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934 29.87%

11-14-2023 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
what does the rest of the family think of pickleball/basketball?
nobody cares.
11-15-2023 , 08:45 AM
Whatcha mean @johnnyonthespot?

@marknfw we shd prob make that up before we continue w concrete.

Doing it for them @rickroll.

Any experts out there know if we shd hv a slight slope on our concrete? I Googled and said 1/4” for every foot. So that’s an 1” for every 4’. We hv 60’ , so that’s 15”= 1’ 3” slope.
Does this rule apply for width too? Or just need slope running one way?

Seems like a lot.
11-15-2023 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Doing it for them @rickroll.
Did they ever ask for it or express an interest?
11-15-2023 , 12:49 PM
@Masq I read into it. #feelplayer
They all got their paddles and ready for the first match under the lights.

We gotta a lot of money to make before concrete!! How long can I keep it like this until I get a neighborhood demerit?

Never done anything like this. Expert on skid steer now tho. We learn by doing.
11-15-2023 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Whatcha mean @johnnyonthespot?

@marknfw we shd prob make that up before we continue w concrete.

Doing it for them @rickroll.

Any experts out there know if we shd hv a slight slope on our concrete? I Googled and said 1/4” for every foot. So that’s an 1” for every 4’. We hv 60’ , so that’s 15”= 1’ 3” slope.
Does this rule apply for width too? Or just need slope running one way?

Seems like a lot.

My comment was that if you have the skid steer and you need block for a wall, not buying the block today because of your rule just means you have to manually carry the block to your backyard because you don’t have the skid steer next week. Work smarter, not harder - get the block while you have the skid steer and save your back/legs the effort

Re slope: a standard residential street will have a 2% slope from the crown to the gutter (at least that’s what it will be designed at normally, exceptions are made sometimes or settling happens), which is 1” per 50”, which is basically the same as 1” per 4’. People play basketball on the street all the time, so it’s not like you couldnt do it at 2% but for a dedicated backyard court 2% might be high. You don’t want to leave it dead flat because concrete is porous and water sitting on it will eventually seep into it and destroy it. Not sure if it gets to freezing levels by you but freezing water in concrete will destroy it quickly also so you really don’t want water just sitting on it. Ultimately you want to find a slope that isn’t going to destroy a game but will be steep enough to have water drainage. I’d probably go 0.5%-1%.

You may want to also think about what you’re going to do with all the water runoff from your court because you now will have 1800 SF of land that was permeable and is now impermeable when it rains. It could destroy the surrounding grass where it runs off to.

^^^ that just made me think of something. Did you ever file permits with your city/town? I know my town has limits of impermeable vs permeable plots of land can be. Your house/driveway are already impermeable, adding 1800 SF is a big chunk.

Last edited by johnny_on_the_spot; 11-15-2023 at 07:11 PM.
11-15-2023 , 07:32 PM
how can you summarize a decade-long thread?
11-15-2023 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by BarrySanders
how can you summarize a decade-long thread?
"OP knows best and learns nothing."
11-15-2023 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by BarrySanders
how can you summarize a decade-long thread?
A man named RayZ played pokers and made about $20 an hour playing 4 hours a week. Then he challenged himself and made a little more. Then he got sort of rich playing with some volatile investments until he got kind of broke playing volatile investments. He considers himself a competitor and the best poker player in the world. He had a family then pissed off his family then moved about 5 times and was almost broke and left for awhile. Then his family loved him again and he spent almost every dollar he had on a house and the beginnings of his lifes masterpiece. A backyard pickleball court.
11-15-2023 , 09:43 PM
@Johnnyonthespot. Cool we agree on going ahead and getting retaining wall blocks. Makes sense while we hv the skid and trailer.
Didn’t seek out any permits.

@BarrySanders creating my own destiny.
Gd question. Not sure.

@larryLegend pretty accurate. Not pissing off the fam part tho.
Never really talked bout the separation much, but it had nothing to do w crypto/stocks, etc. it was pretty much brewing prior to the RH protest. Then it got a little worse. It was more me leaving her,
I shd hv stuck it out. The time away from kids wasn’t worth the separation. Rather b together in an imperfect relationship than lose time away from kiddos
11-15-2023 , 10:02 PM
where do you consider yourself poker skill wise Rayz in percentile, your honest opinion, lets just say for cash game and leave MTTs out
11-15-2023 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
@Johnnyonthespot. Cool we agree on going ahead and getting retaining wall blocks. Makes sense while we hv the skid and trailer.
Didn’t seek out any permits.

@BarrySanders creating my own destiny.
Gd question. Not sure.

