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Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring

10-18-2013 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by LotGrinder
Table thinks I am the biggest fish to, for the call...I got American flag pants on, American flag sunglasses, and wolf shirt.
The wolf shirt is legit LG

Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-18-2013 , 04:56 PM
Level 7: 200/400/50

We are in bb with folds around to a backpack wearer otb and he ships his 4k stack.

We call and are up against 9/10 offsuit.

Hope that young punk had some kleenex in backpack.

Because we held....
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-18-2013 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by ravager 102
here's some basic advice which honestly if you applied right now you would see a huge increase in your win rate. look up "standard" opening ranges from various positions and stop open limping. memorize these charts, only deviate with good reasons (isoing a fish light, players in blinds play super tight, opponent plays 3b pots poorly, stuff like that)
Where can I find this info? Thanks.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-18-2013 , 05:36 PM
Level 1:

Q9s hj (-50)

Level 2:

K10 otb (2000)
22 mp (-300)
Aq sb (-300)

Level 3:

87s co r 350 (-750)
K10s mp2 r 350 (-750)
85s bb (700)

Level 4:

Q10 bb (1000) check/call
Kjs sb (-200)

Level 5:

J8s mps (-950) flop top/still lose.

Level 6:


Level 7:

K6s bb (4.2k)

Level 8: 250/500/50


12 k stack, folds around to me in co, I raise to 1200.

Otb with 5k left calls. Sb with 50k calls.

Flop 10h 8h Qd.

Sb checks. I check. Older man otb ships.

Sb calls. I ship.

Old man had KhJh

Sb has 10k.

We dance under water and not get wet/hold.

Full details of hands to come later.

Sitting on 30k chips now.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-18-2013 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by NarcoCop
Please don't ever 3bet/fold with 21bbs. If your 3betting with 21bbs than make sure u get it in. It's a huge mistake to 3bet/fold with anything under 25bbs. I personally don't do it unless i have 28bbs min. just my 2 cents
Please explain how this is a "huge mistake"
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-18-2013 , 06:10 PM
Level 9:

42s sb (-600)
Jj mp r 1400, all fold.(1400)
Kj mp r 1400 (-1400)

15k stack shipped. Older man.

66sb (25k)

Utg opens to 1500. I flat. Flop set on Ace high board and I extract max value.

We are at 51k chips on break going into level 10.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-18-2013 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by buggits30
Please explain how this is a "huge mistake"
On second thought not sure I really like that line, definitely have been doing that lately tho when I probably shouldn't be. For the AJ hand do people think the optimal line is shove>flat>fold then?
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-18-2013 , 06:40 PM
Phone dying out. Will update at dinner break. 2 hours.

I'll try to run well and not do anything too stupid.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-18-2013 , 06:53 PM
Glgl usa pants and glasses with wolf shirt confirmed. Keep chipping away lg
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-18-2013 , 08:19 PM
90k at dinner break.......
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-18-2013 , 10:01 PM
Card dead for the last hour...

Have dwindled to 80k.

Not gonna force any raises with trash.

We are 80 minutes from Day 2.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-18-2013 , 10:39 PM

35 minutes from day two.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-18-2013 , 10:57 PM

...I just realized I shorted you $5--for some reason I thought that it was $52, not $60. Must've been looking at the previous package... I'll be back for the $580 at noon tomorrow.

Last edited by rponeal; 10-18-2013 at 11:05 PM.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-18-2013 , 10:57 PM
how many left on day 1b?
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-18-2013 , 10:59 PM
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-18-2013 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by rponeal

...I just realized I shorted you $5--for some reason I thought that it was $52, not $60. Must've been looking at the previous package... I'll be back for the $580 at noon tomorrow.
Np...see ya tomm.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-18-2013 , 11:46 PM
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-18-2013 , 11:58 PM
180 made day 2 from 1b.

Just bagged and tagged 85k.

Didn't win a hand for last hour.

Put that I am from "Parts Unkown" as my city. Hope Wsop puts it on the site.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-19-2013 , 12:29 AM
Nice work LG! GL day 2.

As far as AJ hand being discussed, Ship>Fold>3bet/fold>call, I'm in line with Galen's advice, air on the side of aggression, you ran into top of his range and still had 30% equity.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-19-2013 , 01:16 PM
When you get situated let us know:

Blind Level
Avg Stack
How many to the money


Edit: according to the day 2 chip counts there are 299 left and 252 get 47 to the money?

Day 2 Chip counts:

Last edited by WillCK; 10-19-2013 at 01:23 PM.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-19-2013 , 02:11 PM
47 until the money.

We need final table, though.

Will be playing aggressive and trying to be chip leader at my table.

Blinds are 1.5k/3k to start. We have a lil above average stack.

Last edited by LotGrinder; 10-19-2013 at 02:28 PM.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-19-2013 , 03:05 PM
We start the day getting our Aks cracked for 30k all in against A6 off.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-19-2013 , 03:20 PM
Got down to 40k chips...opened to 7k with AA from an aggro tourney donk to put me all in.

He had 77 and we hold.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-19-2013 , 03:38 PM
1 off the money, down to 65k chips. A backpack wearing bastard with 100k makes it 8k on my bb from otb.

I ship A2s and he folds.

Whew...we in the money now.

Around 90k.
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
10-19-2013 , 03:41 PM
It's only fair if I tell you I'm in seat 5. Glgl
Rise of The Bull: The Quest For The People's Ring Quote
