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NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies

08-28-2014 , 01:30 PM
Ok another question. Youve released alot of videos prior to this thread being started. Would you say their of some kind of value or were you basically a fish and now your good?

Also, their called Double your Winrate. Are they made of the knowledge recieved from buying Gordons Double your 6max Winrate?

NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
08-28-2014 , 02:27 PM
great progress, subbed and good luck reaching that 250k
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
08-28-2014 , 06:28 PM
Challenge Days: 199&200&201

TX mate!

I guess StinktNaFish answered your questions. And I will repeat again NL50 is probably the limit where the system is gonna struggle without very good table selection but even then you not going to be a crusher. Because the book gives you a default play that can on average work very decently against people who don't have the fundamentals(fish).
About the videos: Well, they don't have a huge value. I mean I wasn't a complete fish but I wasn't good either. It can give you ideas what's the course about. I didn't doubled my WR but I increased and and well get from a nose diving red line into a extremely positive, although I over did things. I was satisfied with the course since I payed it out pretty quickly.

PM me!

TX mate! I guess there is a chance that we did battle. Yeah I play on multiple sites so starlive is just one of them. Wouldn't be possible for me to win this money without such a system.GL to you!


So guys,

It's time for a new update. Basically I finished playing for this month since I reached my No1 monthly goal. Now since the No1 priority has been completed I can concentrate on some of my off table work which has leftovers. Shame on you Hans!

Anyway I didn't manage to reach the 30k$ mark. As last month in the last sessions things weren't going that great and even if I was at some moment over 30k$(include RB) the last 2 days weren't simply good. TBH with you, I feel I also didn't kinda deserve it because I didn't played very well. I mean I wasn't at my best when there were this key hands that decided probably if I'm going to make the 30k or not. It felt like I didn't show my best side when I really needed to. The bluffing part was especially disastrous since I bluffed against the exact type of regs that you should bluff. Those that C based on their gut instead of logic despite my range crushing his range and he having there bluffcatchers in his range, me being balanced with the taken line and bla, bla, bla. Some people just don't really care since they play poker based on their emotions rather then logic, math etc. Probably discipline is what they sort of lack especially against does that do not have any reads on me/history. So what in theory looks like a +EV bluff B OTR turns really easily in a -EV. And it's not his fault(no matter how much I might wonder), it's my fault that I was so stupid and didn't act/adjusted accordingly.
But yeah, enough of this self criticism and let's take a look at some pics and overall results:

And I got the almost 7k$ RB that I mentioned in the previous post so this is how it looks now:

TOTAL CHALLENGE: 112 656.61$(LAST UPDATE) - 824.51$(WINNINGS 3 DAYS) + 6 987.51$(RakeBack) = 118 819.61$ / 250 000$

Anyway that's it. For this 3 days, now up to August summary.

August Report

Basically money wise it was again a great month. I mean I made again 28k$(almost 29k$) post RB and in general things seem to be going great. Also working a lot more on things related and not related to work besides playing that makes me feel like I'm improving in general. I guess as more as I learn about myself the more I realize that without this improving part I guess things wouldn't be that entertaining and enjoyable, at least for me. Anyway I have to leave one last thing before saying goodbye:

CYA next week!
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
08-28-2014 , 07:33 PM
As always Hans. Big thanks for the awnser. Im sorry if there has been many questions but your the man and i dont know where else to turn for this.

Best of luck and keep it up. Hope your well irl
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
08-30-2014 , 11:42 AM
Go hans go!!!!what happened to g iraffs??
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-05-2014 , 08:49 AM
Challenge Days: 202&203&204

TX mate! Gl to you as well!

I don't know what happened since I moved to photobucket. I was able to edit all my other blogs and put up the graphs that were deleted but on 2+2 it seems not be possible to edit post so I could actually insert the pics. Does anyone know more?


After a week of absence from the blogging section I think it's time for a new post. Well in short words I would describe the current grind as EXHAUSTING. I mean I'm ill, barely can sleep and I don't have currently enough discipline in my game. Maybe it's not even discipline, but I don't perform lately very good especially on the NL1k tables were I had again 2 spots were probably having a bit more discipline but have saved me some money. Also some deep NL400 pots overall made this 3 days slightly losing.

