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Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress

01-26-2014 , 04:53 PM
Ignore the results man, just keep playing well, and heck its only January, you will reach your monetary goals. I am not even playing this year but this PC&G really inspires me for next year when I am playing and the lifestyle I want so keep on this.
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
01-26-2014 , 05:03 PM
Sub'd. GL
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
01-26-2014 , 05:16 PM
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
01-26-2014 , 06:07 PM
Thanks guys!

Originally Posted by RunninMan5K
Ignore the results man, just keep playing well, and heck its only January, you will reach your monetary goals. I am not even playing this year but this PC&G really inspires me for next year when I am playing and the lifestyle I want so keep on this.
I hope so! Really wish I could put in more volume to offset these swings...just tough to do with my work schedule, especially when it prevents me from playing on the juiciest nights (can't play on the weekends).

Thanks for the support, and GL when you play again!
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
01-26-2014 , 06:11 PM

Good luck and stay strong. Just remember you are better than most at the table and that will always keep things in your favor long term.
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
01-26-2014 , 06:20 PM
Gl! Love reading.
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
01-27-2014 , 01:31 PM

Pondering playing in a few tourneys at the LA Poker Classic...unfortunately most of the good events conflict with my work schedule, still hoping to play 2-3 though.
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-08-2014 , 04:49 PM
Haven't been playing much lately unfortunately. I'm grinding a couple online classes towards my masters and then work has been a bit busy, but I managed to put in a few sessions and a tourney.

I took perhaps the worst beat I have ever taken in a cash game, it was a $2300 pot as well which hurt.

I had AKxx and I had about $600. Massive whale has me covered, another massive donk fish has me covered. I raise on the button to $30, donks are in the blinds and both call.

Flop: Ax 8x 6x

SB donk checks, BB donk leads out for $300 with KQ (lol) donk 2 calls with 99, I shove. Both call.

Turn/River: A 8 6 J T

;( pretty nasty.

So I ended up playing a tourney, in which I final tabled. I had 7 BB when I busted, I shoved with a J high flush draw and was called with a 9 high flush draw. We both missed but he hit a pair and that was that. +1230 for the tourney.

Since 11/1/13:

Total profit: $6533

Hourly: $30.23

Per session: $148.48

I need to put in some more volume after this downswing, that's for sure.
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-08-2014 , 09:56 PM
It's tilting me to not be able to figure out who you are! There are only so many people who play 5-5 at SM and are mid-twenties and look professional and know how to play! Do you only play nights or something? I should be able to figure this out!
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-09-2014 , 01:18 AM
Nights only, usually arrive around 9-10pm weekdays only! I play elsewhere weekends. I play at SM 1-2 nights a week max, and poker 2-3 x a week max.
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-09-2014 , 01:56 AM
Ah that's why. I know by sight (if not name) any regulars (even 1-2x / wk) who play the 5/5 or 2/5 there, but I'm there earlier in the day, always gone by 8:30-9ish! Sounds good ... I don't want people who know how to play there while I'm trying to make money

Keep it up ... even through the downswings! You got this!

P.S. Fortune 500 company in this area ... Stater Bros?
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-09-2014 , 03:36 AM
Nada, I know the Staters guy though, he wins big or loses big. I work for a transportation company. I'll send you a PM next time I go in case you're going to be there to say what's up!
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-09-2014 , 03:54 AM
It seems like you are taking a lot of sick bad beats. Don't worry the money will flow the right way eventually. Good results so far though regardless. Gl in journey.
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-09-2014 , 07:22 AM
OP, I never make it out to SM because I live in Orange County, but I was told by other SM regs that 5/5 NL rarely goes at SM.

In case I am ever in the area, when does 5/5 NL+ run at SM? I don't want to bother playing anything smaller than 5/5 NL.
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-09-2014 , 10:42 AM
GL love reading as well...really want to see you pull the trigger and do this full time possibly
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-09-2014 , 11:33 AM
Bubonic: I am taking a lot of bad beats, I've been running terrible. Luckily my past internet experience lets me know that this is a very small sample and can turn the other way at any time. Thanks man!

Atsai: 5/5 is hit and miss, it runs on average 3-4 times a week sporadically and is mostly the same guys. There are a few hyper donks, so it can get quite juicy.

Runningman: I'm not sure if I could gut it playing full time! Lol. It's nice to have a steady flow of money coming in no matter what with retirement, benefits etc and I'm moving up the ladder pretty quick within the company so it would really take a lot for me to leave.
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-09-2014 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by ATsai
OP, I never make it out to SM because I live in Orange County, but I was told by other SM regs that 5/5 NL rarely goes at SM.

In case I am ever in the area, when does 5/5 NL+ run at SM? I don't want to bother playing anything smaller than 5/5 NL.

Like he said, 5/5 is super hit and miss (sometimes because floor is ******ed. I've literally seen 21 names on the board and they wouldn't start ONE game because they were worried about killing a smaller game. Easiest way is to convert a 2/5 that is playing big into a 5/5)

However, I will tell you that OFTEN the 2/5 (100-300 buyin) is every bit as good, if not better, than the 5/5 (300-500 buyin).

One weird thing about SM is that 2/5 is Lowest NL stakes and 5/5 is Highest stakes, so there can be a startling difference between two relatively similar stakes.
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-09-2014 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by dickliddle
I had AKxx and I had about $600.
I would avoid this kind of notation, as it will really confused omaha players. It took me a while to figure out you were actually talking about hold em.

