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Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here.
396 12.72%
$22K TO $28K
455 14.62%
$28K TO $34K
506 16.26%
$34K TO $40K
529 17.00%
$40K TO $46K
296 9.51%
930 29.88%

10-27-2015 , 10:44 PM
@seams depends on a few factors. My mood, the dealer, and what portion of bbj I won. Def nothing over 3%.

@rufus2012 gd question.
I don't think the lady knows of my thread.
I do know a few people that I play w who seem to follow my thread, but I don't think it has any pos or neg impact against me.
I don't really tell anyone about it, so if they know it's because word of mouth or they just found it on here.
As far as a % of people that know, I hv no idea. I never ask anyone if they know. If I had to guess I wd say less than 5% of players at HSI know about my thread.
For the players that know, I think it's slightly more of a disadvantage for me than advantage. It's really close though, enough I feel that it's pretty much indifferent.


2 big hands!!! Got beat to a 3 outer, and "supposedly" 2 outed someone.
The Villain is the same in both hands.

The V: 40yr old entrepreneur, 10-20l grinder back n the day, a winning player, builds cool structures out of his chips (pics posted on here before), the hands he plays he plays aggressively, makes gd reads, a bit unorthodox play but he makes it work, a very high win %...hardly see him lose.

Hand 1 SPLASH POT PROMO. Full ring 1/2nl
The floor man drops $100 in the pot before the cards are dealt and the $5 is in seat 3 otb.
V is in seat 9 who covers me, and I'm in seat 7 w $500 ish.
Seat 4 folds, Seat 5 calls, seat 6 calls, I call w A10 in seat 7, seat 8 folds, V in seat 9 raises $62, folded back to me.
*My read was seat 9 didn't seem strong, my eye was on him like a hawk when action was on him. When he raised to $62, I got the vibe that the hand was gd but not great. Mayb it was his emotions or the way he put it in, but it all seemed really casual. Not sure how to explain it, but I got a gd feel of the situation and his read was it wasn't anything great and def not premium.
Call me crazy, but I went all in for $500! I went w my instinct, and wanted to put max pressure on him.
My read was spot on, and he calls w A6!!
We aipf and the board runs out 76QQJ.
A6>A10 for $1k+ pot The ole 3 outer
U can question my play all u want, but I got it in as a 68% fav

After the hand, "reach of shame" for a $500 rebuy.

Hand 2: Again $5 straddle in seat 3, seat 4 calls, seat 5 raises to $15 ($400 stack), seat 6 folds, I just call w QQ in seat 7 ($550 stack), seat 8 folds, the same V in seat 9 raises to $30 (he covers). Folds to initial raiser in seat 5, who calls. This is where I make my move and 4 bet to $135. I know I have the best hand pre, because I feel seat 9 wd def raise it more than a min raise if he had Aces or Kings. V calls the 4 bet, and so does seat 5.

3 players to the flop. pot is $310. Flop 6710
Seat 5 leads out $160 ( leaving $100 behind). I call (leaving $250 behind), seat 9 raises to $345 total.
Seat 5 calls w less, and I decide to go all in for a bit more. seat 9 calls.

Final Pot, $1400

Turn: Q
River: 7
I tabled the full house.
Seat 5 said he was way behind, seat 9 never showed, but said he had a set of 10s.

-$486 in Oct. This challenge of getting even stuff is kind of fun .

Will be reporting some exciting news this weekend.
It may not b a big deal to you, but it's something I been working on that is now final. Been praying about it, and I'm pretty stoked let u know this weekend.

Best of luck out there on the felt.
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10-28-2015 , 05:06 AM
dunno why anyone would question your play with a10, you went with your read, were right and got called when you shouldnt have been and got very unlucky for a nice pot. still 4 days left in the month, should easily reach that short term goal! interested to hear what youre gonna tell us
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10-28-2015 , 09:56 AM

I am baffled about the A10<A6 hand. I understand your play and I like it, but I don't understand villain's play..... I think his raise to $62 pre is fine, but I can't understand why he would call your shove there if he is a good consistent winning player...

