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rapidesh123, the legend is back rapidesh123, the legend is back

01-11-2018 , 02:38 PM
H3 is too thin imo, vs known fish its maybe ok but the times when its not a fish/ tight fish this bet is lighting money on fire so whatever small ev you get from the fish will not be enough for the times when your assumption is wrong, even if that is like 1/10 times. A bunch of fish fold gutshot/tt there too so you dont even have 100% frequency on those hands.

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01-11-2018 , 04:41 PM
Usually fish don't have position awareness, so it's likely that a 20 VPIP fish will play the same range from UTG as from the BTN, so KTs has good equity vs that range, not that it's crushing, but it's not getting massively owned. The key point here is that we're playing a big pot, IP, with a decent hand vs a player that will make mistakes post-flop.

We could call, but by doing that we would end up inviting a ton of other players to the pot and will be forced to play a more straightforward game, we won't be able to valuebet as thin as we want and we will face pressure from a ton of holdings coming from other calling players. Also we could get squeezed by someone, which is ok since we can call a squeeze with this hand, but we will end usually in a MW pot where we won't have much to do rather than bluffcatch sometimes and push with draws and try to semi-bluff against 2 people, which isn't a good spot to be.

Depending on the type of the fish, KTs becomes a monster, if the guy is a whale that isn't folding midpairs, we can valuebet very thin and go for stacks with TPWK. If the fish is weaktight, we can rely on our fold equity and semi-bluffs, specially on Q/A/J high boards. 3-betting SCs IP is ok too, but I'm not doing it as much as I should vs fish because it's a disaster vs stations and I don't have enough sample on most 100z players to make plays like that. 3-betting SCs vs weaktight fish is good though.
You method of rationalising is very interesting. In Janda's latest book he invites us too:

Argue like a politician, for and against

What you've done there is argue exactly 50% of Janda's method (ie you've argued all the pros, but none of the cons). I could (but I'm not going to) put up an equally spirited defence for flatting KTs IP versus a UTG fish.

I'll simply say, for me 3 betting a fish is a linear business, and KTs not in my linear range versus UTG fish....but meh, it's not a million miles away either. And you make a good point about fish RFI ranges, albeit I would prefer too say:

so it's likely that a 20 VPIP fish will play a similar range from UTG as from the BTN
01-11-2018 , 06:51 PM
Today's session started really well, but ended up tilting 50bb.

I think my bankroll is around $2300, 100z was very soft today.

Some hands

H1: vs tight reg, but really aggressive, his fold to cbet was really high (64%), I think I've been too far with explo folds on this one, really regret it. Here is his stats so far so you can check:

23/20, 14% 3-bet, 4 AF, 79% cbet flop, 45% cbet turn, flop check raise: 20%(2/8), flop AFq: 65%, turn AFq: 61%.

My thinking is that he wouldn't have a ton of bluffs in such a dry board, he can't have 75s(since he is tight and he would open that only from the CO/BTN), he would need to be bluffing with hands like naked BDFDs, maybe 76cc. Also I thought he could be using an explo strat: checking with his good hands and betting with his bad hands, since this board is one he has a ton of fold equity.

PokerStars - $1 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

BTN: 86.75 BB
SB: 135.5 BB
BB: 41.47 BB
UTG: 68.11 BB
MP: 100 BB
Hero (CO): 100 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has 4 4

fold, MP raises to 2.5 BB, Hero calls 2.5 BB, fold, fold, fold

Flop: (6.5 BB, 2 players) 4 6 A
MP checks, Hero bets 3.21 BB, MP raises to 9.76 BB, Hero calls 6.55 BB

Turn: (26.02 BB, 2 players) J
MP bets 19.28 BB, fold

MP wins 24.72 BB

H2: vs good reg, misread my hand, thought I had 56o LOL!

PokerStars - $1 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

BTN: 128.3 BB
SB: 87.33 BB
Hero (BB): 100 BB
UTG: 101.5 BB
MP: 85.89 BB
CO: 135.27 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has 7 6

fold, fold, fold, BTN raises to 2.21 BB, fold, Hero calls 1.21 BB

Flop: (4.92 BB, 2 players) Q 3 2
Hero checks, BTN bets 1.49 BB, Hero calls 1.49 BB

Turn: (7.9 BB, 2 players) 5
Hero checks, BTN bets 6.77 BB, Hero raises to 20 BB, BTN calls 13.23 BB

River: (47.9 BB, 2 players) A
Hero bets 34.13 BB, BTN calls 34.13 BB

Hero shows 7 6 (High Card, Ace)
(Pre 42%, Flop 13%, Turn 11%)
BTN shows 4 K (Straight, Five High)
(Pre 58%, Flop 87%, Turn 89%)
BTN wins 113.66 BB

