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Turned down by couple of CFP applications. Downswing/losing player started feeling confused Turned down by couple of CFP applications. Downswing/losing player started feeling confused

10-02-2023 , 08:02 AM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
T9s is folding like half the time at equilibrium here, keep in mind we are playing vs a preflop range of around 20%
wow checked on wizard and it surprised me facing 75% on flop mid pair no bdfd is folding that much, maybe this kind of board we cant realise equity easily on later street

then actually folding more than that should be one of my consideration
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10-02-2023 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by Spongi
I agree T9 should be bluffing on river, but folding 2nd pair OTF sounds crazy but understandable if villian big bet is too value heavy, but i have never made such exploitative fold tbh

and how do you approach your data to help your game? if you dont mind disclosing
I'm in Saulo Costa's CFP so we have a whole Game Plan. The over simplified version is you play GTO when there are no significant exploits (i.e. BvB as SB in SRP OTF) to take advantage of from the population.
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10-02-2023 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by DooDooPoker
Poker is hard AF.

Most advice on this forum is complete nonsense and is from microstakes players who are clueless. You will actually regress as a poker player if you heed their advice, you need MDA and GTO Wizard to study.

This line is a snap fold OTR.


Your opponent is a fish (read: Broken Stack + non GTO 3bet sizing)

Fish UNDERBLUFF on this line, especially at B30-B100. It's one of the most underbluffed lines in all the game tree.

Good luck man
It is funny when a losing player claims you need gto wizard to win at poker. All a solver is is just basic knowledge of a foundation you need to have to play poker. That is all it is. A lot of these guys using solvers can't even get out of micro stakes. And they continue using them wasting their time. A solver is more important for heads up play vs 1 opponent you are going to play a massive amount of hands against.
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10-02-2023 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by Spongi
try to move down to R&C50 today, stick to my 20BI BRC format. having some run good AA jammed pre 3way and got KK in gold pot.

interesting hand today:
BB vs HJ. XC-X-? line
I think of HJ check back range on turn is heavily condense in 1pair region (mainly Qx or pocket) given double flush draw on turn
So I doubted to turn my T9 into bluff and not sure what size to take, I think ~75 or is even outpot possible to wrap only straight/flush?
This is a very easy bluff. Them saying to over bet is complete nonsense. Again these are bad players trying to help you claiming they win. Just do the same bet you would if you hit a flush on the river. So like 2/3. If your not over betting with flush when his range is capped then don't do it with a bluff. I would snap call over bet on that rivered flush. It would make no sense for opponent to over bet with a flush when my range is capped. I would assume its a bluff and snap off his bad bluff line. You don't need a solver to know this is a spot to bluff. He check the turn his range is capped just fire the river but bet amount you would do same as a value hand. Anyone over betting this river has no business giving poker advice. He would get snapped off by good thinking player.
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10-02-2023 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by Spongi
wow checked on wizard and it surprised me facing 75% on flop mid pair no bdfd is folding that much, maybe this kind of board we cant realise equity easily on later street

then actually folding more than that should be one of my consideration
Well it is because your out of position and he is short stacked so its really just a fold pre flop. In position you can float but out of position I would be folding here in general unless its a small sizing. You don't need a solver to know these things though. You should know this already its hard to play middle pair out of position to big bet and you don't have much equity without clubs. This is common sense stuff. You shouldn't have to look at a solver to know this stuff. You should move down in stakes imo. Its a ss raising pre in mp. He is not messing around he has premium hand for sure. Why would you want to play 9Ts vs him? Even TJs has you crushed and he ss so you never get to realize your equity if he hits a pair. You don't even know how to play pre flop properly. Maybe you do need a solver if you don't know the basics. And you are playing 100nl? geez
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10-02-2023 , 09:24 PM
I don't coach anymore. But you are going to need coaching to make it at poker, but not yet. Your not thinking through situation properly not just pre flop but post flop... It will be hard to find a coach that actually wins at poker cause most of these guys lose and post fake graphs. I would recommend trying to find some old sauce videos in the mean time. Maybe join upswing poker and watch the more basic training videos that teach fundamentals of pre flop and post flop play. Once you have that down then you can get a coach to fine tune your leaks in your game. But honestly you still need to learn the basic common sense stuff to poker. If you don't listen to me you will continue losing. Nobody has my win rate period over last 20 years online. Take my advice seriously. I see you really want to do well at poker. I don't want to see someone with passion for it fail at it. GL
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10-02-2023 , 10:04 PM
fold T9s preflop vs 2.5x when you’re BB? are you high?
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10-02-2023 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
fold T9s preflop vs 2.5x when you’re BB? are you high?
haha yeah he outed himself by saying this.

