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Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring

10-21-2013 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by Shain67
Received funds! Good work LG
When's the next series for the bull?
Got to get in a grind tonight and I'll write you all my plans after.

Still deciding!!!
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-21-2013 , 06:56 PM

Good run and ty
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-21-2013 , 07:21 PM
Nice meeting you bro!!! You made a great run and played well. GL in your future poker endeavors.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-22-2013 , 02:19 AM
I still owe:
kyle_r (5.5%)
er7eman (5.5%)

Please contact me with paypal id or chase quickpay id....

Last edited by LotGrinder; 10-22-2013 at 02:25 AM.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-22-2013 , 11:19 AM
Got the funds. Thanks.

Mark me for a 5 ball for the next one, will confirm the reserve after seeing the package info.

Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-22-2013 , 05:40 PM
Same, mark me for 10% as per usual
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-24-2013 , 10:24 PM
Tales From MGM Detroit Poker Room...

I wake up in the afternoon at my Grandmother's house and she asks, "How did Chicago go?" I inform her that I did well in the tournaments and in the cash games but nothing is going to alleviate her concerns that I may wind up a degenerate gambler until I bring home a $50,000 to $100,000 score and smack it on the table in front of her.

Sure, you can tell anyone that you've made well over the median income for Americans this year playing poker. But, they're never going to truly believe it until you win that one big tournament that verifies everything and you get your mug plastered all over the poker news sites on the internet.

When that happens, that's when you made it. Even if you've never demonstrated success in the cash games or even if you take the 50k and blow it playing the higher stakes games in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, or Florida. You win that one big donkament you're officially a pro...forever. You grind out a 50k-150k a year income just playing cash games you're nothing more than a degenerate gambler or a guy who goes to the casino too much to most people outside the poker community.

This is why I still lie to most people and tell them that I'm in Facebook consulting when they ask about my profession. They'll never understand that poker is a game of searching for +expected value spots, then putting your money in or folding to avoid -expected value spots, then your money is no longer at risk. Those of us that play poker every day live a lifestyle that's unexplainable and these days I truly believe it would be better to just tell your friends or family that you sell meth.

The more and more I explain the game to my Grandmother as well as let her watch me play some low stakes tournaments on Bovada, she is starting to accept the fact that there is no luck in poker, only variance... and how you react to it.

Henry Rollins once said, "I do not believe in fate or destiny. I believe in various degrees of hatred, paranoia, and abandonment. However much of that gets heaped upon you doesn't matter - it's only a matter of how much you can take and what it does to you.”

In regards to poker, I would have to say that I do not believe in luck. I only believe in variance and however much of that gets heaped upon you doesn't matter. It's only a matter of how much you can take and what it does to you.

Most people can't take the variance.

It makes them tilt.

The tilt makes them play bad. The tilt makes them chase their losses. The tilt makes them refuse to move down to lower stakes. The tilt makes them put their bankroll in jeopardy and then the tilt finally causes them to go broke.

Variance isn't only part of poker, it's part of our everyday lives.

A painful result of variance can be seen everyday on my way to the casino. It's the bum on the street corner. I often wonder, "Just what type of variance did this guy go through in life? What was the final straw that broke this camel's back and caused him to live a life of begging on the streets?"

On other days like today I think, "Why do I always see male bums? Is it because no matter how much time has passed the woman by there's still some guy out there that will pay for sex or a blowjob in an alley?"

Dark matters, I know....

Which one has the lower moral fiber, though?

The hooker or the john?

You tell me.

As always, I put a $1 in the bum's hand. It's the least I can do. The Republicans will say that I'm enabling him and it's because of me that people like him will not work. The Democrats will say that my donation to the homeless man is good, it's because of people like me that he has hope.

I will disagree with both parties and say American is almost broken.

There's not much upward mobility left for poor/impoverished people and the average poor person has a much better chance of being a bum, than they do picking themselves up from their bootstraps and becoming a CEO.

