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sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase

01-31-2014 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by sippin_criss
I had a session with Jared Tendler yesterday and he gave me some extremely helpful advice to decrease my boredom, increase my focus, and just feel less bogged down my poker in general.
Care to share?

Congrats on your improvement in golf. I'm sort of envious of your success in golf as I've recently been telling my GF and friends that I which I would have practiced and learned golf more as a kid. Growing up I was decent in a lot of sports and always put my effort into those and treated golf more as a summer time hobby with friends. I was a terribad putter and pretty much bogey golfer most of the time.

Now as I'm older I'm picking up golf a bit more and sort of addicted to watching it TV. Last month my girlfriend and I caught an Asian Tour event won by Sergio Garcia out here in Thailand. It was great fun. Going in I was a bit skeptical about how much "fun" going to a golf tournament would actually be in person but after returning I have to say it was a blast. Possibly more fun than any sporting event that I've ever been to and considering that I'm from Pittsburgh in the US where I've seen my fair share of Steeler games that is saying a lot. I'm planning on seeing an LPGA tour event here in Thailand later this month.

Keep working on your game and here is hoping to seeing you live on TV or in person one day too!! Also, GL on and off the tables! Cheers.
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
01-31-2014 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by cneuy3
Care to share?

Congrats on your improvement in golf. I'm sort of envious of your success in golf as I've recently been telling my GF and friends that I which I would have practiced and learned golf more as a kid. Growing up I was decent in a lot of sports and always put my effort into those and treated golf more as a summer time hobby with friends. I was a terribad putter and pretty much bogey golfer most of the time.

Now as I'm older I'm picking up golf a bit more and sort of addicted to watching it TV. Last month my girlfriend and I caught an Asian Tour event won by Sergio Garcia out here in Thailand. It was great fun. Going in I was a bit skeptical about how much "fun" going to a golf tournament would actually be in person but after returning I have to say it was a blast. Possibly more fun than any sporting event that I've ever been to and considering that I'm from Pittsburgh in the US where I've seen my fair share of Steeler games that is saying a lot. I'm planning on seeing an LPGA tour event here in Thailand later this month.

Keep working on your game and here is hoping to seeing you live on TV or in person one day too!! Also, GL on and off the tables! Cheers.
I was getting so damn bored while I played even though the first 30-45 minutes of my days are always high focus and enjoyable. It was becoming like a regular monotonous job. As I got bored I would lose focus and miss a lot of spots, causing me to become more bored, vicious cycle. He got me to create a list of all the tactical in game things that I do (or don't do) when I am bored and lose focus. I'll look at the list daily so I know what areas I might start to slip in, and I know that it's a warning sign telling me I'm about to slip into playing my C-game. That *should* be enough to bring me back to life, 80%+ of the things I am doing are just automatic and I can do in my sleep, but the other 20% takes more effort from me so it's just a matter of keeping that up.

The other issue I was having was a bloated brain, I was saving hands to study at a faster rate than I was reviewing them and that constantly weighed on me and has been weighing on me all month. He said instead of creating a giant backlog, just pick a small number of trouble hands after the day is done and take the 20 minutes and review them, whether it's maintenance or improvement stuff, just get it done every day and know that area is shored up for the time being and that doing a small amount every day is the path to improvement vs 4-5 hours of study once every couple weeks.

I still am not free from the shackles of these hands and tasks I have to do as there are some necessary things to get done but I think by the time this week is done I'll have found a nice little post session study work habit and the grind will be much less of a grind going forward, as it should be. We all play this game because of a love and passion we found for it, no matter who you are it still must exist in some way, you just have to find it sometimes.

That's awesome to hear about the golf! So true about learning young, it's when you are developing the fastest physically and mentally. I've seen people find success starting later in life but it just isn't the same. That's unbelievable to hear that you enjoyed it more than any other sporting event. It is pretty incredible to see in person. Last time I watched PGA Tour players live I was completely floored at how incredible some of them were. Pretty lucky to have seen Sergio play too, he's so entertaining.

Thanks so much for the well wishes man! What are you grinding these days? I still always remember you having the highest ROI in 9m turbos and never getting any credit for it.
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
01-31-2014 , 10:00 PM
Also I owe for 3 $50 freerolls for not losing 8 lbs in Jan I'll get at you guys in the next few days.
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
01-31-2014 , 10:23 PM
dude you havent mentioned how many tables you are playing **** streamlining your decisions thats so 2009 play less tables and observe fish who are overadjusting to whether you lose or win at showdown
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
01-31-2014 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by sippin_criss
If I had any $ or it wasn't such a party city I think I'd be there tbh.
Its ok bud. We'll get you there without hands on stuff anyway, I was just trying to coerce you to come to vegas With some creative cell phone skype usage we can be nearly hands on anyway.

