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Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread

04-19-2013 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by Bluenowhere
weeee finally made the list
You collected 100k?!
Insane, if I remember you had like 15k last week when I checked your pg&c thread, or you are guys talking about some other list..
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-19-2013 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by Fran
You collected 100k?!
Insane, if I remember you had like 15k last week when I checked your pg&c thread, or you are guys talking about some other list..
lol no didn't reach 100k. I made it onto the list ps caleb posts, which means I'm over 1/2 supernova pace.
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-19-2013 , 06:31 AM
Ahaa... Ok didnt read everything, sry!
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-24-2013 , 09:17 AM
Players over 500,000 yVPP pace are included in the 2013 Supernova Elite pursuit thread.

---500K Pace--- 155,308

151,690 MeleaB
148,109 glanza_mike
144,058 Nevarteikt
130,454 any2just4u
129,469 Aguskb
129,232 zaebumbatt
127,958 donjuanmt
125,849 11_KING_11

---400K Pace--- 124,246

122,210 MarToMchat
122,118 LukaSteel
119,377 NO_MERCY_238
118,908 Priidix
108,947 TonnaMunz
106,900 QuadVQuadMe
106,254 JoeIngram1
105,507 Haarlem91
101,866 eppy12588
101,217 sly caveat
101,029 MissOracle
100,170 Wizard0fOddz
99,495 vgreen22
99,243 Brokerface
93,457 WizardOfAhhs
93,424 d7o1d1s0

---300K Pace--- 93,185

85,876 demetri1978
84,921 mightmad
84,089 titcar
83,956 mcc3504
83,891 YOU-MAD-BR0
83,034 unblemished
82,954 wejo13
82,641 x_ROSH125_x
82,181 J_nufc_V
79,530 SacredUK
79,275 Boku87
78,843 zepher06
73,021 k345
72,520 chilin_dude
71,607 frosty012
70,499 dickkemp
69,685 Arvid2k7
65,701 Woollyyy
65,604 sindrib

---200K Pace--- 62,123

57,368 JebigaJohnyy
57,062 ValueTownJL
56,628 ISmellToast
55,481 thecooler992
54,637 Tcarnage
53,699 mjw006
52,751 felixvdp
52,066 uWannaLoan?
51,521 Chisness
50,541 Solidthought
49,522 belthazorrrr
48,018 danuuutz
47,529 rwbug
47,377 Tzen1
45,540 ZeelandBoy
45,503 PokerThun
44,949 seanmo85
43,945 mccol001
42,212 50km
41,474 shaniac
39,390 sunderland4
38,671 sensarefirst
36,760 mikensen
36,155 kervyrx7
34,537 theginger45
33,795 shinbunshi
32,960 ph1shman420
32,641 THFC29
32,393 lenCindahood
32,034 JayPez

---Supernova Pace--- 31,062

30,544 t8ofDiamonds
29,102 khakeer
28,837 itami19
28,596 wannabepro1
27,876 peez88
27,635 kicajowy
27,603 92_sauron
26,447 M1ghtyDucks
26,016 kryzstoffCZ
25,908 hanzaz
25,370 brutti
24,168 mbison693
23,985 marek_heinz
23,267 chips1234
23,049 Viktor_Hugo
22,649 chriskola
22,310 gtyo$hinebox
22,038 910suited44
21,183 RodgauRulez
20,700 SweHseMfia
20,116 DeuceHighWin
18,676 PlauZee
18,503 deLuxy
17,545 BlueNowhere4
17,541 pitabread189
16,290 WhiteRabbito

Please email to add yourself to the list.
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-24-2013 , 09:19 AM
below da fkn pace
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-24-2013 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Caleb
93,424 d7o1d1s0

Lookin' good!

Quick reminder about this weekend's VIP tournaments:

VIP $5K Weekly Tournament - ChromeStar+
Date: Saturday, April 27 at 15:30 ET
Buy-in: Freeroll, ChromeStar+
Tourney ID: 710190012

VIP $30K Weekly Tournament - SilverStar+
Date: Saturday, April 27 at 14:30 ET
Buy-in: 100 FPPs, SilverStar+
Tourney ID: 710190017

VIP $100K Monthly Tournament - GoldStar+
Date: Saturday, April 27 at 15:00 ET
Buy-in: Freeroll, GoldStar+
Tourney ID: 710189992

VIP Bash to the Red Spade Open - 500 Seats Gtd
Date: Saturday, April 27 at 15:00 ET
Buy-in: 500 FPPs, SilverStar+
Tourney ID: 720892309
*We ran this exact tournament before the last RSO and it had 134 seats of overlay!*

Sunday Million VIP Satellite - 5 seats added
Date: Sunday, April 28 at 12:30 ET
Buy-in: 2500 FPPs, PlatinumStar+
Tourney ID: 721355580
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-29-2013 , 10:15 AM
Players over 500,000 yVPP pace are included in the 2013 Supernova Elite pursuit thread.