I'm so happy to be out of the rat race and no longer have to drive 30-45 minutes to work each day crawling just like an insect to a cubicle. The days where I was stuck in traffic was the worst. I am truly blessed to be free and there's no man that walks on this earth that I can't call a ********** because of my position at a job or workplace politics.

I'd have to say that it feels pretty damn good.

So, I am happy to give a $1 to a homeless man.

For a second, I pretend to know how he got there...

First, he had to endure the unbearable weight of an education system meant to destroy all traces of his free thinking, creativity, and innovation. Second, he was forced to drink years and years of bilge water pumped into his home through the television that showed him all the worthless items he'd never get to own and all the places that he'd never be able to see. Finally, after years of participating in the popularity contest and a system that rewards only fear and obedience, he could no longer take it and was crushed.

It has to be something like that...right?

Nah, probably not...probably was just a product of his environment.

As I pull into the casino parking structure I hope he spends my dollar wisely and then I make my way to the poker room.

Today I sit down next to a man that looks like Santa Clause and goes by the name Sam HHH. This man is an old skool hustler and nothing less than a Detroit Poker legend. If you're ever in a poker room you can usually spot him at the $2/$5 game wearing black old man sunglasses.

The first highlight hand of the day involves Sam vs a young kid wearing a hoodie and Beats By Dre headphones. It's an un-raised pot and the flop comes down 10s 4s 3h. That means there's two spades out there. So, if a third spade hits on the turn or river they'll be a good chance that someone has a flush. The young kid bets out $15 into a $16 pot and Sam calls him.

They go heads up to the turn which is a 3d.

The young man leads out another $35 and Sam quickly calls.

There is now $115 in the pot and a jack of spades hits on the river.

It's obvious that Sam was chasing the flush. So, it throws me off guard when the young kid announces "All in." Which Sam will have to call for $300 if he wants to see what the young kid is holding in his hands.

The action is now on Sam and Sam says, "All in are you kidding me? Common man. I got top pair. I got grandchildren you know. You want to be taking my grandkids toys away man? All in man? Are you serious?"

It seems that Sams story has touched the young kids heart and the young kid says, "Just fold. I got the flush. Make sure to buy your grandkids something nice."

Sam says, "I'll fold. But, you gotta show me. I can't trust you kids these days. You all really like to bluff. You ****ing with me man?"

At this point the young kid is completely disarmed and Sam actually gets the kid to show Queen/Nine of spades for a queen high flush.

As soon as the young kid reveals the Queen high flush, Sam says, "Oh you bet I'll be sure to buy my grandkids something nice. I call."

Sam then shows King/Five of spades for a king high flush and then scoops a $700+ pot. Sam was simply acting to see if the kid had an ace high flush, which he would have lost to and therefore Sam's plan worked to perfection.

The young buck had been outplayed by the old goat and plays like this are what Detroit poker legends are made of....just another victim for Sam HHH.

As the night goes on, the player pool changes, and eventually another old timer sits down by the name of "Red." Red is a salty 74 year old O.G. from Detroit and tonight's first topic of conversation from him is what should be done to, "The sick/twisted mother****ers who fukking with the old people in the senior complexes."

Red went on to say that if he was young and still involved in what he used to do that he would be out prowling the town looking to put a cap in their ass and when he did it the police would have no problem with it. He went on to talk about, "Hood justice" and that's something I have no idea about. So, I just listened to his stories and tried to understand the best I could.

Later, Red and I started to watch girls walk out of the club and through the poker room to use the woman's bathroom. This happens all the time on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights because there's an upscale lounge located right next to MGM Detroit's poker room. Naturally, we get onto talking about females these days.

Shockingly, Red and I are able to find common ground on one issue.

We wonder why, "Bitches be all up in their cell phones and texting all mother****ing day?"