He dominates absolutely nothing, and he is only flipping with like 22-55 and he is behind to crushed against most of your shoving range there. I guess he's barely ahead of hands like KQ, KJ, K10, QJ, Q10. Can you explain what you think his thought process might have been? I think there is about like $239 in the pot when you shove he had to call another $440...more than 2x the pot to call...what do you think his reasoning was? That seems like a very bad call to me, but if he is a crusher, maybe I'm missing something?

I guess just the factors of the $100 splash and knowing you could shove very light were his reasons, but still... that seems like a very questionable call from a consistent winner.

Last edited by Mr. Muckit; 10-28-2015 at 10:04 AM.
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10-28-2015 , 11:01 AM
my thoughts exactly!
how is villain a consistent winner making calls like that?!
could it be he is just trying to get lucky so he can start building the Taj Mahal w his chippies.

i'll be hanging on this cliff until this weekend's big announcement.
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10-28-2015 , 06:47 PM
@mr.muckit I have no idea what his reason was. I was completely shocked, but it is his money so he can do what he wants w it.
He is a winning player, but that call was surprising to me.

I was in the black for this month for a total of 5 minutes today. . Those five minutes felt so orgasmic, but then it was back to the red.
Mayb tomorrow.
Gd session today at the 1/2 nl. Most of it came after I 3bet in the sb to $35 w K10 after utg made it $5 and 4 callers. Needless to say, my 3 bet got 3 calls, but I did flop a flush ., and felted 2 players after we get it all in ott.

Getting closer...-$81 in October
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10-29-2015 , 08:06 PM
Today these guys put it on me!
Almost every decision was a tough one for me. During the span, I made some bad choices where I shd hv called but folded, and others where I shd have folded but called. My poker spirit was starting to deflate like a Patriots game ball.

It just wouldn't stop, and then this hand had to come... The ultimate head scratcher of the day.

Interested to see what u do here. Thoughts and feedback are encouraged?

Description of the important players involved in this hand.

Seat 5: I played w a few times, very little history w player. Seems standard ABC type. The few times I played w him he always bought n for $150ish. Same today, but now sitting on $400 after I tried to bluff him the otr the hand before when he flopped a set of Aces. #goodtiming
In a few hands before that, I also remember him folding A2 in the bb after I made it $8 from the co, sb called, he folded. I only know this because he said he wd hv flopped 2 pair that hand. That tells me, he is not too gamblish, and picks his spots well.
$350 stack and wearing sunglasses.

Seat 9: a thinking winning tag player.
$200 stack.

Me: Down $400 at this point after KK doesn't hold aipf to a $150 stack who 4 bet jams AJ, and correctly calling in a couple hands where I cdnt fade draws. Trying to get it going, but it's been tough.
So after one bad beat and a couple wrong side of the coin type hands, I then added on to the half the big stack.
Stack now $800 and sitting in seat 2.

Here's a sick mind twister.

1/2nl Button in seat 3, seat 4 sb, seat 5 bb.

Seat 7 calls $2, seat 9 TAG makes it $17, I call in co w A♠️Q♥️. Button folds, seat 5 ABC in bb calls. Seat 7 limp/calls.

4 handed to the flop. Pot $70.
The flop: Q♣️10♣️4♦

All 3 players checks to me, and I bet $35. Seat 5 ch/calls.

HU going to the turn and pot $140.

The turn is 8♦

This time seat 5 leads out $55, and I think about it, and call.

Pot $250, and the river is a 2♠️.

Seat 5 waste no time by pushing his remaining $250 in the middle.

I record tank of the year, and I actually apologized to the table in the middle of thinking this out. I try to get him talking, so I asked him a few things.

1). "Whatcha u got man?"
V: "If u want to lose put your money in."