So why do you Hans even play? Well, I have this monthly volume goal that I wanna reach but the month is going to be shorter for me since by the end of it I will travel again and so not much time for ''being sick''. Already put 30h over the 3 days. So my sickness + lack of discipline will force me to move down in limits. Also I have other projects this month so as soon as I finish this playing goal I can focus on a lot of other different stuff.

Also one of the things I've been thinking about is moving abroad. Haven't really decided yet but probably going to consult miss TheGreat. Traveling has been one of the reasons why I started playing so soon I will have the chance to actually fulfill my dreams. But will definitely have to come up with better results then this:

TOTAL CHALLENGE: 118 819.61$(LAST UPDATE) - 746.29$(WINNINGS 3 DAYS) = 118 073.32$ / 250 000$

TTYA after the weekend. GL!
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-05-2014 , 01:02 PM
Read first 3 pages and decided to check last page and I see that you are on a 100k+ roll! That's crazy! sick sick sick (7k RB, what??? )

Big ups man, keep grinding, live la vida locca!
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-07-2014 , 09:56 AM

You are the man hans.... Alot of cool stuff going on BCP!!!!!
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-08-2014 , 10:52 AM
Challenge Days: 205&206

TX mate! Big surprise I could imagine.GL to ya!

At BPC always good stuff happened. I always said that the community helped me a lot.

OK guys,

Looks like I manged to score the worst $ update ever. I mean at some point it had to come since in the last couple of months I was almost printing money. 10 BI down on NL400 + 2,5BBI on NL1k already brought the month in a -7k deficit. Whatever I play I simply see red. The biggest irony is that I even played NL50(hit stop loss but I needed rake) but I also lost there in 1k hands about 10 BI.When things are not running good the stakes actually do not matter. But to not fool myself I have to say that there is portion of bad plays alongside the bad run.

But on the other hand I take things realistically. I mean I made 60k$ in the last 3 months without any bigger downswing which speaks about the impressive run that I had. On the other hand I'm generally always looking to find something positive in the tough moments and so the goal for this is month is to turn things around and fight for another positive month no matter how much $. This motivates me quite a lot. A small green month looks always better then a red one despite myself kind of getting used to this 5 figure months.

Also this getting used to 5 figure months was the reason for my semi-insomnia, at least I believe. I was too obsessed about how I'm possibly not going to make a 5 figure score etc. As always you handle good things very easily but hardly the bad ones.

I've been getting a fairly decent amount of questions about this project and since I would like to make a present to the readers of my blog for completing the challenge and at the same time answer all the questions I'm looking for a solution how to combine this. I have some thoughts on my mind but would appreciate ideas from you guys.

But before I leave you have to leave some bad results:

TOTAL CHALLENGE: 118 819.61$(LAST UPDATE) - 7 629.30$(WINNINGS 2DAYS) = 111 190.31$ / 250 000$

So biggest losing update book. Now it's time to turn it around. GO,GO,GO Hans!!!!!
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-08-2014 , 11:08 AM
Wowwww following you right now , is amazing you challenge gogogo

by inspired.
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-08-2014 , 11:40 AM
I was wondering if/when you were going to lose...don't let this bump in the road slow you down mate.
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-08-2014 , 04:29 PM
Hans losing? I double-checked, it is not the first of april

Meh, normal ****... my prediction as usual is that he'll come back stronger than before.
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-08-2014 , 04:55 PM
sick progress, god dayumm. niceeee
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-11-2014 , 05:43 PM
Challenge Days: 207&208&209

TX mate!

As long as I have will and desire for the game a downer won't stop me even if I would have to go down in limits.


Hi there,

So Monday was reserved for the US Open final and a more relaxing day. But the next 3 days were full grind mode which means approx. 10h/day. And I was able to win something back and cut the loses for the month TX to the NL1k table where I got really good action + run good.

