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Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread

04-02-2013 , 08:36 AM
Assuming you are signed up for the "Set Your Goal on 100,000 Yearly VPPs" dummy tournament, that's true.

By tomorrow Eastern Time, participants in January's Set Your Goal promotion will need to have earned at least 25% of their goal in order to receive the associated cash bonus.
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-02-2013 , 10:00 AM
Well that was a waste of 5k FPP's..
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-02-2013 , 03:51 PM
im kinda new to pokerstars and there vip club.
I can understand why people are going for SNE and all the benifits you get from it.
But going for supernova, whats the reward?
Is it just the FPPs you get from it? Or is it something else i missed?
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-02-2013 , 04:15 PM
FPP multiplier, more freerolls/value tours and a few bonuses/rewards on the way.
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-03-2013 , 06:04 AM
Originally Posted by matmatmat
im kinda new to pokerstars and there vip club.
I can understand why people are going for SNE and all the benifits you get from it.
But going for supernova, whats the reward?
Is it just the FPPs you get from it? Or is it something else i missed?
Our Supernova website (EU) should help answer this with as much detail as you need. Just in case you have any further questions or concerns about our VIP rewards, you can ask here or email us at
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-05-2013 , 06:51 AM
Players over 500,000 yVPP pace are included in the 2013 Supernova Elite pursuit thread.

---500K Pace--- 129,110

125,343 zaebumbatt
122,839 MeleaB
116,873 11_KING_11
114,737 NO_MERCY_238
110,193 MarToMchat
109,067 LukaSteel
108,174 Nevarteikt
106,254 JoeIngram1
105,716 Priidix
105,558 QuadVQuadMe

---400K Pace--- 103,288

100,170 Wizard0fOddz
100,116 sly caveat
96,281 eppy12588
95,613 Aguskb
91,734 TonnaMunz
91,632 vgreen22
89,614 Brokerface
87,564 Haarlem91
86,304 donjuanmt
85,695 demetri1978
83,956 mcc3504
80,010 J_nufc_V
78,947 MissOracle
78,123 unblemished
77,817 wejo13

---300K Pace--- 77,466

75,421 d7o1d1s0
75,068 zepher06
74,148 mightmad
72,187 YOU-MAD-BR0
70,797 SacredUK
68,645 titcar
67,488 Boku87
67,178 chilin_dude
66,571 x_ROSH125_x
64,542 Arvid2k7
63,874 sindrib
62,456 dickkemp
62,439 frosty012
61,649 k345
60,985 WizardOfAhhs
59,488 Woollyyy
55,481 thecooler992
53,207 JebigaJohnyy

---200K Pace--- 51,644

51,521 Chisness
50,182 ISmellToast
47,792 felixvdp
47,559 Tcarnage
47,158 ValueTownJL
46,817 Tzen1
45,741 mjw006
41,619 danuuutz
41,319 Solidthought
40,577 rwbug
40,143 mccol001
39,642 uWannaLoan?
39,542 seanmo85
38,705 50km
37,885 ZeelandBoy
37,745 belthazorrrr
34,408 mikensen
33,019 sensarefirst
32,312 lenCindahood
32,168 shaniac
30,716 JayPez
30,117 shinbunshi
28,563 wannabepro1
27,597 theginger45
27,251 ph1shman420
26,359 PokerThun
26,077 THFC29
26,012 kervyrx7
25,835 itami19

---Supernova Pace--- 25,822

25,244 khakeer
25,062 kicajowy
25,054 92_sauron
24,414 hanzaz
24,168 mbison693
23,694 t8ofDiamonds
23,406 kryzstoffCZ
22,649 M1ghtyDucks
21,857 910suited44
21,023 peez88
20,670 Viktor_Hugo
19,869 marek_heinz
19,227 brutti
19,074 SweHseMfia
18,318 chriskola
18,140 deLuxy
17,818 chips1234
17,156 gtyo$hinebox
17,117 RodgauRulez
15,797 PlauZee
15,470 pitabread189
14,403 WhiteRabbito
14,133 DeuceHighWin
13,159 delijesever1

Please email to add yourself to the list.
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 12:38 PM
There is a planned server restart tomorrow at 07:00 ET (12:00 UK, 13:00 CET). It is expected to last about 50 minutes, but may take longer. Updates will be posted to our twitter page. Please email if you would like to receive information about scheduled server restarts via email.


Players over 500,000 yVPP pace are included in the 2013 Supernova Elite pursuit thread.

