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Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit)

01-20-2014 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by starting gun
Hey Gramps, I was influenced to finally buy a sit/stand desk from your link in Jdawg's thread & I ****ing love it. So thanks for that. Not sure if I'm going to go all out and get the treadmill yet..
Seriously, for all the grinders out there - these desks (and treadmills) are the best and healthiest things ever. It takes some time to get the endurance up, but I've been using a standing desk for over 3 years now and would easily run off a 10+ hour session standing only, but now I think that's not exactly healthy either, so I do 2 hours up, 30 min sitting, repeat (more or less, it's hard to not get sucked in sometimes).

Originally Posted by Gramps
Definitely want to do bull fighting as well.
It's on. Hopefully the season will start before I'm outta here in May!
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
01-20-2014 , 02:25 PM
Do you have semiregular intervals that youll get and and walk or just do it when your legs start to cramp? Near the end of last december i was having to get up and stretch (as much one can stretch while 18 tbling) every hour. I imagine getting to actually walk on a treadmill will be a lot more effective than just standing for a bit?
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
01-20-2014 , 10:23 PM
How many marathons have you run, anything longer?
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
01-21-2014 , 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by belthazorrrrr
If you could have one reg in this ring who would be?
All of them.

Originally Posted by Alexnorge
Nice beard. Nice setup, but...
maid suck at dusting floor?
Agreed that I should fire...myself. Slackin.

Originally Posted by bumpking
Seriously, for all the grinders out there - these desks (and treadmills) are the best and healthiest things ever. It takes some time to get the endurance up, but I've been using a standing desk for over 3 years now and would easily run off a 10+ hour session standing only, but now I think that's not exactly healthy either, so I do 2 hours up, 30 min sitting, repeat (more or less, it's hard to not get sucked in sometimes).

It's on. Hopefully the season will start before I'm outta here in May!
Glad to hear from someone who's been using the standing setup successfully for awhile. And yes, let's get bull season going and do this!

Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Do you have semiregular intervals that youll get and and walk or just do it when your legs start to cramp? Near the end of last december i was having to get up and stretch (as much one can stretch while 18 tbling) every hour. I imagine getting to actually walk on a treadmill will be a lot more effective than just standing for a bit?
Today was the first real day of using it, we'll see. I'm actually going to be running/biking a fair amount over the next 4 months, so probably not going to get a ton of treadmill work (vs. someone who uses that as their sole cardio/workout for the day).

Started w/the treadmill for 30 minutes, then went about 2:1 standing/vs./sitting with some lunge-stretches worked in there. My legs feel much better right now than they normally would after sitting for 5+ hours straight.

Originally Posted by jaxtraw
How many marathons have you run, anything longer?
Uno. Going to do my 2nd Half-Ironman in early May.

Would love to do another marathon - I just need to be able to run/train without hurting myself (which *fingers crossed* the stretching program I've done for the last ~2 months is really helping with).
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
01-22-2014 , 11:14 PM
So the training for the half ironman is less taxing than marathon training? Curious, on average week, how much time is spent grinding, how much exercising?
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
01-23-2014 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by jaxtraw
So the training for the half ironman is less taxing than marathon training? Curious, on average week, how much time is spent grinding, how much exercising?
Not necessarily true since you have work on all 3 parts of the ironman. Some people are good runners and swim like rocks. Gl with half ironman.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
01-23-2014 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by jaxtraw
So the training for the half ironman is less taxing than marathon training? Curious, on average week, how much time is spent grinding, how much exercising?
Originally Posted by madison79
Not necessarily true since you have work on all 3 parts of the ironman. Some people are good runners and swim like rocks. Gl with half ironman.
Yea, I'm an ex-collegiate runner and have half-way decent swim form (and can float with a wetsuit ), so could literally ride the bike 3-5 hours/week and that would be sufficient preparation to (slowly) finish the thing. My commitment level is "having something to train for/get me off the couch early in the year/finish/go camping-mutually suffer through a race with some old friends/etc."

Trying to ride twice/week, run twice/week, and swim a few times (total) leading up. Will hopefully get up over race distance on the bike 2-3 times, and once or twice for swimming & running. I know more serious people who are putting in 10-20 hours/week of actual training (and have real jobs during the week).

