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Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress

02-16-2014 , 02:47 PM
Yes, I am thinking about going back to school and/or changing fields but it's tough to do either in this economy.
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-16-2014 , 03:01 PM
I hear ya. Nothing is easy right now.
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-16-2014 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by dickliddle
I hear ya. Nothing is easy right now.
Yes, everything is very difficult. Glad someone understands.
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-17-2014 , 09:12 PM
Played another mini sesh yesterday. I'm having a tough time putting in enough volume to reach my goals.

I got on a table full of regs with one player who seemed like a fish, so getting paid was tough to come by.

First notable hand:

6s 7s in MP, I bet $20. I get 4 callers.

Flop: 3x 3x 5x

BB leads out for $40, 2 players call, I call.

Turn: 3x 3x 5h 4h

Action is checked to me, I bet $200. BB has $220 left and goes all in, I call.

River: 3x 3x 5h 4h 4x

He shows A 3 :/

Notable hand 2:

I have black A A in the BB, 5 players limp, I raise to $45, 3 players call.

Flop: 2h 3h 3x

I shove flop for $250, one player calls with $180.

Turn/River: 2h 3h 3x Jx 9x

Player mucked.

Hand 3:

It's my last hand (I had to work early) and I get K K UTG, I'm up about $70.

I raise to $30, I get one caller who is the only fish at the table, who is in BB.

Flop: Qx Tx Tx

He bets $45, I decide to raise to see where I'm at and make it $100. He calls.

Turn: Qx Tx Ts 7s

He checks, I'm thinking he has a Q, I bet $150. He calls.

River: Qx Tx Ts 7s Ax

Terrible river, he has $105 left and checks. I check back and he shows A Q -_-

Lost a little on the session, I'll be back at it tonight or tomorrow.
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-19-2014 , 06:58 AM
Originally Posted by TheStuntman
Yes, I am thinking about going back to school and/or changing fields but it's tough to do either in this economy.
Where are you based? CPA are usually needed no matter what the economy is. Maybe it's geography?
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-19-2014 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by darthsikle
Where are you based? CPA are usually needed no matter what the economy is. Maybe it's geography?
I live in Southern California, Orange County. No shortage of CPAs here for sure.
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-19-2014 , 12:52 PM
Maybe you could brush up on your understanding of Professional Gambler Status and market yourself to poker players (like Russ Fox). Surely as a regular poster on 2+2 and in So.Cal you could pick up a little business for yourself. This seems especially true in February...! I'm sure you didn't become a CPA to fill out tax returns for individuals, but some extra income could tide you over in the tough times (maybe...?).
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-23-2014 , 01:35 PM
3 sessions since my last update. Still experiencing some run bad, but still making a little money. I'm going to make 3 posts about the three sessions because there were quite a few notable hands.

Session 1: -$130

I grinding my balls off. This session was slow and I got into a -$1000 hope quickly. I lost two all-ins within an hour of being there.

Notable hand 1:

I have 9d 8d in MP with $700 behind, no limpers in front of me and I bet $25. Fish calls, Nit in the SB makes it $75. BB calls, I call, Fish calls.

Flop: 9h 8h 3s

Nit bets $200, BB folds, I shove for $625, Fish calls, Nit calls.

Turn/River: 9h 8h 3s Js Ks

Nit shows K K, Fish shows As 9s (he covered both of us) and takes down pot.

Notable hand 2:

I have As Qh in MP. Crazy chick does blind bet of $40 UTG, old man calls, action folds to me and I bet $200. Crazy chick folds, old man shoves for $200 more -_- I call and he has A A...I lose.

Notable hand 3:

I have 9 T on the button, crazy chick does a $40 dark bet again. 2 players call, I call.

Flop: 6 7 8 rainbow

She leads out for $120, I flat, some dumbass flatted preflop with J J in the big blind and decides to shove for his last $260. Crazy chick calls, I shove for $300 more, she calls with A T. (Wtf?)

Turn/River brick brick I win.

Other than that it was just a grind and I was happy to virtually break even.
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-23-2014 , 02:04 PM
Session 2: -$340

I played at an unfamiliar casino, and I ran absolutely terrible.

I ended up in the game for $2500 and cashed out $2160.

Notable hand 1:

This is extremely sick. I have $800 behind and get black A A in the SB. Everybody folds to button, who has $600 behind. He makes it $25, I reraise to $100. He calls.

Flop: 2c 4c Jc

I bet $225, he shoves, I snap.

He has red 3 5. He's drawing for an A, which I have 2 of them blocked, and I have the 6c blocked, and even if he hits he has to hope for no club. Plus, WTF is he even doing calling with 3 5 in the first place?

Turn/River: 2c 4c Jc Ah Qs

I couldn't believe it. So sick.

Notable hand 2:

I have $1200 behind and get black A A again. I'm UTG and make it $60. It's a 2/5 $1000 cap, you think that this would look pretty strong. Anyways, I get 5 callers.

Flop: A 4 6 rainbow.

BB checks, I check, a player in MP bets $80 and has $200 left. (WTF lol)

Action folds to me? I put him all in. He calls with 3 5.

Turn/River: A 4 6 7 8

Wow. The good old 3 5...twice.

Notable hand 3:

I decide to play 1 more round and I was down $1500 or so at the time. I got Qd Jd in MP and raised to $35. I got 4 callers.