2). "It looks like u have a set, or J9. The only hands I can beat are ♣️s, ♦️s, and KJ. Do you have something like A♣️K♣️, K♦️J♦️ type hands?"
V: "I promise u. U r beat!"

I then start cutting out chips debating a call while seeing if I can get some sort of reaction read or nervousness tells from him.
I didn't pick up anything, and he just sits there.

3). "U must b strong here to call $15 more pre in bb?"
V: "If u want to double me up, call me. I like u Ray, so I'm just telling u I hv J9. Call me and I will show u."

My mind is perplexed, and i say, "Man u r gd talking."

I see no nerves or hear a shaking voice. He seems confident in what he is telling me.
Too confident it's fishy??? This is what I'm trying to determine.
Why is he talking so much? Is he really this gd w his speech and sm sort of genius in getting players to pay him off???

4). "Show me a card?"
HE DOES!! *Wow that worked, or maybe it didn't!!!! Still confused...
V: turns over J♦️, and says, "If u call I guarantee u will double me up."
He warns me, and says, "Don't do it Ray."

Now my mind is twisted in knots, and wondering if he is going higher level thinking on me, or is he trying to get me to fold. Is it reverse psychology he is mind baiting me with, or not???
I tell him, "you are so gd, and saying all the right things. I hv no clue right now."
...He then, takes both hands, and does the ship it over here motion.

A solid 3 minutes go by, and I again tell my tablemates that I'm sorry for taking this long. A couple stand byers are now interested to see how this plays out.
...Other players at our table start to stand up while this hand plays out.
I hv a gd feeling I'm going to get baited into calling off this genius talker, and feel like a zero, or will I be correct, or do I just fold.
What a sick line he took, and is he bluffing? Is this short buyer player capable of bluffing off his chips after he just doubled up the hand before? Am I going to double him up again if I call???

5). "I hv never seen you bluff before."
V: "Just pay me off."

I am so far deep in the tank, but trying to make the right play.
Can I call here? Do I fold? What does it feel like to you guys?
To me, it's soooooooooooo 50/50. My history w players telling me repeatedly to pay them off is very limited. Lol

Another tough test, and I decided to...

I may or may not be able to tell u what V had. I'll wait to give you the end result tomorrow in case 2+2ers want to chime in on this hand.

Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
10-29-2015 , 08:28 PM
I predict you folded and he had AJ of diamonds or perhaps JJ
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
10-29-2015 , 08:33 PM
Based on all the information I think the river is a fold. I'm tending to believe he has exactly that: J9. You say he's generally not too gambly and picks his spots pretty well so I think he can only have either exactly J9 or decided to turn his hand into a bluff and I don't think we have enough evidence to indicate he is capable of firing off a big bluff like that, and even in the unlikely scenario that he could be bluffing, would he really sit there confidently chatting with you, no nervousness, telling you he's going to take your money. I think he's just being kind of bizarrely straight forward. On the other hand I wasn't there to witness that key conversation at the end so maybe you picked up a certain odd vibe that can't be described.

I just can't think of any Jx hands that he would play all streets like this Except for J9 and I guess maybe MAYBE we could put JJ, or even J10, JQ, JK, AJ in his range but they just don't seem as likely. J9 makes sense to me especially with him just calling pre, calling the flop bet of 35, leading the turn for 55, shoving blank river. What other Jx line makes sense there unless he is a Higher level thinker who is using his J as a blocker to float you and only represent the straight, and from the non-gambly guy who buys in for $150 description I think that seems less likely.

I fold river but I'm a nit.

Last edited by Mr. Muckit; 10-29-2015 at 09:02 PM.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
10-29-2015 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry


First sesh : 1/2nl dropped -$33 on 2hrs 12mins.

Next Sesh:$10 straddle and I make it $35 in mp w A♠️K♠️, get 2 callers (All 3 players involved, $500 stacks).

