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4/26 HUSNG Forum WW Game 4/26 HUSNG Forum WW Game

05-07-2011 , 02:48 AM
And thanks again for participating, even just for a day - I learned a ton.

Maruchan's description of "like spamz's HH reviews for WW" is really good imo.
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05-07-2011 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by earl
Also one last point about ww etiquette, reason RBJ got modkilled was i guess for betting\offering services and such to prove he was not wolf, but at what point does it become unethical\angleshooting to swear\lie about your role, obviously claiming roles is fine, but If i go like "I SWEAR TO <censored> GOD I AM NOT X, IF I AM I SWEAR WILL KILL MY ENTIRE FAMILY" I assume thats at least somewhat shady, so I am guessing the point where it becomes somewhat angleshooty\shady is when the lie is so strong that it becomes a reasonable part of why people think you are not X? Or is saying stuff like that fully ok/standard?
You are expected to lie in a werewolf game. You are expected to honor your bets on 2+2. This is a conflict -- using the rules about paying bets to overcome the lack of credibility in werewolf. So if people would expect you to pay up outside the game then it's not OK to say.

The problem is as much with the reader as with the writer. So when somebody says "I'd bet my wife and children", nobody expects them to pay and no damage is done. "I'll bet $5" is much worse -- people expect you to pay. Jaded players don't expect anything to get paid since it was said in a werewolf game, with them there is no damage. How much damage is done matters to the moderator who has to deal with issues. As a player, just don't offer any kind of bets and it's all fine.

It is OK to say something a wolf would never say, just not to rely on stuff outside the game thread to make it credible.
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05-07-2011 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by mersenneary
I'd love to have you run a game for us, Chips. We can host it on POG if that's easier (I think it'll bring more people over there for games and turbos like it did for me, too). Want to make a sign-up thread for us?
Signup thread needs to go here, otherwise it's just another pog game that will fill with pog people. I do think some recovery time is needed, I'll pick a start date tomorrow (suggestions welcome).
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05-07-2011 , 04:07 AM
I'm well up for another game in like a week or so, happy to do anonymous turbo or wateva. I'll b more active If we do, I was only a bit quiet this game cus the villas let me and it seemed optimal
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05-07-2011 , 04:11 AM
I'd be up for another game.

GG guys. Special thanks to RBJ and Bob Ross, my fellow villager detective =D
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05-07-2011 , 04:37 AM
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05-07-2011 , 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by Chips Ahoy
You are expected to lie in a werewolf game. You are expected to honor your bets on 2+2. This is a conflict -- using the rules about paying bets to overcome the lack of credibility in werewolf. So if people would expect you to pay up outside the game then it's not OK to say.

The problem is as much with the reader as with the writer. So when somebody says "I'd bet my wife and children", nobody expects them to pay and no damage is done. "I'll bet $5" is much worse -- people expect you to pay. Jaded players don't expect anything to get paid since it was said in a werewolf game, with them there is no damage. How much damage is done matters to the moderator who has to deal with issues. As a player, just don't offer any kind of bets and it's all fine.

It is OK to say something a wolf would never say, just not to rely on stuff outside the game thread to make it credible.
yea I kinda knew it was angle shooting at the time, but i just didnt care anymore . its really pathetic of me to think this way, but i was just so ****ing tired of being doubted all the ****ing time that i realized it was my only shot at getting some credibility. i knew i was screwing myself over in future games (lol at me thinking about balancing my ranges in games other than poker), but i just didnt care anymore, i knew it was do or die. im not trying to justify my actions at all, i know it was really scummy. looking back, im actually really really embarased.
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05-07-2011 , 04:59 AM
I totally thought you were a villa, you had me 100%; until you changed your vote to me on my last day with like 1m left................................
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05-07-2011 , 05:06 AM
well iirc it was either me or you or someone else that i thoguht was a villager. i dont mean to be a dick, but i thought u were the most destructive . also get on aim you fool!

edit: and im still voting against you on day 1 next game
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05-07-2011 , 05:27 AM
well in my defense, nothing was working AND I had no idea how to play


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05-07-2011 , 09:05 AM
Lol I loved when chips gave that numbered list out and sheerb answered that he fit all those categories. Earl was SOOOOO mad about that! Haha
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05-07-2011 , 09:25 AM
Hey guys, was fun playing with you.
Good game wolves, clear and deserved victory there. Mostly Yaqh managed to sound extremely villagery imo. (My respect, sir)

Also, I kept following the game and couldn't believe that people stayed sceptical about RbJ and Znark. Just too bad that the 2 (or 3 if I count Mr. Angel) most likely villagers didn't have the same reads about the others.

