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From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey

07-25-2014 , 11:52 AM
I actually stand by my "most pros" comment and just ask people to look around at the guys trying to make a living playing cards.

this is an obvious derail but measuring from the top 10% and attempting to debunk it is poor logic. Most people who play cards for a living are grinding it out at small stakes, not improving their game, living above their means, and aren't willing to do what it takes to succeed at school/work/ or sports:

**** you don't want to do

Nobody wants to work late, stay in and study, or do two a days but sometimes you gotta get it done.

Duke is at a stage where he clearly needs to do some **** he doesn't want to do.
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-25-2014 , 11:53 AM
Rob - i see what you mean and why you were offended. I think you and 11t (and me too) had different definitions of a "pro". 11t and mine were much looser - our definition of a pro included people who call or think themselves as a pro when in reality they either have money from other sources, or are still living at home and getting by making marginal amounts (not just living at home for the purpose of saving up), or living like a bum. But yeah, if a "pro" means that you are completely on your own and are able to maintain a certain standard of living over a long period of time, then the fact that you arent in a traditional job doesnt mean you lack the basic work ethic/discipline, as much as it means that it's just not right for you.

Last edited by Snowball2; 07-25-2014 at 11:59 AM.
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-25-2014 , 11:54 AM
Thanks for your thoughts, my friends

I agree, 30-40 hours seems to be somewhat of a sweet spot for a lot of players I know

But I kind of have the ambition to be ambitious like Snowball said and always shoot for the moon. I tend to rarely reach the moon, though, but I don't really beat myself up for it.

Anyway, it feels good to be up before noon. Going to go work out at LA Fitness (decided that planet fitness was a pretty lolgym) and then play a long session tonight since its Friday and we gotta get down on Friday
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-25-2014 , 11:58 AM
But planet fitness has free pizza!! Work out and meal all in one

Jk my gym just has the food network on ALL the time. Testing your will power obv?
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-25-2014 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by IbelieveinChipKelly
Except he didn't do that. He moved way up in stakes in LA a few months ago after just a few months of live poker.

Then he went on a downswing and moved back home and - at least - made a smart decision to drop back to $1/$2 and try to grind up a bankroll.
He only went up to 2/5 though. I don't think that was a horrible decision. A lot of young grinders would have kept going up until they were broke and unwilling to grind lower stakes.
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-25-2014 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Coach McGuirk
What do you guys think about abortion?
Duke should take some acid? THAT'S what I think about abortion.

Originally Posted by 11t
**** you don't want to do

Nobody wants to work late, stay in and study, or do two a days but sometimes you gotta get it done.

Duke is at a stage where he clearly needs to do some **** he doesn't want to do.
Everyone is at that stage at 22.

Originally Posted by Snowball2
But planet fitness has free pizza!! Work out and meal all in one
No tootsie rolls?
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-25-2014 , 12:23 PM
Guys I'm 21 not 22
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-25-2014 , 12:30 PM
No doubt about poker volume being key. Whether you're interested in saving money and moving up in stakes, or just balling out of control while young. You'll do both better if you can handle ~50hrs/wk. It's not that much time really
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-25-2014 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by Duke0424
Guys I'm 21 not 22
Just wait til you turn 22 and hit that stage where you have **** you need to do that you really don't want to!
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-25-2014 , 01:45 PM
One thing I see from all this recent discussion/arguing is that in the end, you will have to figure it out for yourself. Much like a hand of poker, theres probably gonna be a "standard" line thats going to be good in a lot of situations, but there is the extra information that only the guy in the hand will know. That player is you Duke and eventually you will find out what is personally best for you just as JB, snowball, ECG, Rob, and everyone else did/is doing. I would say look at the points everyone else made and weigh it and make the best decision, just like you would if you posted a hand for advice.

Good discussion ITT. Now good luck this weekend and crush!
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-25-2014 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by zoltan
Just wait til you turn 22 and hit that stage where you have **** you need to do that you really don't want to!
I'm 24 and it's still going lol
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-25-2014 , 05:17 PM
Just wait 2 more years Duke.

Nobody likes you when you're 23.
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-25-2014 , 07:43 PM
What's my age again?
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-25-2014 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by ECGrinder
What's my age again?
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-25-2014 , 08:50 PM
Say age again, mother****er!
I dare you!
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-25-2014 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by Busche1427
I'm 24 and it's still going lol
Haha mother****er, I'm old enough to be your dad and it's still going.