The flop is 9♠️10♠️3♥️. P1 checks, I check, Lady (high stakes reg) bets $80. P1 ch/folds, and I ponder my options. I thought if I raise small (and she calls) otf, it may gv her some fold equity ott when I jam it in.
So I went with this plan and ch/raised to $180 otf, w the intentions jamming all turns if she calls.
She called my flop raise, and the turn is 7♦️. I jam the rest, $285. She calls.
The river is a sexy 6♠️.
Flush > ? (No show)
I don't have a major issue with the flop check raise, but what I would like to know is why you didn't cbet on this board? A cbet followed by a 3bet jam if raised plays a lot better than a small check raise that can jam over you on the flop. You want the fold equity even with two overs and the flush draw on the flop, not to be calling it off.

Additionally, with a smallish check raise, you risk villain flatting with spades that you dominate, and then they can fold the turn when you both miss, if you bet/get it in on the flop, you have more FE against one pair hands and get it in against villains weaker drawing range. This is assuming your flop check raise isn't full of **** 99% of the time and villain is just attempting to float you IP.

Still though, I obviously don't know this high stakes reg, but from the sounds of things you allowed them to play perfectly against you and got lucky. A bet/3bet line on the flop makes them calling the flop with a hand like AT much worse than when they call with it on the turn and have you drawing to ~25% equity going to the river.

Also, would you ever take the check raise flop line here with AA/KK ?
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
10-29-2015 , 08:51 PM
Kind of gross spot. If we're 100bb deep, I'm calling and pretty happy about it.

It can't be too wrong to fold here. You did say that this guy isn't really the gambley type. But then why would he have J9 in his range? It's such a gamble hand and he called 9bb preflop with a couple of good players in the hand already.

He also flipped the Jd. Which puts KdJd, QdJd, JdTd, Jd9d, AdJd.....the more I think about it, and he flipped that card over, the more it's a call. There is literally one combination that beats you. I have a hard time believing he's calling Jx preflop without it being suited given the information. One hand beats us. All of the other JdXd combos turn 4 to a straight 2 ways and 4 to a flush. Everything missed. So if there is ever a hand to put the pressure on us with, it's one of those above hands. I'm taking JTdd away though because it has some SDV and it only had a GS. Maybe QJ too but it's stronger and may, switch that, take QJ away and put JT in because QJ has SDV and JT not so much.

So I guess I call. Like I said, just one combination that beats us and a lot of others that turn the world and brick the river.
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10-29-2015 , 09:20 PM
Ah, I didn't see that the turn put a second diamond on board, that changes my analysis and gives more weight towards his all JdXd Broadway combos. I still lean towards a fold but I see now why you say you're 50/50 on it Ray. His range is clearly polarized between the nuts and a bluff, and he does have a lot more combos of bluffs than nuts, but his description leans more towards the nuts. My final answer is Jd9d or JdKd... Tough decision
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10-30-2015 , 01:48 AM
It is a tougher decision after you get him talking. I would have folded to this line from this player type. With his table talk and showing the jack it's a lot tougher decision though.
I would probably still fold but expect him to show me KJ. I'm going to predict that you talked yourself into calling and he had J9.
Interesting spot. More so with the "table talk".

Nice end if the month comeback.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
10-30-2015 , 02:49 AM
Before showing the J, did V re-check his hole cards or just blindly flip one over?
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
10-30-2015 , 04:52 AM
I feel like you provoked him into showing the Jd, like almost ALL his bluffs and Jd9x value hands have this card, so the fact that he shows you this doesn't change too much. AdJd is also a possibility?

