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"Throw me a frikkin' bone here!"  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. "Throw me a frikkin' bone here!"  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story.

02-21-2016 , 12:39 PM
Thread is awesome and you sir are a hero!

Gl with everything, I will be reading along.
"Throw me a frikkin' bone here!"  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-21-2016 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by esjaysharks
Tilted off a good chunk of my roll due to Bovada's laggy software combined w/ running horribly. Those two factors working together tilted me beyond belief, so I withdrew the $397 I had left on Bovada, and deposited $205 on Black Chip Poker. It'll be nice to use PT4 once again. I'm tired, but I want to play a little bit. Short session before a big Sunday tomorrow.
THOMOSSHHH! I will follow you to ends of the poker world. Lets **** the internet up.

Whats your sn on blackchip?
"Throw me a frikkin' bone here!"  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-21-2016 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by milky159
Thread is awesome and you sir are a hero!

Gl with everything, I will be reading along.
Thank you! Cheers

Originally Posted by ChroNickGambler
THOMOSSHHH! I will follow you to ends of the poker world. Lets **** the internet up.

Whats your sn on blackchip?
Yo man. Yeah about that...LOL. I played too many huge MTTs on Black Chip today. I'm back on Bovada. See below.

Today has been one of the sickest days I can remember in a long time. So many coolers and setups. Set over set, top two pair<bottom set, getting just crushed left and right. I also started laying horriby, and regging huge MTTs that my bankroll couldn't afford. Think I missed 6 or 7 flush draws in a row at one point, two of them combo draws all in on flop. Brick city.

I logged back on Bovada, cancelled my payout, and regged more huge MTTs while tilted. Somehow, I have spun up a nice stack in the $33 10k Gtd. Currently I'm in 3rd place out of 103 left. I have 70 bigs, and the blinds go up every 15 minutes. Time to grind this son of a bitch out, and go to Bink City. I'm player 286, in tourney #14584850.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-21-2016 , 11:30 PM
That bankrollmanagement Good luck in the tourney tho!
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-21-2016 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by KrustyTheClown
That bankrollmanagement Good luck in the tourney tho!
I know it was absolutely pathetic. No excuse for it. TY, there's still a chance to make this a great day, crazy as that is. I'm single-tabling this MTT. Hopefully I'll be back here in a few hours with a crazy story to tell.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-22-2016 , 12:05 AM
Still in it?
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-22-2016 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by KrustyTheClown
Still in it?
Yep, 5th out of 57. Bubble time.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-22-2016 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by esjaysharks
Yep, 5th out of 57. Bubble time.
Good job man! Keep us updated
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-22-2016 , 12:23 AM
Just got **** on. Lost half my stack AK<AA preflop. Next hand, I get AK again. 4 bet all in preflop. AA again.

Seriously, **** poker sometimes.

I'm out. Going to sleep. Can't even think straight, I'm so ****ing tilted right now.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-22-2016 , 02:38 AM
few less bones for Nubi
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-23-2016 , 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by p2 dog, p2
few less bones for Nubi
I'd go without food first before letting my boy miss a meal. He actually had a huge raw cow leg bone (section) today. Gave him one while I was dog-sitting Flash for Nick - ChroNickGambler itt. I buy them frozen, and they keep his teeth clean. Nübi spends hours chewing the marrow out. He loves getting one about once a week. I try to give Nübi everything I can, but I'd definitely be able to afford more stuff if I avoided tilting like yesterday.

Which brings me to yesterday. Wow, what an absolute disgrace that was. I played so bad. Ran bad. Played worse. Played about as bad as you can play. I'm supposed to be better than that. Been there, done that all before. Been running on little to no sleep for days on end and I know I shouldn't have even been playing poker in that state of mind.

But I couldn't help myself. I knew I'd be playing my "B game" at best. In retrospect, I probably started the day playing my"C-game" and just degraded front there. Went for a big Sunday score, and missed. Missed big time.

After it was all said and done, I'm down to like $30 on Black Chip Poker. So much for bankroll management when you deposit $205 and start playing $22 and $11 MTTs. �� I got whacked, and deserved every bit of pain I received.

Then, I compounded my error by logging back in Bovada, while fully tilted, and rage-registering every $11 and up MTT I could find until my screen was full. Ironically, I ran deepest in the biggest one, a $33 $10k guarantee, and busted horribly in one of the most brutal ways I can remember. From a top 5 stack to out in 46th in 2 hands. Still min-cashed, as it that means anything. Left with like $200 exactly on Bovada. Puke. All in all, it was just a really frustrating day.

