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My Story of Playing Full Time (Live) 4 the 1st Time wasnt all Fun + future plans 20K challenge? My Story of Playing Full Time (Live) 4 the 1st Time wasnt all Fun + future plans 20K challenge?

11-03-2016 , 04:26 AM
aite I am tired aF. its 2:15am and I need to wake up at 6AM, but want to update this before i sleep or else i wont get around to it.

It's wednesday and there was a monthly tournament at Grey eagle casino, I assume with popular tourney cash game would be good so I decide to drop by after work to squeeze in a couple hours. Got to the 'Nino @ 6:45PM. In for 300$. action was Decent but not amazing yet. I manage to build it up to 450$ and a tight older player open EP to 12$, BTN calls, I wake up with AA @ bb. I 3bet to 45$ and both call. (I had 3bet a couple times prior and they folded.)

Flop KT7 Pot = 135$
old guy's effective stack is 300 behind, I cbet 85$, Old guy thinks for a while and raise to 200$, pretty much commiting himself. BTN folds, and I was pretty sure old guy has AK. so I got it in.

turn J river Q and he shows AK for chop chop straight to Ace

That was the fun hand of the day lol it was a 800$+ pot but ended up chopping. This was around 9PM and I ended up running pretty good after that as well, I was going to leave at 11:45PM but as I chip up i walk past this table and it seemed AMAZING. so i sat down and played until 1:30AM and I manage to make a 665$ Profit

I should write some of the hands down I don't really remember how i chipped up, I was pretty tired so playing pretty straight forward, i didn't win any big pots just a bunch of 50-70$ pot. This guy was blind raising 15$ preflop everyhand

Eventually the guy busted so i get to go home, but I sacrafice some of my sleep time for a profit in return.
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11-04-2016 , 11:33 AM
Pretty bad session last night. Was up 250 and playing solid. I didnt really had much to work with. I bluffed one hand cbet 75$ and took down a decent size pot and had AJ vs A4 preflop vs short stack drunk player. Didnt play another hand for 3hrs and i got bored and decide to open 58s btn 15$. I shoulda just pitch it table is calling a lot but i figure im deep enough to outplay. Gets 4 callers. Flop AJ5 rainbow. Checks to me n i chk. Turn 8. Bb donk 20$ call call. Theres straight n flush draw out there n i just decide to raise to 150$. Like a i didnt want to think raise and just wanna take it down. I was decently sure i had the best hand. Which it turn out not true. AJ snap jam for 50$ more. Lost that and pretty tilted with myself. Multiple mistake but just shoulda folded preflop. I was already tired at this point but i wanted to win 1 more pot for some reason. Lost couple more hands after that and left down 150$. Maybe take a break tn we'll see.
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11-06-2016 , 07:24 PM
played table game. guess 0 day clean. just didn't give a ***.

played 40 hours this week on some of the best table against worst lineup players. lose just about every thing. can't even remb how much i lost. 930$ or something. last buy in I just decide to check raise bluff into a set turn full house.

didn't have the energy to play anymore . didn't care about the ***** rule. played 3 hands in bacarrat

50$ - player - lose
50$ - banker - lose
100$ - banker - lose
down 200$ and peaced out

pretty much what i expected. incapable of winning. i must be insane to even sit at the table. well im done. im sure i'll be off tilt tmr but just not sure how to win. can't remember the last big pot i put it in and held up.
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11-06-2016 , 07:25 PM
prob done posting on here. seems pointless. i got a gambling problem apparently and not running good doesn't go well with it
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11-06-2016 , 07:47 PM
i guess since im writing on here. i might as well put in my thoughts. i thought about a long time about playing the table games today. i didn't have the urge to play it and I didn't expect to win, but i really didn't want to play it to break off the 18-20 days I've been away from it.

but ultimately i played it, and i realize 1 factor that made me play that if i didn't have to write down my thoughts i wouldn't have noticed. i've been running so terrible in poker for a past while that I played today because I just want to verify that I am in fact running bad. part of me wants to be like i bet 3 bets and i lose all of them, so i can be like "yep im not insane i do run bad" it sounds stupid in hind sight but that was whats going thru my mind. i just want the closure to the day that I tried everything and I can't win, and losing all my best in bacarrat was what I chose to verify it
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11-07-2016 , 10:57 PM
Sorry to hear.

Only throwing 200 down on baccarat does not mean all is lost. It took some willpower to walk away at that point. Do get help if you need it but don't throw away everything you've done so far. You've made progress even if it doesn't feel like it right now.
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11-08-2016 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by DK Barrel
Sorry to hear.

Only throwing 200 down on baccarat does not mean all is lost. It took some willpower to walk away at that point. Do get help if you need it but don't throw away everything you've done so far. You've made progress even if it doesn't feel like it right now.
thanks DK. i wasn't even that tilted, i probably made it sound like i was more angry than I really was, but this thread is like my ranting page.

but ya you are right doing 3 flips in Bacarrat wasn't that -EV, i didn't have the urge to play it but I was too tired to play more poker and I just wanted to try my luck at something else. Overall it wasn't a negative EV decision but mentally it was a really bad decision. I didn't have the mental strength to just not gamble and I gave in to flip when I shoulda just accepted the loss for the day. Honestly even if I had won 500$ I wouldn't be proud of it. so I am kinda grateful I lost in bacarrat because i didn't want to get rewarded by my bad decision.