---500K Pace--- 162,215

149,489 Nevarteikt
148,602 glanza_mike
136,394 Aguskb
130,454 any2just4u
130,283 donjuanmt

---400K Pace--- 129,772

129,232 zaebumbatt
128,848 11_KING_11
124,780 Priidix
123,760 LukaSteel
123,402 MarToMchat
120,880 NO_MERCY_238
119,370 sly caveat
114,450 Haarlem91
113,715 TonnaMunz
108,129 QuadVQuadMe
106,254 JoeIngram1
104,696 eppy12588
104,441 MissOracle
103,652 WizardOfAhhs
103,020 Brokerface
101,568 vgreen22
100,170 Wizard0fOddz

---300K Pace--- 97,329

97,168 d7o1d1s0
87,488 mightmad
86,898 titcar
86,703 wejo13
86,225 demetri1978
85,408 YOU-MAD-BR0
83,956 mcc3504
83,925 J_nufc_V
83,619 x_ROSH125_x
83,034 unblemished
82,038 Boku87
81,366 SacredUK
81,004 zepher06
75,716 frosty012
74,953 chilin_dude
73,021 k345
72,480 dickkemp
70,893 Arvid2k7
66,630 Woollyyy
65,604 sindrib

---200K Pace--- 64,886

60,503 JebigaJohnyy
57,974 ValueTownJL
56,815 mjw006
56,756 ISmellToast
56,705 uWannaLoan?
55,481 thecooler992
55,192 felixvdp
55,167 Tcarnage
53,945 belthazorrrr
52,012 Solidthought
51,521 Chisness
49,092 danuuutz
48,294 ZeelandBoy
47,529 rwbug
47,404 Tzen1
46,508 PokerThun
45,164 mccol001
44,949 seanmo85
43,220 50km
43,219 shaniac
40,453 sunderland4
38,683 sensarefirst
37,323 mikensen
37,069 theginger45
36,583 kervyrx7
35,369 ph1shman420
33,865 shinbunshi
33,533 t8ofDiamonds
33,502 THFC29

---Supernova Pace--- 32,443

32,395 lenCindahood
32,210 khakeer
32,034 JayPez
30,425 peez88
29,804 qazikm2000
29,095 itami19
28,596 wannabepro1
28,218 M1ghtyDucks
28,176 kicajowy
27,928 92_sauron
27,240 brutti
27,183 kryzstoffCZ
26,350 hanzaz
25,575 chips1234
25,042 marek_heinz
24,168 mbison693
23,896 gtyo$hinebox
23,297 RodgauRulez
23,130 chriskola
23,049 Viktor_Hugo
22,955 DeuceHighWin
22,383 SweHseMfia
22,116 910suited44
19,567 deLuxy
18,911 pitabread189
18,773 PlauZee
17,802 BlueNowhere4
16,941 WhiteRabbito

Please email to add yourself to the list.
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
05-03-2013 , 08:44 AM
Players over 500,000 yVPP pace are included in the 2013 Supernova Elite pursuit thread.

---500K Pace--- 167,580

154,931 Nevarteikt
150,218 glanza_mike
138,669 Aguskb
135,839 11_KING_11

---400K Pace--- 134,064

131,854 donjuanmt
130,454 any2just4u
130,365 MissOracle
129,232 zaebumbatt
126,526 Priidix
124,198 LukaSteel
123,402 MarToMchat
121,712 sly caveat
121,427 NO_MERCY_238
119,462 Haarlem91
117,787 TonnaMunz
113,153 QuadVQuadMe
109,867 WizardOfAhhs
106,254 JoeIngram1
105,977 eppy12588
104,445 Brokerface
102,491 d7o1d1s0
102,330 vgreen22

---300K Pace--- 100,548

100,464 Wizard0fOddz
91,607 mightmad
88,019 titcar
87,157 wejo13
86,993 YOU-MAD-BR0
86,225 demetri1978
85,135 J_nufc_V
83,956 mcc3504
83,955 x_ROSH125_x
83,034 unblemished
82,431 SacredUK
82,038 Boku87
81,596 zepher06
80,059 frosty012
77,440 chilin_dude
74,256 dickkemp
73,021 k345
72,103 Arvid2k7
69,700 Woollyyy

