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MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015!

05-23-2014 , 10:18 AM
sick thread.
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
05-23-2014 , 10:45 AM
holy jesus

absolutely mashing life, long may it continue! gl
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
05-23-2014 , 01:22 PM
Nice updates
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
06-05-2014 , 11:26 AM
Awesome thread, hope you bink a live win soon!
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
06-05-2014 , 06:47 PM
Good stuff man thx for posting!
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
06-06-2014 , 11:17 PM
Awesome updates!! Keep em coming!
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
06-06-2014 , 11:33 PM
Best of luck, awesome thread
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
06-07-2014 , 02:00 AM
Great thread and pics, gl with everything.
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
08-24-2014 , 07:19 PM
more updates slacker!
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
08-24-2014 , 08:25 PM
Gjdm, absolutely crushed 2013. In 4 moar food pr0n.
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
08-24-2014 , 09:02 PM
do you plan on playing anzpt Auckland this nov?
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
08-31-2014 , 03:37 AM
honestly i am just on long term tilt from losing my photo twice and losing all the photos! was an easy way to make this readable.. will definitely update, so much to say!

kinda thinking of making a 'big' 10k post too
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
08-31-2014 , 05:55 AM
Just realized you're David Yan, wow.

I've been watching some EPT's lately, in one of them you were the chipleader at the final table and lost your chips quickly (blowup?). What tournament was it again and was it really a blowup or was it a really bad run of cards?

You probably mentioned this already somewhere itt, but couldn't find it.

GL in 2014/2015
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
08-31-2014 , 06:45 PM
Was EPT London, had chip leader with final 2 tables and lost basically every pot with a tonne of closeish spots. Lost ATo to KTs all in pre, etc. Super disappointing but wasn't too upset since I'm happy with my play
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
09-01-2014 , 11:24 PM
such a tease I was hoping for some awesome pics with crushing results. GL to one of the nicest and smartest guy on 2+2. Maybe you should keep your photos in icloud
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
09-05-2014 , 09:11 PM
Hey! Here's another long overdue update..

We last left off in Montreal, Quebec (Canada)! Unfortunately since then, I've lost my phone again, this time probably in a cab in Vienna, so that means there will be a few photos missing again..

Right after Montreal I went to Denmark for a bit over a week to spend sometime with my girl. I think we visited 2 or 3 cities and Denmark was super nice.. We walked around Copenhagen a bit during our free time and the city just generally felt very nice to be in, it felt quite 'upper-class' but not snobby, the buildings appeared nice and people were generally friendly. Food was pretty good, kind of what you may expect with good cheese/bread/meats etc.

Unfortunately I didn't realize that I wouldn't be able to play on there (locals can get an account at Stars.DK which has the same player pool) so at times there wasn't much to do especially when my girl was working.. Nevertheless it was a fun time and I'm glad to have visited some of the country.

After Denmark I met up with Fresh and some others in Marbella, Spain for the UKIPT Marbella tournament series. The main reason we went was to just relax since it's a nice area with some nice beaches and places to chill. Nothing interesting happened poker wise, but we had some fun and enjoyed our time there. We saw a few people there and for example €uropean randomly showed up two nights in a row (small town) and hung with us for a little bit while we were at a club and an outdoor shisha bar watching the football. (Been a long time since the last update..!)

I lost most of the photos but here is one of Fresh and I at some club, he is quite drunk and I quote "LET'S TAKE A PHOTO DAVID!!!"

From there I went to Vienna with Fresh to stay with him in his new place with some other grinders; Päffchen and Flow_Bambow. I had never really talked to either of them prior to meeting them but we were quite friendly pretty fast. Vienna was great just like the first time I went for EPT Vienna since a lot of heroes I'm friendly with are living there so I was fortunate enough to meet up with a bunch of guys like lissi stinkt, Ringelsdorf, huiiiiiiiiii, wushutm, Heißtercamp and a lot of others. I mostly stayed at Fresh and co.'s place in Vienna but kinda couchsurfed amongst various poker houses which was cool.

This should give you a decent idea of where I stayed in Vienna most of the time.


upstairs grinding area

'typical' stairs of apartment/flat buildings in Austria (lol, this could be the most pointless picture ever for some of you, apologies)

nearby outside of the building

packing my life into a few bags and ready to fly to Barcelona, making a silly selfie face in the process..

me photobombing WushuTM, or WushuTM photobombing me..?

