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Operation 'MicroCrush' Operation 'MicroCrush'

12-28-2014 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by BlueLagoon32
Hey guys, Meale posted a response to my session, some good advice here.

Things I took away (lots, haha) :

- Widen my range from CO, BTN and MP, with the aim to steal from CO/BTN more often.
- Adjust my steal size to 2.5x bb
- Adjust my resteal size to 4x the 3bet
- In a 3bet pot, C-bet about 50%
- Don't auto check/fold so often, see if there is a chance to steal/resteal
- Tag players with notes as "fish/reg/nit" etc

And Meale I can explain our similar ranges even though I play a tighter game; 20,000 of my 50,000 hands are from last year, when I was very loose, and that has dragged my stats up a bit.

Thanks again man, I got a solid page of notes from your input!
No worries man, glad I could help.
Operation 'MicroCrush' Quote
12-29-2014 , 06:56 PM
I just did a 23 minute hand-reading (range-estimating) session in HEM2, Check it out here.

Had a few nice reads, and a few that were way off (usually in my favour).

I like doing these.
Operation 'MicroCrush' Quote
01-02-2015 , 09:29 PM
Last nights study session and a short run at the tables.

Some pretty bad reads, but I got a lot out of the "mistake finding" session after that.

I'm making these videos for me, as they are really improving my thought process at the tables, but maybe they will one day help a beginner, who knows...

Operation 'MicroCrush' Quote
01-04-2015 , 12:28 AM
Goals & Strategies for 2015:

OK so it's a new year, and it's about time I gave myself some structure for my poker study and play. It occurred to me last night that although I've read about 5 of the 8 poker books I own, and although I have taken notes from them, I haven't put the data into use very effectively.

So here's what I'm going to do...

Set myself weekly focus points. Each week I will focus on one particular aspect of play, and study it, and play, with it in mind. Rather than sitting down at a session and having 5 things to focus on, it will be one. Mistakes will be made, but I think this will be worth trying. As the weeks go by, I will have a stronger foundation behind me, after having spent a whole week focussing on one aspect.

The structure:

Week 1: Pre-flop bet sizing

Week 2: Post-flop bet sizing

Week 3: Stealing from the CO & BTN

Week 4: Re-stealing from the BTN, SB & BB

Week 5: Paying attention to stack sizes and SPR's

Week 6: C-betting the flop

Week 7: Paying attention to players and labelling them

Week 8: Planning hands

Week 9: Getting value from turns and rivers

Week 10: Good folds

Week 11: Bluffing in good spots

Now, because I sometimes don't play poker for a few days straight, I will use these weeks as "poker weeks", meaning 7 days of poker play. In other words if I only played poker on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 13th, 19th and 20th of January, that'd be in the same "poker week". But it's unlikely to be so spread apart...

Study will be related to and limited to the focus of that week. In my c-bet week I will not look at bluffing, I will be sticking to c-betting. I will read the sections from my books on those focus points, and take notes.

As for the game? I have decided I want to move out of Zoom and back to the regular 6-max tables. I saw a great post from I-forget-who, about the winning players at each game type. And Zoom is horrible...The rake is also ludicrous! So my goals are...

Goals: To move back to regular 6max 5NL for 10,000 hands, then move to 10NL regardless of my wins/losses. At 10NL I want to accumulate 50,000 hands by the end of June 2015 (I don't play heavy sessions very often.)

As an aside, I'm starting to mix up my games to maintain interest; I'm trying Omaha 2NL, OFC Pineapple (I love it), and some cheap MTT's, in fact I just placed 148th today out of 2260 players in a $0.11 BI game...!

Here's to 2015!
Operation 'MicroCrush' Quote
01-04-2015 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by BlueLagoon32
- Adjust my resteal size to 4x the 3bet
Why so large?
Operation 'MicroCrush' Quote
01-04-2015 , 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by XXIV
Why so large?
That was a typo, oops. My re-steal (which would be the 3bet) from the blinds would be about 3.5x the raise. Say the BTN raised to to $0.12, I'd 3bet to $0.40.
Operation 'MicroCrush' Quote
01-04-2015 , 06:44 PM
Just had to chime in and say, WOAH. PLO is just so sick. Sat down for about 2 hours last night 2-tabling 1c/2c 6max deep tables and picked up a cool $35 like it was nothing. (I.e. I just played tight and thought about the hands they may have for a given board.)

Things I noticed;
-People don't seem to know their own hand; I had 3 people FLAT me with full houses (the over-fulls each time), when I had stacks behind me.

-People waaaaay over-value AA in their starting hand, I much preferred drawing hands like Ks Qs Qc Tc.

-For whatever reason, compared to NLHE, I didn't connect on the flop as often, but when I did, it was a better hit.
Operation 'MicroCrush' Quote
01-04-2015 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by BlueLagoon32
Just had to chime in and say, WOAH. PLO is just so sick. Sat down for about 2 hours last night 2-tabling 1c/2c 6max deep tables and picked up a cool $35 like it was nothing. (I.e. I just played tight and thought about the hands they may have for a given board.)

Things I noticed;
-People don't seem to know their own hand; I had 3 people FLAT me with full houses (the over-fulls each time), when I had stacks behind me.

-People waaaaay over-value AA in their starting hand, I much preferred drawing hands like Ks Qs Qc Tc.

-For whatever reason, compared to NLHE, I didn't connect on the flop as often, but when I did, it was a better hit.
Yeah man people at 2NL literally don't understand how PLO works lol. But the higher up you go, it'll be a struggle to beat for sure and the BRM for PLO is usually 100+ buyins at least since the variance is so crazy.
Operation 'MicroCrush' Quote
01-04-2015 , 11:11 PM
I don't understand why the variance is higher in a game that is restricted to pot sized bets? (Compared to no-limit) What gives?
Operation 'MicroCrush' Quote
01-05-2015 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by BlueLagoon32
I don't understand why the variance is higher in a game that is restricted to pot sized bets? (Compared to no-limit) What gives?
I guess it's just the nature of the game. Swings are pretty mental, may wanna do some research on it.
Operation 'MicroCrush' Quote
01-05-2015 , 08:59 AM
When you have more cards in hand you have more draws so combo draws with big equity to raise your nut hand on flop turn etc.
Also putting People in ranges is difficult and you have to play a more GTO approach because the UTG that is raising you on flop had AA72 in his hands and the 772 flop gave him the nuts...
Operation 'MicroCrush' Quote
