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Moving Up Stakes, 2015 and beyond Moving Up Stakes, 2015 and beyond

08-26-2015 , 06:41 PM
Hahaha, yeah. All good advice, thanks guys.
08-27-2015 , 05:18 AM
Ran awfull... more than -6bi

favorite hand of the day

P1(UTG) $100 - VP:9 PFR:9 AF:2.0 W:50|0 STL:|100 3B:0| CB:100| N:-57.50 Hands:11
P2(MP) $100 - VP:33 PFR:22 AF: W:50|0 STL:100| 3B:25|0 CB:|100 N:-109.50 Hands:9
P3(CO) $193.85 - VP:26 PFR:18 AF:2.7 W:33|67 STL:71|67 3B:7|50 CB:33|100 N:57.85 Hands:38
Me(BTN) $277.80 - VP:35 PFR:24 AF:2.8 W:14|75 STL:41|33 3B:20|0 CB:50|60 N:-26.55 Hands:86
P5(SB) $391.18 - VP:34 PFR:6 AF:1.2 W:27|43 STL:11|67 3B:5|0 CB:100|86 N:221.70 Hands:86
P6(BB) $352.65 - VP:50 PFR:4 AF:1.4 W:46|83 STL:0|0 3B:0|0 CB:100|25 N:328.90 Hands:24

Pre Flop: Me(BTN) with [7s,7h]
P1(UTG) folds, P2(MP) folds, P3(CO) raises 2.50, Me(BTN) calls 2.50, P5(SB) calls 2, P6(BB) calls 1.50

Flop: (6s,2c,7c) (4 players)
P5(SB) bets 7.25, P6(BB) calls 7.25, P3(MP) folds, Me(BTN) raises 32, P5(SB) folds, P6(BB) calls 24.75

Turn: 8c (2 players)
P6(BB) bets 50, Me(BTN) calls 50

River: 3d (2 players)
P6(BB) bets 100, Me(BTN) folds

Returns 100 to P6(BB)
P6(BB) shows [Kc,3c]
P6(BB) wins 178.25
08-28-2015 , 01:05 AM
Had my first coaching session with a student today and I thought it went well. He was actually pretty competent/played well. Only really felt like I helped him with blind defense, which is actually pretty helpful, but wish I could have helped him more. Seemed like he was pretty happy with the session regardless, but still wish I could have done more. Kind of hard in just 1 hour I guess as most spots were pretty standard/easy.

As for playing today, I played everywhere from 5nl-50nl lol. I played first session 50nl/25nlz as I had to move down stakes from previous day's losing session. I crushed 25nlz and made over 6bi in like 2 hours and at 50nl ran quite badly losing a couple flips (EV ~ 0 probably). Then didn't really feel like playing but wanted to get volume so did 25nlz and 5nlz (50nlz and 10nlz wasn't running) and lost like $70 I think. Ran quite badly there, definitely think I was +EV as I lost a bunch of flips but not really sure. After that, played some 25nl HU with a M8 and lost $27 (he ran better than me, FU nate). Then played some more 50nl reg tables where I made some money back.

Honestly though, today I probably ran like 6 BI under EV. It's not as awful feeling though as its significantly lower stakes than I'm use to, but when I move down and still run like crap it's kind of ridiculous. Honestly can't wait to stop running bad and just skyrocket my graph, lol.


In life news, I grilled some steaks and ate them which was yummy, and I also applied to a job in Wisconsin.
08-30-2015 , 06:32 AM
Ah, you play on Bovada too. GL!
08-30-2015 , 07:31 AM
Originally Posted by nahh12
Ah, you play on Bovada too. GL!
08-30-2015 , 10:21 PM
In life news, I grilled some steaks and ate them which was yummy, and I also applied to a job in Wisconsin.
What job? Where?
08-31-2015 , 06:44 AM
Originally Posted by EdNealy
What job? Where?
Honestly don;t remember, lol.

Played 2k hands today. Was up $160 first session then played another and lost $130 where I ran like just absolute crap. Extremely frustrated every time I play now as I just seem to expect to get sucked out on/get back run outs. I probably even ran above all-in EV today but believe me I ran like crap. Like, one hand I flop set, bet it out, turn comes and I bet, guy jams, I call, board was like X9810 a nd guy had QJ so turned the gutshot straight draw and I rivered him. It was a 3-bet pot though and I just don't understand how he even gets there. So ran bad on turn, ran good on river....


