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***** Beginner's Questions Thread ***** ***** Beginner's Questions Thread *****

03-31-2009 , 09:32 AM
Adjustment question.

Playing $23-$33 turbos. I open alot of buttons to 3BB. What adjustments do you make if villain has 3 bet 2 or 3 times early? Say we've had to fold to all of these because it's the bottom of our opening range. Do you guys introduce limping or min-raising?
03-31-2009 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by punchespilot
Adjustment question.

Playing $23-$33 turbos. I open alot of buttons to 3BB. What adjustments do you make if villain has 3 bet 2 or 3 times early? Say we've had to fold to all of these because it's the bottom of our opening range. Do you guys introduce limping or min-raising?
idk if im thinking correctly.. but im sure i will be corrected if im wrong..

if a villain 3 bets a lot Pf then i tend to actually open less often .. so when when villain 3bets us we can play a bloated pot in position with a stronger hand on average.

now my noob question... can you guys recommend any reading material on hu nash ... all i have is the chart..(i get SAGE.. but the NASH chart makes little sense.. what does 20+ or 3+ etc mean??)

03-31-2009 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by ScottRfc
If you really want to find the worst players look for the ones who buy in for $23.15 or similar to that... i spent a day searching them and stacked most of them.

When they buy in with an odd ammt of change it means "last of the OL Bank acount"...
03-31-2009 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by boggzilla
When they buy in with an odd ammt of change it means "last of the OL Bank acount"... careful though, a few good players like exploiting that by buying in short to attract bad bumhunters. They normally reload to full-stack after a few hands
04-01-2009 , 03:04 AM
So I/ve gotten into HU SnG lately and I'm doing great at the limits I play at $10-$20.

It really suits my aggressive style and almost always build a healthy lead in the first round or two. However, when I get my opponents down to 300 I find that my aggression works against me and sometimes find it difficult to finish them off. Any suggestions on how to play against a short stack who is starting to get desperate? do I switch gears and wait for the KO or do I keep the aggression? I feel if I figure this out my ROI would increase significantly. Any help appreciated please
04-01-2009 , 03:19 AM
desperad0oo7: i made a short-ish reply in your thread
04-01-2009 , 04:52 AM
I want to get more critical of my play, but I go to HEM and pretty much my mind goes blank.

What should I do for session reviews for HUSNG's? When I look over big hands there are some I regret, but I don't feel like I get much value looking over just this. Any tips?
04-01-2009 , 03:20 PM
50nl cash, what kind of hands are we flatting pre oop vs a solid TAG?
we'll need to c/r some boards where we have equity tho yeah

i understand about hte 3betting a polarized/merged range depending on villains 3b/fold to 3b%
04-01-2009 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by wakeup
50nl cash, what kind of hands are we flatting pre oop vs a solid TAG?
we'll need to c/r some boards where we have equity tho yeah

i understand about hte 3betting a polarized/merged range depending on villains 3b/fold to 3b%
I doubt you could lose all that much folding most weak hands OOP. You can however lose a lot of money if you call a lot and play fit or fold. I'd call a lot less for the value of your hand, but more for the combined value of your hand and fold equity post flop against villain. Be that with check raises, donk leads, check minraises, turn donk leads, check call donk lead, check call check raise, etc, etc, etc. It's not a bad level to try some things, and see what works against weak TAG's.

You may be surprised how little people play back when you try moves that seem fairly spewy given the hand you hold.

Of course if there isn't much fold equity post flop, then you have to go back to play more pots in position and instead play more for value OOP.
04-02-2009 , 12:07 PM
I have been having some problems with check-raising. I tend to c/r and shutdown on the turn without a scare card to barrel on. Should I barrel turn overcards like 832T?.
What about if there's a flush draw on the board and the flush comes in on the turn. Should I fire and rep the flush? Should I consider that villain might have a backdoor flushdraw and now is drawing to it (ex. Ac)?

In general what are good spots to c/r flop and fire a second barrel? What thing should I consider? I know it's villain dependant, but still.
04-02-2009 , 12:16 PM
8 hand of the match but so far he is playing a weak-tight/tight-agressive style! Easy Call? And btw the flop bet is right?