We went to outdoor pools, chilled and of course a little grinding. Actually I logged in pretty solid volume during my time in Vienna and as of today am around exactly on pace for Supernova Elite! I am really happy with that, since it means for the most part the rest of the year will hopefully be fairly relaxed and I don't have too much pressure on me. I grinded a mixture of MTTs, HU/fifty50/9-man (all speeds)/6-max hyper/18-man/Steps and Cash Games and am happy with the results overall..

I feel this blog is barely about the results anymore, so as far as results/graphs/stats etc go, I think this picture of my VPP progress will be the only one for this update! In the future I will definitely include some more results especially as the year draws to a close since I will have a big end to the year (hopefully volume/VPPS as well as profit).

My girl has some close friends in Vienna so we were able to spend some more time together here We went for a few days to a 'relaxation spa'. It was pretty reasonably priced and the place itself was really nice. Despite being only 20 minutes away from the city, it really felt like it was in the nature due to the surroundings (both view, and general 'scent' of nature). There were a few nice areas to walk around and the place itself had decent food, a little gym and of course spa/sauna/pool. I didn't play poker at all during these few days and just enjoyed more or less 'truly being on holiday'. Don't have photos unfortunately, but would certainly recommend something similar if you have time for it! Simply relaxing is quite often underrated.

Back in the city we went to a nice Japanese restaurant nearby one of the poker houses and here a couple of photos from that..

Really good clam soup!

Random fruits I bought, nothing special but thought it was a nice and colorful picture :P

Stephansplatz, tourist attraction in the middle of Vienna

Near the end of my stay in Vienna, we traveled a couple hours away to Velden which is a nice city in Austria home to the semi-famous "Lake Worthersee". It's a nice city that from my impression seems to be a popular holiday town. From my impression it seems to be more of a place for families rather than young people since it's kinda expensive for students etc. I would maybe compare the general place to Queenstown (in NZ) as there are nice picturesque views all-around, good food and some fun activities. We played a few tournaments here and didn't really have any luck but once again the point of the trip was to have fun primarily.

I shared a place with some heroes like Fresh (who gets an honorable mention for getting 3rd? in the Super Tuesday during this stay!), huiiiiiiiiii, Ringelsdorf, Flow_Bambow, koenigskebap, nailuj & Moertelmu. Don't really have photos either since I lost my phone at this point too ( =/ ) but I finally turned 21 during this stay! So it means if I want to, I can play Vegas next year..

For my birthday I didn't do anything too crazy, just had fun with a lot of heroes including the guys in this pic and some others (who were busy still on another small boat and some girls). We rented a couple little electric boats (maybe not the best phrase, but you get the idea) and just relaxed in the lake.

Some more grinding, then it was off to Barcelona.. I heard basically nothing but good things from everyone who had been there in the past, everyone said it was a really nice city with a lot to do, nice girls, good food, good poker for the EPT etc. I would say often I think things like this are over-hyped and one can be disappointed because of that but I have to admit I really enjoyed the city and would highly recommend anyone even considering it to visit. There is so much to do and see during the day (for tourists, or people who want to have fun at the beach, activities, whatever) as well as a good nightlife.. You can get a pretty good variety of good food and you should be able to have a good time regardless of your budget.

Poker wise this trip didn't go well at all, I gambled a little bit on the Super High Roller with buying a lot of shares in good players and none of my horses cashed so I started the trip stuck a bunch. I played a few tournies and cashed a couple of the 'smaller' ones but bricked the main (5.3k EUR), 5k turbo, two bullets in high roller (10.3K EUR x 2).. I did swap a lot of action and had some sweats, but no FT love for me this time! That being said I really am not complaining since overall everything went very well (ran decent this year in general, had a tonne of fun, learnt a lot both poker and life related, met a lot of great people (some new friends) and got to travel and see more of the world).