Applied to another job nearby today so that was good. In other news I also played a friend of mine heads up last few days for ~1k hands and did pretty well vs. him so that was fun (even though the rake was ~-40bb/100, WTF?) but it was nice practice and actually think I'm going to be doing it more often with him to get better at HU.

In other news, news, my student that I recently coached asked for another session which is nice because it gives me confidence as a coach/player even though I've been running bad lately which is good.

Will be posting August monthly graph in couple days (prepare for the highly negative winnings (losses).

2k hands in today, so volume continues to be great.
08-31-2015 , 08:13 PM
Played 50nl for a couple hours, lost about 2.5bi, basically nothing interesting happened. Hero-called down with AK high once is about the only interesting thing that happened (HH below). My stats are wide as F*** because there were whales at the table for a while early on. Figured the reg could easily be squeezing pretty wide with fish in BTN and my wide range from CO. I call pre to get fish in. OTF just flatting the c-bet is pretty standard, after that I decided to call down since his value range is QQ+, which is only 12 combos with my blockers and he has lots of bluffs (KQ/AX)

Me(CO) $82.67 - VP:37 PFR:31 AF:4.3 W:14|20 STL:86|74 3B:16|57 CB:76|0 N:-58.78 Hands:134
P2(BTN) $33.91 - VP:44 PFR:26 AF:1.0 W:40|50 STL:50|0 3B:13|100 CB:0|100 N:2.41 Hands:27
P3(SB) $59.10 - VP:19 PFR:12 AF:11.0 W:18|67 STL:56|70 3B:8|80 CB:75|80 N:43.44 Hands:134
P4(BB) $25 - VP:0 PFR:0 AF: W: STL:|100 3B:0| CB: N:-0.50 Hands:1
P5(UTG) $68.87 - VP:23 PFR:19 AF:2.6 W:19|25 STL:53|75 3B:6|33 CB:36|20 N:-73.18 Hands:124
P6(MP) $37.48 - VP:25 PFR:6 AF:1.0 W:0| STL:0|50 3B:0|0 CB:0|0 N:-12.52 Hands:16

Pre Flop: Me(CO) with [Ac,Ks]
P5(UTG) folds, P6(MP) folds, Me(CO) raises 1.50, P2(BTN) calls 1.50, P3(SB) raises 6.25, P4(BB) folds, Me(CO) calls 5, P2(BTN) folds

Flop: (6s,6c,2h) (2 players)
P3(SB) bets 8, Me(LP) calls 8

Turn: Js (2 players)
P3(SB) bets 14, Me(LP) calls 14

River: 4h (2 players)
P3(SB) bets 30.60, Me(LP) calls 30.60

P3(SB) shows [Qh,Qd]
P3(SB) wins 117.20

On the bright side, I have crushed my 25k hand goal and am likely over 30k for the month. I'm actually even missing some HH too.
09-01-2015 , 04:52 AM
Played close to about 1500 more hands (all zone, 50nlz/25nlz/10nlz/) and made a bit over $100 back
09-02-2015 , 02:19 AM
So, below is my month of August. Obviously ran very badly, but I actually played pretty poorly overall in my opinion, so my losses could have been negated by a decent clip. The graph isn't correct as I didn't lose as much as it says I did (but I did lose a decent amount, mind you), so I must be missing HH. That being said, definitely not the greatest month in terms of results, but damn good for volume, at least for me. Crushed my 25k hand goal for the month and did it in only 21 days and as a result I'm extremely proud of that. I will be aiming to get 25k+ hands again in September, which is probably going to be easier as I'm going to keep playing the zone tables. I really enjoy the high paced action it brings and I don't get nearly as bored. 4-tabling reg tables is just awful for me anymore.

Graph below is in BB and not in $ because I played few different stakes.

Played today and did two tables of 50nlz and two tables of 25nlz. The reason for playing the 25nlz is because Bovada limits me to two tables of zone at once and I'm pretty confident I'd make more $ per hour with two tables of 25nlz over two tables of 50nl reg. I ran pretty well overall today despite losing a couple flips and managed to make a bit over $300. That's a lot of $ considering it was only 50nlz/25nlz stakes. Anyways, looking forward to building roll up (again) and crushing 100nl (again).