Instinctively, I look for a fold but am not too sure either, weird hand.
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10-30-2015 , 08:44 AM
It's soo close. I think it's either jk or j9 of diamonds. I lean slightly towards jk just for the fact he lead the turn, and insta shoved the river. In my experience Insta shoves tend to be bluffs. If he would of turned the straight I think he checks also on that street. But agin very close and it's all about knowing your player and previous history with V. Btw, JJ makes no sense to me but I give it a small chance.
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10-30-2015 , 09:42 AM
Lets say he has j9, would he unleash the river or go for value?
Back it up to the turn, and take a look. He turned the straight if holding j9, and bet $55 into pot of $140. To me, it would be logical that he would want paid off with his hand and bet less on the river if holding nuts, especially after you tank called the turn. Maybe something like $110 keeping the proportional bet sizing about the same as the turn and hoping to get paid.
The insta shove is a little off, and I lean towards KdJd
Call this man.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
10-30-2015 , 10:11 AM
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
10-30-2015 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by -SOBO-
Before showing the J, did V re-check his hole cards or just blindly flip one over?
this is exactly what I was thinking

1. If villain flipped it over quickly without re-checking, this means a few things.

A. He is so confident in flipping cards over because he knows he has J9.
B. He remembers distinctly which of his cards are which, and he had no problem remembering the Jd.
C. He has JJ so he doesn't have to care/think about which one card he shows, since either represents his story.
D. He foolishly showed one card knowing that it could have gone wrong had he shown the wrong one.

2. If villain re-checked beforehand, this could mean a few things as well.

A. He is not confident in showing you his hand because he doesn't want to show you the wrong card.
B. He is simply double checking to show you the desired card.
C. He is meta-gaming you while thinking all of the above and knows that by re-checking his cards, makes his story look weak.

I put these in order of likelihood in each option imo.

At first thought, I thought he had AKdd, but KJdd, probably makes more sense.
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10-30-2015 , 10:53 AM
with the description of villain I dont think he is calling 15$ more oop with J9dd, for this SPECIFIC reason, I would tend more towards a call since we ONLY lose to J9dd, and win vs KJdd and AJdd , hands that he could have. Given that we beat two hands and the one hand that beats us is very unlikely since J9dd probably folds preflop, I think I would call.
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10-30-2015 , 11:09 AM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned villain's bet sizing on the turn.* Is this type of player really going to led for $55 into $140 if he turned the nuts, especially with two flush draws out there? To me this just screams blocking bet trying to set his own price to see the river.

The table talk seems pretty strong, but I'm inclined to call based on the turn action.

*Edit: just noticed WitchesCastle actually did mention exactly this a few posts up...
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10-30-2015 , 12:05 PM
Tough spot.

A few things that I would take into consideration:

1. Player History

"Seat 5: I played w a few times, very little history w player. Seems standard ABC type. The few times I played w him he always bought n for $150ish. Same today, but now sitting on $400 after I tried to bluff him the otr the hand before when he flopped a set of Aces. #goodtiming

In a few hands before that, I also remember him folding A2 in the bb after I made it $8 from the co, sb called, he folded. I only know this because he said he wd hv flopped 2 pair that hand. That tells me, he is not too gamblish, and picks his spots well.
$350 stack and wearing sunglasses."

- He buys in short (75 BB) and plays ABC, which makes me think he is scared money. While he does seem to play solid, I do not think a player like this WOULD bluff off all of their money. He is probably capable of it, but it doesn't sound to me like it's his M.O.

- He folded a weak Ace in a pretty obvious steal attempt, which makes me think that he is playing pretty straightforward. Like you said yourself "not too gamblish".

2. Villain Range in this Spot Pre-Flop

OK, so villain is BB in this hand.

"Seat 7 calls $2, seat 9 TAG makes it $17, I call in co w A♠️Q♥️. Button folds, seat 5 ABC in bb calls. Seat 7 limp/calls.

4 handed to the flop. Pot $70."

Villain is getting 3.5-1 on a call pre-flop, $15 to win $55, which could influence his range, but we also need to consider that a good TAG raised, and you have flatted. He may be playing his cards straightforward and not take that into consideration, but I think this will tighten up his pre-flop calling range.

