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11-01-2023 , 04:23 AM
if / when you dig the ground up. What are you going to do with all the soil / rubble? Have you accounted for disposal?
11-01-2023 , 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by Masq
if / when you dig the ground up. What are you going to do with all the soil / rubble? Have you accounted for disposal?
The yard slopes left to right. Will do my best to grade as much as possible. A retaining wall will hv to go in on left side. Maybe some back side too. In that area, there is just way to much to dig out to make level.
I’m a rookie in all of this. So all tips all ears.

New month
$0 0hrs

Previous months
OCT $1,691 159.5hrs = $12.09/hr

Current $ towards court

Current Project.
Waiting for approval from Mr. Sir Daddy
11-01-2023 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Masq
if / when you dig the ground up. What are you going to do with all the soil / rubble? Have you accounted for disposal?
He is building a slab not a foundation 4 foot or 10 foot in the ground. He does not need anything to be close to level but the slab. The dirt he removes can be used to flatten low spots in the rest of the yard, but not level it. Doubt he would need to remove anything from the property. Its dirt. It spreads around. Grass grows in dirt. Rubble? Maybe im mistaken because I live no where close, but Indiana is not known for its rocky terrain is it?
11-01-2023 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
The yard slopes left to right. Will do my best to grade as much as possible. A retaining wall will hv to go in on left side. Maybe some back side too. In that area, there is just way to much to dig out to make level.
I’m a rookie in all of this. So all tips all ears.

New month
$0 0hrs

Previous months
OCT $1,691 159.5hrs = $12.09/hr

Current $ towards court

Current Project.
Waiting for approval from Mr. Sir Daddy
I think it would help to forward this thread to the Prezidente of the HOAs facebook page. He needs to know how important this is to your family and well being. And how much you respect his authority.
11-01-2023 , 11:00 AM

RAyZ i would think you can hire this part of your operation out for cheaper than you can rent the equipment. Or at least close. Using a skid steer is decently fun though if youve never done it.

Last edited by larry the legend; 11-01-2023 at 11:07 AM.
11-01-2023 , 01:49 PM
@larrythelegend the prez is crafty. That 2nd utube vid was watched during my morning sesh today. Learned some things. Ty.
Def gonna rent one. 7th old Knock man is gonna love that.

Left early today after it went from +400 early to +200 the next. Wanted to take profits and conserve a win. Now I know that’s not the pro move. Logging hours is the play. But, man it wd b painful to go +400 to even or loss. Couple hundred more isn’t worth the psychological torture.
11-01-2023 , 05:08 PM
BTC and crypto on a real nice run lately. You been following that at all Rayz? Any inkling to dip back into the crypto game? Gave you a huge runup but also killed you during the bear
11-01-2023 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by Masq
if / when you dig the ground up. What are you going to do with all the soil / rubble? Have you accounted for disposal?
Just cut holes in your pockets and gradually disperse thru your pant legs on morning walks by the Prez's house.

11-01-2023 , 07:41 PM
@goodjunk21 not at this time. Currently just have 2 founder nodes that run on Gala. Nothing else invested.

Someone give @gobbledygeek 20points for Shawshank reference. Another 20points for making me chuckle out loud.

Dude I staked the yard today where the court is going AND it’s a lot bigger than the pic I’m sending to Mr. Sir. Trying to do 30’x60’, but dayum that’s takes up a big chunk of the back yard.
11-01-2023 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
Just cut holes in your pockets and gradually disperse thru your pant legs on morning walks by the Prez's house.

11-02-2023 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
@goodjunk21 not at this time. Currently just have 2 founder nodes that run on Gala. Nothing else invested.

Someone give @gobbledygeek 20points for Shawshank reference. Another 20points for making me chuckle out loud.