random side street in Barcelona


Actually even though I didn't have any piece myself, I really enjoyed being part of the rail for donig/Andre Lettau who won the main event! I actually stayed in a big apartment with him and some other guys (many of whom I hung out with in Vienna) so that was really cool. I busted day 1 so each new day donig would come back to the apartment and be like day 3 tmr, day 4 tmr, we are on day 5 one time still be in the ept main/final table. I spent most of the final table day railing after busting 2 tournaments/poker trip was over for me. Eventually, especially as they got short handed a tonne of heroes joined the rail and we had a very big group, mostly from the German community. As he got closer to the title, I really, really wanted him to win (part of this was so many of my good poker friends being really close poker/personal friends with him, but also talking to him and getting to know him more myself). I was pretty focused on the game and probably had a better idea of the gameflow/hands/what was going on in general than anyone else on the rail during HU.

rail! I won't bore you guys by repeating names of people again and again but there were for sure lots of super cool ppl in the rail (including guys who I stayed with) and some crushers from the German/Austria location.

me pretending to have won myself..

Anyway he did succeed and won the biggest EPT (100th anniversary special) which actually just ridiculous if you think about it. It's hard to explain exactly the feelings and emotions I/we (the rail and donig himself) went through and of course it's infinitely more special for him being the winner and having these memories/moments for the rest of his life having the accomplishment of winning an EPT etc. In any case I really want to win one too, more so than ever! Kinda crazy in some ways if I think about how I've gotten pretty close..

andre and I the next day (both had very little sleep)

Anyway I will end this post with the super awesome winners photo!

MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
09-05-2014 , 09:17 PM
Actually I have a lot of random things I kinda feel like sharing and have been considering making a big 10k post. I want to do it, and think it could be a nice read for a lot of people to enjoy/learn at least a little from, but in reality I'm not sure since it does require a fair amount of time and effort to compile everything (I have been taking notes of things as they come to mind to remind myself of things to include).. so we will see, hopefully it works out!

As far as what is going on now, I am back home in Auckland/New Zealand finally, after 6 months being away. That's quite a long time, especially for me since it's the longest I've ever been away from home. Like most would, I missed my family, friends and some of the other things I've gotten used to about this city.. I'm glad to be back, although the weather isn't the best right now. The Summer was extremely nice last year and I hope it will be similar this year too. I'm debating whether to go back to Europe soon for Amsterdam MCOP, EPT Prague and chilling more. There are big pros/cons to going or staying here so I will see how things go. I've locked in WSOP Australia next month, so I should have at least a month here to rest a bit and hopefully maintain or surpass SNE pace. I think I will mostly play zoom, since I think it is likely the highest hourly for me, and being on pace means I can sacrifice VPP/hr for hourly/winrate

I think I will play a little WCOOP, especially the bigger/biggest days like Sundays but probably won't go out of my way to grind everyday like many are planning to. To me it doesn't make that much sense especially with the time zone. With the way daylight saving is at the moment, sunday warm up stars at 3 am and I doubt the hourly is that much higher during wcoop (some nice tournies, sure, but everything other than the wcoop events gets tougher [prizepool/field size does go up too, to be fair] and i'm doing fine at zoom)

I've met up with a lot of my friends already and will spend the majority of the next few weeks trying to see everyone as much as possible as usual. I plan to get in some solid volume, see all my friends, eat good food and enjoy life
There is some other work to be done, like catching up on accounting, some other non poker stuff to take care of and so on but whatever

Hopefully I will have more photos in the near future, but for now here is my good friend Danny and I at a nice local steakhouse (Jervois)..

vamos, thx for reading and if you have any questions feel free to ask!

MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
09-05-2014 , 09:41 PM
Nice pics man,looks like you have fun.Really cool that!
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
09-05-2014 , 10:01 PM
Not going to multi-quote them all, but thanks for the nice comments, I read and appreciate them all

Originally Posted by pontylad
do you plan on playing anzpt Auckland this nov?
If I'm here, for sure, guess you are?
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
09-06-2014 , 07:23 PM
Sick, sick updates! This is the kind of thing that makes poker such a cool profession. Keep up the good work man.
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
09-06-2014 , 10:46 PM

Ah this photo was missing from above, fresh and I in Marbella

Think I didn't miss anything else
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
09-07-2014 , 01:10 AM
awesome update man- wish u posted more since u r one of my favorite threads but I wont complain . Do you have trouble adjusting at all playing so many different forms of nl? Curious because I personally have trouble jumping around between different formats. Anyway best of luck to you in wcoop and the rest of the year
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
09-07-2014 , 01:16 AM
Moar foodz!

And gl
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
09-07-2014 , 01:40 AM
very nice update.
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
