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Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA

09-10-2013 , 12:48 AM
Subbed in future pure epicness.
Good luck guys wish you all the best and a lot of moniessssssssss.
Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-10-2013 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by Don Melchor
hey, gl guys, Im from CR so kick ass, if you have any questions or anything I can do to help lmk

subbed, glglgl

Nice, thanks man, where are you at in Costa?
Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-10-2013 , 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by Eifersuchtig
Good luck! House looks sick. How are the locals?
The locals here are really awesome...

There are alot of guys that understand that Americans with bad spanish are prime targets to take advantage of but we have met a few people here that we trust and with the help of TedStretched, and Jgold being here for over a month now we feel like we can hold our own and avoid most scams.

Its like anywhere in the world... people are people. People are generally well intentioned and in my short time here I would say that the people are more well intentioned here than back in the States... It may just be naivete though.

As for the girls here... there are ALOT of hookers in this town. Jaco is kind of known as a big destination for sexual tourism and I'd say 8/10 girls that you meet that are attractive here are hookers. We as a house are not interested in paying for that at the moment so we are more interested in that 20% but its difficult with the language barrier
Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-10-2013 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by Goldfinger2790
Nice, thanks man, where are you at in Costa?
Im from Heredia, but I work at Santa Ana
Originally Posted by gopato
The locals here are really awesome...

There are alot of guys that understand that Americans with bad spanish are prime targets to take advantage of but we have met a few people here that we trust and with the help of TedStretched, and Jgold being here for over a month now we feel like we can hold our own and avoid most scams.

Its like anywhere in the world... people are people. People are generally well intentioned and in my short time here I would say that the people are more well intentioned here than back in the States... It may just be naivete though.

As for the girls here... there are ALOT of hookers in this town. Jaco is kind of known as a big destination for sexual tourism and I'd say 8/10 girls that you meet that are attractive here are hookers. We as a house are not interested in paying for that at the moment so we are more interested in that 20% but its difficult with the language barrier
lol yeah, thats for sure one of its "problems" , but youll find theres a lot of people that speak decent english too, so that 20% will speak english for sure, just dont go to the usual hooker bars(monkey bar,etc) and youll have no problem meeting cool chicks...

And I dont think youre being naive, people here are know to be "pura vida" and will lend a hand without thinking about twice, just be cautious when regarding money

bol guys
Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-11-2013 , 02:03 PM
No pics of the pool table and pull-up bar? Looking forward to celebrating some nice scores with you guys after you get settled in, nice to have some more players in town!
Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-11-2013 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by tedSTRETCH
No pics of the pool table and pull-up bar? Looking forward to celebrating some nice scores with you guys after you get settled in, nice to have some more players in town!
Haha in time my friend, in time. And definitely man, we made a deal that if anyone has a score over $175k that they have to buy that safari vehicle sitting next to fruitarica
Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-11-2013 , 04:31 PM
Hey everyone!

I'm going to go ahead and finish up where I left off last time with my background story... But first I want to say thanks to everyone that has come in here and wished us luck, asked questions, and even those that have been just lurking... It means a lot to all of us to see that there are so many people interested in what we are doing.

So... After Black Friday passed I kind of had to re-evaluate my decision to pursue online poker. I thought about it for a long time and I came to the conclusion that while BF complicated things, I shouldn't let it deter me from my dreams. I also considered the fact that online poker legislation/regulation in the USA was likely to occur in the next 3-5 years and that many people would stop playing or play less than before BF. I thought that if I took that time to build a really strong game and emerge as a great poker player by the time US gets regulated, that I would be able to really reap the benefits of the possible "next boom".

But first I had to build my game... As Jgold said earlier, he moved in with me that summer (between my JR and SR year of college) and coached me in cash. I grinded alot of 4nl and 10nl on merge that summer (with frequently ego driven move-ups to higher stakes that led to busting my account). It was a bumpy summer and I was a net loser (but nothing terrible) but I learned alot and felt like my grasp of the fundamentals of poker were coming along nicely. Poker was and is a much more difficult endeavor for me than school and I've found that I've put much more work into my game than I have for all my classes combined.