---200K Pace--- 67,032

65,604 sindrib
62,804 JebigaJohnyy
60,001 ValueTownJL
59,255 uWannaLoan?
58,180 mjw006
58,134 belthazorrrr
56,915 ISmellToast
55,481 thecooler992
55,456 Solidthought
55,398 felixvdp
55,168 Tcarnage
51,521 Chisness
51,234 ZeelandBoy
50,584 danuuutz
50,327 rwbug
47,569 PokerThun
47,404 Tzen1
46,615 mccol001
45,647 seanmo85
43,220 50km
43,219 shaniac
42,109 sunderland4
38,683 sensarefirst
38,474 theginger45
37,764 kervyrx7
37,378 mikensen
37,055 ph1shman420
35,668 THFC29
34,834 t8ofDiamonds
34,806 shinbunshi

---Supernova Pace--- 33,516

32,741 khakeer
32,395 lenCindahood
32,034 JayPez
30,749 qazikm2000
30,492 brutti
30,473 peez88
29,288 92_sauron
29,198 itami19
29,054 M1ghtyDucks
28,596 wannabepro1
28,176 kicajowy
27,731 kryzstoffCZ
26,799 hanzaz
26,722 chips1234
25,998 SweHseMfia
25,042 marek_heinz
24,443 DeuceHighWin
24,208 gtyo$hinebox
24,168 mbison693
23,928 chriskola
23,740 RodgauRulez
23,049 Viktor_Hugo
22,116 910suited44
20,554 deLuxy
19,622 pitabread189
18,916 PlauZee
18,629 WhiteRabbito
17,939 BlueNowhere4

Please use Star Code 'TwoPlusTwoVPPList' to add yourself to the list. Enter a Star Code by selecting the menu option 'Account' > 'Enter Star Code...'.
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 03:48 AM
Was aiming for 500k a month ago, now I'm behind 400k lol :P
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 07:40 AM
Players over 500,000 yVPP pace are included in the 2013 Supernova Elite pursuit thread.

---500K Pace--- 173,003

172,808 NOT_SO_GOOD0
157,936 Nevarteikt
153,210 glanza_mike
138,829 MissOracle
138,678 Aguskb

---400K Pace--- 138,402

137,964 11_KING_11
135,887 donjuanmt
134,135 Priidix
130,454 any2just4u
129,232 zaebumbatt
127,564 LukaSteel
125,401 sly caveat
125,238 NO_MERCY_238
123,763 Haarlem91
123,438 MarToMchat
119,846 TonnaMunz
119,171 QuadVQuadMe
115,411 WizardOfAhhs
109,072 d7o1d1s0
107,548 eppy12588
107,028 vgreen22
106,850 Brokerface
106,254 JoeIngram1

---300K Pace--- 103,802

100,464 Wizard0fOddz
95,122 mightmad
92,014 titcar
90,006 YOU-MAD-BR0
89,761 wejo13
86,832 x_ROSH125_x
86,445 demetri1978
85,691 J_nufc_V
83,956 mcc3504
83,546 SacredUK
83,180 frosty012
83,034 unblemished
82,915 Boku87
81,733 zepher06
78,702 chilin_dude
77,281 King Kire II
77,133 Arvid2k7
75,444 dickkemp
73,021 k345
72,372 Woollyyy

---200K Pace--- 69,201

65,896 sindrib
64,185 JebigaJohnyy
61,933 uWannaLoan?
61,264 belthazorrrr
60,720 ValueTownJL
60,385 mjw006
57,994 felixvdp
57,512 ISmellToast
56,567 Solidthought
55,481 thecooler992
55,330 Tcarnage
54,473 ZeelandBoy
53,057 rwbug
51,934 danuuutz
51,521 Chisness
51,504 PokerThun
47,404 Tzen1
47,010 mccol001
46,778 seanmo85
43,797 50km
43,231 sunderland4
43,219 shaniac
39,912 theginger45
38,883 mikensen
38,683 sensarefirst
38,630 ph1shman420
38,353 kervyrx7
36,985 THFC29
35,759 t8ofDiamonds
35,739 shinbunshi

---Supernova Pace--- 34,601

34,475 SweHseMfia
32,902 khakeer
32,586 qazikm2000
32,480 lenCindahood
32,034 JayPez
31,868 peez88
31,375 brutti
30,599 92_sauron
29,763 M1ghtyDucks
29,272 itami19
28,596 wannabepro1
28,238 kicajowy
28,127 chips1234
28,097 kryzstoffCZ
27,068 hanzaz
26,607 marek_heinz
25,512 DeuceHighWin
24,803 chriskola
24,675 RodgauRulez
24,548 gtyo$hinebox
24,168 mbison693
23,132 deLuxy
23,049 Viktor_Hugo
22,448 910suited44
20,444 pitabread189
19,655 WhiteRabbito
19,103 PlauZee
18,529 BlueNowhere4

Please use Star Code TwoPlusTwoVPPList to add yourself to the list.