---500K Pace--- 134,932

130,358 any2just4u
127,976 MeleaB
127,044 zaebumbatt
119,939 Nevarteikt
118,265 NO_MERCY_238
116,873 11_KING_11
114,790 MarToMchat
114,401 LukaSteel
108,180 Priidix

---400K Pace--- 107,945

106,254 JoeIngram1
105,558 QuadVQuadMe
101,145 Aguskb
100,170 Wizard0fOddz
100,116 sly caveat
98,111 donjuanmt
96,281 eppy12588
95,468 TonnaMunz
93,409 Haarlem91
93,321 vgreen22
92,236 Brokerface
85,695 demetri1978
83,956 mcc3504
83,107 MissOracle

---300K Pace--- 80,959

80,155 YOU-MAD-BR0
80,010 J_nufc_V
79,984 d7o1d1s0
79,737 unblemished
78,933 wejo13
76,070 zepher06
75,807 mightmad
73,468 SacredUK
70,887 Boku87
70,759 titcar
70,099 x_ROSH125_x
67,790 chilin_dude
67,282 WizardOfAhhs
65,444 Arvid2k7
65,263 sindrib
63,837 dickkemp
63,813 frosty012
62,044 k345
60,605 Woollyyy
55,481 thecooler992
54,009 JebigaJohnyy

---200K Pace--- 53,973

52,253 ISmellToast
51,521 Chisness
51,399 Tcarnage
49,560 ValueTownJL
49,558 felixvdp
47,377 Tzen1
46,848 mjw006
43,777 danuuutz
43,310 Solidthought
42,267 rwbug
42,066 uWannaLoan?
40,807 mccol001
40,686 ZeelandBoy
39,904 50km
39,607 belthazorrrr
39,542 seanmo85
36,234 sensarefirst
34,951 mikensen
32,312 lenCindahood
32,168 shaniac
32,034 JayPez
30,706 PokerThun
30,149 shinbunshi
28,563 wannabepro1
28,525 kervyrx7
28,268 theginger45
28,029 ph1shman420
27,141 THFC29

---Supernova Pace--- 26,986

26,626 itami19
26,044 khakeer
25,252 t8ofDiamonds
25,062 kicajowy
25,054 92_sauron
24,753 hanzaz
24,168 mbison693
23,840 kryzstoffCZ
23,363 M1ghtyDucks
22,682 peez88
21,897 910suited44
21,796 marek_heinz
21,074 Viktor_Hugo
20,626 brutti
19,445 chriskola
19,150 chips1234
19,122 SweHseMfia
18,200 deLuxy
17,814 gtyo$hinebox
17,659 RodgauRulez
17,208 PlauZee
15,488 pitabread189
15,235 DeuceHighWin
14,446 WhiteRabbito

Please email to add yourself to the list.
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-10-2013 , 09:08 PM
Man, am I ever gonna catch that 300K pace line
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-10-2013 , 10:03 PM
Swear down I will be ahead of 300k at the next update.
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-12-2013 , 10:31 AM
Players over 500,000 yVPP pace are included in the 2013 Supernova Elite pursuit thread.

---500K Pace--- 138,927

132,037 MeleaB
130,358 any2just4u
127,044 zaebumbatt
125,087 Nevarteikt
119,352 NO_MERCY_238
118,670 11_KING_11
114,790 MarToMchat
114,687 LukaSteel

---400K Pace--- 111,142

108,905 Priidix
106,254 JoeIngram1
105,593 QuadVQuadMe
105,542 donjuanmt
104,450 Aguskb
100,170 Wizard0fOddz
100,116 sly caveat
99,556 TonnaMunz
96,281 eppy12588
94,629 Brokerface
94,545 vgreen22
94,071 Haarlem91
85,695 demetri1978
83,956 mcc3504

---300K Pace--- 83,356

83,340 d7o1d1s0
83,228 YOU-MAD-BR0
83,107 MissOracle
80,045 wejo13
80,010 J_nufc_V
79,852 unblemished
77,078 zepher06
76,658 mightmad
74,160 SacredUK
72,844 WizardOfAhhs
72,749 titcar
72,157 x_ROSH125_x
71,917 Boku87
69,263 chilin_dude
66,302 Arvid2k7
65,845 frosty012
65,476 sindrib
65,162 dickkemp
63,156 k345
61,209 Woollyyy

---200K Pace--- 55,571

55,481 thecooler992
54,353 JebigaJohnyy
52,491 ISmellToast
51,994 Tcarnage
51,521 Chisness
50,895 ValueTownJL
50,193 felixvdp
47,377 Tzen1
46,848 mjw006
45,099 Solidthought
44,599 danuuutz
43,788 rwbug
43,529 uWannaLoan?
41,517 belthazorrrr
41,488 ZeelandBoy
41,219 mccol001
40,492 seanmo85
39,961 50km
36,844 sensarefirst
35,695 sunderland4
35,204 mikensen
34,641 shaniac
32,947 shinbunshi
32,487 PokerThun
32,312 lenCindahood
32,034 JayPez
30,412 kervyrx7
29,845 theginger45
28,838 THFC29
28,596 wannabepro1
28,177 ph1shman420

---Supernova Pace--- 27,785

27,065 t8ofDiamonds
27,061 itami19
26,440 khakeer
25,062 kicajowy
25,054 92_sauron
25,000 hanzaz
24,256 kryzstoffCZ
24,168 mbison693
23,896 M1ghtyDucks
23,556 peez88
22,050 Viktor_Hugo
21,909 marek_heinz
21,897 910suited44
21,531 brutti
20,014 chips1234
19,628 chriskola
19,165 SweHseMfia
18,200 deLuxy
18,092 PlauZee
17,993 RodgauRulez
17,814 gtyo$hinebox
15,680 DeuceHighWin
15,488 pitabread189
15,304 WhiteRabbito

