too. Work together, groups aren't going to get banned realistically, nor are they going to just disband. They still have an incentive to do right. It's sort of like in war if someone shoots another guy then runs into a building. The other side is probably just going to bomb that building. Innocents may be impacted. The lesson here is to not fight that war, don't run into a building with innocents (or in this case, work together, don't bicker, work to improve things, otherwise you're going to screw everyone on both sides of this issue).
02-04-2014 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by NNNobodYYY
The greed and arrogance of the cartels..somehow convince themselves that this is not a form of collusion and they can't get away with it?

I do think 147_star is respectable and that was well written. He made some good points. My personal opinion is that this was all set in to motion when PokerStars added a game format that was too formulaic and inherently solved. 25 bb play that increases every 2 mins was never going to remain competitive(too easy to teach, not a reactionary game, sucks money out of the economy way too fast).
It's somewhat irrelevant at this point as I realize PokerStars will never allow this to continue. Cartels dug their own graves, this is gonna last maximum 2 months more before a drastic change happens.
Feel like abe simpson yelling at a cloud but I've been saying this since day 1 as well. Hypers are RIDICULOUSLY -ev for heads up poker in the long run.
02-04-2014 , 08:38 PM
More competition between regs is essential in HUSNG to make sure that regs playing at a certain stake are actually deserving to play at that stake. This was something that wasn't happening naturally (at least, most regs weren't contributing), so now with cartels there is like a 'shared responsibility' to prevent weaker regs from opensitting at a certain stake. I do agree with 147_star's post, it is (potentially) very good for the game. However, the way the lower cartels (60s and 100s) are functioning at the moment is not directly serving the purpose of good regs preventing weak ones to opensit.

This is because a lot of players are more interested in creating a safe protected environment for themselves than creating a competive environment where only the strongest will survive. This is also probably one of the main reasons why cartels are so 'hush hush'. Regs in the cartel want to give the impression that outsiders have to battle hard and show what they are worth, but in reality they just want to play as many randoms as possible without too much regbattling (note, this is why queues have gotten out of hand in first place). Paradoxically, they want to discourage others to try and get in by battling by making it seem very hard to get in, which it is. Imagine how difficult it is to get 75% of votes when facing a group of 80+ players on your own. Therefore, to get in, both your skill and endurance level must be significantly higher than most people in cartel itself. So, it is a huge advantage to be included from the beginning, and I reckon many players would not have gotten in had they not been included from the start.

It is possible to get in by a voting system, and there are cartel regs that try and discourage sitlist players sitting them by saying 'I already told you I'd vote for you, why do you keep sitting me'. IMO, when sitting regs yourself, you have to be prepared to get sat without asking questions, and ideally this should not influence who you will vote on. But when exactly this voting will be is not made public, just as many other things going on in cartel. I do agree a better situation could be created by making things transparent, and this would definitely increase the attractiveness of HU hypers for many new (recreational) players.

A positive ROI over a decent sample against cartel regs should be a more important factor to getting into the cartel as opposed to your willingness to battle, also partly because not everybody is able to play high volume. Pretty much everyone in both the 60s and 100s cartel was not a 'reg battler' before the cartel. Once you are in the cartel you have to follow the rules, which means you have to battle otherwise you will just be kicked out. If I was playing a reg I would much rather play someone who 'loves to battle' than play a really good player.

Leaving strong players out and keeping weaker players in leaves the cartel vulnerable, especially the weaker part of the group. The stronger can just simply sit the weak ones (they can even work together as a group, without having to call this 'anticartel') and show a nice ROI. If these weaker ones in cartel would get sat continuously by a group of stronger outsiders, it would be no longer +EV for them to be in cartel and everybody would be better off if they'd switch places. Moreover, strong cartel regs can't be happy they have to battle strong outsiders whilst protecting less-skilled members. If the cartel is set up in an 'unfair' way (leaving strong regs out while keeping weak ones in), it is not only responsibility of cartel to change this, but even more so, it is responsibility of strong outsiders to attack weak spots. If that kind of competition takes place, eventually system will be fair. Again, I agree with 147_star that players battling cartel, even in organized groups, should not be hunted at lower stakes.