Marathon training would be "easier" in regards to total training time & preparation, and "easier" to get injured (for me anyhow ). I probably spend almost as much time getting ready/driving to-from/cleaning up afterwards for a bike ride down here in SD. Miss my house in Sac where I could just ride out the front door for a nice ride on a bike trail.

BTW, doing a grind session with an upright desk after a long bike ride or run >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>doing that same grind session sitting. Holy ****ing Lord my legs feel infinitely better.

Lol, the post-grind ramble is coming back, must be starting to put in some volume finally!
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
01-23-2014 , 01:54 AM
I used this training video for my tri since I'm heavier guy. It's great for keeping legs fresh for the bike and run.

I did about 10 sprints with some in pool and some in lakes. Really helped my legs be good for bike and run. Cheers.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-01-2014 , 01:23 AM
~148k VPPs this month and played 1,016 games <$10 buyin. Hope to crank out 175k+ VPPs and 2,000 <$10 games in February.

Update in Freeroll challenge:

1,016 games played - $370 profit so far.


(↑↑↑ HEM2 still overstates green line losses, so raise up the green line a tad for the redline graph above↑↑↑, and the one below↓↓↓)

(though it overstates losses less when I auto-import as I play, vs. load them from an external hard drive )

Finally figured out how to mark and export/review hands in HEM2, so I should begin to be having a clue re: 9-man ICMish stuff here in the coming weeks. At least I feel like I have a decent-to-good grasp on where msot of the value in the $7 9-max Hypers is (seemed like several possible areas at the start), so hope to be a little better/consistent there in February.

Had a pretty solid month in the High Stakes Hypers as well - 2014 reverted back to the old pattern of PCA being one of the best weeks of the year to grind. Lotta 2+ rec games. Got tougher/back-to-normal the 2nd half of the month, but was able to hang in okay and did pretty well handling an ugly downswing to start the year.


New setup is working out pretty well - haven't been using the treadmill a lot if I did a run or bike ride that day. Have done a couple of 5 mile days when I've arrived fresh.

Really, really, really like the stand up/sit down option. Find for me the best is mostly standing, and making sure to walk around the room for ~5 seconds here-and-there and also stretch a little bit. Been doing some 6-7 hour grind sessions (straight), and the mind is hanging in, where it would normally start crapping out half-way through before.

And here's hoping a parched California gets some more of this in the near future:

Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-01-2014 , 01:40 AM
nice redline!!! champion. now... about those low stakes results... kindly get to binking. thank you.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-01-2014 , 03:04 AM
just read the op, haven't gone through whole thread, but why do you drive across the border every day? why not just live in mexico?
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-01-2014 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by sippin_criss
nice redline!!! champion. now... about those low stakes results... kindly get to binking. thank you.
I'll try and get an MTT bink or two, just to throw a "game changer" in there part-way through this challenge.

Originally Posted by Turbulenc3
just read the op, haven't gone through whole thread, but why do you drive across the border every day? why not just live in mexico?
Basically, because I wanna live in Cali. It'd certainly work to live in my TJ place and still visit/hang out in SD from time-to-time, but for the daily non-poker stuff I do (runs, bikes, etc.) it's >>>>> here.

Plus it's the vibe I grew up around and get energized/recharged by. The intangible whatever-you-wanna-call-it. If was going to live/grind full-time outside the US, it'd probably be South America/Australia/HK/Europe or somewhere far away.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-11-2014 , 03:45 PM
Hi. Just wonder how the micro games are? I see u beat the games with an easy 10% roi so far. Impressing. What u think your roi be in 6 man same 7 stakes? 8%
? Anyway it is interesting to see the different stakes and how easy a good player crush. Good luck.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-11-2014 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by Lasse Ekman
Hi. Just wonder how the micro games are? I see u beat the games with an easy 10% roi so far. Impressing. What u think your roi be in 6 man same 7 stakes? 8%
? Anyway it is interesting to see the different stakes and how easy a good player crush. Good luck.
Tyty, not sure how I'd do in the 6-max unless I played them for a bit. Running a tad over $EV (I think?), but you could do 10% ROI in the $7 9-max I'm playing.