Anyways Back at it again yesterday, got off work and my mind was semi reseted. I just wanted to play a bit and play solid and have fun after a long day of work. turn out to be a super good night.

in for 200$ out $1400+ after ~ 7 hours of play

always nights that I didn't expect anything are the nights I have the best results. but I ran good obviously, got AA vs KK for 600$ pot and hit a couple of sets and flush draws and got paid. pretty lucky to bounce back the next day doesn't happen too often.

The drive home after a good win is always nice. The sky is actually blue for once (symbolically) and everything just ****** peaceful

Restarting the counter for table games back at 1 Day. I been pretty lazy updating the blog and to be honest on my losing days it's not motivating to post details. but i really should
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11-10-2016 , 05:55 PM
well played for 4 hours yesterday. thought i actually played some of the worst poker i've played. I called about 5 turn bets I shoulda just folded.
made a call preflop in straddle pot with QTs against an aggro random player oop. flop comes QJ8 and he jams all in for slightly over pot and at this point I guess i had to call. he shows QJ, i thought even if he had AA i had some outs but ya i was in terrible shape but binks A and K on turn n River.

then i made another bad call on river when a guy was all in, pot was 200$+ and a girl bets 65$ on river into a dry side pot and board was T97 5 7 and i called with JJ. prob one of the worst calls i made. somehow I thought she was value betting AT and in hind sight I dont think she's capable in that specific spot.

then another older lady went on tilt after losing a big pot. she has 50$ left. blinds 1-2 she open jams MP 50$ and everyone folded. next hand I picked up KJs UTG and i limp 2$ with the intention to call her jam if she does it again, and she ships again and I call. well mother faker she has AA. but I rivered a flush so that was lucky.

couple spots is questionable but made a lot of bad turn calls that I didn't post the details. somehow up 440$ ran good and sucked out on hands. took my wins and went for breakfast with a friend, then got 10+ hours of sleep which was a great decision. now i got work next 4 nights 6PM - 1AM.
My Story of Playing Full Time (Live) 4 the 1st Time wasnt all Fun + future plans 20K challenge? Quote
11-11-2016 , 09:42 AM
Nov 10, 2016
-$400 in today's session after 4 hours session

my thoughts
My Story of Playing Full Time (Live) 4 the 1st Time wasnt all Fun + future plans 20K challenge? Quote
11-12-2016 , 10:25 AM
another 4 hour ish session. up 197$ + got a back massage for 55$ so technically should be up 250~ but back really sore from work the massage was nice
My Story of Playing Full Time (Live) 4 the 1st Time wasnt all Fun + future plans 20K challenge? Quote
11-12-2016 , 10:49 AM
will be following good luck
My Story of Playing Full Time (Live) 4 the 1st Time wasnt all Fun + future plans 20K challenge? Quote
11-12-2016 , 11:54 AM
Subbed, GL!
My Story of Playing Full Time (Live) 4 the 1st Time wasnt all Fun + future plans 20K challenge? Quote
11-12-2016 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by day'n'night
will be following good luck
Originally Posted by NelsonWelson
Subbed, GL!
My Story of Playing Full Time (Live) 4 the 1st Time wasnt all Fun + future plans 20K challenge? Quote
11-13-2016 , 01:55 AM
Good luck! Nice thread so far, miss playing at Cowboys and Grey Eagle, oh man the action out west!

Shoutout to the pic just above of Shaganappi Trail
My Story of Playing Full Time (Live) 4 the 1st Time wasnt all Fun + future plans 20K challenge? Quote
11-14-2016 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by Calgarian
Good luck! Nice thread so far, miss playing at Cowboys and Grey Eagle, oh man the action out west!

Shoutout to the pic just above of Shaganappi Trail
dont forget about deerfoot! probably one of the best action on certain days
the road is Beddington Trail though, they all look the similar i guess haha
My Story of Playing Full Time (Live) 4 the 1st Time wasnt all Fun + future plans 20K challenge? Quote
11-14-2016 , 09:41 AM
Finish my 4 day work week. been grinding the midnight poker after work and got tomorrow off so didnt' have to wake up for tomorrow.

put in a short session and ran good . up 480$ pretty straight forward spots all around. Decide to go home early to rejuvenate for tomorrow

my thoughts on my vlog:

Last edited by royal_lv7; 11-14-2016 at 09:49 AM.
My Story of Playing Full Time (Live) 4 the 1st Time wasnt all Fun + future plans 20K challenge? Quote
11-14-2016 , 10:24 AM
I can relate so much to you and that baccarat struggle. I'm so unlucky, when I put my bet on the table I'm even telling myself "yup imma lose again, but I'm
Still going to bet". Every time I end up tilting and spending much more than what I was allowed to.