Please email to add yourself to the list.
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-12-2013 , 10:51 AM
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-12-2013 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by PlasticElephant
Swear down I will be ahead of 300k at the next update.
update 20 mins later, talk about running bad

Should definitely catch the line by the end of the month.

edit: didn't notice how close I was, end of the day should do it!
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-12-2013 , 03:23 PM


Last edited by TonnaMunz; 04-12-2013 at 03:23 PM. Reason: <3
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-13-2013 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by TonnaMunz

nice 1 gl
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-18-2013 , 06:59 AM
Players over 500,000 yVPP pace are included in the 2013 Supernova Elite pursuit thread.

---500K Pace--- 146,918

144,633 glanza_mike
138,461 MeleaB
133,657 Nevarteikt
130,454 any2just4u
127,044 zaebumbatt
121,949 11_KING_11
119,377 NO_MERCY_238
118,979 MarToMchat
118,361 LukaSteel

---400K Pace--- 117,534

112,703 donjuanmt
112,291 Priidix
111,547 Aguskb
107,160 TonnaMunz
106,254 JoeIngram1
105,615 QuadVQuadMe
100,170 Wizard0fOddz
100,116 sly caveat
98,845 eppy12588
98,459 Haarlem91
97,966 vgreen22
96,449 Brokerface
88,904 MissOracle

---300K Pace--- 88,151

86,164 d7o1d1s0
85,876 demetri1978
83,956 mcc3504
83,647 YOU-MAD-BR0
82,325 wejo13
82,146 WizardOfAhhs
80,668 unblemished
80,010 J_nufc_V
79,498 titcar
78,580 mightmad
77,548 zepher06
77,188 x_ROSH125_x
76,845 SacredUK
75,565 Boku87
70,545 chilin_dude
70,327 k345
70,112 frosty012
67,320 dickkemp
67,300 Arvid2k7
65,604 sindrib
64,675 Woollyyy

---200K Pace--- 58,767

55,481 thecooler992
54,759 ISmellToast
54,724 JebigaJohnyy
53,625 Tcarnage
53,339 ValueTownJL
51,521 Chisness
51,469 felixvdp
49,647 mjw006
48,015 uWannaLoan?
47,377 Tzen1
46,627 Solidthought
45,700 danuuutz
45,293 rwbug
44,062 belthazorrrr
43,757 seanmo85
43,713 ZeelandBoy
42,629 mccol001
40,999 50km
38,671 sensarefirst
38,301 sunderland4
38,067 shaniac
37,012 PokerThun
35,842 mikensen
33,795 shinbunshi
33,174 kervyrx7
32,393 lenCindahood
32,366 theginger45
32,034 JayPez
30,483 THFC29
30,482 t8ofDiamonds
30,291 ph1shman420

---Supernova Pace--- 29,384

28,596 wannabepro1
28,090 itami19
27,671 khakeer
27,107 peez88
26,514 92_sauron
26,114 kicajowy
25,308 hanzaz
25,231 kryzstoffCZ
24,988 M1ghtyDucks
24,168 mbison693
23,175 marek_heinz
23,049 Viktor_Hugo
22,059 chips1234
22,030 chriskola
21,995 910suited44
21,875 brutti
21,194 gtyo$hinebox
19,340 SweHseMfia
19,045 RodgauRulez
18,366 deLuxy
18,153 PlauZee
17,392 DeuceHighWin
15,981 WhiteRabbito
15,587 BlueNowhere4
15,488 pitabread189

Please email to add yourself to the list.
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-18-2013 , 07:22 AM
Sigh first time in this thread this year, SNE dreams officially shattered
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-18-2013 , 07:37 AM
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-18-2013 , 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by PlasticElephant
Swear down I will be ahead of 300k at the next update.

Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-18-2013 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Glanza_Mike
Sigh first time in this thread this year, SNE dreams officially shattered
Welcome back to the 2nd division sir
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-18-2013 , 08:14 PM
Slacking hard the past week, even that Rosh guy overtook me.
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-19-2013 , 12:18 AM
Ahhh I'm almost off the list! Need to grind!
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-19-2013 , 12:24 AM
weeee finally made the list
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-19-2013 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by Bluenowhere
weeee finally made the list
good work man
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-19-2013 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by Sacred
Slacking hard the past week, even that Rosh guy overtook me.

Last edited by x_ROSH125_x; 04-19-2013 at 05:06 AM. Reason: Not for long
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
04-19-2013 , 06:11 AM
I wanted to go for SNE in 2013, but I started late and needed to cashout majority of my bnr, so I am in for 200k.
I play 6max turbo, 6max hyper and 9man turbo $15s atm, but hopefully will be playing $30s soon.
Official 2013 Supernova pursuit thread Quote