H3: vs unknown

PokerStars - $1 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

BTN: 118.79 BB
SB: 118.56 BB
BB: 50.01 BB
Hero (UTG): 103.18 BB
MP: 654.29 BB
CO: 101.83 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has A 6

Hero raises to 2.32 BB, MP calls 2.32 BB, fold, fold, fold, fold

Flop: (6.14 BB, 2 players) 4 7 9
Hero checks, MP bets 3 BB, Hero raises to 10 BB, MP calls 7 BB

Turn: (26.14 BB, 2 players) 4
Hero bets 18.62 BB, MP calls 18.62 BB

River: (63.38 BB, 2 players) 9
Hero checks, MP checks

Hero shows A 6 (Two Pair, Nines and Fours)
(Pre 65%, Flop 82%, Turn 86%)
MP mucks 5 T (Two Pair, Nines and Fours)
(Pre 35%, Flop 18%, Turn 14%)
Hero wins 60.88 BB

H4: here is the spew, vs weaktight nit, he snap called turn, so river was a massive -EV move

PokerStars - $1 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

BTN: 125.88 BB
SB: 334.79 BB
BB: 157.29 BB
UTG: 135.62 BB
MP: 115.02 BB
Hero (CO): 104.06 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has 3 A

UTG raises to 2 BB, MP calls 2 BB, Hero calls 2 BB, fold, fold, fold

Flop: (7.5 BB, 3 players) 5 4 4
UTG bets 3.56 BB, fold, Hero calls 3.56 BB

Turn: (14.62 BB, 2 players) 8
UTG bets 6.95 BB, Hero raises to 13.9 BB, UTG calls 6.95 BB

River: (42.42 BB, 2 players) 8
UTG checks, Hero bets 30.23 BB, UTG raises to 116.16 BB and is all-in, fold

UTG wins 100.38 BB

H5: vs weaktight nit that was 3-betting like a normal person(10%+). He was cbetting close to 100%, so with my backdoors I thought it was a good move OTF, wp ott/otr?

PokerStars - $1 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

BTN: 73.9 BB
SB: 102.96 BB
BB: 100 BB
UTG: 98.5 BB
MP: 30.11 BB
Hero (CO): 139.56 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has 7 9

fold, fold, Hero raises to 2.32 BB, fold, SB raises to 9 BB, fold, Hero calls 6.68 BB

Flop: (19 BB, 2 players) 3 6 Q
SB bets 5.96 BB, Hero raises to 18 BB, SB calls 12.04 BB

Turn: (55 BB, 2 players) 7
SB checks, Hero checks

River: (55 BB, 2 players) 8
SB checks, Hero checks

SB shows A A (One Pair, Aces)
(Pre 79%, Flop 90%, Turn 89%)
Hero mucks 7 9 (One Pair, Sevens)
(Pre 21%, Flop 10%, Turn 11%)
SB wins 52.5 BB
01-12-2018 , 01:08 AM
H1 this is absurd. why cant he have AK/A6/A4? you beat plenty of value assuming he literally never bluffs. Also thats a huge assumption cuz you yourself describe him as really aggro postflop. Why cant he have 78s with bdfd here?

H2 misread/whatever

H3 wp

H4 whats with that turn size?

H5 flop Im sure this is mixed strat so either option is good. turn as played is a mandatory 3 street bluff. Your main bluff just got there(45s) you still have your sets+ maybe KQ/AQ so you are really lacking on weak hands. Theres also still 5 outs to improve so its not like you are blasting off without equity.

I dont think you have any showdown value which I assume is what you were thinking about during the hand? itd be very weird for him to call your raise with A high on Q63r when he is weaktight/nitty

If im playing vs you and see you check this hand down im immediately tagging you as heavily underbluffing when flush/straight come in
01-12-2018 , 03:27 AM
H1. I can actually understand your thinking I used to think like that vs that type of player. At least call the turn sheesh. You can still fold to river jams, which would be completely different and understandable. In 1 hand you are folding sets for 20bb in another you are putting in 2/3 of your stack trying to bluff a nit with air. I said it ages ago, your game is all over the place. Get some coaching seriously.

H4. The fact that you are still capable of playing this horribly should be worrying for you. pre flop is a squeeze or fold. You keep making this fishy flats pre. Flop call is awful, on a terrible board. Turn raise even more awful, bluffing a nit with complete air when he clearly has a hand. River bet beyond awful, you are just clicking buttons.

H5. Think its better to just flat flop and take it from there, you in position no big deal.
01-12-2018 , 05:07 AM
H1 only.

Villain is a tight aggressive reg. Villain has a ton of hands on you. Villain knows you are wide pre, tight post (even if he hasn't followed you here ).

