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"Throw me a frikkin' bone here!"  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. "Throw me a frikkin' bone here!"  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story.

02-29-2016 , 05:00 AM
Solid giraffe! How you doing man? Still living in your car or staying at friend's place now?
"Throw me a frikkin' bone here!"  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-29-2016 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by KrustyTheClown
Solid giraffe! How you doing man? Still living in your car or staying at friend's place now?
Thanks brotha! Been working really hard on my SNG game, so it's nice to see some results. Actually, funny that you asked...I'm moving into my new place today! Renting a room room a friend of mine, so I'll finally have a place to grind during the day, and lay my head at night. There's a big backyard for Nubi to enjoy, too! I'm pretty excited.

Cheers, Krusty! GL to you.

Here's my updated giraffe since getting PT4 to work:

"Throw me a frikkin' bone here!"  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-29-2016 , 04:46 PM
Well, I just went to the house where I'm about to rent the room. My buddy who owns the place still hasn't cleared the room out - he was using it as storage for random stuff. Plus, they were keeping their damn cat litterbox in there, so the carpet is just nasty. We met 2 weeks ago, to discuss the rental agreement, and I gave the mother****er 2 weeks to clean the room out, or I would have just rented it immediately that day. Sigh...frustrating.

So I spent 30 minutes trying to clean the room as to make it not totally disgusting. We both had plans today, so we're meeting later tonight to clean the rest of it out. I'm putting a tarp down on that nasty ass carpet. I'm gonna ask that he knock $15 per hour I work off the first month's rent. This is some BS, I mean, what potential new tenant has to clean his own place thoroughly before moving in? Ridiculous, if you ask me.

Anyways, I'm dog-sitting Flash again, so I'm using this time to put in another solid SNG grind.

Bovada roll: $292.40
"Throw me a frikkin' bone here!"  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
03-02-2016 , 05:40 AM
Been breaking even over the past 30 or so SNGs. The flips are just not going my way the past couple of days.

"Throw me a frikkin' bone here!"  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
03-02-2016 , 03:17 PM
Just played 4 SNGs to start my session, and couldn't have ran worse. Here's an example:

On the bubble of a $7.70 triple up. I have AdQd utg+2 with 11bb, villain shoves utg with 9bb, I call, everyone else folds. He shows A10 off. Boards runs out 4-Q-5-3-2, and we chop. Next hand, I get KK, and min raise, big stack on button calls, we see a flop of 9-9-6, I shove, he calls with AJ, turn is an ace, gg me.

This paired with the fact I didn't win a single meaningful flip, and it wasn't a good start to my day. Happens. I'll grind thru it.
"Throw me a frikkin' bone here!"  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
03-02-2016 , 08:28 PM
Insane runbad continues. Annihilated my wireless mouse after getting rivered for the 3rd time in a huge pot in < 2 minutes.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
03-02-2016 , 09:42 PM
Read through your thread man, inspired and wish to say Gl!

I have to say though you seem to get quite frustrated by your perceived run bad in the SNGs. Having strong mental mind game is as important as having the skills to win I'm sure you know. Rather than calling out every time you get sucked out on, it's best to keep the cool and keep playing your best knowing the varience is on your side. It may not seem it now but convincing yourself to keep going goes a long way in dispelling those negative thoughts in your head.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
03-03-2016 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by Limitbreak
Read through your thread man, inspired and wish to say Gl!

I have to say though you seem to get quite frustrated by your perceived run bad in the SNGs. Having strong mental mind game is as important as having the skills to win I'm sure you know. Rather than calling out every time you get sucked out on, it's best to keep the cool and keep playing your best knowing the varience is on your side. It may not seem it now but convincing yourself to keep going goes a long way in dispelling those negative thoughts in your head.
Thanks for following along, Limitbreak. You're right, I need to work on my mental game. Tilt has always been my Achilles heel. The last two times (today included) I started tilting, I just ended the session. Taking a break seems to work, when other methods fail. As for the negative thoughts you mentioned, I feel it's important to remain positive always. Applying this mentality during the rough stretches can really make all the difference - not only at the poker table, but in life. Thanks for your wise words, and for the support. Best of luck to you.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
03-03-2016 , 01:43 PM
I took a few hours off yesterday, to let my tilt subside. Came back strong last night, and turned a $30 losing day into a $30 profit. Here's the updated SNG graph.

Bovada roll: $332.38
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
03-04-2016 , 12:22 PM
Well, it took 9 MTTs, but I finally cashed in my first one since starting this thread. Then I cashed in another right afterwards. Sngs weren't going my way, so those cashes were just what I needed. Here was my overall graph from yesterday. I played 6 MTTs and 13 SNGs.

Here's my overall graph since getting PT4 working again:

Bovada roll: $411
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
03-06-2016 , 07:48 PM
Glad to see that you are gaining some positive momentum. The runbad can definitely be deflating but just continue to monitor your game for leaks.

