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NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies

09-24-2014 , 04:39 AM
Most inspiring thread in PGC!

Nice vids on your YT channel also.

NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-24-2014 , 05:45 AM
half way to quarter mil already. this dudes such a boss.

hans how many hrs a day u play on avg? hrs per week avg? total hands per day avg?
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-30-2014 , 10:42 AM
September Report

TX mate!

I don't have my DB with me so I can say the exact numbers but I think it's approx. 7h and 30min/day on average including stop losses. So this is mostly between 40-48h weekly only from playing. That's hard but my rough estimation is about 4-5k hands/day. Hope that helped

Ola fellow poker friends,

Another month came to an end so it's time to report about.
In one word I would describe this month as a COMEBACK. I was stuck at one point over -10k$ but managed to turn it around and still reached the green zone. I think the downer was a mix of bad play combined with people having the top of their range especially on NL1k. On the other hand I won almost every AI on NL600 and NL1k which can be see on the EV line as well.
Overall I made 9k$ post-RB which is still a decent results. So in general very proud about myself for turning things around.

About my game, I worked more my CB frequencies or I should better say I worked on defining and playing my hands according to the category they fit in (value, SD value, bluff) which can be see as well pretty clearly in the graph(red line not surpassing the blue line). It's a little bit of experimenting from my side but since I wanna improve I have to see if there is any better solutions out there.

Also here is the LINK for my webinar.


1 Million Hands In The Challenge Anniversary

Anyway will be back on the tables mid next week. Till then GL at the tables!
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-30-2014 , 11:09 AM
Advanced strategies are only going to make you go busto in the microstakes anyway, with that said GL OP
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-30-2014 , 11:50 AM
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-30-2014 , 06:05 PM
Can we see the stake report please??? Killer results man!!!
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
10-03-2014 , 12:38 PM
Nice Results !!! What sites do you play on if you don't mind me asking?
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
10-04-2014 , 04:54 AM
that 1mil hand graph is erotic. congrats
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
10-04-2014 , 12:47 PM
amazing as usual man
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
10-08-2014 , 05:34 PM
50 to 150k... EASILY the best PG C thread on here.

NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
10-11-2014 , 12:34 PM
TX guys for the nice words!

Hi everyone,

Long time no update from my side. It was a really intense vacation with a lot of reflections. I did some off the table work that I mentioned in the previous post but the main issue was if I(we) should move to Italy.
My GF and I are already living for a while together and she got a really decent job opportunity in Italy which was for here pretty tempting. I already mentioned in one of my posts that I'm thinking about moving abroad and now it was the decision whether Italy should be my first destination. Given that I have a lot of Italian relatives and friends from primary school that are already there + I speak the language since I was a kid + Some ski resorts + Big fan of their nature and cucine it seemed logical to me accept the situation and go for it. Although I said to my GF that I don't plan to spent my whole time at here place but rather travel through Italy.

Till next update I leave you guys with the replay of the webinar and a new Youtube Video Series:


New Video:

NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
10-12-2014 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by HansTheGreat
TX guys for the nice words!

Hi everyone,

Long time no update from my side. It was a really intense vacation with a lot of reflections. I did some off the table work that I mentioned in the previous post but the main issue was if I(we) should move to Italy.
My GF and I are already living for a while together and she got a really decent job opportunity in Italy which was for here pretty tempting. I already mentioned in one of my posts that I'm thinking about moving abroad and now it was the decision whether Italy should be my first destination. Given that I have a lot of Italian relatives and friends from primary school that are already there + I speak the language since I was a kid + Some ski resorts + Big fan of their nature and cucine it seemed logical to me accept the situation and go for it. Although I said to my GF that I don't plan to spent my whole time at here place but rather travel through Italy.

Till next update I leave you guys with the replay of the webinar and a new Youtube Video Series:


New Video:

Interesting webinar with some good advice.

Looking forward to the rest of the YouTube video series and good luck with the move to Italy.
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
10-23-2014 , 12:12 AM
So guys,

I guess time for a update. I haven't really played almost 0 hands this months(here and there some 1 table session on some micro/low stakes for fun on smartphone) but other then that I worked on my course and so I said to myself no playing for me until it's done since I have a prop bet with Gordon worth 3kEUR(if I start grinding could grind for ages and work on my game and so I would lose my bet). I'm not going to discuss about it here in this thread and will respect the PGC rules.
Other then that I definitely enjoy my current time despite a lot of things going on. I have this huge desire to go back to the tables and so I sweat some people. In the video below you can find one of those sweats recorded by a friend of mine.

in case video doesn't work.

Other then that I will record the 2nd part of my Youtube Video Series on Friday 8pm CET on the Hive Network so for those of you who wanna play me or simply wanna be in a video, look around at the NL5 tables. So cya there and GL at the tables!
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
10-23-2014 , 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by HansTheGreat
So guys,

I guess time for a update. I haven't really played almost 0 hands this months(here and there some 1 table session on some micro/low stakes for fun on smartphone) but other then that I worked on my course and so I said to myself no playing for me until it's done since I have a prop bet with Gordon worth 3kEUR(if I start grinding could grind for ages and work on my game and so I would lose my bet). I'm not going to discuss about it here in this thread and will respect the PGC rules.
Other then that I definitely enjoy my current time despite a lot of things going on. I have this huge desire to go back to the tables and so I sweat some people. In the video below you can find one of those sweats recorded by a friend of mine.

in case video doesn't work.