Red then goes on to tell me about how he had to throw a 28 year old hood rat hoe out of his mother****ing house for texting too much and had to get himself some new pussy. I return the favor and tell him about the time I officially decided I was interested in a girl anymore after she sat through a Henry Rollins spoken word event and texted the entire time.

Red said, "Bet that hoe regrets it."

I replied, "Yeah. Probably."

"Good," Red says, "And I got a question for all you youngsters here at the table. Why do all these young bitches be looking so skinny these days? I mean look at that one walkin right over there. No ass, no titties. I see it all the time. I mean what the fukk?"

"They're all on that molly Red." Says a young black kid at the table.

"Yup. On that molly and addicted to uppers like adderall Red, plus cocaine is making a big comeback in the D Red," I reply.

To which Red responds....

"$hit, man... what the fukk? You got this molly, you got this other $hit ketamine, you got that cocaine, you got that got these bitches that always gotta be high on some $hit... I mean...what the fukk? I mean... whatever happened to the days where all a bitch needed was a blunt, dick, and a little money to get by... all these young hoes now days have it twisted."

This story is post morterm because I died after that.

Last edited by LotGrinder; 10-24-2013 at 10:36 PM.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-25-2013 , 01:16 PM
nice meeting ya man was on your left in the 365 re entry end of day 1 for a lil while. Keep it up wish u best of luck. Im sure we will run into each other another time take it easy.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-28-2013 , 12:20 AM
***November Staking Package***

Hollywood Toledo Megastack:

Sun November 3rd $320

(It was $300 last time because I forgot to include the $20 tip for an extra 5k chips that I paid out of my own pocket as a courtesy.)

(You'll see it on the calendar, 25k starting chips and good structure. Usually 100-120 players.)

Hollywood Columbus Megastack:

Sat November 9th $450

(Usually 100-120 players. Blind levels are 40 minutes on this one.)

Heartland Poker Tour at Soaring Eagle Casino :

Fri November 22nd $360 Satellite (Top 20% go onto the Main Event.)

Sat November 23rd $1650 Main Event Day 1B

24 Hours Of $2/$5 NLHE Action: $1500

Fri November 1st 16th 8 hours at Motor City Detroit Casino

Fri November 8th 8 hours at Hollywood Columbus Casino

Fri November 15th 8 hours at MGM Detroit Casino

(Will be spreading cash game roll into 3 $500 bullets and have a stop loss of $1000 on each day. If I still feel like playing I will dip into my own bankroll and attempt to make up the $800 loss. I did this successfully in one of my last packages if you'd like to scroll back/look for proof.)

Also, here's a thread that tells about my history on this website/shows a lot of my cash game action/hands/etc...

Total needed for "The People's Bankroll."

$4,280 x 1.075 = $4,600.00

1%= $46.00
2%= $92.00
4%= $184.00

Selling up to 55%, will be playing no matter what.

This is the third run of combining some of my cash game action and tournament action for you guys because I want this to be a profitable venture.

After Heartland Poker at Soaring Eagle, "The People's Bankroll" will be dispersed accordingly, and staking for the next trip/event will open up in this thread.

All funds must be sent via Paypal/Chase Quickpay or given to me face to face at one of the casinos.



Please feel free to ask any questions....

Last edited by LotGrinder; 10-28-2013 at 12:26 AM.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-28-2013 , 12:24 AM
kyle_r (4%/you would owe me an additional $6.50)
er7eman (4%/you would owe me an additional $6.50)
JL514 (10%/pending)
Golfpro (5%/pending)
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-28-2013 , 01:36 AM
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-28-2013 , 02:04 AM
4% booked, I sent difference CQP
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-28-2013 , 02:28 AM
1%, lfg
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-28-2013 , 02:34 AM
I'll take 15% assuming the main event gets refunded if you score a seat in the satty?
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-28-2013 , 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by JL514
I'll take 15% assuming the main event gets refunded if you score a seat in the satty?
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-28-2013 , 03:29 AM
kyle_r (4%/you would owe me an additional $6.50)
er7eman (4%)
JL514 (15%)
Golfpro (5%/pending)
acdawg (1%)
mdroz247 (3%)
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-28-2013 , 03:54 AM
Tales From MGM Detroit Poker Room

The stool.