No Limit Holdem Tournament
2 players
Converted at

BTN Jrazz75 (1680)
BB Hero (1320)

Blinds: 10/20

Pre-flop: (30, 2 players) Hero is BB A J
Jrazz75 calls 10, Hero raises to 60, Jrazz75 raises to 110, Hero calls 50

Flop: 9 J 5 (220, 2 players)
Hero bets 180, Jrazz75 goes all-in 1,570
04-02-2009 , 12:23 PM
And this one... So far 7 hands! Easy push?

No Limit Holdem Tournament
2 players
Converted at

BTN Hero (1340)
BB Insider 1916 (1660)

Blinds: 10/20

Pre-flop: (30, 2 players) Hero is BTN K J
Hero raises to 60, Insider 1916 calls 40

Flop: T 8 9 (120, 2 players)
Insider 1916 checks 1,916, Hero bets 60, Insider 1916 raises to 200, 140 to Hero (1,220)?
04-03-2009 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by Droder
And this one... So far 7 hands! Easy push?

No Limit Holdem Tournament
2 players
Converted at

BTN Hero (1340)
BB Insider 1916 (1660)

Blinds: 10/20

Pre-flop: (30, 2 players) Hero is BTN K J
Hero raises to 60, Insider 1916 calls 40

Flop: T 8 9 (120, 2 players)
Insider 1916 checks 1,916, Hero bets 60, Insider 1916 raises to 200, 140 to Hero (1,220)?
ya... push is good
04-03-2009 , 01:39 AM
Hey, a quick question- I'm trying to build up a roll rather quickly so I can start playing at mid stakes asap, and was wondering what people think about taking some fairly risky shots at the deep/no increase in blinds while practicing rigid table selection?

My roll is around $250 right now, playing mostly $11s. How risky might it be to sneak in some $50 tournaments against significant losers?

Over ~110 husngs (very small sample, i know) I have a 25% ROI & a 65% win rate, so I definitely feel like I have an edge in most situations.

Just a thought.
04-03-2009 , 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by NotBrunson
Hey, a quick question- I'm trying to build up a roll rather quickly so I can start playing at mid stakes asap, and was wondering what people think about taking some fairly risky shots at the deep/no increase in blinds while practicing rigid table selection?

My roll is around $250 right now, playing mostly $11s. How risky might it be to sneak in some $50 tournaments against significant losers?

Over ~110 husngs (very small sample, i know) I have a 25% ROI & a 65% win rate, so I definitely feel like I have an edge in most situations.

Just a thought.
Very risky unless you don't mind grinding it back. Why not sneak in some $20s if you want to take a shot?

Also, I'd take grinding $11s over playing $50 no blind increases any day. I think that you underestimate how badly people will angleshoot you timing down every hand and playing passively.
04-03-2009 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by xSCWx
Very risky unless you don't mind grinding it back. Why not sneak in some $20s if you want to take a shot?

Also, I'd take grinding $11s over playing $50 no blind increases any day. I think that you underestimate how badly people will angleshoot you timing down every hand and playing passively.
You are spot on. I played a $5 deep/no blind increase tourny today just to get a feel of how it would go and 45 minutes into it, I was about to loose my mind out of boredom. I ended up just getting maniacal and blowing the match.

**** that idea.
04-03-2009 , 04:20 PM

Hand 1 = snap call, he's doing that with so many worse hands.
Hand 2 = shove. You have 15 outs to the nuts or near nuts, and if you're against something like AT, you have up to 21 outs. You might get a fold, even. The only hands you're crushed by are QJ and AsXs, and neither of those are a big enough part of his range to worry about them. If he has them, oh well.

@NotBrunson: "sneaking in" 55s when I was running bad was a big part of why I was busto for the entire second half of 2008.
04-03-2009 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by NotBrunson
Hey, a quick question- I'm trying to build up a roll rather quickly so I can start playing at mid stakes asap, and was wondering what people think about taking some fairly risky shots at the deep/no increase in blinds while practicing rigid table selection?
those deep/no blind increase players make huge money...!
i was curious to play them, i played the #1 on sharkscope learderboard for 5-15$, and the #6 on sharkscope for the 15/30$. they are really really bad and passive players. basically they always fold and they shove when they have the nuts.
(but i kept overbetting and i got one of them to call me down with 3rd pair!)
and they fold 98-99% oop (it's not an exageration, i think they called 3 or 4 times in 200+ hands).

if you have the patience to multitable those games you make lots of money, it took me 1 hour and 30 min to beat the 15$ champion.

but you won't play poker, and you won't improve your game. you just need to play like a machine. and it's like working in a factory... it's not fun.

hey, bu DON'T do it at 50$ with a 250$ bankroll. that's suicide.

do it at 10$. you can easily multitable because you don't need to think and the game is very slow. (i always singletable but i easily multitabled those).
just play tight as a rock.

by the way, you can't game select easily on those games, because there only are a few player, and you mostly find regulars who wait for somebody to sit.