The old "I used to coach and be the best ever but have retired and don't coach anymore" rhetoric isn't very original but I guess everyone needs a hobby.
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10-03-2023 , 05:15 AM
calm guys I guess vs nit MP might really close to a fold, but a short stack could have high vpip and weak post flop then T9s i think is a must call/3b pre.

UPDATE: this week after moving down to NL50, still losing in general so still gotta find a way to change things up
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10-03-2023 , 06:23 AM

Hero BB defend J9o vs LJ 2bb open

though process is range check flop and expecting they fast play overpair type hand more than solver, so I like to bet with high freq small size on turn probe to attack his overcard heavy range
but dont expect him to float a lot of Tx OTT. mainly fd/AAKK if possible
so on river I suspect LJ will size up trapped AAKK on miss fd river so I call down

his SD K7s surprised me a little here.
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10-03-2023 , 06:41 AM
Originally Posted by Spongi
calm guys I guess vs nit MP might really close to a fold, but a short stack could have high vpip and weak post flop then T9s i think is a must call/3b pre.

UPDATE: this week after moving down to NL50, still losing in general so still gotta find a way to change things up
No just don't listen to that guy he's completely wrong about folding that pre. It's way closer to a 3b than it ever is a fold and when he was "coaching" it was never a fold pre even then.

He's also being a hypocrite saying you need to learn pre flop fundamentals and saying your the one not thinking through situation's correctly when his logic for folding pre is "smaller stack raise pre = premium"
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10-03-2023 , 07:46 AM
I also like the "if my range is capped, why would you overbet???" as if that's not a great reason to overbet.

Extremely clueless.
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10-03-2023 , 12:03 PM
Playing 100nl, or even 50nl, instead of 2, 5 or 10nl, in OP's current position, is completely illogical. He needs the street education before he can even benefit from coaching, maybe this part of the other guy's advice is solid, why not lose the minimum doing so?
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10-03-2023 , 12:05 PM
Maybe this, and then actually beating the game from the ground up, would increase his chances of getting in a CFP?
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10-04-2023 , 04:18 AM
Originally Posted by FazendeiroBH
Maybe this, and then actually beating the game from the ground up, would increase his chances of getting in a CFP?
not sure if im considered as 'game from the ground up now'. I do start from NL5 and grind up here but its with huge hand volume thus jackpot helping
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10-04-2023 , 05:15 AM
Evidently, based on your stats, you do not lack discipline or consistency with your approach to playing the game.

Are you focused on BB defending?
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10-04-2023 , 06:48 AM
Originally Posted by iwinstacks
Evidently, based on your stats, you do not lack discipline or consistency with your approach to playing the game.

Are you focused on BB defending?
just conincidence post most hand from BB. I did not intentionally study the spot recently but it does appear frequently
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10-04-2023 , 10:01 AM
hh tdy:

bvb Hero defend T9o vs unknown SB
Flop 942r
expect SB X/F too much on this flop but putting this hand with 2street value into check back
Turn 6 brings fd
in this node I think villian would not check enough strong hand here and with a range of alot medium bluff catchers so I bet big targeting those
River K
actually fun that doesn't change much of SB range except Kx flush draw, I consider T9 is rather good enough value to fire again and get called by 4th pair. maybe lower kicker of Tx can even be included nx time
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10-04-2023 , 03:36 PM
Best spots to study is 3b and srp blinds vs btn etc. Since these spots occur the most.