I used that frustration as motivation today. Took the day off from poker, as I'd have to be an even bigger degen to play for at least a few days after yesterday's ****show. I may have found a job at a dog hotel, but it's a 30 minute commute each way. I can bring Nübi with me, which is a huge plus. There's another job opportunity that I took a major step towards today, also dog-related. Tomorrow, I'm going to dog-sit Flash again, so I'll use that time to look for a job.

I feel terrible for playing so badly last night. That was some pis-poor, and it certainly erased a lot of hard work in fast order. I didn't lose a lot of money in the grand scheme of things, but it's the principle that matters. I should know better thank to play beyond what my bankroll allows. These shots I took yesterday were stupid, but I'll rebuild again. I'm definitely going to take some time to reflect on this. In the meantime, I'm going to look for work. It's important that I keep a positive attitude. I've come a long way, and I need to keep moving forward.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-23-2016 , 01:54 PM
Well, at least I titled this thread accurately. This is going to be a long road indeed. Stick around for the ride...

Got a good night's sleep for the first time in a while, and I'm ready to make some positive changes happen.

My goal today, is to have the most productive day possible -to stay focused, determined, and efficient. I'm dog-sitting again today, and I'm going to use this time wisely. Gonna do some laundry, shower, shave, and do all the menial domestic chores that I can't take care of from my car.

I'm also going to look everywhere I can to find a job working with dogs. Already have a few prospective jobs, and if I stay persistent, should be able to seal the deal. This is do-or-die time. Times like these are when a person really finds out what they're made of. Success or failure...the decision is mine to make. I choose success. No excuses. Hard work and humility for the foreseeable future. I'm ok with that. Challenge accepted.

Good luck out there today.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-23-2016 , 03:27 PM
This thread is awesome, keep the good work. Rooting for you and nubi!

Everytime I feel like tilting I close my eyes and take a sip of water. It's simple and kinda dumb, but it helps me a lot. Maybe it'll help you too!

GL! following.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-23-2016 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by HaLoo
This thread is awesome, keep the good work. Rooting for you and nubi!

Everytime I feel like tilting I close my eyes and take a sip of water. It's simple and kinda dumb, but it helps me a lot. Maybe it'll help you too!

GL! following.
Thanks for your kind words, HaLoo. I really appreciate the support, and Nübi would too if he understood English! . As far as managing tilt, I'll give your method a try, since I obviously have nothing to lose. Obv, I have a problem with tilting and the subsequent bankroll destruction which results from it. I keep a jug of water next to me during after a bad beat I'll try to take a drink, close my eyes, and breathe deeply for a few seconds before continuing. Cheers, and best of luck to you!

I've made the most out of today, so far. I got a job interview set for Thursday at a doggy hotel about 30 minutes away from where my new place (as of the 1st of March) is. Name of the place is Pooch Hotel, and I can bring Nübi with me to work everyday for free! I'm going to give my best interview possible, and the job should be mine. Im excited for this opportunity! Good place to start, anyways.

I also did some laundry and showered - basically the nuts in my situation. Really grateful I got to do that. While the laundry dried, I took Nübi and Flash out for a nice romp in the park:

Flash learned to fetch today! He never used to before, and Nick and I thought he just wouldn't ever care to. He loves to run for he ball usually, but would always scoop it up and just run around, drop it somewhere, and run around more. Today, he fetched at least 4 times in a row, and he seemed pretty proud of himself! Way to go, Flash!

Gonna try to stay positive, and just keep striving to improve myself as a person a little every day. Gonna play a SNG session soon, and I'll be keeping myself on a very short leash. No pun intended. Am I the only person who gets annoyed by puns? 95% are lame imo, but ppl seem to love them so maybe I'm weird. Anyways, be back later to update. GL to everyone reading this.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-24-2016 , 04:09 PM
Running like absolute ass. Bubbled 3 SNGs in a row... AdKd, I shove 9 bigs, guy re-shoves with a bigger stack w/ me obv. Ks2s on K-4s-7s loses to K10, no blockers. And finally, a 3-way all in on the bubble, for the overwhelming CL. Obv I have AA. Obv get 2-outered on the turn.

Seriously, wtf is going on?
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-24-2016 , 06:24 PM
I've played well enough to get back to even after a lot of runbad. The March of Defecation hasn't ended yet, unfortunately. Can't win a crucial all-in for anything. 70/30 favorite, 60/40 favorite, or a flip...doesn't matter. Just keep losing time and again.

The important thing is I'm happy with how I'm playing. I For first only, which means I bubble more than tighter players, but get more 1st places also. I feel it's more profitable in the long run. Annnnnd, just lost another bubble spot. AcKc with 8bb loses to AhJh. Standard. But like I was saying, before the suckout: I've been playing extremely well in these SNGs. I really feel like I'm on top of my game today. Been getting it in good. That's all I care about.

