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MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015!

01-19-2014 , 05:48 PM
Awesome thread!

I was in NZ last year for the first time ever ( from Canada ) and your pics brought back a lot of memories ...

... It's also nice to know I am not the only person that snaps tons of pics of meals at restaurants ... you are eating well sir! Love it!

Pretty cool that the poker lifestyle can allow this to happen ... ofc you have worked hard at it and obv you're a BAUS!

Thx for sharing all of this! may 2014 bring you infinite run good!

MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
01-19-2014 , 07:48 PM
Awesome TR, thanks for sharing
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
01-19-2014 , 07:51 PM
It's a shame you can't beat 2NL though. -713 bb/100

Maybe this year you'll crush it.

Good luck.
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
01-19-2014 , 09:13 PM
sad i didn't find this thread sooner, gl this year!
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
01-19-2014 , 11:01 PM
nice TR and dem lissi pics
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
01-20-2014 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by ThePrezence
Awesome thread!

I was in NZ last year for the first time ever ( from Canada ) and your pics brought back a lot of memories ...

... It's also nice to know I am not the only person that snaps tons of pics of meals at restaurants ... you are eating well sir! Love it!

Pretty cool that the poker lifestyle can allow this to happen ... ofc you have worked hard at it and obv you're a BAUS!

Thx for sharing all of this! may 2014 bring you infinite run good!

Glgl in 2014 as well. Yep, love my food, one of the things I'm willing to spend $$$ on. And yeah, definitely appreciative of the fact that poker brings some nice opportunities.

Originally Posted by The Sasquatch
Awesome TR, thanks for sharing
No worries

Originally Posted by Fishylol
It's a shame you can't beat 2NL though. -713 bb/100

Maybe this year you'll crush it.

Good luck.
Yeah seem to run bad at flips where it matters..

Originally Posted by TheTyman9
sad i didn't find this thread sooner, gl this year!
Thanks, gl too!

Originally Posted by Ssick_one
nice TR and dem lissi pics
Yup isn't he cute!
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
01-20-2014 , 03:02 AM
I play almost all PLO these days and can't really play NL anymore unless its a tournament. A combination of boredom and not feeling familiar enough with the game anymore. Since you have had a bunch of big scores last year I'm curious to know whether you enjoy grinding MTT's more or prefer cash?
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
01-20-2014 , 03:25 AM
Ah okay fair enough. Hmm I dunno it's hard to compare.. I really like playing a few different game formats to 'mix it up' and not get too bored of playing the same thing, I think it helps me not get burnt out from playing cash some days, live some days, MTTs some days and SNGs other days etc. I think MTTs can be really fun, but mostly when you get really deep (and score big :P). They can be quite disappointing given how much variance there is and how a single flip/race can be worth so much equity. But a lot more different spots/situations as well.
It's going to be interesting this year if I make SNE to see how I cope with playing so many hands in cash if I do..
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
01-20-2014 , 05:57 AM
Great updates, I enjoy this thread a lot w cool pictures and everything. May u crush 2014 sir!
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
01-20-2014 , 07:48 PM

Played a little today, played I think 67 fifty50 sngs ranging from $30-$300, 2 2k 6-max turbos, a 1k 6-max turbo and 1600~ hands of 500 and 1k zoom. I spewed a bit but also ran kinda bad at 500 and lost 1k there, made 1.7 in 1k though Also min cashed both the 2ks for a decent day of $4k profit. The 2ks were quite decent games, with some pretty clear spots.. The stakes are really high and the variance is absurd so hopefully I don't run too bad there, pretty happy to break even long-term for the decent rakeback/VPPs.

I have about 31K VPPs for the year so far, which is okay considering I was at PCA for over a week this month. Unfortunately Aussie Millions probably means the next 2-3 weeks will be poor volume but we'll see how it goes. I think I get about 8K more VPPs from PCA too so the count for the year should be about 39.
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
01-20-2014 , 08:43 PM
Sick life my friend hope in 2014 you get all the success you deserve 😄
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
01-20-2014 , 09:59 PM
Congrats on 2013, and gl with 2014. If you have given it any thought, where do you see yourself in 2020?
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
01-21-2014 , 07:22 AM
subbed! Very nice thread!
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
01-21-2014 , 09:15 AM
Somehow just discovered this but +1 to all the "great thread" comments!

I particularly like that you play a variety of games. The reason for that is because that's what I do. I play SnG's, Mtt's and cash when my mood is right and I feel different parts of my game improve in each one. I'm also desperate to play some live events so spend a fair amount of time in the Steps games.

It's definitely encouraging to see that somebody has achieved as much as you have across different game types.

Keep crushing!
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
01-21-2014 , 07:54 PM
sick thread mate. great job!
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
01-26-2014 , 11:09 AM
Not to much to update so far, Melbourne is awesome and I'm really enjoying seeing so many players from around the world here. Quite a lot of regs have made the trip. Just mostly been chilling recently, went to women's quarter finals and the Gregor vs. Rafa game and been watching it a bit on TV.. Played a few tournies and managed to be in for the maximum in the opening event once again! It's a repechage with 3 different day ones, and a possible re-entry each day. Bye $6.6K!