AKxx is an omaha hand.
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-09-2014 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by DUCYdonk
Like he said, 5/5 is super hit and miss (sometimes because floor is ******ed. I've literally seen 21 names on the board and they wouldn't start ONE game because they were worried about killing a smaller game. Easiest way is to convert a 2/5 that is playing big into a 5/5)

However, I will tell you that OFTEN the 2/5 (100-300 buyin) is every bit as good, if not better, than the 5/5 (300-500 buyin).

One weird thing about SM is that 2/5 is Lowest NL stakes and 5/5 is Highest stakes, so there can be a startling difference between two relatively similar stakes.
Definitely agreed that 2/5 can be as good as the 5/5 sometimes.

Also, SM is one of the most poorly run card rooms I have ever been to. They simply do not give a **** and suck at their job.
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-09-2014 , 02:27 PM
Also, SM is one of the most poorly run card rooms I have ever been to. They simply do not give a **** and suck at their job.

The Floor is the worst I have ever seen and 60% of the dealers are horrid. BUT, a lot of money passes through that card room given that it is a relatively poor area (San Bernardino, Colton, Riversdie, Redlands, etc.).
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-10-2014 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by DaYu
I would avoid this kind of notation, as it will really confused omaha players. It took me a while to figure out you were actually talking about hold em.

AKxx is an omaha hand.
Just say AKos

=ace king off suit
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-12-2014 , 11:51 AM
Put in a little session last night. It was one of the best games I have ever played in. For whatever reason the action was insane...sick insane. I ended up being stuck $1100 at one point, but cashed out for around $1500. I'd have played all night if I didn't have work this morning!

The brutal streak of bad beats continues however. One hyper donk has 9 T when I get KK UTG. I make it $35, he calls. Flop comes T 2 7 he check shoves on me and I call, he turns a T of course.

I had AA and got it all in pre playing a smaller game waiting to get into the main and I was called for $300 with AK...2 kings on the flop. Lol what can you do?

Anyways, I grinded it back and then some. Hoping the game is still crazy tonight!
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-15-2014 , 04:09 PM
Put in another sess a couple days ago. Won a little over $600 in 4 hours despite not being able to catch **** at a table full of donks. Two players at the table did not have a clue and were playing maniac poker and I just could not get a hand against them. It was frustrating, as I kept calling ore flop raises with hands like 67 suited and would completely miss everything on the flop time and time again.

So here are 3 notable hands:

I have $700 or so behind. I have KK in the BB and donk who has me covered is in SB. 3 players limp and he bets $25, I raise to $100. He calls.

Flop A A A

I'm hoping for a bad beat jackpot.

Donk bets $75. I'm definitely hoping for a jackpot now. I call.

Turn A A A 8

Donk bets $100, I call.

River A A A 8 10

Donk bets $100, I call. He shows A 3, kicker didn't play so not jackpot.

Notable hand 2:

Old man who plays pretty straight forward has $400 and I cover him. I have Ac 3c on the button and raise to $20, he is in SB and calls.

Flop 9c 5c 3h

He checks, I bet $35. He asks how much I have left, not knowing I had $100 chips and that I had him covered. After he finds that out he just calls.

Turn 9c 5c 3h Qc

Old man checks, I check back.

River 9c 5c 3h Qc Kd

Old man bets $75, I tank shove. He calls and shows Jc Tc.

Notable hand 3:

I'm bleeding money calling raises with solid hands in multi way pots against those two horrible players and I'm stuck about $300. I have $900 behind and a competent reg has me covered.

I get 5c 5s on the button. Competent player limps UTG and two others in MP limp. I bet $35, Competant player reraises to $80. I've seen him do this before with AA and KK, so I was pretty sure where I was at. I call.

Flop 5d 3d 2h

He bets $150, I reraise to $325. He shoves, I call.

Turn/River 5d 3d 2h Kd Qc

He shows AA. I got up and left shortly after.

Stats since 11/13:

Total profit: $7468

Hourly: $33.13

Per session: $162.35
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-15-2014 , 04:35 PM
Damn dude, I wish I had your job. I'm a CPA, but lack of job stability has hindered my job getting potential. Currently have a temp job, but the work is boring and sucks and i have no benefits. GL though.
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
02-16-2014 , 11:55 AM
Stuntman: yes I do feel super lucky. Consider changing fields/going back to school?

Put in a small, 2 1/2 hour session last night. Won $380. The casino was packed and I had to wait awhile before they started a new game. The game was pretty tame, a lot of short buyins etc. which is frustrating. Here are three notable hands:

Hand 1-

I have 99 in MP, older foreign man UTG limps. 4 more players limp. I raise to $40, old man makes it $80....he has $600 behind and I cover (which factored in my decision to call) so I call.

Flop: 5h 5d 3h

Old man checks, I bet $100, he shoves. I fold 99 face up, he shows AA. Well played old man, well played.

Hand 2:

Same old man a few hands later limps UTG again, I have Kc Jc and bet $25. He makes it $50 (LOL) I call.

Flop: Kd 6c 8c

He checks, I bet $85, he makes it $225, I insta shove for $200 more. He calls.

Turn/River: Kd 6c 8c Jh 6d

He shows AK, I scoop.

Hand 3:

I have Kh 5h in BB. Community pot, everybody limps and I check.

Flop: Kd Th Qc

I check, guy bets $10....3 callers, I call.

Turn: Kd Th Qc 8h

I check, everybody checks.

River: Kd Th Qc 8h Jh

Perfect card. I check, guy goes all in for $50 :/ lol one other player calls, I make it $100, he calls, they both had Ax...

Since 11/13:

Total profit: $7848

Hourly: $34.38

Session: $166.98
Playing medium stakes live cash games semi-professionally: my modest goals and progress Quote