Flop: Kd Qx 4d

Perfect. It was going to go all in pretty much no matter what at this point.

BB bet $200. Perfect. Action comes to me and I shove for around $1k. Guy snaps with A K.

Turn/River: Kd Qx 4d 6d 9x

Felt good to get a large chunk of it back. That session could have easily been +$3/4k or -$3/4k.
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-23-2014 , 03:19 PM
Session 3: +$1235

Finally had a decent run good. I sat in and within 20 minutes I got a table share of a bad beat jackpot (good for $500 and change).

There was a mega donk at the table who was just giving money away. I didn't necessarily catch any abnormal cards, but he did donate to me.

Notable hand 1:

I feel like a severely misplayed this hand. I got A A UTG and made it $35, mega donk called.

Flop: A K 4 rainbow

He bet $100. He had QJ come to find out, so I definitely should heave reraised him. He's calling with any draw any amount, and is calling any amount with top pair. Instead I flatted.

Turn: A K 4 4

He checked, I checked back hoping for him to hit something. He would have bet with a 4 or an A, so I was pretty sure he had some weird draw or something. He bricked the river and folded face up before I could act.

Notable hand 2:

I had Ax 7x in the BB. Donk bet $55, 1 player called, I called.

Flop: 2h 4d 7s

I check, Donk bet $100. I called.

Turn: 2h 4d 7s 8d

I check, Donk bet $100 again, I called.

River: 2h 4d 7s 8d 2x

I check, Donk bet $200, I call. He showed J 4.

He left the table shortly after and the game broke so I went home, only played for 2 hours or so.

Stats since 11/13:

Total profit: $8413

Hourly: $34.06

Session: $164.96
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-26-2014 , 05:11 PM
Two more sessions, both short ones. One session was +$225 and one was +$165. I got into a hole early in both and ended up grinding back, made a little and left.

Here are some fun hands:

Hand 1:

I have As Js in MP and raise to $25. BB calls.

Flop: 8s 9s Th

BB checks, I bet $50, BB reraises to $100. I call.

Turn: 8s 9s Th Qd

BB shoves for $340, I call.

River: 8s 9s Th Qd 4c

BB shows K J for the nuts -_-

Hand 2:

I have Kd 8d in MP, I limp along with 5 others.

Flop: 5d 7c 8c

Action checks to another player in MP who bets $40, I call.

Turn: 5d 7c 8c 6d

Player checks, I bet $120. He tank calls.

River: 5d 7c 8c 6d 6c

Player bets $175. He is a donk and has been doing this quite often with nothing. I made it $200 more and he folded.

Since 11/13:

Profit: $8803

Hourly: $34.66

Per session: &166.09
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
03-01-2014 , 04:08 PM
It is going to be tough for me to reach my goal of $30k. I'm starting to tackle more responsibilities at work, I'm going through a breakup, and I said F it I'm getting my MBA now, and registered for classes starting Monday.

Despite that, I played two sessions since my last update. I dumped around 800 in one session and won around 500 in the other. Both sessions didn't really have any notable hands.

Still going to try, but my playing time may be cut down to once a week. I'm not in the best mental state to play poker right now as well, and obviously that is pretty important. I'm feeling a little break...but who knows.
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
03-08-2014 , 05:01 PM
Played a couple times since last update...nothing significant and have essentially been playing break even poker.

Here's a fun hand though:

I had 2c 3c in the BB and attempted a squeeze. Preflop there was a raise to $20 with 5 callers. When the action came to me I made it $150 ($1100 behind). I got one caller who had me covered.

Flop: 4 5 6 rainbow

Action was checked to me, I bet $200. I was reraised to $400. I shoved, I was called.

Dude had 7 8 -_- LOL

Oh, and I did end up fooling around playing ultimate Texas holdem and hit quads on a $50 dollar bet which was good for around $2000! Obviously I'm not including that in my stats though....

Profit since 11/13: $8448

Hourly: $31.28

Per session: $143.19
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
09-22-2014 , 10:10 AM
First update since March, looks like I'm not going to reach my goal yet again Life seems to get in the way sometimes.

I haven't played in 3 months!

Anyways, the poker journey continued this past weekend. I participated in some interesting hands to say the least. Since I haven't played so long I decided to come out guns blazing.

Notable hand 1:

2/5 NL, $575 effective.

Hero has Ad Ac UTG, raises to $30.

Action folds to MP who calls, SB calls, BB calls.

Flop: 2c 3c 4c

SB checks, BB bets $100, Hero calls, MP folds.

Turn: 2c 3c 4c 6c

BB checks, Hero checks

River: 2c 3c 4c 6c Qc

BB bets $150, Hero calls.

BB shows Kc Ks, Hero wins.

Notable hand 2:

$800 effective

Hero has Jd 7d on button.

Aggro lunatic in cutoff bets $15, Hero raises to $45, everybody else folds.

Flop: Jc 8c Ks

Lunatic checks, Hero bets $60, Lunatic calls.

Turn: Jc 8c Ks 7c

Lunatic checks, Hero checks

River: Jc 8c Kx 7c 7x

Lunatic bets $120, Hero raises to $400, Lunatic shoves, Hero calls.

Lunatic shows Ac 6c, Hero wins.

Overall YTD profit: $11,187

Hourly: $33.71
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
