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Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here.
399 12.76%
$22K TO $28K
456 14.58%
$28K TO $34K
508 16.25%
$34K TO $40K
532 17.01%
$40K TO $46K
298 9.53%
934 29.87%

07-12-2021 , 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by Parsons Grinder
Forgive my ignorance but do you still owe $70k for the HELOC loan or is that all on your wife now as you paid off the house in 2017?
Neither of them own that house.
07-12-2021 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by Parsons Grinder
Forgive my ignorance but do you still owe $70k for the HELOC loan or is that all on your wife now as you paid off the house in 2017?

We closed on the sell of the house in middle of May. That heloc was paid off at that time.

Sara left with 100k, and I left w $250k.

From the 250, I bought 130k house and hv put 10k into it. The rest we bought more MANA.
* now own 187k coins of MANA.
07-13-2021 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
We closed on the sell of the house in middle of May. That heloc was paid off at that time.

Sara left with 100k, and I left w $250k.

From the 250, I bought 130k house and hv put 10k into it. The rest we bought more MANA.
* now own 187k coins of MANA.
Thanks! Glad you're clear of the debt.
07-19-2021 , 08:09 AM
Doors ordered, arrived, and already picked up.
Didn’t go Lambo, but didnt go Pinto either. Somewhere around Prelude style.
Double door w 2 operating sidelites, so all 4 open.

Guys u Shd hv seen me picking this up and driving home. It was sketch and nerve wracking. It had to b stood up tall, so lot of money otl when that haul. Will b in an upcoming episode.

Marble countertops dudes coming this morning, and windows getting installed today.

We gotta wrap this up and buy more MANA pronto. It just broke support at .60
07-19-2021 , 10:13 PM
we need 25k profit to play in the main event. #homerun
WSOP right around the corner. I’m hurrying my ass off to get this done and sold. Let’s hope it can all be closed before the main.
07-19-2021 , 11:24 PM
You « need » 25k but what price do you think you will be able to sell?

Bought for 130k
15k costs of material and labor (excluding yours)

Sale price 160k$? 180k$? 200k$?

(I have no idea of your RE market.)

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07-19-2021 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by Jolette
You « need » 25k but what price do you think you will be able to sell?

Bought for 130k
15k costs of material and labor (excluding yours)

Sale price 160k$? 180k$? 200k$?
$170k wd put me in the main. Let’s try that.
07-20-2021 , 07:26 AM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
$170k wd put me in the main. Let’s try that.
You might want to factor in realtor fees and capital gains.
07-20-2021 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by navyvol1998
You might want to factor in realtor fees and capital gains.

Never used a realtor. Never will.
F that commission. I want it all.
Won’t b much cg. I saved all receipts as well. Hopefully we can get 25k profit and play this main. Lfg.
07-20-2021 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Never used a realtor. Never will.
F that commission. I want it all.
so you will only sell to someone who does not use a realtor then? idk about your state, but in mine seller pays realtor fees for both sides.
07-20-2021 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
so you will only sell to someone who does not use a realtor then? idk about your state, but in mine seller pays realtor fees for both sides.

Yeah. My bad. Let me rephrase, I’ll never list w a realtor. I’ll b glad to gv up 2.5% to any realtor who brings me a buyer.
07-20-2021 , 10:36 PM
Wow guys, thanks for that recap that was awesome.
07-22-2021 , 01:12 AM
Women's soccer team is even money to win the gold.
07-22-2021 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by meshanti
Women's soccer team is even money to win the gold.
Looked terrible against Sweden.

I think Netherlands at +500 is the best bet for women's soccer gold.
07-22-2021 , 10:57 PM
Some stock ideas to consider Rayz.

Right now the automotive inventory is absolutely ****ed. Chip shortage has really devastated new inventory and dealers are buying up any used vehicle they can get their hands on.

Additionally, farm equipment dealers and manufacturers are facing an even steeper inventory crisis - 6-12 months in a lot of cases.

So coupled with inflation setting into the near future what are your thoughts on shorting automotive and heavy equipment manufacturers?
07-23-2021 , 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by tswpoker1
Some stock ideas to consider Rayz.