I think his range is something like:
AJs+, 1010+ and possibly 910s+ type of hands, would have to have some history with villain to know if he plays these types of hands.

3. Villain Range in this Spot Post-Flop

The flop: Q♣️10♣️4♦

"All 3 players checks to me, and I bet $35. Seat 5 ch/calls.

HU going to the turn and pot $140."

So villain check calls after you bet. This isn't a c-bet, as seat 9 checked, so Villain must assume that you have some piece of this flop. So what is Villain check calling $35 with?

Again, he's getting around 3-1 ($35 to win $105), which gives him the right odds to call with flush draws or open ended draws. He may flat with top pair, or sets, or could raise those hands as this is a fairly wet board.

I think his range could be:
AJc, AKc, AQ, KJ, J9, 1010 or maybe QQ (unlikely since you hold a Q).

4. Villain Range on Turn

"The turn is 8♦

This time seat 5 leads out $55, and I think about it, and call."

Now he is leading into you. This is a red flag for me. What would he lead small with?

I think his range changes here, or we can at least remove some hands. I think he is likely holding:

AQ, KdJd, J9, 1010, or QQ. He may think AQ is good in this spot and is trying to take control of the pot (unlikely). He may be protecting his hand from bad rivers in which it would kill the action (likely), or probing in hopes you may raise.

I think the most likely hand is 1010. QQ is unlikely because you block, and AQ would probably check/call. J9 is a possibility but near the bottom of his pre-flop calling range. KdJd make sense too, as he had not picked up a flush draw to go with his open ender.

5. Villain Range and Action on River

"Pot $250, and the river is a 2♠️.

Seat 5 waste no time by pushing his remaining $250 in the middle.

I record tank of the year, and I actually apologized to the table in the middle of thinking this out. I try to get him talking, so I asked him a few things.

1). "Whatcha u got man?"
V: "If u want to lose put your money in."

2). "It looks like u have a set, or J9. The only hands I can beat are ♣️s, ♦️s, and KJ. Do you have something like A♣️K♣️, K♦️J♦️ type hands?"
V: "I promise u. U r beat!"

I then start cutting out chips debating a call while seeing if I can get some sort of reaction read or nervousness tells from him.
I didn't pick up anything, and he just sits there.

3). "U must b strong here to call $15 more pre in bb?"
V: "If u want to double me up, call me. I like u Ray, so I'm just telling u I hv J9. Call me and I will show u."

My mind is perplexed, and i say, "Man u r gd talking."

I see no nerves or hear a shaking voice. He seems confident in what he is telling me.
Too confident it's fishy??? This is what I'm trying to determine.
Why is he talking so much? Is he really this gd w his speech and sm sort of genius in getting players to pay him off???

4). "Show me a card?"
HE DOES!! *Wow that worked, or maybe it didn't!!!! Still confused...
V: turns over J♦️, and says, "If u call I guarantee u will double me up."
He warns me, and says, "Don't do it Ray."

We know 2 things.

1. He wasted little time in shoving.
2. He has a Jack.

So his range is very narrowly defined:


Since we had his range defined to AQ, KdJd, 1010, J9, or QQ, that only leaves him with...

KdJd or J9. So I hand combo, or 16 combos.

Others have stated he could be making a play with AdJd, but I doubt he would call $35 with a gutshot on the flop.

KdJd makes sense, but would he open shove the river with a busted hand? Probably not. Not in my opinion at least.

The table talk is throwing me off, and maybe it's a tell. At least you will know for the future.

I think it's a tough spot, but a fold.


Good luck at the tables.

Last edited by tswpoker1; 10-30-2015 at 12:12 PM.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
10-30-2015 , 02:38 PM
Fly high butterfly
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
10-30-2015 , 05:11 PM
CONCLUSION TO THE HAND, and btw u guys are gd.
I hv said it so many times, but the people that post on here are some serious poker wizards! I was mind blown by reading the feedback from u guys. Many high level thinkers!!! I appreciate it, and thanks for your thoughts to this hand. Each one of u had something different to bring to the table, and it's these various pieces that help us put together the puzzle.