Enter a Star Code by selecting the menu option 'Account' > 'Enter Star Code...'.
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
05-09-2013 , 10:50 AM
First time in the list at 77k going for 600k this year so got some work to do this summer holiday
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
05-13-2013 , 08:10 PM
Players over 500,000 yVPP pace are included in the 2013 Supernova Elite pursuit thread.

---500K Pace--- 181,907

179,385 Patman01
178,101 NOT_SO_GOOD0
168,326 Nevarteikt
160,480 glanza_mike
150,234 11_KING_11
145,753 MissOracle

---400K Pace--- 145,525

145,307 sly caveat
143,429 Priidix
143,281 Aguskb
139,012 donjuanmt
134,166 LukaSteel
132,955 Haarlem91
132,943 NO_MERCY_238
130,454 any2just4u
129,232 zaebumbatt
128,915 QuadVQuadMe
126,970 TonnaMunz
123,530 MarToMchat
119,596 d7o1d1s0
117,651 WizardOfAhhs
113,203 eppy12588
109,844 Brokerface

---300K Pace--- 109,144

108,068 vgreen22
106,254 JoeIngram1
100,862 Wizard0fOddz
100,594 mightmad
95,800 titcar
94,281 x_ROSH125_x
92,582 YOU-MAD-BR0
92,334 Boku87
90,593 wejo13
89,078 demetri1978
88,627 frosty012
87,990 J_nufc_V
87,370 SacredUK
83,956 mcc3504
83,906 zepher06
83,034 unblemished
82,067 King Kire II
81,942 Arvid2k7
80,523 chilin_dude
77,737 dickkemp
77,642 Woollyyy
74,587 k345

---200K Pace--- 72,763

68,387 uWannaLoan?
68,323 belthazorrrr
68,020 JebigaJohnyy
66,087 mjw006
65,906 sindrib
63,696 ValueTownJL
63,069 ISmellToast
60,622 felixvdp
58,672 Solidthought
58,416 ZeelandBoy
58,258 Tcarnage
57,555 rwbug
56,316 PokerThun
55,481 thecooler992
55,316 danuuutz
51,521 Chisness
48,483 Tzen1
48,092 mccol001
47,573 seanmo85
46,914 shaniac
45,325 OPIUMWAR7
45,086 50km
45,038 bobulo
44,755 sunderland4
42,719 shinbunshi
41,506 mikensen
41,216 theginger45
41,021 ph1shman420
39,311 LilFishAtL
38,843 sensarefirst
38,436 THFC29
38,409 kervyrx7
37,195 t8ofDiamonds
37,140 SweHseMfia

---Supernova Pace--- 36,381

34,977 peez88
34,936 qazikm2000
34,144 JayPez
33,366 khakeer
33,189 brutti
32,517 lenCindahood
31,863 92_sauron
31,618 M1ghtyDucks
31,060 chips1234
29,364 itami19
29,297 kicajowy
28,949 kryzstoffCZ
28,835 wannabepro1
28,769 marek_heinz
28,285 hanzaz
28,046 chriskola
27,928 cheto1127
26,263 waynson
26,246 DeuceHighWin
26,210 gtyo$hinebox
25,393 RodgauRulez
24,506 deLuxy
24,168 mbison693
23,069 910suited44
23,049 Viktor_Hugo
22,115 pitabread189
21,226 WhiteRabbito
19,240 PlauZee
19,145 BlueNowhere4

Please use Star Code TwoPlusTwoVPPList to add yourself to the list.

