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Moving Up Stakes, 2015 and beyond Moving Up Stakes, 2015 and beyond

12-22-2015 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by old coot 43
Umm you do realize I was invited into this thread right? Op gave me a personal invite.
Now relax, I don't want to get you all worked up cus you may tilt off in your 10c/25c game.
Lol @ personal invite. Etoughguy is tough.

Originally Posted by Brokenstars
Lol, he kinda got you there ol' stuntman!

All the trolls are welcome in my thread. Free entertainment as long as it's not too excessive.
I merely wanted him to stop making baseless claims. Classic etoughguy syndrome he's displaying. I won't address him anymore.
12-22-2015 , 09:14 PM
-600 today, defo some spew by me earlier in the session. Also lots of thin spots in 4bp making it kinda high variance. Quite a bit below EV for the session + coolered couple times so n2b.
12-22-2015 , 11:54 PM
that old coot , what a tough guy
12-23-2015 , 07:01 AM
Originally Posted by DddogKILLAh
that old coot , what a tough guy
Ha im actually a nice guy... I just get upset when people do or say things that could take food off of my table.
12-31-2015 , 01:44 PM
December 2015 month recap

Hey all, haven't posted here in a bit. I hope everyone's Christmas/holidays was good and they ended their year strong. I'll make a separate post for the end of the year after this.

Anyways, December was good in terms of results. I ran way above EV for once and so that was nice. But, basically 0 volume. Starting the new job really makes it hard for me to want to play poker when I come home. I much rather just watch some TV or play Runescape.

So, here is the month. Probably the only month this year where I got <10k hands. But, obviously did pretty well considering.

In life news, I really don't like my new job much. I'm about to start on my own as I've been in training up til now, but honestly I don't know like anything so it's going to be a little interesting.

Over the Christmas weekend I visited family and that was good, but my nephew was sick and he got my entire sister's family sick and then a day or two later when my girlfriend and I came back she was sick... and then I was sick. Worst timing ever for me to be sick since I was finishing up my training and will need to start on my own soon. I have a bad cough atm but will be going to the doctor later this evening... probably just a viral infection though so not much to do about it. I'll end up working nights for my job and 12 hour shifts, something I'm not looking forward to, 7pm to 7am, but the extra days off will be good.
12-31-2015 , 02:03 PM
2015 Results and Reflection

I had a post earlier after the thread had been out for a year and I met all my original goals for sure. So fantastic A+ on that. I really really really grew as a poker player this year. I had the full intention of becoming "good" and I went from thinking I knew quite a bit about poker to realizing I really didn't to finally becoming a pretty solid player.

It's really nice to be able to have a hobby that provides an intellectual challenge while also yielding me quite a pretty penny on the side. The game is something I've always enjoyed and being able to say I'm quite good at it is satisfying.

This year has been truly life changing for me, I've graduated college, got a job, and moved in with my girlfriend. Graduating college was great, but I do miss all of my friends. I don't really like my job much, but seems to be somewhat standard. It's an entry level position and I hope to just get some experience so I can go into something I enjoy more. Moving in with the girlfriend has been good and bad. We have the tiniest apartment ever (~450 square feet) so that part is awful. But, being able to see each other and help each other when we need it has been very good.

So, in terms of poker, 2015 was quite the evolution. I went from 25nl-200nl for sure and have taken shots at 400nl. I'm confident enough in my game where I truly believe I'd be a winner at 1knl on my site. Don't get me wrong though, I have tons of improvement to make in my game still. I've also started coaching and have found that I enjoy coaching quite a bit. I'll be looking on advertising/promoting myself throughout 2016, but more on that later.

The results for 2015 are shown below in bb since I played a large range of games. I had a long breakeven stretch after cashing some $ out and that was mentally taxing, but I ended up powering through it and my best months of the year were the last few! All in all though, I honestly feel like I ran quite badly overall for the year.

Below is my results by stake

I've included my luckbell curve for the year below. I'm not sure how it's calculated or how accurate it is, but it seems to correlate with my thoughts of running not-so-well this year overall, despite having some pretty good months.

12-31-2015 , 02:20 PM
2016 Goals

Well, 2015 is over, but the title says "Moving up stakes 2015 and beyond" and we haven't quite reached the top yet, so there's still more to do!

Quick TL;DR goals for 2016

Poker Related Goals

1. Get 15k hands a month
2. By the end of 2016 be shotting 1knl
3. Stream on Twitch!!!
4. Try to become a coach for a video training site like RIO
5. Do more coaching
6. Play live poker (how have I not done this yet?!?!)
7. Solid poker
8. Have fun!

Life Related goals

1. Try to get promoted by the end of 2016
2. Lose 50 lbs
3. Eat healthier/exercise
4. Improve productivity
5. Work on positive mindset

All right, well 2016 is going to be a big year as I'm going to try and accomplish more than ever. In terms of poker, I really want to break into high stakes by the end of 2016 (600nl+). I also really want to continue coaching as I feel I have a lot to offer and I enjoy it a lot. I love discussing poker strategy and I like to hear everyone's opinions (hence 6k+ posts at this time). So in that regards I'm planning on getting a twitch schedule going, maybe streaming once a week for a few hours both for my own entertainment, but also to advertise myself out there as a knowledgeable player with a lot to offer in terms of coaching. Also, in that regard, I think I'll be looking into becoming a coach for a video training site too.