That god damn stool.

Every time I walk in my Grandmother's house and see it I just know that wretched piece of metal or one of her table chairs is going to be the end of me. I have an unusually high threshold for pain. But, nothing would be like bearing the burden of guilt knowing you weren't there to help an elderly parent or grandparent climb somewhere in their house and then they fall down, break their hip, and become immobile.

So, today I had to have the talk with my Grandmother. No more climbing on stools, chairs, couches, etc for anything. If something needs put away, moved, or cleaned around the house that requires climbing she's to call me or have my cousin Christopher who lives with her do the work.

Rather than tell her that I feel she's getting old and I fear for he well being. I decided to sound selfish and tell her that I fear if she ever fell and hurt herself that the family would blame me for it and that I'd never hear the end of it. Therefore, it might lead me to wallow in a dark depression and I could possibly wind up shooting heroin just to dull the pain.

This is how you convince a person that thrives on having their independence to listen to you and assure that they will ask for your help. After you convince them that's it's ok and that they should ask for you help, the next step is making sure to be there as much as you can.

Since I've been a kid I've been there as much as I could for all my Grandparents.

Through no fault of my own I never forged as tight as bond with my Mother or Father and since my Grandma and Papa are gone, my Grandmother and my Sister is really all I have left as far as family goes. Although I have thought about reaching out to my Father and Mother more recently, it's more me caring to do it for their happiness and not my own.

In poker, there is this thing they call "balance."

"Balance" is what you need to avoid becoming completely consumed by the poker/casino lifestyle. A poker player with no "balance" can often become 100% addicted to all sorts of gambling, drugs that keep him up so he can gamble more, strip clubs/escorts because it's easier to just pay the $200 to get your nut off instead of have any real relationship with a woman, etc, etc, etc....

Without "balance" life, what's the point?

At times out on the road I reminded myself of an old boss who proudly told me, "I work 70 hours a week. I show up here 2 hours before everybody else does at 6am and leave 1 hour after everybody else does. So, no one should be complaining about having to work on Saturdays twice a month."

That man didn't impress me. He saddened me. I wondered where his wife was hiding the purple dildo, how many men she had cheated on him with, and the last time he ever even ate her pussy. I remember never wanting to end up like him. I made sure to get fired as quick as I could shortly after so that I could get my unemployment benefits, take some time off, and regroup.

So, if any ladies are reading this and do have a husband or boyfriend that's working 50-55 hour weeks. Remember, a lot of your men are working for soul sucking bosses like that. They are the true heroes in the scheme of things. So, give them some anal, deepthroating, rough sex, or let him watch NFL all Sunday and scratch his nuts without having to hear you complain about wanting to go to the Apple Orchard.

Your relationship will be better for it, I promise.

Anyway, so back to being out on the road.....back to needing "balance"...

I can honestly say that after a while living in and out of hotel rooms gets old. Especially when you're forced to eat **** food, don't have a local gym you can workout in, and have no friends, family, or loved ones around to visit. After a while it leaves you feeling worn and tattered. I swear to God I was about one minute away from creating a Plenty Of Fish profile to scout towns I'd be visiting for women. But, I figured the amount of back and forth omgs, lols, orlys, lmfaos needed to get a date would be too time consuming and I went back to watching poker training videos on Tournament Poker Edge.

That's around the time I decided to ground myself in Michigan for a few months in search of better health, balance, and a permanent move to $2/$5 No Limit Hold Em. Without traveling expenses every dollar I earn can go right back into my bankroll and hopefully by sometime in 2014 I can make the move up to $5/$10 NLHE.