Dude I staked the yard today where the court is going AND it’s a lot bigger than the pic I’m sending to Mr. Sir. Trying to do 30’x60’, but dayum that’s takes up a big chunk of the back yard.
You are talking 28 yards of concrete average depth of 5”. Not sure what its going for now but thats $3k just for concrete if you do all the work yourself before Covid. Probalby double that or more to have it contracted out. But you going to cut that mowing time down by 3 hours a year. This pickleball court going to cost 10k plus when its all said and done and then the Prez going to say he approved the bball not the pickle and take you to Judge Judy
11-02-2023 , 02:53 PM
Anyone else? 3K for the concrete? is 10K really worth the trouble? Also does this increase the Real Estate value long term or are we just pissing up a rope here?
11-02-2023 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Bronson McThree
Anyone else? 3K for the concrete? is 10K really worth the trouble? Also does this increase the Real Estate value long term or are we just pissing up a rope here?
Obviously hurts the real estate value. Would take the perfect family to want a bball/pickle ball court taking up the whole backyard in a 750k home
11-02-2023 , 03:13 PM
To be fair to hero - the re-sale factor shouldn't be a serious consideration when making decisions on changes to one's house if those changes are going to bring the homeowner happiness and they can afford such things. If hero is going to sell in 5 years he could choose to pay 5k to remove the court before listing it or just go in assuming everyone is going to offer 5k less becomes of the removal fee.
11-03-2023 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
To be fair to hero - the re-sale factor shouldn't be a serious consideration when making decisions on changes to one's house if those changes are going to bring the homeowner happiness and they can afford such things. If hero is going to sell in 5 years he could choose to pay 5k to remove the court before listing it or just go in assuming everyone is going to offer 5k less becomes of the removal fee.
11-03-2023 , 10:39 AM
The approval docs hv been mailed. We’re not even allowed to drop off in his mailbox which is 2 streets away from me. Has to b usps.

While we sit for a response, how bout a hh?
One thing that has been approved is the requests for more hh itt.

I reviewed this one w a couple poker buddies (@hello7027 @tswpoker1) over text last night and still not sure. It did feel gd to know they wd do same thing I did, but somehow I think it’s a blunder.

Hero: down a little. $800 stack.
In HJ w Ace10

Villain: Let’s call him MVP. out of town and thinks he’s all world type. Sit downs and tries to buy in for 3x the max lol. He straddling. Somewhat thinking aggro. He thinks he is way better than what he is. He vpip like 50% and vpfr 25%z. He squeezed k7o to $150 off tb after 5 $25 callers previous orbit. He tried to bluff me earlier when he raised the turn after what I thought him sensing weakness 3way + a 3rd nut flush redraw. River bricked and I called middle pair. The dude thinks he is all world and has a mountain of chips. While everyone at the table thinks he is poker greatness, I’ll b the one to say dude is horrible and getting extremely lucky.

Hand History.

MVP raises to $20 +1.
$. Caller from a pro in mp.
Didn't want to call $20 w A10, rather 3bet. I make it $120 in hj.
+1 calls, and head up w a person I wanna play pots w all day!

Pot $250 HU
Flop: Qc 10s 2d
Ch ch. *decide check here for: control, to MVP take reigns ott and shd b an easy call for me, to get 2 streets of value.

Turn 6h

MVP checks again. Surprise to me. I go for very thin value. Bet $50 here ott w plans to go large otr. MVP calls

Pot $350
River: 2
Villain checks for 3rd time.
I'm thinking my hand to him looks like complete air. Something like AK w the exact line I took.
I bet $300 hoping to get called by bluff catcher type hands. All low to mid pairs.
Pure value bet.
*His hand to me (as he played it) looks like all pairs aforementioned plus J9, KJ, AJ,
He goes into the tank. After a couple minutes… I regrettably open my mouth and say, “What do u hv? I’ll tell u what to do.” He snaps all-in right after I said that.

MVP RAISES ALL-IN!! wasn’t expecting that at all. *let me also say, w quad promotion players will always check sets otf and ott to try to get the $1k bonus. Not sure if that’s this or not.

Call or fold? It’s $350 more
11-03-2023 , 11:28 AM
oh boy....pre-flop sizing sounds quite big for a 3bet. Turn is weak sizing and looks scared. River seems kinda dumb too considering you have some showdown value and could check behind. Instead you basically pot it.