Other then that I will record the 2nd part of my Youtube Video Series on Friday 8pm CET on the Hive Network so for those of you who wanna play me or simply wanna be in a video, look around at the NL5 tables. So cya there and GL at the tables!
Unfortunately it says Video is unavailable (embedded and link)

Looking forward to your course! GL
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
10-23-2014 , 04:38 AM
Really awesome thread! Just finished reading most of it! I'm trying to achieve the same, although i'm keeping it easy at first and i want to run my BR up to 1500 by the end of the year.

Awesome work ethic man
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
10-23-2014 , 09:11 AM
Finally started checking out the videos; they are A+! Keep up the insanely great work Hans.
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
10-25-2014 , 12:55 PM
Just confirming that the video is unavailable.
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
10-26-2014 , 03:04 AM
Wow. This is incredibly inspiring. My bankroll is at around 100. Lol. How did you get so good so quickly? Do you think coaching was instrumental in how good you've become?
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
10-28-2014 , 08:15 PM
Solid graphs dude!
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
10-28-2014 , 09:12 PM
I'm not sure why I clicked on this thread for the first time, but after reading the first few pages, I just had to skip ahead to see where you inevitably dropped from a high of $500 or so back down to reality - this isn't the year 2005.
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
10-29-2014 , 12:04 AM
good job im jealous
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
10-29-2014 , 01:12 AM
wow how could I have missed this, very inspiring and a new motivation boost for me subbed (better late than never)
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
10-29-2014 , 03:23 AM
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
11-02-2014 , 02:05 AM
Read the whole thread just now , great work man.
Also pretty funny looking at the first page where you nonchalantly report winning $7 and then skipping to the last few where you just as nonchalantly report winning $20k

Quick question if ok. Do you think most people could achieve this much in poker? Like, if you take a random poster from here and put him in exactly the same situation with the same resources as you had.. Or is there a slight chance you yourself might be just be a born poker player so to speak
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
11-03-2014 , 09:12 PM
October Report

@Video Link Discussion

TX! GL for your BR challenge as well.

TY! Glad you like them! More to come.

IMO it's slight obsessiveness about your goal and listening and implementing the things that a person who already made it.

@Tappy Tibbons
TX for the very cool and positive comment.

That's true.

This much??Yeah definitely, can't guarantee for time frame since it's also a bit variance dependent but other that yes, ofc. It's not like fr NL400 or NL200 you have to some sick math genius or like any super smart/intelligent person. Because prior Gordon I was already living year from poker but by playing NL50 and I couldn't move up which kind of means that I'm not a talented or ''born'' poker player.

Ola poker friends,

Once again long time no update and on top of that I'm the last one making a monthly report. :P
But let's go to the the point straight, in October I made ................... 0$.
The reality is even if I won or lost a couple of bucks I didn't keep track. I played some micros for fun like a fish on smartphone just to satisfy my poker needs but other than that I enjoyed a different type of poker work and life as well and in general I didn't play any recorded session.

Life wise, it was really a lovely month. Spent quality time with my GF, my favorite team made a historical victory, was watching a couple of nights hools vs cops fights on my balcony, had birthday, eat & drunk very good and on top of that traveled a bit. Not much I would personally change. The only negative thing was that I was as well sick in the wrong time. But you know, things can always be ideal.

Poker wise, it was different. Kind of relaxed with more thinking about my poker future, coachings, sweats and of course the course . The bet against Gordon ended up as a tie since we both managed to finish our courses till 1st November(please do not ask me questions about this since I'm not allowed to talk about it) although it was really close.
It was close because I was sick but once again one of the things about Gordon is that he can be so motivating for me, that's almost amazing. I had like a flew and was like in bed with fiver and the I all of sudden got an Email saying that I can't win anymore because his finished. In general it looked like how was already seeing the money. Hahaha, I was healthy and back on my feet in no time. I think I worked like 20h straight in one session. It kind of reminded how he actually motivated me in the beginnings with some political opinions.

Was also putting a lot of does where is my poker career heading, where and what I want to be and become, my goals for 2015 and also what I see and perceive mid and long term solutions. Still fighting with myself about this topics. Maybe since I'm next week in Malta I might find a clear solution/vision.

November goals
Nothing special aside getting slowly back into the grinding mode. Probably play some NL100 for the begging the first few 10k hands to check how much forgot and in general how many mistakes I make. Then I might steadily add some mid stakes tables. Number 1 priority will probably be quality over quantity this month. After a longer break I have to make sure I still do the things right.

Other then that there is not much left to say. Oh...I almost forgot. Part 2 of final Youtube Video Series although I was sick so not too happy who it came out. Next episode will definitely be better and will be online mid next week before I got to Malta.

LINK in case video doesn't work.

P.S. If someone is actually looking to hire a carpenter in the western/north European countries please PM. I'm actually learned from this guy what hard work means.
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