So, today I headed to the casino with a new purpose and met my friend Rex at MGM Tap for dinner. When I walked in I sat at the bar and Rex quickly proposed a bet.

"You see that kid over there man? The kid with the hipster glasses that he probably doesn't even need and all those tattoos on his arms." He said.

"Yeah, I do. The one with the girl and the earplugs." I replied.

"Guarantee the girl pays for the meal," Rex said. "How much you want to bet?"

"No way man. Not taking that bet bro. You know the chick is paying." I replied.

"I'll give you 10-1 man. You put up $10, I pay you $100 if that guy pays." He said.

"The chick is eating a steak. The guy is eating macaroni sticks. No way. If that guy was buying she'd be eating a salad. No action bro, no bet, I fold."

"I raise, 20-1 man, common bet $5 to win $100 man. What the ****? A guy with tattoos and hipster glasses can't have a job. Dude, there's a 20-1 chance a guy like that pays the bill. What do you say?" It's obvious that Rex is thirsty for some action.

So, I reply, "New bet. Right here. Right now. And it's an even better one. Plus, I'm going to do you a favor and you only have to offer me 2-1 odds."

"Ok, what is it?" Said Rex.

"You and I both know the guy isn't paying the bill. But, I'll bet he pulls out a few singles to contribute towards the tip. I'll bet you $10.00." I replied.

"Ok. Bet." Rex replies.

So, we get onto ordering our food and we are staring at this couple so much that the hipster looking dude is noticing. Rex and I don't care, though. If we can't feel comfortable in the casino, where else can we. Eventually, we get some dialogue going about how funny it would be if this pipsqueak confronted us and we told him that he had a hot prop bet on whether or not he was going to pay the tab. Finally, the bartender notices laughing and she asks, "What you all laughing about over here? What's so funny?"

"We're basically terrible people." I reply.

She smiles and asks, "Why's that?"

"You see the guy and the girl over there? We agree 100% that the guy isn't going to pay the tab. But, the bet is will the guy even contribute towards your tip." I reply.

"Oh, I can settle that bet for you both right now if ya'll wanna know what's going to happen." She says.

"Sure," Rex replies. "This guy owes me $20.00 if that guy doesn't contribute anything."

"You are the one that ordered the Salmon right?" She asks Rex.

"Yup." He replies.

"Well. Consider your dinner for free because that guy, he ain't paying. The girl work at Rup Pub downtown. The man in a band or something. They come in here all the time and I don't think I ever seen him pay."

"Not even a few bucks on a fukking tip? Are you serious? Common?" I ask.

"Nope. Nothing. I see it all the time. Lotta scrubs now days." She replies.

Rex and I share a good laugh then I end up paying for his meal because the bartender even shows us proof that the bill was paid by the girls debit card. No cash left at all. So, I start my day at the casino down $20.00 USD. As Rex and I head towards the poker room we see a man in American flag pants, an eagle shirt, and a hat that says "Back To Back World War Champions" with an American flag on it.

"What a loser," Rex said. "Where in the hell do these people come from? I'd like to bet that guy can't even afford to play a penny slot."

"Yeah, looks like one of those poor Tea Party people that support policies that are dumb enough to support policies that help keep them poor. Guarantee he's one of those idiots." I reply.

"He's probably walking around here looking to play casino war for a $1.00." Said Rex.

"That or he got lost and thinks this is the Gibraltar Trade Center." I reply.

As Rex and I head into the elevator the white trash looking man is walking off into the distance of the casino and by now I bet the dude is high on meth, begging someone for a loan, or maybe wasting away in front of his home computer typing some sort of worthless blog for people to read.

Who knows where all these casino characters go?

Anyway, I get to playing some poker and today is a day where nothing works out for me. Every time I raise with pocket 10's to Q's an Ace or a King is coming out on the board. Every time I raise with Ak or Aq an Ace, King, or Queen is never coming out on the board. When you run bad like this it's ok to give up continuation betting boards in 3 way or more pots because it just turns to spew after a while when you don't have a winning image.

