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Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread

12-27-2011 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by robhimself
I also found out that I have a gold coin in a safety deposit box which I have no use for so I'll sell that whenever I can get to it and put it towards paying investors back as well. I'm doing some online work for someone which is where I'm getting the money, there will be monthly installment based on how much they have me do which they'll send on the 15th of each month and I'll receive somewhere within a week of that. The money I'm getting this month was for less than a month of work so hopefully I'll have more to do this month and will make upwards of $1k.
Did you end up selling the gold coin?

And what are you doing for this guy. Its not a lot but is it a steady stream of income? Has he paid you anything yet?
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
12-28-2011 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by IcyHotMonkey
Did you end up selling the gold coin?

And what are you doing for this guy. Its not a lot but is it a steady stream of income? Has he paid you anything yet?
Picking up the gold coin from the safety deposit box tomorrow, the box is in my mom's name in my hometown. I have no clue what the coin is since it was given to me 11 years ago and just placed straight into the safety deposit box, I'd be shocked if it were worth more than $500 or something, my grandfather gave it to me and he was pretty poor.

I'm doing various online promotion/management stuff for the guy, I should be able to keep doing stuff for him at least until the investors are paid off. I've done stuff for him in the past and been paid on PS no problem, there shouldn't be any delay on later payments once he has the international bank transfer stuff in place.
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
12-28-2011 , 01:31 AM
at least gold is near an all time high so at least get some heat there
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
12-29-2011 , 03:48 PM
Alright I called a few places and they give you 90% of the market value for gold across the board it seems like so my coin is worth $700, I'll add this to the money I'm sending out and update the total I'll be sending once I know for sure, it should be right around $2k total once I get the transfer.
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
12-29-2011 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by robhimself
We might just end up combining December's money with January, in which case the number would be closer to $2k most likely.
Originally Posted by robhimself
Alright I called a few places and they give you 90% of the market value for gold across the board it seems like so my coin is worth $700, I'll add this to the money I'm sending out and update the total I'll be sending once I know for sure, it should be right around $2k total once I get the transfer.
Assuming this is just a little oversight but is it around 2k or around 2.5k-2.7k?

Asking since the difference is whether or not I can expect full payment on the next distribution.
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
12-29-2011 , 11:54 PM
Well I'll only be receiving what I've earned up until the 3rd on January or so which is when he'll make the transfer, the plan is for him to make one then and then another at the regularly scheduled mid-January time. I don't see a point in waiting to pay out the money I have now until I receive that 2nd payment, hopefully between the 2 I'll be able to pay everyone out in full from this. That being said the guy hasn't been around as much lately so I don't think I'll make a full $1k from him this month, but it might pick up after the New Year. As things stand now I'll be distributing $2k total whenever I get the money from the guy and how much I'll receive mid-January is totally up in the air.
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
01-01-2012 , 12:27 AM
Okay finally an update from the guy. He is just going to skip the December cashout altogether and ship me the total I've made for him at the regularly scheduled 15th of each month, so the January transfer will be on the 15th, include December's money and hopefully be upwards of $1500 (currently around $1200). I'll just send out the $700 I have from the gold in a few days and then the rest when I get it later in January. Sorry for all the delays.
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
01-02-2012 , 03:00 PM
Okay, money sent to Deke by online transfer, tomorrow I'll send to FightingCoward by dropping it off at my local BofA branch. Next update will be around the 15th to confirm the guy has sent the $ to me and then when I receive it I will be sending out the next day.
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
01-02-2012 , 07:44 PM
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
01-03-2012 , 07:40 PM
Money sent to fightingcoward, the list is now:

DoGGz = $541.55
vtpp123 = $541.55
IcyHotMonkey = $324.93
CatBrains = $216.62
Blizzuff = $216.62
Rambo = $216.62
Trentsmomm = $108.31
zima421 = $186.92
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
01-03-2012 , 07:50 PM
got it, thanks.
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
01-08-2012 , 04:08 AM
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
01-12-2012 , 10:23 PM
Okay the transfer should be sent to me on the 15th, not sure it'll take to be accessible to me but I'll be paying off DoGGz, vtpp123 and IcyHotMonkey in full once it arrives. I'll update when the money hits my account.

Edit: Okay apparently it's actually being sent on the 17th since the 15th is a Sunday.

Last edited by robhimself; 01-12-2012 at 10:35 PM.
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
01-18-2012 , 11:09 PM
Okay I think I'll have the money all set by Monday the 23rd and be sending out the funds to people then. I'll be pming the people who will be getting paid this time to confirm their banking details.
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
01-23-2012 , 10:37 PM
Sorry guys Moneybookers tells me 24-48 hours for verification and it's been almost 4 days and they aren't done yet. I called them this morning and they said it was in the works and they'd have the security deposit fast track the process but still nothing. Once they verify all of the bank info I sent them I'll have the money out asap.
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
01-25-2012 , 10:36 AM
make sure you don't drop the gold coin, they're slippery little suckers.
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
01-26-2012 , 09:37 PM
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
01-26-2012 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by IcyHotMonkey
Moneybookers got my account verified yesterday, now just waiting for the transfer to my Moneybookers. Haven't used it before so not sure how long it takes to go from there to my bank account, guess we'll find out. Guy said he was dealing with sending me the money in the next day.
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
01-27-2012 , 01:31 PM
How is this going?
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
01-31-2012 , 07:06 AM
Well this really sucks but the guy I'm working for has to delay paying me again. I can't really get into the details but the money definitely will come, just in a time frame that makes me look like an *******. It'll be in my account by Feb. 17 and there isn't much I can do about it until then. Hopefully by that time I'll have made enough to be able to just pay back everyone still owed for the package in one fell swoop. I apologize for how I keep having to break my promises about this repayment but I hope you guys understand that I'm doing everything in my power to get this dealt with in a timely manner.
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
02-06-2012 , 08:03 PM
It's looking like I'll be able to pay everyone off in full this month once I receive the funds. Since I'm about $500 shy right now and will do some other work this week the guy has offered to just front me the rest if I don't quite make it, so hopefully this works out and I'll have everyone paid in full by the end of the month.
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
02-17-2012 , 03:12 PM
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
02-17-2012 , 10:06 PM
DoGGz = $541.55
vtpp123 = $541.55
IcyHotMonkey = $324.93
CatBrains = $216.62

Those 4 I should be able to pay on Monday and the rest by the end of the month. He sent me the money this morning and emailed me the confirmation from his bank so it should hit my bank first thing Monday morning.
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
02-19-2012 , 05:58 PM
Okay I'm dumb and banks are closed tomorrow, on Tuesday I'll be able to pay off:

DoGGz = $541.55
vtpp123 = $541.55
IcyHotMonkey = $324.93
CatBrains = $216.62
Rambo = $216.62

Blizzuff has agreed to let me just skip him since he knows me well and doesn't need the money right this second. I should be paying out the last 3 people in a couple of weeks.

Blizzuff = $216.62
Trentsmomm = $108.31
zima421 = $186.92
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 03:42 AM
Robhimself WSOP/VDSE Rail Thread Quote