To be fair, I'm not getting much volume in vs. 3-5 better regs (i.e. Nash-ish) - think if i were relying on TN to register (vs. generally open-regging as the 1st/2nd person), my game quality might be a bit down.

On the flip side, if I were TN-regging/mass-tabling the $7s I think I'd play a bit better in them in some spots b/c currently I'm mixing a few MTTs, high-stakes 6max hypers, occasional $7 NLO8 game(s) and $7 9-max hypers....and the latter is what tends to suffer as far as misread/misclicks, and just lacking a "sense" of where things are going to go moving forward and any slight adjustments off of that. Definitely lose quite a bit of value the times I lose awareness of the other players/situations around me.

That said, it's really, really nice to get 4, 3, and HU against some tight-passive players in shorter-stack situations. Still get called ~30%+ by the 2nd or 3rd stack sometimes on the bubble (when they're "supposed" to call more like ~5%), but sooooo much long-run equity when stacks get short vs. the correct type of player(s) that fold...and even when the call and win, they go back to folding again. Like the (really) old Party days. You still have to have some restraint, but you can patiently p3wn pretty hard.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-11-2014 , 11:25 PM
Now if this chasing fish could just bink in an MTT, the number might get up there. Played the Big $8.80 on Sunday, and will probably get that one in that a few more times (like $15k up top?).

Problem is even in an off-peakish MTT Hyper <$10, there's like 2k runners, so variance is gonna be huuuuge even compared to the normal Hyper/Turbo MTTs I'm playing (~several hundred entries).
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-12-2014 , 01:37 AM
Game selecting the 7s classic Gramps

Length of avg game noticeably shorter than say the 30s or 60s?
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-12-2014 , 06:20 AM
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck missed my two bets/guesses!

Anyway, love this thread! GL in 2014 Gramps -im sure youll crush it!
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-13-2014 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by #RBIHML
Game selecting the 7s classic Gramps

Length of avg game noticeably shorter than say the 30s or 60s?
Lol, this actually just made me take a long time to figure out where that stat was. HEM2 really is ****, how hard is it to carry stuff over? Cash bias here and in many of the stats that are (and aren't) available IMO.

12.0 minutes ($7s) vs. 12.2 in $30s+, though I probably play a little nittier than I could early in the $7s. Not like those lower-tax 6-mans where you can get your gamble on from the start

Originally Posted by mckrogh
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck missed my two bets/guesses!

Anyway, love this thread! GL in 2014 Gramps -im sure youll crush it!
Thank you, I'll do my best to end up far from what you would have guessed
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-13-2014 , 02:11 PM
You found it?! Sick brag imo! Share please. Got so used to the little summary section in HM1 with ROI, finish distribution, etc. Then they scattered it to the wind in HM2. Found "duration" which gives total hours so I could calculate it pretty easily, but for some reason that particular stat doesn't get a column total. *pulling hair*

MTT bink por favor, glgl
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-13-2014 , 02:32 PM
I take it back. Not even sure how I could calc it from total duration due to varied number of tables running. *shrug*
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-13-2014 , 02:35 PM
Lol, my *brag* post was about finding it in HM1 (after being unsuccessful in HM2).

So we both have something to be "proud" of
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-13-2014 , 02:41 PM
Oh, hahaha

I just found "MT ratio" which is average tables played. So it looks like (time played * MT ratio / games played) might do it. Easy peasy (-_-)

edit: spoke too soon again, unless I average 12 minutes (for 6 max).

Last edited by Max Cut; 02-13-2014 at 02:59 PM.
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-13-2014 , 03:26 PM
Reply from HM support thread:


So simple! Unfortunately, that gives my ave duration as just under 2 minutes. (known HM2 issue...)
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-13-2014 , 05:05 PM
I'm sure they'll get around to fixing it, as soon as those other 5,784 known issues are resolved first
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
02-16-2014 , 11:30 PM
Somebody just got a pending charge on their CC from FIFA World Cup ticketing. Wow.

Guess that all that lost SNG $EV is coming back around somewhere else
Withered Old STTF Grinder Wonts 2 Million VPPs in 2013 (w/decent pre-RB profit) Quote