Seems so crazy, but I actually haven't played poker at a casino yet, so there is another goal for the year which hopefully I'll remedy soon as there is a casino about 30 minutes from me or so. Honestly don't think I'll enjoy live much, but still looking forward to giving it a try. I'm also going to probably start playing on multiple sites too so I can get bonuses and see what other options are out there.

Honestly, though, I believe 2016 for me is going to be a lot about self improvement and not so poker related. I'm looking to lose 50 lbs, which is going to be closely related to drinking less, eating healthier, and doing some exercise. I don't have much of a plan for it yet atm, but plan on getting a food diary and just going from there. Baby steps. I want to make a life-change, not some quick change that helps short term. I'm thinking more long term.

I also want to improve on my productivity, which is related to poker. I've always found it extremely difficult to get in a lot of volume even when I have a lot of free time. I just simply spend too much time dicking around on the forums, watching tv, and just doing things that really aren't productive. Of course, free time/leisure time, is very important, I just think I do it a bit too much. So, this year I'll work on time management quite a bit. Still, not much of a plan yet, but something I'm certainly going to try and improve. And if I'm going to be able to get my 15k hands/month, I have to!

If anyone has any feedback/suggestions, please leave em! I really appreciate everyone leaving me comments, so don't be shy. Hope everyone has a strong start to 2016--happy new year and good luck at the tables!
12-31-2015 , 09:30 PM
Good luck man, I'm sure you'll reach 600 NL.
01-01-2016 , 10:10 AM
Nice job with 2015 bro, way to stick with it and come out on top!!!
GL for 2016
Interested in some more streams as well!!!
01-01-2016 , 10:46 AM
huge congrats on the year man and all the best in 2016
01-01-2016 , 11:09 AM
Hopefully you'll run better in 2016 so that you'll actually have what you're repping more! And try not to rep what the other guy actually has because that gets expensive!
01-01-2016 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by TheStuntman
Good luck man, I'm sure you'll reach 600 NL.
Thanks stuntman!

Originally Posted by DddogKILLAh
Nice job with 2015 bro, way to stick with it and come out on top!!!
GL for 2016
Interested in some more streams as well!!!
Thanks for the support! I'm definitely looking forward to streaming soon (pry a month away)

Originally Posted by adam001
huge congrats on the year man and all the best in 2016
Thanks for the help and support Adam! Really helps having a crusher as a friend!

Originally Posted by daniel9861
Hopefully you'll run better in 2016 so that you'll actually have what you're repping more! And try not to rep what the other guy actually has because that gets expensive!
Eh, lol.
01-02-2016 , 12:35 AM
First session of the year went well. I was feeling better as I went to the doctor today and got some meds. Played about 400 hands of 200nl and ran well.


Near the end of the session ran a bluff vs. a fish which was a big mistake and -200 there.
01-02-2016 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by Brokenstars
Starting the new job really makes it hard for me to want to play poker when I come home. I much rather just watch some TV or play Runescape.
It's weird when ever i think on runescape players I just get an image of a fat sad guy in a chair or a super skinny guy that looks miserable .

I don't know why this is.
01-02-2016 , 11:26 PM
Hey man good year! Best of luck in 2016
01-02-2016 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by mahsjdi
It's weird when ever i think on runescape players I just get an image of a fat sad guy in a chair or a super skinny guy that looks miserable .

I don't know why this is.
Pretty fat.

Starting the year at 296lbs, not too sad though lol.

Originally Posted by KimJongNomnomnom
Hey man good year! Best of luck in 2016
thanks bro!
01-03-2016 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by Brokenstars
Pretty fat.

Starting the year at 296lbs, not too sad though lol.
Losing weight is very hard at start and easy when you get used to the diet and exercise program you have set out for yourself (usually takes 2 weeks).

Lost like 8kg last month through hardcore diet and 20 mins of cardio a day. I was super lazy when it came to exercise though.
01-03-2016 , 12:54 AM
Yeah, mostly looking towards long term life change. Healthier lifestyle just in general.
01-03-2016 , 06:37 AM
+$400 today at 200nl tables
01-03-2016 , 09:23 AM
The best life change you have to make is switching from whatever beverages you drink now to water and black coffee/tea. The sugar and calories in regular pop and beer is a crap ton. Doing that alone will cut a lot of pounds. Good luck in 2016 man!
01-03-2016 , 11:03 AM
Or just stop eating and drink enough beer that you're constantly catatonic.
01-03-2016 , 06:47 PM

The only pop I drink is with my whiskey

I do not drink beer

I do drink energy drinks though (red bull)
01-03-2016 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by Brokenstars
I do drink energy drinks though (red bull)
You get the sugar free? I switched completely over to sugar free and feels so much better.

I also saw you are going to be working midnights. I just finished a year stint working 10:30-6:30. It was possibly the most soul crushing time of my life. My body was drained most of the time and found it hard to do anything. I wish you the best with the shift but try and get off it ASAP.

One benefit that seems to be in your goals is being so worn down eating became hard to get a good amount of calories. I dropped 35 pounds over the course of my 10 months.

Last edited by The Bukafax; 01-03-2016 at 11:30 PM.
01-04-2016 , 01:37 AM
Sounds awesome.

There will be 0 chance of me getting a different shift anytime soon