I actually tought that you were me till you mentioned Calgary instead of Montreal
My Story of Playing Full Time (Live) 4 the 1st Time wasnt all Fun + future plans 20K challenge? Quote
11-14-2016 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by LonelyBox
I can relate so much to you and that baccarat struggle. I'm so unlucky, when I put my bet on the table I'm even telling myself "yup imma lose again, but I'm
Still going to bet". Every time I end up tilting and spending much more than what I was allowed to.

I actually tought that you were me till you mentioned Calgary instead of Montreal
would love to go montreal someday. heard awesome things about it, closest I've been was to Ottawa, I use to live in Waterloo, ON and I have a cousin in Montreal as well but never had a chance to go to Montreal. but ya I am sure a lot of people who loses in any table game feel the same way lol but for sure I understand the bad run struggles. I know it's an -EV game but i JUST want to get lucky sometimes right? lol

I wouldn't say I played too much table games compared to other table game grinders, but for the good amount that I've played in my lifetime, I've never had the luxury to win big, and I've made some decently big bets. I am sure I am running on the bad side lifetime, and sometimes I get envious of my friends who can just go in on a random night and win big. but I try to not to think that way anymore, and i try to think that had I win at bacarrat I would probably get sucked into playing it everyday (and coming from someone who has bad self control it's not a good combination) so it's lucky I don't win now and I learn to stay away from it cause eventually everyone loses if you play long enough.

i could probably talk about this on and on, obviously the game itself is unrelated to poker but the mental aspect to stay away is pretty relevant to tilt and mental strength and it's something that I have gotten better but still need to keep working on to get better at. Luckily I don't crave to play the game for now, and as of now clean from Nov 8, 2016 and hope to keep it that way this time!

hopefully you stay away from the game as well and best of luck in Montreal

Last edited by royal_lv7; 11-14-2016 at 04:10 PM.
My Story of Playing Full Time (Live) 4 the 1st Time wasnt all Fun + future plans 20K challenge? Quote
11-14-2016 , 07:43 PM
I've been taking a poker break because I'm a table game degenerate and can't control myself, good luck I'll follow your thread
My Story of Playing Full Time (Live) 4 the 1st Time wasnt all Fun + future plans 20K challenge? Quote
11-15-2016 , 12:47 AM
Not sure how others feel about this but I much prefer the videos to the text. Good luck.
My Story of Playing Full Time (Live) 4 the 1st Time wasnt all Fun + future plans 20K challenge? Quote
11-15-2016 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by LonelyBox
I've been taking a poker break because I'm a table game degenerate and can't control myself, good luck I'll follow your thread
ya taking a break is good. try to do baby steps next time u feel like playing table game just tell yourself to walk away. there'll be thoughts running through your head to say just forget everything and go play table game but you must fight that lol

the first time you walk away is the hardest and each time after that it gets easier but some nights you'll be on super tilt from bad beats you might want to play again and you have to fight that again. It's not easy for me as well lol but hopefully i can stay away from it forever and same goes to you
My Story of Playing Full Time (Live) 4 the 1st Time wasnt all Fun + future plans 20K challenge? Quote
11-15-2016 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Not sure how others feel about this but I much prefer the videos to the text. Good luck.
i'll probably just post text on most days, this is a blog entry after all. but i am gonna try post vlogs whenver i can, it's fun for me gives me something to do and just rant to something when I need to rant. The quality isn't gonna be great i try to put everything together in like 15-20 minutes but maybe i'll get better and faster at making them
My Story of Playing Full Time (Live) 4 the 1st Time wasnt all Fun + future plans 20K challenge? Quote
11-15-2016 , 06:22 PM
alright. played 2 sessions yesterday

-$500 for the first one
+$559 for the second one

was extremely tired yesterday and i think i played way too long for how tired I was. I played 6 hours for my 2nd session from 10PM to 4AM and despite the good results I think the better choice was to have left after my 1st session. I was just drained. One flaw I had is it's hard for me to take a loss for the day and just go home, it was around 9PM when I stood up from my first session and poker's always there and I could just come back and play the next day. As it turned out I didn't play too well IMO but got lucky in a few spots

regardless, here are some hands + my thoughts:

My Story of Playing Full Time (Live) 4 the 1st Time wasnt all Fun + future plans 20K challenge? Quote
11-15-2016 , 09:12 PM
GL man, Alberta is most likely/prolly the best place to grind 1/2 in Canada.

Idk if i wanted to share this information with anyone else but from a fellow 2+2er to another...

Going here might increase your winrate a bit:

Red Deer Cash Casino (1/2)

Currently in Montreal atm and the 1/2 here sucks so much but i don't play much 1/2 here so.
My Story of Playing Full Time (Live) 4 the 1st Time wasnt all Fun + future plans 20K challenge? Quote
11-15-2016 , 09:47 PM
You are playing at casino de Montreal or playground?
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