Which brings me to my next topic: Bankroll Management. I obviously need more structure there. So here it is:

Goal: reach $500 again on lolBovada.

Bankroll: $195

I'll play just single table SNGs. Gonna play half $3.30 turbos, and half $5.50 regulars. When I reach $275, I'm going to only play $5.50s, probably a mix of turbos and regulars. Once I reach $350, I'll play half $5.50 turbos and half $8.80 regulars. Finally, once I reach $500, I'll play half the $8.80 regulars, and half $11 regulars. At that point, I'll re-evaluate, and probably set another goal.

This runbad is gonna end. Positive thoughts.

Last edited by esjaysharks; 02-24-2016 at 06:42 PM.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-25-2016 , 01:03 AM
Just lost a huge preflop with 5 players left in a SNG...all-in with JJ vs two opponents each holding 10's. One guy hits 4-card flush runner-runner. Followed by yet another river 3-outer on the bubble in another one I was running. I'm playing beautifully, not going to change a thing.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-25-2016 , 07:18 AM
Another rough day. Runbad is persistent, but so am I.

I found the Bovada hand converter a few hours ago, so I'll be able to keep track of my sessions on PT4. Here's the giraffe of my play since finding the converter:

Broke even today, after an abysmal start to the day. Time for sleep. I have a job interview tomorrow, gotta be well-rested.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-25-2016 , 03:46 PM
I only have to spend 4 more nights as a vagabond. Move in day of March 1st is so close, just a few more days. Really excited to see this part of my journey end. Living out of your car is in no way enjoyable. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, unless you have a decent sized van or larger vehicle.

I'm getting ready for his job interview at Pooch Hotel. A good opportunity to make a little money, network with dog people, and spend all day around dogs. Plus, the added benefit of being able to bring Nübi is huge. My good friend Mike manages the place, and I'm looking forward to showing what I can do.

So I'll have some money coming in, even when on a poker downswing. I'll probably do some dog walking and dog sitting on the side for extra income. I'll save 15% of every dollar I make, and put 5% into my poker bankroll.

Gonna try to keep life simple. I was trying to hit a grand slam the other day, playing $33 and $22 MTTs, and ended up striking out badly. I'm looking to make contact now, and going from there.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-25-2016 , 10:33 PM
Good luck with the job interview
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-26-2016 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by KrustyTheClown
Good luck with the job interview
Thanks Krusty. The interview went really well. I'm good friends with the manager who interviewed me, so there was a really interesting dynamic there. It was just us talking naturally, for the most part.

The company is in the process of being purchased by a bigger company, so I couldn't actually fill out any paperwork today. Mike said by next week or two weeks tops, and I'll be working.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-26-2016 , 03:32 AM
I've been using the Bovada Card Cather for a little over a day now, and it's been very useful. I'm definitely going to purchase the full version once the free trial ends. Here are my results since downloading the software - which allows me to import hand histories to PT4.



As you can see, the SNGs have been very profitable the past 24 hours or so. Bricked the two MTTs, but that's how those go. I'm going to stay focused on these SNGs, as they have been very soft - no surprise since it's Bovada.

I'm going to spend a lot of time using PT4 to review my sessions. I feel like I'm playing close to optimally, but there are definitely aspects where I can improve.

Bovada roll: $235

Last edited by esjaysharks; 02-26-2016 at 03:42 AM.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-27-2016 , 04:47 PM
About to start a savage grind. Thread title changed, lets build this bankroll!
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-28-2016 , 01:00 PM
Good morning everyone, and happy Sunday to you.

Yesterday, I planned on going on a sick grind. That didn't end up happening, as I was having trouble getting a reliable internet connection for any long stretch of time. I played only a few SNGs, and didn't run particularly well, but still chiseled out a $10 uptick. Here's the graph:

Bovada roll: $244.25

Today, I'm going to a memorial for my great grandfather, who would have been 100 years old this week. A lot of my family members are going to be there, and I'm happy to get to see them. We don't get together enough. I'm sure a lot of you can relate to that. Life gets so hectic and busy that we don't spend enough time with our loved ones. Well today, I'm going to enjoy my time with them.

Have a profitable Sunday, all ye grinders! Remember to remain patient, yet aggressive in those MTTs!

Last edited by esjaysharks; 02-28-2016 at 01:17 PM.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
02-28-2016 , 11:01 PM
Here's what my giraffe looks since downloading Bovada Card Catcher. 48 SNGs.

Last edited by esjaysharks; 02-28-2016 at 11:19 PM.
&quot;Throw me a frikkin' bone here!&quot;  From biscuits to Bracelets: the esjaysharks story. Quote