Best wishes,
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
03-09-2016 , 04:53 AM
you seem to be doing well! Any news since your last update? I totally feel your pain when it comes to tilt and running bad. I'm well aware that it's normal, but after having a losing week last week I know the feels haha. However, I try not to focus on it to much. It's all short term and thus meaningless anyways. Yesterday I actually had a session in which I went up winning again . Hows the studying going? You seem to be getting better.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
03-09-2016 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by ZombieApoc21
Glad to see that you are gaining some positive momentum. The runbad can definitely be deflating but just continue to monitor your game for leaks.

Best wishes,
Thanks, Zombie. Haven't been in the mood to post for a while. The bad runs are deflating, to be sure. It's difficult seeing some hard work erased by bad beats, but of course the grind continues. Grinding through the variance without letting it affect your game is what makes a pro. Not saying I am a pro, but I'd like to achieve that professional mindset. I'll be following your thread, too. Your mindset and writing style are really cathartic to me for some reason. Take care, bud.

Originally Posted by mortar
you seem to be doing well! Any news since your last update? I totally feel your pain when it comes to tilt and running bad. I'm well aware that it's normal, but after having a losing week last week I know the feels haha. However, I try not to focus on it to much. It's all short term and thus meaningless anyways. Yesterday I actually had a session in which I went up winning again . Hows the studying going? You seem to be getting better.
Sup, Mortar. My only news is that I've had a pretty rough run the past few days. Funny how the runbad coincides with not updating. It's always fun to update when the graph is going up. Not the same story during the bad runs. Sorry to hear you have been hitting bad variance, too. Keep working hard, brotha. These games are uber-beatable. Good luck to you!

So yeah. The past few days have been a real test of attrition. A war of attrition, even. It's been a war in my head - between the side of me that knows it's just been a bad run of luck, and the side that says, **** that...lets get that all back by raising the stakes. Fortunately, I have been able to remain calm, and just keep regging SNGs. And the more I regged, the more the runbad continued...

Seriously, one cannot underestimate the importance on proper bankroll management. Also, moving down when the bad run continues for a while. I had a stretch where I cashed in only 2/16 SNGs. Followed by a small uptick, followed immediately by another 7 consecutive SNG whiff. Basically a 15 BI downswing in a very short time. Getting opponents trapped for all their chips, and the turn or river just strikes like lightning, saving their asses. 2, 3, 4 outers running like water out of the faucet. ****ing sickening. Some of these players are insanely bad, which makes not being able to profit off their blunders very frustrating.

So here's the ugliness in graph form.

Today, I have a few errands to run, and I still have to straighten out my new rented room. I've been getting along fantastically with my new roomies, so there's been a silver lining to this week.

Bovada roll:$283

I will come back, stronger than before.

Good luck to you.

Last edited by esjaysharks; 03-09-2016 at 03:50 PM.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
03-14-2016 , 03:48 PM
Well, it's been an eventful past 24 hours.

Let's just say I sweated my friend, ChroNickGambler yesterday while he was sun-running.

He satty'd into the Black Chip Poker $215 buy-in $115k for $8.80 on like Thursday. Played the tournament yesterday. Took 2nd for $18.5k

He played the tournament like an absolute pro. Did he run good? Absolutely. But he was ultra-patient in certain sick spots where most players would have shoved pre and busted out. I watched the entire tournament, and he wasn't even all-in for the first time until like 5 hours in. Got down to like 7-8 bb at one point, waited for a great spot, doubled and from there he ran it all the way to to HU on the final table. And in the several key preflop all-ins leading up to the final table, he got it in good every time. And they held up every time. Including a preflop all-in at around 12 players left. My buddy had 88, opponent had AhQh on a Q-10h-xh-8h-10 runout Such a sick run. Congrats, Nick!

Quick update on my situation here. I withdrew all my funds from Bovada, after running it down to $245. I still think the games are uber-soft, but the software for whatever reason was just too laggy to deal with anymore. Plus I wasn't running too well lately

I'm still playing on Black Chip, for about $530 on there now. Watching my buddy take down 18k in that MTT gave me the itch to play tourneys again. The Bovada tournament schedule is far better than on Black Chip, I feel. Maybe WPN will get a better schedule running soon. For now, I'll be grinding the MTTs they do offer, among with some satellites. I'm gonna put the work, and take this thread to Bink City.

gl out there.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
03-15-2016 , 12:43 AM
Congratulations to your buddy!

Sounds like solid discipline to withdraw your roll at this point as opposed to spewing it off like so many others would. If the software is contributing to your tilt it seems sound to avoid the temptation of spewy play altogether.

Best of luck on the tournament grind.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
03-15-2016 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by ZombieApoc21
Congratulations to your buddy!

Sounds like solid discipline to withdraw your roll at this point as opposed to spewing it off like so many others would. If the software is contributing to your tilt it seems sound to avoid the temptation of spewy play altogether.

Best of luck on the tournament grind.
Thanks, man. I agree that withdrawing from Bovada was a good idea.