Board Q10482
V calls $17 in bb, check/calls $35 flop, leads $55 turn, and shoves $250 river.

So the end result: after V shoves river, and talks me into calling, I did just that.
As much as I thought he could be baiting me into calling, the more I thought it was a bluff. I think when I asked if he wd show me a card and did, made me think he was bluffing. That could hv been the turning point for me. From my past experiences, usually when they show u a card they have it more times than not. BUT that is when they do it on their own WITHOUT someone asking to see a card. When u ask and they show u a card, it can b either, but I'd say more bluffs than not. I just think if someone is holding the nuts and a player asks to see a card, that they wouldn't want to show anything. This can all b hogwash, or make no sense to u, but it's kind of my thinking.
My concern was, if this guy was some serious mind wizard trying to flip the script on me. My end decision was nope, and I call.

After I slide my Christmas color chips in the pot, 8 green and 10 red, he stands up. I'm thinking I got him, he is standing up, so I guess he is getting ready to leave. I got this! BUT THEN he slams his cards down face up and I'm thinking uh oh he must have me. Then I glance at his cards and I see a King with his J!!
That's how we do!!!
*If he stays quiet, I most likely fold.

Still lost a little yesterday, but it wd hv been a lot more if I lose this hand.

Just finished today's sesh and I'll post about it later. Another doozie of a hand from today. I'm a sicko and did something either insane, genius, or stupid today. I'm still trying to fig it out myself.
Let's just say I put it all on the line trying to get in the Oct black today
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
10-30-2015 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
CONCLUSION TO THE HAND, and btw u guys are gd.
I hv said it so many times, but the people that post on here are some serious poker wizards! I was mind blown by reading the feedback from u guys. Many high level thinkers!!! I appreciate it, and thanks for your thoughts to this hand. Each one of u had something different to bring to the table, and it's these various pieces that help us put together the puzzle.

Board Q10482
V calls $17 in bb, check/calls $35 flop, leads $55 turn, and shoves $250 river.

So the end result: after V shoves river, and talks me into calling, I did just that.
As much as I thought he could be baiting me into calling, the more I thought it was a bluff. I think when I asked if he wd show me a card and did, made me think he was bluffing. That could hv been the turning point for me. From my past experiences, usually when they show u a card they have it more times than not. BUT that is when they do it on their own WITHOUT someone asking to see a card. When u ask and they show u a card, it can b either, but I'd say more bluffs than not. I just think if someone is holding the nuts and a player asks to see a card, that they wouldn't want to show anything. This can all b hogwash, or make no sense to u, but it's kind of my thinking.
My concern was, if this guy was some serious mind wizard trying to flip the script on me. My end decision was nope, and I call.

After I slide my Christmas color chips in the pot, 8 green and 10 red, he stands up. I'm thinking I got him, he is standing up, so I guess he is getting ready to leave. I got this! BUT THEN he slams his cards down face up and I'm thinking uh oh he must have me. Then I glance at his cards and I see a King with his J!!
That's how we do!!!
*If he stays quiet, I most likely fold.

Still lost a little yesterday, but it wd hv been a lot more if I lose this hand.

Just finished today's sesh and I'll post about it later. Another doozie of a hand from today. I'm a sicko and did something either insane, genius, or stupid today. I'm still trying to fig it out myself.
Let's just say I put it all on the line trying to get in the Oct black today

Nh well played. You analyzed the info so well in the pre-post to this. Went to go play at my local casino last night for first time in a while and they have a very strict no table talk rule . Stops a lot of rec players from having fun.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
10-30-2015 , 09:49 PM
thanks @freeasthebird. Surprised by the rule at your local casino. Talking is big part of the game, especially in cash games. Gd luck to u.


