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Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here.
399 12.76%
$22K TO $28K
456 14.58%
$28K TO $34K
508 16.25%
$34K TO $40K
532 17.01%
$40K TO $46K
298 9.53%
934 29.87%

08-26-2017 , 05:25 PM
Why don't you have your girlfriend cash your chips out?
08-26-2017 , 05:46 PM
08-26-2017 , 09:00 PM
I would take your son to the casino and tell them without poker he will have to go to public schools.
08-27-2017 , 02:23 AM

Maybe it's all meant to b

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08-27-2017 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by 3bet4life
Why don't you have your girlfriend cash your chips out?
Can't discuss the chips. She will not b involved.
08-27-2017 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by Turdzilla
I would take your son to the casino and tell them without poker he will have to go to public schools.
Private schools will never b an option. Like college, over priced and over rated.

Public Schools all the way. Resembles most like the real world.
08-27-2017 , 10:06 AM
been done w the vlog for a few days now, but can't get it uploaded for some reason.
Vlogging has taking me to hell and back, but for some reason we keep trucking on.

I'm not sure if I hv a purpose vlogging or posting here anymore if the #40kChallenge is over. I set out hard to try to achieve this, and the authority stuck it to me. Once again, I take responsibility, but seems a bit harsh.
I can't even play in any WSOP events anymore, comp dollars wasted, out 25k in chips, and livelihood taking away.

Like my current vlog situation, still processing. Guess I'll continue on this deck for a few more days, and then try to figure some more things out. Pressure wash done, now time for the stain.
08-27-2017 , 11:58 AM
Plenty of scholarships available for low-income students.

SPOCK: It was far easier for you as civilized men to behave like barbarians than it was for them as barbarians to behave like civilized men.
08-27-2017 , 12:10 PM
Why don't you just play 1/2 somewhere else? No other casinos in the area?

Should be pretty easy to cash out the chips with the help of somebody else I guess. Would not be too worried about this one.

Still it suc**. Only thread I read down here and like the VLOGs too.
08-27-2017 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by Jolette
Why don't you just play 1/2 somewhere else? No other casinos in the area?

Should be pretty easy to cash out the chips with the help of somebody else I guess. Would not be too worried about this one.

Still it suc**. Only thread I read down here and like the VLOGs too.
Thank u.
No other casino close by. Closest one is 1hr 40mins away in Cincinnati. They offer 1/2nl, but if I refuse to drive that far for 1/2nl. If I make that trip I wd play as big nl they offer.
08-27-2017 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
I'm not sure if I hv a purpose vlogging or posting here anymore if the #40kChallenge is over. .
Dude this is bad. The 40,000 was just starting to be a good sweat.
Everything was fun to follow. Enjoy your time off. Good luck with the job search.
08-27-2017 , 05:07 PM
This is so lame on their part. I hope you can find a way to get it lifted. Indy games just slightly further than Cincy can be good at times and are running about daily now. PM me if you want any further details.
08-27-2017 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry

out 25k in chips
I really don't think this is legal.

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08-27-2017 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by ZippyThePinhead
I really don't think this is legal.

Sent from my SM-G955U1 using Tapatalk
IANAL but I agree. They have to give you some way to cash out those chips IMO. I would be calling upper management at the casino, or talking to a lawyer that specializes in gaming laws.
08-27-2017 , 06:53 PM
Good luck man. FWIW I have my entire net worth in a micro cap, 22Mil market cap, so i'm watching this with a kind of sick fascination as i'm in the same spot as you. Mine was kind of born from this sick depression i'm dealing with, been the worst year of my life and I happened to run real well at WSOP this year, but I think i'd probably be more conservative in general but I can't get over a terrible breakup and I kind of stopped caring... I don't have a wife/kids but i'm 29 and have been so depressed that I literally yolo'd my entire net worth, into this thing, approx 100k.. I know the feeling!

I have read your thesis on this and a number of others over the last couple days on ENPH and i'm not sure I see the R/R, that being said I bought 5k shares at .9008 on Friday so i'm with you a little bit on the sweat. Rooting for you big time, my thesis really resides around the next two quarters of earnings, i'll either have a great Christmas or be eating ramen. Just wanted to say I have mad respect for you for going for it like this, I've personally done close to 300 hours DD on my stock and I assume you've done a ton yourself, I'm hoping we both pull one out by early 2018! Cheers, subbed and watching, entertaining either way.
08-27-2017 , 06:55 PM
Lawyer up my man. I have been 86'd from multiple casinos (well known 21 team player). Most of the times I have had zero issues cashing out after being 86'd. However, I have experience with a casino refusing to cash out AND a casino actually confiscating chips. This is why I always advocate not holding on to high denom chips. We lawyered up in both and got our $$$.