@larryLegend pretty accurate. Not pissing off the fam part tho.
Never really talked bout the separation much, but it had nothing to do w crypto/stocks, etc. it was pretty much brewing prior to the RH protest. Then it got a little worse. It was more me leaving her,
I shd hv stuck it out. The time away from kids wasn’t worth the separation. Rather b together in an imperfect relationship than lose time away from kiddos
Pretty sure you pissed off the fam when you left. But water under the bridge. Gravel under the pickleball court. You are living the life now. Suburban dreams, Approved by the head honcho of the neighborhood. Now that you are a skid steer expert maybe you can join the union. Those guys make around $100 an hour playing in the dirt.
11-16-2023 , 12:23 AM
id be interested in reading a blog / journal / thread from the wife's pov of the relationship over the same time frame. i think the dichotomy would be incredible.

more poker less pickleball pls
11-16-2023 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
where do you consider yourself poker skill wise Rayz in percentile, your honest opinion, lets just say for cash game and leave MTTs out
Top one tenth %

Last edited by ButterflySymmetry; 11-16-2023 at 03:55 PM.
11-16-2023 , 09:38 PM
Meant to say top 1/10 of 1%

We took care of 54 retaining wall blocks. Not sure if that will b enough, but it will b a gd start. $275
Total Pickle spent $2275.

Gonna grind tomo. Time to get back at it until we can afford concrete.
$4400 for concrete + $700 to pump it back there. + Bagz for flow work.

May see if there is a seat on stream. 6:30p tomo. ClubJaqk
11-17-2023 , 12:08 AM
who do you think are currently good or successful poker players in like the last 5 years? fellow top 1/10 or 1%ers i guess
11-17-2023 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Meant to say top 1/10 of 1%

We took care of 54 retaining wall blocks. Not sure if that will b enough, but it will b a gd start. $275
Total Pickle spent $2275.

Gonna grind tomo. Time to get back at it until we can afford concrete.
$4400 for concrete + $700 to pump it back there. + Bagz for flow work.

May see if there is a seat on stream. 6:30p tomo. ClubJaqk
Did you read the article where people that build these for a living said 1/8 of an inch per foot is the maximum slope for sports court and never from the middle of the court, one direction only. Sounds like 1/8” per foot will give plenty of drainage and you may be able to get away with less of a slope than that, but did not specify how much less. Id rent a laser level you can see outside with a tripod stand. Id let you borrow mine if i lived in the neighborhood

Last edited by larry the legend; 11-17-2023 at 01:13 AM.
11-17-2023 , 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry

We took care of 54 retaining wall blocks. Not sure if that will b enough, but it will b a gd start. $275
Total Pickle spent $2275.

Gonna grind tomo. Time to get back at it until we can afford concrete.
$4400 for concrete + $700 to pump it back there. + Bagz for flow work.

May see if there is a seat on stream. 6:30p tomo. ClubJaqk
Amount of blocks needed for a wall is just a math problem.

Did you get a compactor to compact any of the dirt/gravel?

How thick of concrete are you laying down? Are you putting rebar in it? It will help avoid cracks from settling
11-17-2023 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by submersible
who do you think are currently good or successful poker players in like the last 5 years? fellow top 1/10 or 1%ers i guess
Can only think of a couple besides myself.
Ivey, Aldenstein (can’t stand Aldenstein tho). These 2 are best: at staying composed, knowing what ur thinking, nailing u down to a hand range and take advantage by gd bet sizes.
11-17-2023 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
1)Amount of blocks needed for a wall is just a math problem.

2)Did you get a compactor to compact any of the dirt/gravel?

3)How thick of concrete are you laying down? Are you putting rebar in it? It will help avoid cracks from settling
1) indeed.
bought every one they had. Prob cdnt hv pulled much more w the Ford.
Gonna need more, but gd start.
2) Plate compactor will b rented for rock area eventually.
3) roll of rebar going down. Wd like to do 4”, Gotta a feeling after I frame this that I’m still gonna need more rock to raise that one end. *We don’t hv the skid steer anymore*
11-17-2023 , 09:34 AM
would you say you're the third best live poker player to ever play cards?
11-17-2023 , 12:24 PM
Is your name actually Rayz?
11-17-2023 , 04:07 PM
@mastaAces if not first, it’s close. I hv logic for everything I do, every move I make, every breath I take, I’m watching everything. Every step I take is for is a reason.
@masq yes.

Off to play some 2/5nl to make concrete
11-17-2023 , 04:14 PM
is rayz persian?
11-17-2023 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
@mastaAces if not first, it’s close. I hv logic for everything I do, every move I make, every breath I take, I’m watching everything. Every step I take is for is a reason.
@masq yes.

Off to play some 2/5nl to make concrete
Sometimes it’s legit hard to tell if you’re trolling or not.