Just in case, sorry if I might have sounded a bit harsh here or there. I might have been a bit sceptical / semi-rude against you Bob

Definitely in for another game btw, but not immediately. It costs me too much time (even when I'm dead ) and I can't afford that for the next month or so.
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05-07-2011 , 09:29 AM
Oh yeah, and for a next game we should make very clear in advance that a minimum time investment every day is needed. Participants with < 10 lines of text per day, kill the game imo.

Also: 8 EST is a bit late for me (and others in Europe)? 6 EST would have been easier, don't know how others think about this.
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05-07-2011 , 10:36 AM
now the game is over i dont have to hold my tongue, i peeked tamas6 and was tilting so hard that nobody figured out since i was the only person lobbying hard for tamas6 not being a wolf

on the second night when jspazz (my other peek, but a fail of a chioce) voted tamas6 when his head was on the block (with donjonnie being the natural choice with 2nd most votes) and donjonnie turned out to be a wolf it was obv spazz was also a wolf. the fact that tamas6 was a natural wagon as opposed to ones created by the wolf led me to believe there would be at least 2 wolfs in the voters of tamas6 on said night, and killing those 4 ppl one by one would have given us villagers a good shot at winning, argh villagers failed so hard

good game though, was pretty fun and am def in for next one
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05-07-2011 , 10:38 AM
gg, enjoyed playing with u all
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05-07-2011 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by mersenneary
Saying stuff like that is fine. Have fun getting owned in future WW games if you're not willing to go that far though. Players generally tend to discourage that behavior by not letting it affect them (or even spite voting them off) regardless of EV in the game.
There was a player who did that consistently, we got pissed, now he isn't among us anymore...

Rest in Peace Leo.
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05-07-2011 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by chugenemes
We also ran insane hot in the beginning with our 2 seer snipes .
I would nk chad everytime.

*He would be the seer there almost always, much of that is because of how others played.

Last edited by LXThrottle; 05-07-2011 at 11:25 AM. Reason: getting tilted at my parents internet connection...
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05-07-2011 , 11:22 AM
Greeting from Amsterdam !

Luckily, the hotel has wifi, so I read over the thread and just realized how badly we ****ed this up.

Well, at least I was right about Bob and RBJ being villagers and I'm happy that I defended them so much. But that yaqh guy - man, how could he have gotten that high on the villager's trust list ?

There is one thing I don't understand, though - why did the wolfs kill Kurru the first night ? And what was that spamz thing all about - he only posted once a day in the end and attacked Bob for no reason whatsoever.

Anyways, it was really a lot of fun playing with you guys and I'm definitely in for a 2nd round.

However, I think we should give it a week or maybe two to settle first - I definitely want to read over the thread again, especially look at Chips's posts and also read some strategy posts in the POG. I'm also thinking about playing a turbo or two in the POG, as a learning experience.

Have nice weekend !
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05-07-2011 , 11:27 AM
These wolves were one of the most organized ever, very fun to play with them (and I usually hate being a wolf).
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05-07-2011 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by earl
Lx wanted to vote\stick with znark on the last day instead of RBJ (He could not be here for final moments) And the wolfchat all told him to go RBJ (including me : D) looking back I Think that was probably pretty derp of us and he was right. Might have taken us 1 more day to win if he did that but I don't think it would have came down to the wire in the same way.
I kinda let that happen, could have just posted my vote on jack anyway, but that wouldn't be this fun .
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05-07-2011 , 11:36 AM
I like to play with HU players as they are usually much smarter than players from some other forums (which will remain unnamed...) and develop fast. If anyone wants to play at POG I'm sure they will welcome you.
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05-07-2011 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by Chips Ahoy
I have a supply of gimmick accounts for such games, but I think you need experienced players to make it work. There's a bunch of problems that take real discipline to avoid.
If one day someone ever happens to run an exorcist game someone send me pm (even if is only to read).

With roles like:

demon - posses a player account.
exorcist - demon killer or w/e
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05-07-2011 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by LXThrottle
If one day someone ever happens to run an exorcist game someone send me pm (even if is only to read).

With roles like:

demon - posses a player account.
exorcist - demon killer or w/e
that's brilliant. I would definitely do that, and I think it would be a really good rematch game

We could allow only active players from this game, and have a turbo satellite for other interested players who weren't in/active in this game to avoid some of the difficulties with brand new inactive people.
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05-07-2011 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by LXThrottle
I like to play with HU players as they are usually much smarter than players from some other forums (which will remain unnamed...) and develop fast. If anyone wants to play at POG I'm sure they will welcome you.
I joined the game starting on monday, and I've played 2 turbos on POG so far and was welcomed very much. I played with ibavly, hifi, systolic, exoendo, filthy, donkdonkdonkdonk, gamble, and rebonk. They all seem like really good people and i had a great time.
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05-07-2011 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by LXThrottle
I would nk chad everytime.

*He would be the seer there almost always, much of that is because of how others played.
did i do something that made it obvious i was a seer? tell me so i can be more pro next time
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