Sorry this happened to you - I wish you the best of luck
08-27-2017 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Smokey_The_Bear
Good luck man. FWIW I have my entire net worth in a micro cap, 22Mil market cap, so i'm watching this with a kind of sick fascination as i'm in the same spot as you. Mine was kind of born from this sick depression i'm dealing with, been the worst year of my life and I happened to run real well at WSOP this year, but I think i'd probably be more conservative in general but I can't get over a terrible breakup and I kind of stopped caring... I don't have a wife/kids but i'm 29 and have been so depressed that I literally yolo'd my entire net worth, into this thing, approx 100k.. I know the feeling!

I have read your thesis on this and a number of others over the last couple days on ENPH and i'm not sure I see the R/R, that being said I bought 5k shares at .9008 on Friday so i'm with you a little bit on the sweat. Rooting for you big time, my thesis really resides around the next two quarters of earnings, i'll either have a great Christmas or be eating ramen. Just wanted to say I have mad respect for you for going for it like this, I've personally done close to 300 hours DD on my stock and I assume you've done a ton yourself, I'm hoping we both pull one out by early 2018! Cheers, subbed and watching, entertaining either way.
What's the ticker?
If an analytical person is willing to go 100% net worth into one stock...I'm usually apt to sweat along for the ride for 1-10% of mine
08-27-2017 , 07:53 PM
PDEX. We have a mini cult following in the BFI forum, but I think I've probably done more DD than any other retail investor at this point. I've talked to the activist investors who have 40% of the stock, the analyst covering this, hell the CEO gave me his cell phone number cause I was harassing him at work so much! It's kind of become an obsession but hey my cost basis is 4.73 so i'm pretty happy currently. I could go on and on, but I think $8.50 by November is a pretty conservative estimate. I won't de-rail the thread but feel free to PM me with questions, this has become my whole life :\
08-28-2017 , 01:00 PM
Wow guys I appreciate the support. I really enjoy this 2+2 rail. I have learned a lot of stuff relating to poker, stocks, real estate, law, family, life, etc. Words cd never express my deepest gratitude from each one of u that takes the time to post.

I want nothing more than to make a big comeback, but just taking day to day for now.

Today we start w the stain. Got my gd friend, American Dream, w me. We been best budz since middle school days.

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08-29-2017 , 10:52 PM
The people in charge at Horshoe Southern Indiana must be complete idiots. This is a bad rule that needs to be changed. You were giving tons of free advertising for them. To a young demographic that the casinos are having a very hard time reaching right now. As far as I'm concerned they should be paying you as a prop player. Not banning you!

I already skipped the last tourney series because of this and will likely skip the WSOPc if you are not unbanned.

Rayz you are the future. This rule was in place before camera phones were invented to stop cheating or whatever. It's irrelevant today. Don't let these dinosaurs win. #FreeRayz
08-30-2017 , 08:16 PM
Are you worried about the need for additional working capital via delution, re: ENPH? I feel like there's potential for this but it's too soon, the current burn rate even with CAPEX slashed to effectively 0 will require 30% increase in Q4 sales just to maintain a net neutral cash flow basis. Are you worried about that at this point? It feels like, to me, the downside risk is still higher than upside until they rectify this situation.
08-30-2017 , 10:19 PM
So your safety deposit box wasn't at HSI but at the bank?
08-31-2017 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by Smokey_The_Bear
Are you worried about the need for additional working capital via delution, re: ENPH? I feel like there's potential for this but it's too soon, the current burn rate even with CAPEX slashed to effectively 0 will require 30% increase in Q4 sales just to maintain a net neutral cash flow basis. Are you worried about that at this point? It feels like, to me, the downside risk is still higher than upside until they rectify this situation.

Yes. That was one of the "cons" w my position in ENPH. They are burning through cash, and most likely will need to raise capital. I feel they r spending too much on r&d and upgrading their products way too often. It feels every 6 months they r coming out w a new series of micro-inverters. Yes each one is better than the last, but from a business mindset it's costly.
Imo, they need to spend money on marketing and showing off their products they have.
Ur correct, still lots of risk here and the next quarter will be telling. Matter of fact, it cd b make or break.

Of course I'm worried when I have over 100k on it, but I'm going w my gut here and staying long. I love the product and believe in TJ.

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08-31-2017 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Yes. That was one of the "cons" w my position in ENPH. They are burning through cash, and most likely will need to raise capital. I feel they r spending too much on r&d and upgrading their products way too often. It feels every 6 months they r coming out w a new series of micro-inverters. Yes each one is better than the last, but from a business mindset it's costly.
Imo, they need to spend money on marketing and showing off their products they have.
Ur correct, still lots of risk here and the next quarter will be telling. Matter of fact, it cd b make or break.

Of course I'm worried when I have over 100k on it, but I'm going w my gut here and staying long. I love the product and believe in TJ.

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There new IQ 6 inverters are top end tho, but yes they don't seem to care much about profit margin... which also makes me believe they aren't to worried about going under and are in it for the long haul. If I was you i'd take the 100k out and play 2/5 but thats me... I do like the investment and will be on it shortly as well.