Regarding the results and stuff, chin up sir. Running bad blows, but you are good, so you will be fine. Simple as that really.
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
02-01-2014 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by entim
dude you havent mentioned how many tables you are playing **** streamlining your decisions thats so 2009 play less tables and observe fish who are overadjusting to whether you lose or win at showdown
Been over this a few times. Playing over 1k hours on the year doesn't fit with my life plans. I want to do the minimum required to win pre-rb and get SNE, it's a gravy train. There are diminishing returns on what can be picked up on by 8 tabling vs 16 tabling, the line has to be drawn somewhere. I'm not going to 12 table for 1600 hours so I can get tenths of a higher roi.

Saying all that, masstabling has led to a lot of errors that aren't all directly related to masstabling alone but everything that comes along with the SNE grind grind grind mindset. I am becoming very aware of them and doing daily work to get rid of them so I can be as clear and non robotic as possible.

There are multiple times during sessions where the table count is at 10 anyways, and if it ever hits 20 it only lasts for a few minutes. Overall it averages around 16 which is totally manageable. You would be pretty proud of how thoughtful I can still be a lot of the time.

Originally Posted by LTT777
Its ok bud. We'll get you there without hands on stuff anyway, I was just trying to coerce you to come to vegas With some creative cell phone skype usage we can be nearly hands on anyway.

Regarding the results and stuff, chin up sir. Running bad blows, but you are good, so you will be fine. Simple as that really.
Awesome. I'm gonna get a proper videographer because I feel like in practice things are getting close but I also know they aren't, you know?

And yes, that's the way I feel too. I have seen too many good players sort of fall by the wayside over the years so I know how volatile this game can be. That makes me understand the work I need to put in to keep improving faster than my opponents and maintain the ability to earn.

PS: for those counting at home I'm on about a 500 bi downer!! All aboard!!! Can't wait to see that +$0.01 soon .
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
02-01-2014 , 01:33 AM
Max Cut, dannij90, and DanteA, can you guys PM me your stars SN for the $50? Cheers fellas.
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
02-01-2014 , 07:35 AM
Pretty sure they all team share on the sn sheeprustler so just send it there.
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
02-01-2014 , 01:55 PM
Sorry about your downswing.

*rubs 50 on teetahs*
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
02-02-2014 , 08:02 AM
I really admire people who try to follow their dream even though they can focus only in poker and live a comfortable life

Even though, i think, it is really sick that your redline is breakeven while you 16 tabling, i believe you would gain move value if you drop to 8-10 tables and work your way up (stakes)

In my opinion, you should never stop working in your mental game. I used to be a huge mental fish but i worked a lot in this area and i improved drastically. After i understood my progress i stopped working because i thought i would be fine but lately i catch myself having mental bugs now and then. It would be more pleasant if you work your mental game every day for 15 minutes than work it a lot for a month and then stop
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
02-02-2014 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by sheeprustler
Pretty sure they all team share on the sn sheeprustler so just send it there.
Sent and sent!

Originally Posted by Max Cut
Sorry about your downswing.

*rubs 50 on teetahs*
Lol, one of the finest poker videos ever made.

Originally Posted by belthazorrrrr
I really admire people who try to follow their dream even though they can focus only in poker and live a comfortable life

Even though, i think, it is really sick that your redline is breakeven while you 16 tabling, i believe you would gain move value if you drop to 8-10 tables and work your way up (stakes)

In my opinion, you should never stop working in your mental game. I used to be a huge mental fish but i worked a lot in this area and i improved drastically. After i understood my progress i stopped working because i thought i would be fine but lately i catch myself having mental bugs now and then. It would be more pleasant if you work your mental game every day for 15 minutes than work it a lot for a month and then stop
Thanks man. There's a lot of nervousness in moving up, I know it's happening right now and I have anticipated it but this makes around 30k pre-rb downswing that would simply have been worse at a higher abi even if I had lower tables. It may be a decent idea once I get things under control though, 12 table soft games across the board.

I realized last session, a very good chunk of my time is spent 12 tabling, and for now I won't see anything higher than 18. When I do see 18 it won't be for very long. On average I am playing about 14, and that still allows me to open up the notes I have on a player to prepare for what I am going to do in a given hand. I will play as many tables as I can provided I can still be doing that, unfortunately for me I don't think that ability will exist while 20+ tabling so that is probably a pipe dream .

Nice post. Like I said in previous posts the mental plan going forward is small amounts of daily work, 1) because big infrequent chunks aren't as effective and 2) because you don't simply figure it out as much as you think right away so it needs steady work. When sheeprustler asks me about my mental game and I say I haven't been doing anything with it lately I know that's a problem and that's what led to me getting in a session with Jared and figuring some things out.