Originally Posted by Coach McGuirk
Say age again, mother****er!
I dare you!
He's an angry elf.
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-25-2014 , 09:13 PM
Also pretty sure Duke is the only one itt playing less poker than me.
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-25-2014 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by zoltan
Haha mother****er, I'm old enough to be your dad and it's still going.
Thought there might be a chance it will change once I'm responsible for more than myself and have kids to provide for or something.

Too bad for potential them.
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-25-2014 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by ECGrinder
What's my age again?
"What's My Age Again?"

I took her out. It was a Friday night
I wore cologne to get the feeling right
We started making out, and she took off my pants
But then I turned on the TV
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-25-2014 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by All-inMcLovin
"What's My Age Again?"

I took her out. It was a Friday night
I wore cologne to get the feeling right
We started making out, and she took off my pants
But then I turned on the TV
And that's about the time she walked away from me!
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-25-2014 , 11:10 PM
Just thought I'd chime in on the grinding. The thing about grinding 1/2 for an actual living is that you have to outrun your fixed expenses and the rake. You can't grind up the same roll by playing 1/2 the hours for 2x the number of months. It's more like 1/2 the hrs for 3x the months or more.

I played full time for about a year with the intention of going back to a full time job after taking a life break.

I put in 200 hrs/ month min. Around 8 months in I got sick of the casino, sick of the players and unmotivated to grind. It was around that time that I realized i want poker to be a fun profitable activity not my full time job.

As I said I always intended to go back to working but this experience helped solidify the role of poker in my life and my long term goal of having fun playing, moving up and earning an hourly worthy of considering poker a "part time" job that I enjoy.

For a decent part of the year I played full time I split my sessions. I would get up around 7a go to a cheap local diner for the 3.79 breakfast (grinder not baller) hit the coffee shop and check my email etc. or some days go bike riding then get to the casino sometime late morning to grind with the OMCs and older regs (different style of play).

I'd put in 4/5 hrs hit the diamond lounge for free meal (grinder not baller). Go home, run errands whatever.

Around 8 I'd go back to the casino and play til around midnight and at some point use my daily food comp for late night dinner.

Weekends I tended to play single longer sessions and a bit later.

During this time I played 1/2 as 1/3 wasn't available and I wasn't properly rolled for 2/5. I only played 2/5 occasionally.

I'm not a morning person or a very disciplined person but I can tell you I felt my best when I set a schedule and stuck to it within reason. Obv if tilted or whatever I can always end a session.

From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-25-2014 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by Snowball2
And that's about the time she walked away from me!
Nobody likes you when you're 23
And are still more amused by TV shows
What the hell is ADD?

My friends say I should act my age
What's my age again?
What's my age again?
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-26-2014 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by RobFarha
Not only is this so, so, wrong and something that I personally take offense to, but it's really short-sighted and probably based on something you want to believe based on your own career choice.

Let me preface this by saying that there is nothing wrong with working in a professional work environment. I have plenty of friends that work office jobs, friends that are engineers, friends that work in finance etc. They hate it for the most part in the same way I "hate" poker. It doesn't make poker bad, just like it doesn't make finance bad. When you do something for thousands of hours, it becomes less enjoyable.

To state that people who choose to play poker as opposed to working in an office job because they are incapable of keeping an office job is ridiculous. In my own personal life I chose to play poker because it gives me freedom, it makes me more money than I would make in an office job and most importantly it keeps me constantly engaged. Not because I couldn't of gotten a 3.5 in college and spend the rest of my days as an accountant.

I can name a boatload of poker players that had great grades in school, great jobs before finding poker, all of which are very smart.

To have enough success in poker to make a reasonable living takes a lot of hard work in today's games. The games are a lot tougher now than they once were. It also takes someone who can be responsible for themselves and not reliant on a boss to tell you what to do and when to do it. I get the whole "lazy" stigma attached, a lot of guys wake up at noon and don't do a whole lot of physical exercising and what not. It depends how you define lazy. Is it lazy for me to wake up at noon and play 8 hours, come home spend another 2 hours watching videos? I suppose the fact that poker players aren't required to wake up at 7am with a tie on makes them "intrinsically lazy".

When I say to not play 50 hours a week, this is not me telling people, or myself, to play 15 hours a week and spend the rest of the time drinking. If you want to be successful, you need to put forth effort, and have discipline much like anything else in life.

I will agree that a lot of poker players are just idiotic degens that couldn't cut it in a professional work environment. But guess what? They won't cut it in poker for very long either.