After the summer was over, we all had to go back to class and Jason moved out. I played a decent amount of poker everyday but never really moved out of 10nl. I dabbled in some tournaments as well and was mostly breakeven. Towards the end of the semester, I started to play a little bit of 25nl HU. The rake in those games was atrocious but I started to get a much better feel for hand reading and I felt like playing that pushed my game a little further. I was still doing well in my classes but my interest in Finance and Econ was fading. Poker was taking up the majority of my thoughts. Going into winter break I'd say that I was probably a ~$400 net loser in poker since I started.

Despite the poor results, I still thought that I had what it took to be great at this game though. I was naive in thinking that I could be a superstar in 6 months and built unrealistic expectations for myself. But I still believed that this was the best thing for me going forward... I just didn't have much to show for that belief.

Little did I know... Things were about to change completely

To be continued...

-Anthony (xoJustinBieberxo)
Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-11-2013 , 05:47 PM
ooooo the suspense! It's like waiting for the next episode of your favorite show!
Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-11-2013 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by gopato
I'm going to go ahead and finish up where I left off last time
...always bluffing
Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-11-2013 , 06:28 PM
It's the Sultan of Swat, The King of Crash, The Colossus of Clout, AKA FridaySpecials......The Great Bambino. As per usual, I'm arriving fashionably late, letting the hype build, with everyone waiting for my first post. Not only my first post in this thread, but my first post EVER!!!!!!!!!! The time has come, it's finally here, the wise wisdom of FridaySpecials. (Now get off my back Injury)

All giggling aside, I just want to start with a shout out to my main men Jgold279, XoJustinBeiberXo, Injury, and soon to be Hennesyx, who is arriving in the next few hours. You are all crushers and I can't wait to soak up your knowledge and thoughts on life and poker, then use it against you at HU nosebleeds.

My poker journey begins at the UNCW cafeteria, where I was enjoying some Chick-Fil-a with a good friend. Across the way, I see lonely little Jgold279 looking for some friends to eat with, but to no avail. Being the awesome guy that I am, I called his name and invited him to join us. During this meal, I discovered he was looking for a place to live during the summer. I was living with XoJustinBieberXo at the time, and knew that he would allow meek homeless Jgold279 to live with us for poker coaching. In that moment, our friendship was born.

During that summer of '11, Beebs (XoJustinbieber) and Goldy (Jgold279) played poker religiously while I pretended to have no interest in the subject. Within 2 weeks, I was begging them to ship me another 5 dollars on Carbon, or stay up a little longer to play 3 handed. All summer, the 3 of us grinded MTT's and low stakes cash, and with our time off, would play each other heads up or 3-handed. It was awesome. They both had/have very different playing styles which have both influenced my game. I thank you both because I don't know what I would be doing without your influence. Once school came back around in the fall, I put poker on the back burner.

Side Note: 2 Flamingos just flew by my window, didn't even know those little buggers could take flight.

Back to the story, Blah Blah Blah.... I started playing poker seriously around December 2012. Then a week and a half ago September 2nd, 2013 I stepped on a plane in Atlanta and 7 hours later, took my first step outside of the USA, in Costa Rica. And now I have one goal in mind; taking all your money. Jkjkjk. Truthfully, I'm absolutely ecstatic about being here with some true crushers, and hope you all enjoy our journey, which can lead into your own.

The best piece of advice I have for you if you are thinking about making a move like this; DO IT. Within one week of being here, I have already learned more Spanish than in 4 years of college, tasted the most delectable seafood of my life, and seen unbelievable landscape. It has already been an amazing experience, and I can't wait to see whats in store.

- Friday "TheGreatBambino" Specials

P.S. - Thanks for the love. ASAP, I will be attempting somewhat of a documentary of our experiences here for our own personal enjoyment as well as family/friends/others. I will post some clips ITT for input and entertainment.