I can also announce that I will be holding a webinar. The reason is fairly simple, I get a lot of questions, PMs,Emails and I thought it would be good to maybe answer it publicly and give a chance to everybody to hear the answer and as well ask anything they are interested it. It also a present of mine for finishing the 100k$ challenge to the reader. You can view it as a live AMA.

Now to the results:

TOTAL CHALLENGE: 111 190.31$(LAST UPDATE) + 5 307.40$(WINNINGS 3DAYS) = 116 497.71$ / 250 000$

Anyway talk to ya soon. CYA!
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-11-2014 , 11:04 PM
bout time u had a losing 2 or 3 days. seriously i was starting to think u were antonius's illegitimate child or something. lol now back to winning for the next hundred days in a row! gogogogo.
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-14-2014 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by ThinkItThrough
Hans losing? I double-checked, it is not the first of april

Meh, normal ****... my prediction as usual is that he'll come back stronger than before.
Too predictable
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-15-2014 , 01:13 PM
In for the webinar!
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-15-2014 , 03:04 PM
worst pgc ever.
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-16-2014 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Trife
worst pgc ever.
How come?
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-16-2014 , 05:41 PM
no hh, no strat talk...
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-16-2014 , 07:49 PM
Lol just crushing i do agree hh and other stuff would be good but im sure Op is busy he has a diffrent forum he does most of that
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-17-2014 , 05:01 AM
Check out the youtube channel
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-18-2014 , 10:25 AM
Challenge Days: 210&211&212&213

So guys,

4 grinding days are in the books. And what to say about them? Well, I have a good news. I got owned on the NL1k tables.
You might ask yourself what's so good about getting owned in poker? It's awesome because you realize what exactly are you missing, what are your leaks and you realize better how you actually made money up till now. Basically me and Gordon had a sweat session where we set at some NL1k thinking that one guy sitting on 3 tables was a fish. We found out that he was just a weaker reg but he wasn't really interesting in the big picture. But there was another reg that I normally didn't really notice but he owned me pretty bad in this 4 handed games. I really didn't have a good strategy to answer to all his weird lines/sizes. So Gordon gave a lot of tips how to improve and beat such guys and told me what I'm going to expect if I want to play this NL1k games on daily basis. I got a lot of motivation and ideas from this session and was probably one of does 'sweet'' 1/2BI loses. Some things you obviously only realize when you lose/pay for them.

Asides from that I working on my webinar. I'm struggling a bit with the technical part but that's something I always mastered when dealing with new stuff. My real concern is the internet connection in the place where I'm heading next week. So until I get there it's and check out the situation it's gonna be a bit harder to set a definite date.

But yeah, I recovered all loses for the month and I'm a bit in green again. I came back from over 10k$ deficit which makes me feel good but hopefully things won't turn around in the next couple of grinding days. Also I noticed some changes in my games which can be clearly see in red line but have to find out how bad/good influence it has on results. More work for me.

TOTAL CHALLENGE: 116 497.71$(LAST UPDATE) + 3 318.14$(WINNINGS 4 DAYS) = 119 815.85$ / 250 000$

NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-18-2014 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by !uSwEEt!
Check out the youtube channel
Link pls!
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
09-23-2014 , 07:57 PM
Challenge Days: 214&215


So guys,

I'm pretty much done for the month. Leaving tomorrow for 2 week trip. Not gonna be playing much, maybe some HU for learning purpose or some MTT but mostly gonna work off table since my DO TO list is already HUGE despite this being semi holidays. Really looking forward to the off table work and can't actually wait to start working on it.

The webinar is from the technical point of view almost done. The only part that is missing is the date. So you can expect in the next couple of days a link to it combined with a monthly report.

Here is how the last 2 grinding days looked like:

TOTAL CHALLENGE: 119 815.85$(LAST UPDATE) + 1841.03$(WINNINGS 2 DAYS) + 7 089.28$(RakeBack) = 128 746$ / 250 000$

That's it for today. Will be back in the next days. CYA!
NEW Challenge: Watch how I turn  into .000 without using advanced strategies Quote