When I am running bad I tighten my hand playing range to only pocket pairs and premium hands. Today is one of those days and I am waiting patiently to flop a set and double through a bad player that will call off $300+ with just top pair against me. I am also waiting for my raised hands to present good chances for me to make money. But, it just isn't happening today.

The saving grace to the table is a black man by the name of "Q" has sat down. Q looks to be in his late 20's, is dressed like a G, and some would say he looks like a drug dealer or a street hustler. Whatever Q does for his money is fine with me and today he has decided to throw it around with a myriad of raises, 3-bets, and a couple ill timed bluffs.

A player like Q thrives on "scared money."

It's well known that, "scared money doesn't make no money" and Q isn't afraid to put people to the test.

What I like about Q is that when someone calls him and he's caught bluffing, Q says, "Bless you" as his opponent is scooping in the pot.

It seems Q does not care at all about the money he loses.

Finally, after losing his third $300 buy in, another black man says, "Are you coming back for more?"

A look of disgust breaks out upon Q's face and he says, "More? You just ask me if I'm coming back for more? **** *****, this is little kid money. You think I'm one of those people who come in and lose some kid money, then just leave. *****, you crazy. Please. You already got lucky once when I blessed you earlier with $300. You should be all thankful and be counting your blessings. Not asking me about no kid money and if I'm coming back for more. ****. Dealer. Deal me in."

Over the next hour Q tightens up his game and works his stack to above $600. The highlight hand of the night occurs when Q goes up against the man who asked if "he was coming back for more."

Q's stack was just over $600. The other black man's stack was around $550. Q was one of the first to act and bet his usual $10.00. When it folded around to the other black man, that main raised it to $40.00. This was the first time this guy had 3-bet all night. Q might not being the smartest man in the room, but he's smart enough to know that when a man makes his first 3-bet of the night...that man has AA or KK.

So, when Q called the mans $40. I was quite sure Q had a pocket pair and was going to try to spike a set because often times people can not fold AA or KK ever as long as their pair is an over-pair to the board.

The flop came down 2 5 6 rainbow.

Q checked and the man bet $75.

Q then announced "all in."

The man called quickly then Q announced "Your aces are no good."

Q took his $550 with a set of 2's.

As the man was berating Q for calling his $40 3-bet when Q only had $10 invested in the pot Q said, "You wanted me to stay didn't you? I told you that you should have been counting your blessings. When you raised to $40, I know you have pocket aces or kinds and I just had to see if I could get a set of 2's so you could bless me. Somebody, gotta do it. Now shut up, get on, and let me count my blessings."

Q would later go on to leave with around 1.5k, so he was up $300 for the day.

I went on to leave $300 down.

No "blessings" for me.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-28-2013 , 07:35 AM
I'll take 5% LG
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-28-2013 , 07:58 AM
1% via pp please!
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-28-2013 , 08:13 AM
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-28-2013 , 08:32 AM
Posted and sold out while I slept.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-28-2013 , 11:37 AM
another 1% if available.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-28-2013 , 03:04 PM

kyle_r (4%/you would owe me an additional $6.50) PAID
er7eman (4%) PAID
JL514 (15%) PAID
Golfpro (5%)
acdawg (1%)
mdroz247 (3%)
rufus2012 (5%)
harby33 (1%)
tmade (5%)
rponeal (1%)

11% still available.

Please send funds by this Friday.

Last edited by LotGrinder; 10-28-2013 at 03:22 PM.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-28-2013 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by LotGrinder

11% still available.

I guess I did the math wrong. Sorry for any confusion. I will probably skip this package since I have a trip to Chi-Town this weekend and don't think I will have time to head down to the D to meet up for swapping cash (and don't have paypal or chase quick pay) before I leave.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-28-2013 , 04:23 PM
Shipped, GL
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