Mandatory Cbet in BB with 109o. We get called by so much worse, even Ax high thats supposed to xc. And at these stakes ppl dont x anything stronger or xr enough to make us ever want to go xx.
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10-11-2023 , 12:17 AM
Hi guys, a graph update since the post started. not doing good in terms of result. -8bb/hh after rake in 14k hands playing R&C50

I'm mainly play 3b or fold except BB because of rake
turns out earnings in later position cannot cover the loss in blinds/EP. my WWSF is >53% in MP-BTN so I guess I'm punting big pots to lower my winrate

Comparing to my past result it definitely hurts my BR and confidence, will keep trying to grind and study. good to hear anyone's feedback

GL on tables~
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10-11-2023 , 02:14 AM

Quite a special hand, HJ 3bet is a nit with 14/8/5 stat. while CO cold caller is some random fish expecting mostly pockets/boardways
I chose not to 4b just to keep the fish in and don't wanna crash into HJ super tight range

Flop 662r
Once HJ checks I think QQ should be the best hand if not CO comes in w/6x
CO stabs 50%pot and I don't find a reason to raise here, just called
Turn K
CO checks back which making it more convinced he's holding pocket pairs
River K
Hero bets 70% CO calls quickly w/77

I liked the pre call making this a huge pot against fishy player, post flop is rather easy this hand
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10-11-2023 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by Spongi
I'm mainly play 3b or fold except BB because of rake
GG rakes preflop, so it doesn’t help to play 3b or fold. It also lowers the SPR postflop, which gives you less of a positional advantage. 3b or fold is totally fine, but you don’t have to do it.
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10-11-2023 , 05:20 PM
Call/4b preflop is whatever, but once you get this flop and 3bettor checks and fish bets you must raise and get the money in. You have the best hand 95% off the time and hes def calling all PP. Getting half his stack vs his whole stack in spots like this vs fish makes a huge diff on winrate.
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10-11-2023 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by Spongi
Hi guys, a graph update since the post started. not doing good in terms of result. -8bb/hh after rake in 14k hands playing R&C50

I'm mainly play 3b or fold except BB because of rake
turns out earnings in later position cannot cover the loss in blinds/EP. my WWSF is >53% in MP-BTN so I guess I'm punting big pots to lower my winrate

Comparing to my past result it definitely hurts my BR and confidence, will keep trying to grind and study. good to hear anyone's feedback

GL on tables~

I like this advice I heard somewhere and it helps me not focus on past results so much (I still struggle a lot with this but improving).

Get into a headspace where each new hand you are dealt in, you treat as if you just doubled up to get to that stack size and you're still in the game to win it all.

The only other feedback I would throw out there is really don't focus on short stats. Focus on playing each street well. Focus on improvement every day and the results come naturally. Small goals and improvements are great targets so you don't feel overwhelmed and providing a baseline trajectory. Some days you might not feel like you learned much, but did you put in effort and give it your best? Celebrate that. Some days you're gonna have so many things click for you and it's going to directly and instantly translate to the tables. Celebrate that too. If you really think you want to play a lot of poker, just consider if you can work with a coach. It doesn't have to be a huge commitment and some of those CFPs have coaches specifically to get you ready to play for the CFP (not sure if you inquired about that).

Cheers, I enjoy your thread. Keep it coming and don't get discourage by the short term!

What is 10k hands when you're gonna play millions???
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10-12-2023 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by swerbs22

Get into a headspace where each new hand you are dealt in, you treat as if you just doubled up to get to that stack size and you're still in the game to win it all.
Get the idea. Not sure what the doubled up part means here, keep every hand fresh and think thoroughly?

Short strats and exploits are confusing for me, @Parasyte suggested raising QQ vs rec stabbing flop. I think that's a great idea to XR small and make him stuck in on turn, I'm not sure if they will fold PP this line tho

I will definitely consider coaching in near future, but I gotta move to other country nx month and settle down first

Thanks for liking this thread, will keep updating and hope you guys can stay and see my success one day<3
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