Maybe villain has you tagged as somone worth xplo bluffing. Just a thought?
01-12-2018 , 11:23 AM
I like your spirit op, even though you post some of the most poorly played hands I've ever seen
01-12-2018 , 11:56 AM
Let's make an exercise for h1

Let's consider rapidesh123 is playing rapidesh123 on that one.
I'll try to imagine how I would approach that hand

OTF my value range is A6s(2 combos) and A4s, but since the other rapidesh is blocking all A4s combos, we will have only those for top 2. I still have 46cc, so 3 combos for 2-pair

3 combos of 66 and 3 of AA. Vs a player that folds a ton post-flop, I'm not check-raising AK/AQ, if I'm doing it I'm probably checking the turn.

So 6 combos that beat 44 and 3 that we beat for value.

Now let's see our bluffs OTT(Won't look at them OTF since it can get way extreme with the backdoors)
75s(4 combos), 45dd, 78dd, 79dd, 89dd, T9dd, 8Tdd, KQdd, KTdd, QTdd, +3 78s gutshot combos

This is quite an extreme range, and I'm double check-raising OTT with some monster draws like KQdd. Also consider that I'm not expecting a ton of folds OTT since after the flop call, villain is quite strong, specially a fold happy one like me. At this poins we rely on villain making a ton of explo folds to be profitable(which is true since I was folding basically 90% of my range OTT if I folded 44 there).

Now let's cut the hands that villain won't have because of his tightness pre:

he won't have 75s, 45s, 79s, 8Ts, let's say also that he isn't bluffing the turn with naked gutshots, which is a decent approach, since it's quite extreme to do that, I do it mostly because if I don't do it I would underbluff insanely on diamond rivers, so I need those combos to bluff there.

So his bluffs OTT are: 78dd, 89dd, T9dd, KQdd, KTdd, QTdd(6 combos)

44 has a 48% equity vs that range, we need 30% to call. The thing is that even though we're IP, almost any river card is bad for us: A/6 improves the bottom of his value range, a diamond makes his draws the best hand, some T/K/Q give his bluffs a straight. We're in a situation where we will have a ton of reverse implied odds, the only good card for us is a 4, even a blank is really tough because we basically won't be able to tell if villain will be overbluffing/underbluffing OTR on a blank.

If we analyze the population tendencies, it's to underbluff the river, but if this guy is exploiting us, he will bluff, so calling the turn to fold the river could be an even more massive spew if the guy is just exploiting us.

Since his cbet is very high and this board is one that he has a ton of credibility, specially given his tightness, I wouldn't see why he would decide to check-raise as a bluff rather than just bet himself. Vs opponents that fold a lot(like me), it's a std cbet and there's not much that I can do, he has most AK/AQ and I have a ton of 99/SCs/suited broadways that didn't connect to this board that will fold. The only reason for doing that is if he thinks I'm stabbing the flop an insane amount, which I'm probably not on this texture/pre-flop positions.

Also he is a fold happy reg too, so my stab will probably generate an insane amounts of folds there.

It was a bad fold, even though I think I was probably right in that one given the texture of the board/pre-flop tightness/lack of bluffing hands, making plays like these will hurt me a lot in the long run if I'm not careful. Because if I randomly extrapolate this spot to other ones and start making these folds on a board that villain could be bluffing, I'm losing an insane amount of EV.

As an example, if the board were Ac5d4s, I would have never folded. Both boards are very close from each other, but this small change in the texture we unlock a ton of villain's bluffs, like 67s. If I keep trying to exploit people so hard, I'll get owned like crazy if I auto-pilot/make wrong assumptions.

Will try to be more careful with my folds, but ofc, it's not like I'll go stationy really hard, it's terrible to be a station on 100z.

will play more today, the best day of the week, let's hope to have a great session!
btw, it's good to see how much I've improved since I started playing 50z, my unorthodox methods really helped me to improve a lot. I think I've played around 7 fridays max since september, so most of my volume was on tougher player pools. Now since the stakes are more relevant, I should focus on making the most money and playing when the pool is softer.

The thing is that friday is the day my friends can go out, so I'll keep missing most fridays, meh, I still have a great time with them, so it's ok to miss some EV because of that. Luckly this week I'll have friday to play poker >D
01-12-2018 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Maverick93
I like your spirit op, even though you post some of the most poorly played hands I've ever seen
It' not certain what is "poor play", sometimes making very tight folds, loose calls and insane bluffs are the best moves vs certain players.

I've decided that this is the year of exploitation, I'll keep trying to exploit villains at maximum and improving on my exploiting strategies! Since I don't have PIO yet, I'll keep working on that area.
01-12-2018 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Tehkid
H5 flop Im sure this is mixed strat so either option is good. turn as played is a mandatory 3 street bluff. Your main bluff just got there(45s) you still have your sets+ maybe KQ/AQ so you are really lacking on weak hands. Theres also still 5 outs to improve so its not like you are blasting off without equity.