Right now the automotive inventory is absolutely ****ed. Chip shortage has really devastated new inventory and dealers are buying up any used vehicle they can get their hands on.

Additionally, farm equipment dealers and manufacturers are facing an even steeper inventory crisis - 6-12 months in a lot of cases.

So coupled with inflation setting into the near future what are your thoughts on shorting automotive and heavy equipment manufacturers?

Just don’t know enough about it to give my thoughts. I trust u and I’m usually bet on people not teams or companies. If u say, I believe it. I trust u.

I was following uxin last few years for the fact that used car buying was rising and this stock caught me eye. Shd hv bought it tripled.

Glad to se u back here blessing us w your wizardry. I need to b surrounded by more people like u.
07-23-2021 , 09:21 AM
Hey guys. We are officially $9k into the house game.
130+9=139k so far. We finished windows, and just have 2 big projects left before we list.
The Prelude Door
The Metal Roof.
Lfg! Let’s get this sold and get back to pokerz on the regular. This is a poker thread right?
Wsop main event if we make 25k profit. #homeruns
psa: don’t go for home runs like me unless u hv properly set urself up for home runs in your life. My life is set, so home runs only. Most people play safe when they set up nicely w financials, we swing out of our shoes. Going for the next level…We can always get it back if need to thru hard work.
07-23-2021 , 09:29 AM
have you given a sunroof any thought? would probably look good with the Prelude doors. possibly an oversized aluminum chimney as well.
07-23-2021 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by MastaAces
have you given a sunroof any thought? would probably look good with the Prelude doors. possibly an oversized aluminum chimney as well.

Actually we have!!!
I’m still in shock I got these doors back home w no strap downs. They were standing vertical on pallot boards braced w 2x4s. So sketch. It was a $2k gamble as it was swaying back and forth.
All back roads at 20mph. Got home and celebrated not phucking that up.
07-24-2021 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Masq
I'll be honest.....I don't 'get' NFTs.

This may help. The video can show u better than I can post it. Great vid. Makes me want to buy

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
07-25-2021 , 09:47 AM
2 months of separation and still not sure which direction to go. Not sure if I ever will. Shdnt I be sure? Shdnt I know? I mean, if u love someone u shd know, right?
A part of me says, do the right thing. Get back, keep kids together in one house, and make it work the gd ole fashion traditional style. Other part, says this isn’t it, too many differences, the bird needs to fly, being held back.

Have u ever had a spot where u look down at AdKd n big bling in a cash game. Utg+2 opens 3x, 3 callers until button 3bets (pot + bb number of players), sb calls, and u look down in bb w AdKd. U thinking maybe just rip in a hefty 4bet, maybe go all-in, mayb call. Is button squeezing to iso? What’s +2 gonna do? And wtf is sb cold calling w?

Spots and options.
07-25-2021 , 10:05 AM
doing the right thing is doing what will make you happy, not staying together "for the good of the family." you yourself need to be content in order to be a good family man. what is your wife's standpoint in all of this? what are her expressed feelings?

as for the poker analogy, it obviously depends on a number of factors such as stack depths, player tendencies, hero image, etc.
07-25-2021 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
2 months of separation and still not sure which direction to go. Not sure if I ever will. Shdnt I be sure? Shdnt I know? I mean, if u love someone u shd know, right?
A part of me says, do the right thing. Get back, keep kids together in one house, and make it work the gd ole fashion traditional style. Other part, says this isn’t it, too many differences, the bird needs to fly, being held back.

Have u ever had a spot where u look down at AdKd n big bling in a cash game. Utg+2 opens 3x, 3 callers until button 3bets (pot + bb number of players), sb calls, and u look down in bb w AdKd. U thinking maybe just rip in a hefty 4bet, maybe go all-in, mayb call. Is button squeezing to iso? What’s +2 gonna do? And wtf is sb cold calling w?

Spots and options.
Easy decision if you take your vows seriously...but then again most people dont...and it's now socially acceptable to divorce if your partner has particularly bad gas on a given day...which is why most of the functionality has been stripped from marriage as an institution