Because of the mental work I have done the last couple days I played with a higher level of focus yesterday than I have in a very long time. I'm going to be applying the same time of shorter steady quality work to the tactical side of my poker game, and golf as well.
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
02-02-2014 , 12:28 PM
sweet thread, gl!
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
02-02-2014 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by the orange crush
sweet thread, gl!
Thanks man.


I dunno man. I'm gonna half to drop the abi for a bit since I have just under 5k sitting online now. $30s and 2 fish $60s I guess. Playing as well as I am now I realize how bad I actually played in January. I definitely could have made another 1-2k just playing a bit better. So many misclicks etc that I just accepted, now it's just not acceptable. The moment anything C-game happens I am just going to take care of it, and if I can't get my mind together I'll just quit for the session/day.

Almost busto in the HR, that will make 1 min cash total with 2 TCOOP events to go. Not that comfortable in MTT's so excited to be done. Some type of cash today would be really helpful though.
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
02-02-2014 , 02:48 PM
2014 cliffs: darn it!!!
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
02-02-2014 , 03:28 PM
Good luck, broseph stalin!

I feel for ya and I know you'll rebound quick! I just sent some perma run good to you .

Go Seahawks by the way!
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
02-02-2014 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by Veejoe Mortenstein
Good luck, broseph stalin!

I feel for ya and I know you'll rebound quick! I just sent some perma run good to you .

Go Seahawks by the way!
Thanks man!! Yeah this stretch punched me pretty hard but I'm thankful for it because I had to address these issues at some point. What better place than here, what better time than now...

Go Seahawks indeed! I'm a total bandwagon fan and I like Peyton but still going for the Seahawks.
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
02-02-2014 , 05:28 PM

chin up, keep truckin!
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
02-03-2014 , 06:15 AM
FFS start winning, the 30 secs I spend in this thread on daily basis are starting to depress me
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
02-03-2014 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by daddyrnac

chin up, keep truckin!
Will do bud!

Originally Posted by Longy2
FFS start winning, the 30 secs I spend in this thread on daily basis are starting to depress me
Lol I'd be happy too. Just got ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS from BOP so I'm well on my way.

I don't think I could be more positive or optimistic than I am right now considering the start to the year. Things will turn, and if they don't at least I'll be playing better and lower. Ideally I won't have to quit golf and get SNE at $30s... but we'll see.
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
02-03-2014 , 11:22 AM
If this doesn't make you feel better about life I don't know what can

Just eat chips and drink beer all day, swing like this, miss every putt, print checks

Last edited by LTT777; 02-03-2014 at 11:29 AM.
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
02-03-2014 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by LTT777
If this doesn't make you feel better about life I don't know what can

Just eat chips and drink beer all day, swing like this, miss every putt, print checks
Lol at the putting display those guys put on. The only time I like watching Bubba putt is when he's in contention and I want him to lose.

I know you're not on twitter so you probably missed this too:
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
02-03-2014 , 01:26 PM
lol...effing stads
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
02-03-2014 , 02:41 PM
Realize you want to limit your hours on the year to get to SNE, but $30s + a little game selection higher is a pretty good grind spot IMO (in comparison to no game selection at $60s/$100s).

Didn't get to watch that final round - was Bubba yelling at his caddie again for misreading putts, yardages, etc. coming down the stretch?
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
02-03-2014 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Gramps
Realize you want to limit your hours on the year to get to SNE, but $30s + a little game selection higher is a pretty good grind spot IMO (in comparison to no game selection at $60s/$100s).

Didn't get to watch that final round - was Bubba yelling at his caddie again for misreading putts, yardages, etc. coming down the stretch?
Yeah you're right. $60s get so f clogged too cuz it's such a comfortable/bottleneck SNE stake. I have missed out on a lot of soft higher games in the past by pigeonholing myself at a certain stake.

On the topic of pigeonholing, I'm going to do exactly that at the $30s for a brief period then start adding soft $60s once the roll gets a bit more comfortable. Just drop my ego and deal with the lower vpp count and get things stablized and keep assessing and adjusting. Need to maintain the importance of game selection, daily study, DB work, playing A game as often as possible and C-game as little as possible. That's it, that's all, easy game.

No he wasn't, he seemed to take full responsibility. He hit some godawful putts down the stretch, even the putts he holes do not look like they are going to go in. There's never been anyone like him, I never really cheer for him but it's such a treat to watch him play.

Edit: nm I guess he was blaming his caddy. He's a douche.

Last edited by sippin_criss; 02-03-2014 at 03:02 PM.
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
02-03-2014 , 10:33 PM
Guys I won a local pro golf tournament today! 32 guys, $80 entry cashed for $450. Have been bummed about poker and golf lately, haven't been playing great and came in with low expectations and somehow got it done. Really nice emotional boost.
sippin_criss 2014 6m hyper SNE + PGA Tour Canada chase Quote