Currently 2/5 in the $11 $1,500 gtd turbo on Black Chip. On the bubble in another $11 MTT, 3 to the money.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
03-15-2016 , 11:58 AM
Got 3rd in the $11 $1,500 GTD turbo last night for $250. AK<99 aipf 14bb effective. Smallest stack had 9 bigs, I was in BB, big stack 2.5x'd from the button, small stack folded, I shoved from the bb. Thought it was pretty standard at the time, given the open size and the villian's hud stats...but maybe I'll look at the hand again later and post it here.

I also cashed in the other $11 MTT I was playing. It was cool to start this MTT grind with a positive day.

BCP account: $815

Last edited by esjaysharks; 03-15-2016 at 12:06 PM.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
03-16-2016 , 02:35 PM
Picked up a new wireless mouse today. I'll make sure not to Gronk Spike this one, lol.

Took yesterday off from poker. I went to my grandparents' house and spent the whole day there. Grandpa and I worked on my car for a few hours, then watched a car show on Velocity for a couple episodes. He was a mechanic for 40+ years, and has a ton of knowledge to share. I'm always happily listening to his words of advice. Later on, I spent a bout an hour chatting with grandma while she made dinner - which was delicious. We watched the Sharks game while eating, and I left halfway thru the game, so I must've been there from 1pm to 8:30 or so.

My whole reason for sharing this? That kind of family time really is the nuts. Life goes by so fast, and I want to have as many memories with loved ones as I can. I feel anyone lucky enough to have a loving family, should spend a lot of time with them.

Anyways, ChroNickGambler, aka Luckbox of the Year - the sick man who turned $8 into $18,00 the other day, he watched Nübi for me while I was spending time with my grandparents. Hopefully some of his luck was absorbed into Nüb's soft coat. It does feel like a good day, after all...

I'm going to grind a bit today. Go for a couple final tables, possibly a Bink of my own. I'm at Nick's, watching Flash so maybe I'll activate the rungood while at the sacred site of the biggest online score of anyone I know.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
03-19-2016 , 11:48 AM
Anyways, ChroNickGambler, aka Luckbox of the Year - the sick man who turned $8 into $18,00 the other day,[/QUOTE]

This is supposed to read, "the sick man who turned $8 into $18k the other day".

Nothing exciting poker-wise to update. Nick, our friend Luca, and I are looking for a house to rent here in the Bay Area. Pices are expensive, but you get what you pay for in this life. The Bay Are provides a ton of opportunities, as long as you have the willingness to learn, and the drive to succeed. We are planning on hitting up some open houses soon. The prices are anywhere from $3k to 4k a month for 3-4 bedroom houses. We are gonna have to keep grinding hard.

About to take Nubi out to the park, to let him burn off some energy. Lifelong toddlers, dogs are. Always in need of the attention and full of energy. I love him, tho.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
03-22-2016 , 07:07 PM
Still reading, still liking your blog. GL
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
03-26-2016 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by KrustyTheClown
Still reading, still liking your blog. GL
Thank you, Krusty. GL to you.

I should be starting my new job next week. Still in need of a new place to live, and still looking for a place to rent with friends. In the meantime, the place I'm currently renting is just a place to sleep. It's so gross there that I avoid spending any time there when I can. People put the house cleaning off until the last minute. Dishes pile up in the sink, fleas all over the place, plus the laundry washer/dryer is in my room. Roommates leave my door open after doing laundry while I'm gone. I get back later that day, there's cat crap on my floor, and it's evident that my roommate's dog jumped all over my bed and messed it all up. Can't take much more of this. Living in my car was almost better. And it cost me nothing, instead of the $400 I paid for this dump. I have to make my own break happen soon.

As for poker, I received my Bovada check a few days ago. Deposited it and the funds are in my bank account.

I'm gonna grind the micro and small stakes SNGs/MTTs for as long as I feel I need to. I'll move up in stakes when I feel comfortable doing so. In the meantime, I'll play only the games I can afford. Starting a session now. Wish me luck.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
03-26-2016 , 09:20 PM
Good luck!
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
04-26-2016 , 08:57 PM
How you doing man?
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
06-08-2016 , 01:02 PM
I'm back.

Life has been crazy, and I haven't played online for a while. Got a new job - one that pays better. Plus, I still get to see dogs everyday. Still haven't got a place of my own, but I'm doing better than before. Rarely do I have to sleep in my car, thanks to the hospitality of a few great friends.

I've been away from online poker for a while, but have still been playing a lot of poker live. I've had a decent run lately, and my confidence is good. My buddy Nick is going to the WSOP to play event #41, and I have 10% of him. It'll be fun to sweat the action, and I have confidence in his game. We've been talking about the game every day, and playing more live to prepare. I'm still planning on going out to Vegas for the end of the WSOP, although I haven't decided which event to play yet.

I'm going to try and revive this old thread. I'll post some interesting hands, both live and online. I have 1k on BCP as a starting roll. Just put it on today. Time to get to work.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
06-08-2016 , 03:54 PM
can you get rakeback on bcp, is it easy to withdrawal?
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