The people who are successful enough to make a good living playing poker and save bankrolls tend to be bright young people who chose an alternative life of freedom and balance not because they had to, but because it seemed more appealing to them.

I'm not going to have a debate with you on whether or not its better to go to college and get a steady job vs playing poker. For what it's worth I would agree with your side based on there being more stability and much less stress.

To say people who are successful (not random XYZ fish who won some donkament and now went "pro") chose poker because they had no other option is just incorrect.

Yes. You making and more importantly saving should be at the forefront. This doesn't mean locking yourself in a casino all week being miserable. Balance, yo.

His choce of the word professional is sub par but the point he is making still stands.

Poker PLayers, not the self selecting ones on 2p2(although 2p2 has an abnormal percentage of low lifes and lazy people), choose the game because they see it as a get rich quick scheme(I know thats how started, the Moneymaker effect happened for a reason and it wasnt because people were intrigued by a game of skill). Maybe they stick with it for other reasons, but a lot of players justify after the fact hey like the challenge and are competitive in nature, but this is just not true for a vast majority. It may, again, be wise they stuck with it and became successful, but the true reason is that a lot of people were looking for an easy way to get rich without "working" hard. This is obviously ignorance as that is never the case to become successful, but again its the reason people choose this.

In regards to whether poker players as a whole are lazy. I absolutely agree. I am sorry but 30 hours a week of 1/2 is lazy. And the reasoning that you play subpar when you play more justifies this(imho). You have a mind state that prevents you from pushing through and focusing on a task. This seems like almost the textbook definition of laziness. IN fact here it is:

is a disinclination to activity or exertion despite having the ability to do so

Now the problem stems from people automatically viewing lazy as a bad thing. It isnt. There is not a single thing that makes it inherently bad. Almost everyone is lazy in certain aspects. I am alazy at doing the dishes, but this isnt something that affects me and I eventually get it done when it comes to a point where I want them done. I think the problem with poker players is that they are lazy about things but want the results as if they were not lazy. People want freedom, ability to travel, being able to do what they want but they dont want to work for it. How many weight loss gaols have you seen on PG&C or from poker players in general. Poker Players are lazy about a lot of things they dont want to be lazy about.

People say I want to be able to play 60 hours a week but cant and play my A game. Thats laziness. Work hard and focus and you can achieve it. Many problems with poker volume stem from a wandering mind. People wanting results that are not coming or simply getting bored. This is something people who are not lazy in regards to activities push through and focus. You think everyone who works really hard wants to be doing that? You think surgeons want to work long hours at times? No. But when they do they push through it and focus.

The freedom aspect you talk about is probably a large contributing factor, as they can easily just stop playing and come back again at another time. But if you have ambitions you have to push through and focus.

Not saying there are not times when you shouldn't play, but if you want it bad, 50 hours in a week is not hard.

Also you dont really believe this do you:

"The people who are successful enough to make a good living playing poker and save bankrolls tend to be bright young people who chose an alternative life of freedom and balance not because they had to, but because it seemed more appealing to them"

Balance? What Balance? Do you read anything posted on 2p2? Outside of the top 1% of winning poker players, there are not many people who pursue a healthy balance of things while playing poker full time.

Please note I am not saying that you are lazy. I am just saying you are looking through rose-coloured glasses if you truly believe a lot of the things you say. Almost every poker player(I am no exception) have achievable non luck oriented goals they set that they WANT to achieve and dont. I dont know what laziness is if not that.

This is nothing against Duke, he actually seems to have a great viewpoint on things right now. Just make sure if you want some sort of sucess in poker, you are willing to work for it. I see too many people saying they want something and just not putting in the work to get it, but having plenty of excuses. Their mindsets seems to be the favorite when it comes to volume trouble, and this is a sign of laziness, like I said.
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-26-2014 , 12:57 AM
I stopped reading after this

People say I want to be able to play 60 hours a week but cant and play my A game. Thats laziness.
Perhaps the "rose colored glasses" you reference is to the fact that I try to surround myself with other hard working, like minded, intelligent individuals and don't use the term "pro" to describe every break-even pipe dream wanna-be that works through the door.
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
07-26-2014 , 01:09 AM
Snowball. Just wanted to apologize for engaging you earlier. I did not know u were a woman. Had I known this I would have literally held my tongue. I do not mean that in a misogynistic way but instead mention it because in my experience most of the woman that I play poker with (Especially the younger ones) are very sassy. This makes sense as they are playing a game with predominantly men and have a bit of the chip on their shoulder. So once again, I apologize.
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