I guess the question is: is villain moving all-in for value or expecting you to fold? If they're expecting you to fold; it's probably a terrible spot to do so considering your river sizing and that the proposition is putting in an extra $350 to win the $1k in the middle.

So unless you have some amazing read that villain is capable of pulling an insane bluff then i'd be inclined to lean towards the shove being value - in which case you're pretty crushed.
11-03-2023 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Masq
oh boy....pre-flop sizing sounds quite big for a 3bet. Turn is weak sizing and looks scared.
Wholeheartedly want turn to look weak. Set me up for nice river size. If he thinks I’m weak he is calling w all pairs, and Ace hi
It all backfired on me lol.
Thanks for input.
11-03-2023 , 11:56 AM
Bet more on the turn. $100 or $150. Check back river
11-03-2023 , 11:57 AM
I'm not an NLH expert so am very ready to be told how wrong I am

So you're trying to look weak and think he's going to put you on KJ/J9/air and call off $300 with an A high bluff catcher or worse pair? Maybe it's plausible but sounds pretty ambitious to me.
11-03-2023 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Masq
So you're trying to look weak and think he's going to put you on KJ/J9/air and call off $300 with an A high bluff catcher or worse pair? Maybe it's plausible but sounds pretty ambitious to me.
Ur the one the says it looks weak so wd u call me otr w Ace high worse pair?
11-03-2023 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by larry the legend
Bet more on the turn. $100 or $150. Check back river
Not looking for that type of advice. Ty tho.
Yeah sure, now I wish I wd hv def check back river.
U call or fold?
11-03-2023 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Ur the one the says it looks weak so wd u call me otr w Ace high worse pair?
Depends how much of a fish I thought you were

But I probably lean towards the nitty side and considering that board was fairly dry (no flush draw possibilities) and the river sizing would probably consider mucking weak Q holdings (QJ/Q9) and don't think i'd be hero calling with an A.

Basically, the only hands I call with in that spot to that sizing have AT crushed.
11-03-2023 , 12:12 PM
2/5 can be beaten very easily if we don’t get into dick swinging competitions. It’s $330 to win $1620, you dug yourself in here, can’t get out unless you call

Fwiw, your hand does look like you could have missed, so I could see him doing this for value with a pair worse than tens/A kicker, but he could also be doing this with a weak Q, so ymmv
11-03-2023 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Not looking for that type of advice. Ty tho.
Yeah sure, now I wish I wd hv def check back river.
U call or fold?
that stuff is relevant though because a river call/fold is very indifferent here compared to earlier parts of the hand - whether you fold here or hero call is not going to be much of a difference because you've already parted ways with most of your stack

as played - i think it's a cry fold

the pot is 1050 and you need 350 to call - giving you really good pot odds to where you only need to be right a handful of times to be profitable here

however, he's probably aware of this and understands you're basically committed and not going to hero fold any good hands here because it's for so little more - thus he's extremely value-heavy here with trip deuces and boats - given how you explained him - 2x is very much in his range

also - the "omg i don't know if i should call or not" tank shove is extremely nutted

so like others have said - do you think it's possible he's blasting off with ace high here and just oblivious to the fact that you're basically pot committed and not folding or that he was trying to look super weak and induce a light call?

the only way i'm calling there is if I'm convinced this guy has utterly no clue at all and isn't aware of the stack/pot sizes because then him bluffing becomes much more credible

but like others said, i agree that you sized it too big pre (i get it you wanted the pro out of the hand but you probably could have gotten that done with 90) and i'd bet more on the turn and check back river

checking back river 100% of the time here. QT622 board there's absolutely nothing that calls on the river which you beat, maybe he goes bluff catching with A6s or 99 but most calls on that board have AT beat.

and again, i think it'd be a good exercise for you to post hhs here of times you wanted to play a hand but decided to fold pre as well as the times you thought you should have folded pre but played anyway

Last edited by rickroll; 11-03-2023 at 12:21 PM.