Boom Bam Bop...Bada Bop Boom POWWW

Last edited by DatsOnSalp; 09-11-2013 at 06:48 PM.
Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-11-2013 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by DatsOnSalp;
tasted the most delectable hookers of my life

Last edited by gopato; 09-11-2013 at 08:35 PM. Reason: jk he's into animals
Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-12-2013 , 01:03 AM
glgl boys from a fellow merge grinder
Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-12-2013 , 12:53 PM
holy smokes Friday! Is that a chick you met in Jaco?? glglgl 2 u all :-)
Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-12-2013 , 01:02 PM
glgl guys

and special gl to injury. used to be in same MTTc chat with me and used to talk to him a decent amount. great to see you doing well man.

Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-12-2013 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by quit stallin
glgl boys from a fellow merge grinder
tyty sir. What's your name on merge?
Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-12-2013 , 01:31 PM
Sick thread, subbed

GL guy's
Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-12-2013 , 01:42 PM
This is awesome much respect for your guys games. And wish you all the best of luck in your poker careers...Also a fellow merge player (checkingnutz)..
Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-12-2013 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Zima421
glgl guys

and special gl to injury. used to be in same MTTc chat with me and used to talk to him a decent amount. great to see you doing well man.

im with zima on this one.

been a long time since nitregs and i never did much in poker, but always remember a few and when i started seeing you pop up i followed plenty and was always glad to see you crush merge immediately. best of luck going forward!
Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-12-2013 , 05:35 PM
Hey everyone.. We need some advice/help...

We are all in the process of signing up for all the new sites we can access out here that we couldn't in the US. Its awesome... 888, party, ipoker, etc.

We are wondering if anyone knows the best way to get rakeback/bonuses/whatever for those sites. We are pretty green with all these new networks and its kind of overwhelming but we want to make sure that we take advantage of any of these options while we still have the chance because we'd hate to lose value.

If anyone can help us out it would be soo greatly appreciated!

PM me or post in the thread depending on what's best for you.

Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-16-2013 , 02:20 PM
Now that we're mostly settled in (although biebs and injury are still waiting on their carbon money), I'm going to post some short term goals to cement my routine:

My grind station is all setup downstairs and now it's time to actually use it:

I've never had a month over 600 games in my entire career. Over the next 30 days, I am going to play 1200 tournaments. This will take a lot more work ethic than I am used to and will set a personal standard of persistence that I desperately need.

If you didn't read my previous thread or you don't know me personally, you should know that I am a huge believer in fitness. I think that balancing poker and fitness is an essential part of being a successful and clear headed poker player. I have been working out since I was 15 and know quite a bit about programs/diets/form. Over the past 2 years or so I have been doing a mix of p90x/p90x2 as well as day to day single muscle isolation training.

My #1 priority when we moved into this house was to build a pull up bar. It took more money and more time than I'd like to admit but now that it's up it was definitely worth it. We also have a weight machine left here by the landlord so we have a nice little home gym that we can all use:

Friday and I have done p90x together for a long time and now Injury is very interested in getting in shape. This has led to the Biebs wanting to be involved so today we are all doing day 1 of p90x. My goal is to do 30 days straight of p90x with no exceptions to create a good routine and form good habits here in Costa. I will talk more about fitness in future posts and if you guys have any questions feel free to ask or PM me.

Cliffs: Goals for the next 30 days
1. 1200 tournaments
2. Follow p90x program like a baus and get Injury hooked on fitness.
Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-16-2013 , 04:48 PM
nice bar, barstarzz CR lml
Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-16-2013 , 06:23 PM
sick thread ,ARGENTINA should have been the right choice not costa rica!
Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-16-2013 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by Don Melchor
nice bar, barstarzz CR lml
Haha just checked this out, that flagpole hold was ridiculousssssss
Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-16-2013 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by santy312
sick thread ,ARGENTINA should have been the right choice not costa rica!
Are there a lot of poker players that move to Argentina?
Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
09-17-2013 , 03:05 AM
the flag is next haha
Xojustinbieberxo, Jgold279, Fridayspecials, Injury and Hennesyx MOVE TO COSTA RICA Quote