Looking forward to more events in the next few days, some fun ones of various buy-ins and of course the main!

Online has been going pretty well this month, been spazzing somewhat but generally playing well and running good! Mixed a tiny bit of 5/10 which has gone decent.

Really disappointed that I am still obsessed with winning sessions.. It's bad for my mental state although can't hurt as far as volume is concerned. I haven't made a huge effort to get rid of this bad habit yet so maybe that will improve soon. I have 'only' been 4-tabling on my laptop, with slightly delayed internet which has meant a bit less VPP/hr but still doing decent considering I'm midway through a live trip!

Seems like I like green..
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
01-26-2014 , 01:16 PM
I've always been that way as well, as long as you keep playing a profitable game it's no problem really, sometimes I'd stop after 2 hours and sometimes play 16 hours to get unstuck lol
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
01-26-2014 , 05:42 PM
Yeah and one other thing which you can't really see in this picture which I think I may have said in the past as well, sometimes I play lower cause I don't want to play a proper session or cause higher looks tough/bad lobby and after being stuck I just move up and martingale it lol. I'm +EV the whole way so it's not too degen but still kinda feels silly lol
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
01-26-2014 , 06:14 PM
Mirin'... :-)

Not much swings, sick.
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
01-30-2014 , 11:49 AM

Good luck!
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
01-30-2014 , 12:05 PM
Whats with the 50nl session in there? Is tat what you mean by play lower?
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
01-30-2014 , 11:35 PM
Will try do an update soon Been pretty busy with the live donkaments recently, bricking quite hard and on a small downswing online. Yeah I occasionally randomly play lower for fun or if I'm coaching a friend or something.
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
03-06-2014 , 05:17 AM
Yoyo guys

Been on a pretty long road-trip from early February until just a few days ago so been pretty busy to update.

First, the poker!
I haven't played very much this year in general, especially since starting the road trip. I've played a few Sunday sessions and the odd short session here and there but haven't been properly grinding. I have managed 105K~ VPPs for the year so far which is obviously quite behind SNE pace, but not the worst VPP count either..

I've been playing a reasonable amount of high stake SNGs and have for the most part game-selected quite reasonably, only playing the higher 6-max games with at least one weak player etc. Have run pretty poorly over a small sample and have unfortunately lost a decent clip there. Unsure if I'm going to continue playing them, and hope to run a little better or cut the games out. I am very confident my EV in them means my hourly (EV at least) will be higher, but the variance will also be a lot higher and I think there is a tonne of merit to just playing some lower games (which would still be fairly high stakes), game select a bit better for a lower variance solid hourly.

Cash has gone kinda bad since the last proper update, in particular I had a single day where I somehow lost over 10K at mostly 5/10 Zoom. I didn't play particularly good, but I also ran really bad with some pretty ugly spots/coolers for big pots. Anyway since that really bad day, I have made a slight recovery and hopefully will log in more volume soon. The rakeback (at this stage "only" 40%~ since I'm not a lock for SNE) helps though I guess.

At Aussie Millions I didn't have a very good series. I bricked literally every tournament/re-entry I played until the very end and bought some action and lost a bit there too. Fortunately I ended up coming 4th in the 2.5K 6-max for $36K (AUD) so I made back a lot (but not all!) of the buy-ins I lost in the other events including the main. I also played two bullets in the $25K high roller and ended up ~bubbling I feel I played very well (on my 2nd bullet at least) and ended up busting in a pretty gross/close spot where I chose to not fold TT pre-flop for 50BB~ effective and ran into JJ. Was quite unfortunate because I was CL at some point and was in a great position to make a deep run but I guess it wasn't mean to be.

I'm unsure exactly of my plans from now, but I still plan to make SNE and I am going to Europe for a few EPTs in a couple weeks time so that should be great fun. I really enjoyed hanging and talking to a lot of the European regs who I'm going to see again in Vienna and beyond.

Now for the fun stuff; road trip!

We started in Melbourne on the 10th of Feb and our general plan was to drive towards Brisbane/Gold Coast in about 2 weeks. 3 of us; Dejan (dejanaceking) from Bosnia, Ole (wizowizo) from Germany and I went together and rented a car. It was a great time, it was mostly really enjoyable and relaxing to travel, see a bit of Australia, do some activities and just talk and hang out with each other. We got to see quite a bit of nature, beaches and doing it all in our own time was great.

We did quite a lot and stopped by a few areas so it's going to be pretty hard to list them all, but I will try to use some of the pictures I took to help!

MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
03-06-2014 , 07:34 PM
looking forward to the updates mate
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
03-21-2014 , 08:24 AM
You were playing 100HU zoom today vrs me today(I think), any reason why? I was confused
MissOracle and the Three-Year Long Thread of 2013 2014 & 2015! Quote