I dont think you have any showdown value which I assume is what you were thinking about during the hand? itd be very weird for him to call your raise with A high on Q63r when he is weaktight/nitty

If im playing vs you and see you check this hand down im immediately tagging you as heavily underbluffing when flush/straight come in
we're way too high in our range to bluff, we still can beat some floats like AK/AJ with the bdfd, if we bluff this hand we will be way overbluffing OTT/OTR.
01-12-2018 , 12:49 PM
H1. Never fold 44 on turn

H2. Play would be fine with 56o although I think pre flop might be a fold with the rake on stars

H3. Well played

H4. Flop call is almost mandatory, no ****ing idea what mirage is on about, turn is just a fold though, always a fold

H5. I believe folding pre flop is probably a thing here from CO although it does seem close, probably okay-ish vs his sizing, flop play looks alright, would check turn most of the time here and bluff river a decent chunk too (using that same line with hands like KQ AQ and 45s)
01-12-2018 , 01:28 PM
just wondering you ever post any hands or do you just comment on other peoples? Educate me, why is the flop call "almost mandatory" in H4?
01-12-2018 , 01:33 PM
one over, gutter, position seems standardish to me
01-12-2018 , 01:46 PM
You are the living proof trained monkeys can enjoy micro games
01-12-2018 , 02:01 PM
H4 turn is the mistake.
Pre and flop are whatever
01-12-2018 , 04:08 PM
"whatever" >>> "standardish" >>> "almost mandatory"

Point made/move on.
01-12-2018 , 05:09 PM
h4 is standard until turn. vs bigger open sizes I would have no flats pre, but vs minraise I think it is a mistake not to have flats
01-12-2018 , 05:12 PM
It's only because it's higher EV than 0, but if you're going to make this kind of mistake on the turn then yeah, taking the 0 ev route on flop is probably better than what happened here. I can understand why you wouldn't be sure though as it probably is toward the bottom of our defend range, It's certainly not printing money either.
01-12-2018 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Ch@0tic
one over, gutter, position seems standardish to me
chasing a gutter on a paired board with no spades against a nit, with overcard no kicker? awesome implied odds right? lol. I think the flat pre is bad, on bu maybe its ok but not co. its ok on 10nl or something but not 100nl level imo.

H5. What would you actually raise for value on that flop?
01-12-2018 , 07:06 PM
A high gutter, pretty big difference there, we also have position, and we obv bluff some runouts, do you even poker bro

Also pre flop can be okay depending on who's sitting in the bigblind, and even if there were only good players behind I'm pretty sure you can include A3s amongst other hands in a cold calling range, It's harder to play than an exclusively 3bet or fold strategy but if done correctly should show a slightly higher profit
01-12-2018 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
A high gutter, pretty big difference there, we also have position, and we obv bluff some runouts, do you even poker bro
Yes i know how to avoid garbage bad reg -ev spots like that.
01-12-2018 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by mirage01
Yes i know how to avoid garbage bad reg -ev spots like that.
It's +EV, not -EV, otherwise I wouldn't have said it's a flop defend, ldo
01-12-2018 , 08:50 PM
Also I can see why Rapides would raise turn... now to begin understanding spots where you just don't bluff (as in trying to make ppl Fold overpairs)
01-12-2018 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by Brokenstars
Also I can see why Rapides would raise turn... now to begin understanding spots where you just don't bluff (as in trying to make ppl Fold overpairs)
yeah, by far the best thing that you taught me so far is that even if we know what villain has, and that he has to fold, it doesn't mean we should bluff. Because people in this game rarely do what they should be doing lol.

Easier said than done, I'm quite ambitious in my plays, so I'm usually on the more extreme side, but I'm controlling it quite well in the last months.

Thought a ton today after looking at bbssick's thread, saw a ton of good river raises that he made, perfect blockers, action and balance, but even the good regs out there weren't folding.

So I thought about some "levels of play"(that I experienced myself)

level 1: He has it all the time, better to fold
level 2: he has it all the time, but there's a flush possible in the board, so he has to fold, so we should bluff.
level 3: he has it all the time, he should probably fold because most people don't bluff here, also I have perfect blockers, but he won't fold. So I shouldn't bluff.

It's quite a simple way of thought, but I used to get caught in my arrogance a ton when bluff-raising the river and cursed the guy that called my bluff off. You need to be good to find out good spots to make huge bluffs, but to find those spots and realize that your exact opponent won't fold and have the discipline to just check-fold, you have to be really good.
01-12-2018 , 09:59 PM
I'm not sure what to think about the statement "Because people in this game rarely do what they should be doing lol" when you are bluffing turn with a hand you shouldn't be doing it with.

It's not that hard really, if you wanna explo raise any street with a hand you shouldn't be doing it with make sure you know your customer, otherwise just stick to playing your ranges properly.