This guy was playing his last hand, and his chips were in the rack. Perfect opportunity I thought to make the biggest bluff I made all month.
Recreational V bought in for $300, and ran it up to $1200, and then decided to leave after a couple hours of play. I sensed he was protecting his win, and wanted to get out of there w a nice profit.
He wasn't the gambling type, but did announce to the table it was his last hand and he was gonna straddle $16. I was a bit surprised because I played w him many of times, and never seen him straddle before. His 2 racks were on the rail, w one foot out the door.
I look down at 77 in mp and make it $40 w a similar stack size to V ($1200 ish). I thought for sure, the safe guarding V wd just fold and leave. Nah, he called, and we were heads up to the flop of AJ4 rainbow.

I cbet $60, and he calls. What?! Isn't this guy ready to leave! I know for a fact he doesn't want to tangle in a big pot, and risk losing some of his profits, so why did he just call me. Well, it's obvious, he apparently hit an Ace, or 2 pair. I'm taking JJ and AA out of his range because he always plays big hands fast. J4 he wd just fold pre. His call otf looked somewhat hesitant and unsure, so I'm excluding 44 too. So he has at least an Ace here or 2 pair at best (AJ, or A4). 100% sure of this. He wd def fold any J, and head for the door. It's an easy read for me on his hand, but how can I get him to release it is the question.

Turn is an insignificant 5. At this point, I say screw it, and decide I'm 3 barreling if I have to, it's time to go balls to the wall. I bet $160. I see him cutting out chips, and I tell him I will prolly go All In on the river while he debates calling the turn. My words doesn't phase him, and he calls. In hindsight, I prob shdnt have said anything because my comments did seem like I was bluffing, but I was trying my best to get him to fold on the turn. I didn't want to actually shove the river. He calls the turn, and now I guess I hv to decide if I will.

Now we both have around $1k behind heading into the river of a meaningless 6. At this point, I definitely put him on at least an Ace, mayb 2 pair, but ask me if I care. Do u care Rayz? Nope.
Am I'm gonna rep everything that beats that? Yes
Screw it, I tank shove it all!
Ballsy? Yep.
Stupid? Only if he calls.
Genius? Only if he folds.
Insane play? Prob.
No way is this guy risking his winnings on his last hand. No way, not this guy. He wants to take that money home.

I announce all-in and think to myself I may be tripping poker acid right now, but I know he will fold. So much that I am willing to lose my whole stack over it. In fact, I was so confident in my read I know this V wd prob even fold 2 pair here.
He does in fact fold. Whew. Deep breath.
V didn't hv 2 pair, but it was an Ace. He tossed A8 face up, and then pats the table and says "have a gd day folks."
I reply, "See ya bud. B careful heading home. Gd session for u today."

+$387 today on 4hrs 46mins, and more importantly in the black!
Hell no, I'm not playing the last day of October tomorrow!

Thanks for all the support I have recieved through this horrible October!
It's during these bad times that u learn most about yourself and the people around u. I am blessed to hv a great support system here in the 2+2 family. Thank u for the advice, motivation, and the belief in me. It really means a lot!
It's been a brutal October, but I never gave up. I easily could hv just folded mid month when I was down well over $4k. Instead, I still trusted in myself and my abilities, and knew I could stubbornly fight through this. My hourly in my Poker Journal App says I am making over $40/hr playing 1/2nl ($42.84 to b exact), so I just knew I had to log some volume at the 1/2s to cut into my losses. My plan mid month was just try to get it down to -$2k red month, but I ran super hot the last 2 weeks and actually got into the black! What?!! This was even a surprise to me! It was a feeling like I never had before. I was super proud of my determination, focus, and perseverance to get it all back!!
Never give up. #karatekid

+$253 overall in Oct.
(+$2,658 in cash and -$2,405 in tourneys)

Overall (Cash and T) October Graph:

+$36,030 overall to date.

Bring on November.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