Enter a Star Code by selecting the menu option 'Account' > 'Enter Star Code...'.
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
05-13-2013 , 08:14 PM
ahead! ahead! leggoooooooooo
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
05-13-2013 , 09:54 PM
Seeing how many consecutive times I can stay bottom of the list for. 3 and counting
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
05-13-2013 , 10:54 PM
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
05-16-2013 , 09:20 AM
Bump for 'I just played lots of hands last night and want to see if I'm catching up to pace'
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
05-16-2013 , 10:35 AM
bump for "I'm so far above the line I could **** on it from up here"
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
05-16-2013 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by d7o1d1s0
bump for "I'm so far above the line I could **** on it from up here"
Not sure WizardOfAhhs, eppy12588 and Brokerface would enjoy the poopfest.
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
05-17-2013 , 05:34 AM
Players over 500,000 yVPP pace are included in the 2013 Supernova Elite pursuit thread.

---500K Pace--- 186,587

183,571 NOT_SO_GOOD0
182,528 Patman01
170,806 Nevarteikt
162,906 glanza_mike
157,098 sly caveat
153,412 11_KING_11
149,477 Priidix

---400K Pace--- 149,270

147,592 Aguskb
147,290 MissOracle
145,140 donjuanmt
137,643 NO_MERCY_238
137,203 LukaSteel
134,405 QuadVQuadMe
133,550 Haarlem91
132,028 TonnaMunz
130,454 any2just4u
129,232 zaebumbatt
123,635 MarToMchat
122,522 d7o1d1s0
118,509 WizardOfAhhs
116,026 eppy12588

---300K Pace--- 111,952

110,794 Brokerface
110,793 vgreen22
106,254 JoeIngram1
101,747 mightmad
100,862 Wizard0fOddz
96,191 titcar
95,722 x_ROSH125_x
94,705 Boku87
93,161 YOU-MAD-BR0
92,341 wejo13
91,871 frosty012
89,403 demetri1978
89,070 J_nufc_V
88,719 SacredUK
88,511 Arvid2k7
84,367 chilin_dude
84,166 zepher06
83,956 mcc3504
83,034 unblemished
82,788 King Kire II
80,390 Woollyyy
78,980 dickkemp
75,305 k345

---200K Pace--- 74,635

71,370 belthazorrrr
70,916 uWannaLoan?
70,699 mjw006
69,159 JebigaJohnyy
65,906 sindrib
65,652 ValueTownJL
64,777 ISmellToast
61,766 felixvdp
61,264 ZeelandBoy
60,327 Solidthought
58,836 Tcarnage
57,947 rwbug
56,949 PokerThun
55,756 danuuutz
55,481 thecooler992
51,521 Chisness
50,462 shinbunshi
48,803 mccol001
48,483 Tzen1
48,460 shaniac
47,573 seanmo85
46,902 OPIUMWAR7
45,941 sunderland4
45,725 bobulo
45,667 50km
43,535 theginger45
43,231 mikensen
42,338 ph1shman420
40,297 LilFishAtL
39,437 THFC29
38,974 sensarefirst
38,411 kervyrx7
38,120 t8ofDiamonds
37,378 peez88

---Supernova Pace--- 37,317

37,140 SweHseMfia
36,646 qazikm2000
35,088 JayPez
34,734 brutti
34,246 khakeer
32,517 lenCindahood
32,212 chips1234
32,147 92_sauron
31,618 M1ghtyDucks
30,102 kicajowy
29,402 kryzstoffCZ
29,364 itami19
29,161 marek_heinz
29,045 hanzaz
28,835 wannabepro1
28,743 cheto1127
28,532 chriskola
28,397 DeuceHighWin
27,009 gtyo$hinebox
26,911 waynson
25,667 RodgauRulez
24,633 deLuxy
24,168 mbison693
23,200 pitabread189
23,118 910suited44
23,049 Viktor_Hugo
21,396 WhiteRabbito
19,607 PlauZee
19,255 BlueNowhere4
18,895 FranFran95

Please use Star Code TwoPlusTwoVPPList to add yourself to the list.

Enter a Star Code by selecting the menu option 'Account' > 'Enter Star Code...'.
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
05-21-2013 , 10:57 PM
slowly catching back up to 300k pace. at 86k now.
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
05-21-2013 , 11:06 PM
At 44k VPPs, but uhh I'm basically grinded for only 2 months. Theoretical 300k pace, actual bust my ass November/December to barely get 200k.
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
05-24-2013 , 07:40 AM
Hi guys,

gl to you all to achieve your VPP goals!

When does the 100th billionth mile stone hands start?
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
05-24-2013 , 08:28 AM
Actual milestone hands will probably start like 300mio hands before the 100 billion.
But they are also promising some other promos
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
05-24-2013 , 10:14 AM
other promos, do you know more details?
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
05-24-2013 , 10:18 AM
Nope. No details were released yet.
Its still "coming soon" as you can see in PokerStars promo page.
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