Last edited by badboyboogie0; 04-03-2009 at 09:28 PM. Reason: oops..., i saw you already changed your mind. lol
04-04-2009 , 05:42 AM
Can anyone who has played on both stars and ftp tell me if there's more action on stars (ie less people waiting/less wait times) at the lower stakes (.5/1 and 1/2 specifically) and what, if any, differences they've noticed in the gameplay or opponents? Thanks.
04-04-2009 , 02:59 PM
Yea, deep no increase blind players make their money by playing like 2/0.5 p/f, taking their entire time bank to act, and waiting for their opponent to just start playing like a monkey because they are sick of it and getting it in as a huge favorite.

If you really hate variance, and don't mind matches taking 2 hours each, then they aren't terrible because the players are mega exploitable. If not, stay the hell away.
04-04-2009 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Insane_Steve
Yea, deep no increase blind players make their money by playing like 2/0.5 p/f, taking their entire time bank to act, and waiting for their opponent to just start playing like a monkey because they are sick of it and getting it in as a huge favorite.
Yep, I'm that monkey!

Thanks though for the opinions on it in this thread.
04-04-2009 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Droder
8 hand of the match but so far he is playing a weak-tight/tight-agressive style! Easy Call? And btw the flop bet is right?

No Limit Holdem Tournament
2 players
Converted at

BTN Jrazz75 (1680)
BB Hero (1320)

Blinds: 10/20

Pre-flop: (30, 2 players) Hero is BB A J
Jrazz75 calls 10, Hero raises to 60, Jrazz75 raises to 110, Hero calls 50

Flop: 9 J 5 (220, 2 players)
Hero bets 180, Jrazz75 goes all-in 1,570

Don't lead. Villain is fairly likely to bet anyway, so you might as well c/r for value and information.

As played, it's pretty much up to your villain reads. Against a weak-tight or tight-aggressive opponent, a call is wrong here, as they're usually only shoving an overpair like this.

Originally Posted by Droder
And this one... So far 7 hands! Easy push?

No Limit Holdem Tournament
2 players
Converted at

BTN Hero (1340)
BB Insider 1916 (1660)

Blinds: 10/20

Pre-flop: (30, 2 players) Hero is BTN K J
Hero raises to 60, Insider 1916 calls 40

Flop: T 8 9 (120, 2 players)
Insider 1916 checks 1,916, Hero bets 60, Insider 1916 raises to 200, 140 to Hero (1,220)?
Lead for a full pot-sized bet (120). As played, snap-shove.

Last edited by bluemage55; 04-04-2009 at 07:22 PM.
04-05-2009 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by bluemage55
Don't lead. Villain is fairly likely to bet anyway, so you might as well c/r for value and information.

As played, it's pretty much up to your villain reads. Against a weak-tight or tight-aggressive opponent, a call is wrong here, as they're usually only shoving an overpair like this.
LOL; i a lead here! it gives him room to shove over with a lot of random hands and NO you're not always seeing QQ+ here (like wtf?)
while check/raising will let him fold a lot of hands which might've shoved over your donkbet here...

the LOL is mainly @ information raise fwiw
04-05-2009 , 06:52 AM
what are the following HU stats called in PT3?

raise SB
call from BB

04-05-2009 , 09:33 AM
Why does everyone say variance is much greater playing hu?

I think this might apply to sng's and not to cash.

Playing weak opponents hu cash wouldnt that reduce variance because a good players edge is much greater?

Playing hu cash vs a good player, I understand variance is big but playing the low stakes where players are weak, shouldnt a decent player be able to play a low variance game?

Spelling might be a bit of but I hope you understand what I mean, English isnt my first language.