Wish me luck in September everyone, thanks!
09-02-2015 , 07:05 AM
Subd. Best of luck Brokenstar, really enjoyed the read.
09-02-2015 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by BrianaBanks
Subd. Best of luck Brokenstar, really enjoyed the read.
Thanks for reading, enjoy and GL at the tables.
09-02-2015 , 08:58 PM
Just lost 9 BI at 50nl in like 600 hands. Seems pretty unimaginable. Set over set a few times and various other coolers and just super bad run outs. I made a couple calling/betting mistakes, but just ridiculous lol. This is pretty tough to keep playing when every time I get on I practically expect to lose.

Going to grind some more, but pretty annoying.
09-02-2015 , 10:07 PM
Take a few days off mate, will do you a world of good
09-02-2015 , 10:50 PM
Can't win if you don't play. :P

But yeah, probably done for today. Too many coolers to count.

Last edited by Brokenstars; 09-02-2015 at 10:57 PM.
09-03-2015 , 01:35 AM
Did a comprehensive HH review with a buddy, out of ~1600 hands we reviewed every hand 10bb+ and I made a total of about 12 mistakes equal to about $160 worth assuming 0 equity and 0 fold equity (so much less than $160 worth of mistakes)

That being said... Pretty happy with so few mistakes compared to when I started, but god damnit I am better than this. Obviously after review there is a 0 % chance I could have made money.... Just getting told something is a cooler is refreshing.... knowing you couldn't have done much better is actually refreshing, because even though I made mistakes... I made a lot a lot a lot of +EV plays. And as for most of my losses even with my mistakes they were damn ****ty ****ing spots. Like just awful spots. Like..... I could see people making the same mistakes as I did these last couple sessions very often. Not an excuse.... but knowing that if other people are likely making those mistakes, then if I fix those mistakes then I will be that much better.

In for some run good!!!!! God damn poker variance is crushing my soul ever since I started, lol.
09-03-2015 , 05:04 AM
Played about 800 more hands, 50nl reg tables, + $160 or so. Ran pretty well
09-03-2015 , 12:48 PM
Failed to mention I got two royal flushes last night within about 50 hands of each other... One using only one hole card, the other two. So will get a $25 bonus.

Me(BTN) $119.66 - VP:26 PFR:21 AF:3.0 W:29|100 STL:38|88 3B:10|50 CB:50|0 N:110.68 Hands:102
P2(SB) $44 - VP:18 PFR:9 AF:0.7 W:33|0 STL:|67 3B:0| CB: N:-27.51 Hands:11
P3(BB) $50 - VP:100 PFR:0 AF:0.5 W:100|0 STL:|0 3B:0| CB: N:-21.51 Hands:1
P4(UTG) $29.62 - VP:25 PFR:14 AF:0.4 W:0| STL:33|75 3B:0|0 CB:0|0 N:-20.38 Hands:36
P5(CO) $18.49 - VP:40 PFR:5 AF:1.3 W:16|67 STL:9|100 3B:4|100 CB:0|67 N:-5.71 Hands:58

Pre Flop: Me(BTN) with [Ad,Kd]
P4(UTG) folds, P5(CO) folds, Me(BTN) raises 1.25, P2(SB) calls 1, P3(BB) calls 0.75

Flop: (Qd,9c,Td) (3 players)
P2(SB) bets 3, P3(BB) calls 3, Me(BTN) calls 3

Turn: Jd (3 players)
P2(SB) checks, P3(BB) bets 8, Me(BTN) calls 8, P2(SB) calls 8

River: 5s (3 players)
P2(SB) checks, P3(BB) checks, Me(BTN) bets 9.26, P2(SB) calls 9.26, P3(BB) calls 9.26

Me(BTN) wins 62.53
09-03-2015 , 02:26 PM
Ditch the 25z
09-03-2015 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by timhardawyhatesu
Ditch the 25z
Any reason?
09-03-2015 , 09:03 PM
What are the speed games like on bovada? Are they nitty like zoom?

09-03-2015 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by Zombiefan
What are the speed games like on bovada? Are they nitty like zoom?

I think some of the people are nitty... but overall no not really.
09-03-2015 , 11:33 PM
Perhaps I spoke to soon.... just saw this thread and the guy plays only zone and is 10/9 lol
09-03-2015 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by Brokenstars
Any reason?
Your hourly will be much higher at 50 reg tables and will jist be better foe your game overal moving up. Just my opionion of course.
09-04-2015 , 01:01 AM
U wouldnt beat 10nl playing 10/8 on stars. Bovada why u no come to row?
