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Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s

10-14-2010 , 12:54 AM
ever tought about 4 tabling instead?
Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-14-2010 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by martin_malin
ever tought about 4 tabling instead?
It has crossed my mind.

Don't think that ROI is sustainable though
Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-14-2010 , 05:08 AM
reading all 11 pages.
i´m planing to do same like you, but not with that amount.
would be nice when i ran like you
gl 2 u
Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-14-2010 , 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by Tim25
reading all 11 pages.
obligatory 'youre doing it wrong' reply

gl fern, your results are good. kind of scary to think what you are capable of if you put in more volume.
Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-14-2010 , 06:47 AM
Gl ferny, have been playing the 2s for a few weeks now too and reading these threads help alot. Gl.

deposit $100 and go on a heater brag:

.Riivers. 498 $2 $2 81% $886 Super Tilt N/A PokerStars

Last edited by _Steven Levitt_; 10-14-2010 at 06:51 AM. Reason: sicklife
Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-14-2010 , 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by Tim25
reading all 11 pages.
i´m planing to do same like you, but not with that amount.
would be nice when i ran like you
gl 2 u
Originally Posted by deanshmerk
gl fern, your results are good. kind of scary to think what you are capable of if you put in more volume.
Thanks guys.

Yeah, I play when I can, but I'm by no means a grinder

Firing up some tables now. MTT's and $12s tonight (maybe some $2s as well if I get bored). Also gonna try out a few $3r/180s for the first time.
Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-14-2010 , 06:55 AM
Do you not find it takes forever to get 2s up at this time of the day (am UK)? I had my TN to reg for all yday and took like an hour to get to 12 tables up (although i busted a couple early, hello 1 outer!)

Idk, now I tend to not start til 5pm ish uk time.
Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-14-2010 , 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by _Steven Levitt_
Do you not find it takes forever to get 2s up at this time of the day (am UK)? I had my TN to reg for all yday and took like an hour to get to 12 tables up (although i busted a couple early, hello 1 outer!)

Idk, now I tend to not start til 5pm ish uk time.
It's certainly not ideal, but this is a time that suits me during the week (9pm here in Australia at the moment). I can usually get 18 tables up within the hour and maintain it from there.

Playing in peak US times would definitely be better for volume, but it's a bit of a struggle for me to get out of bed that early. This way I avoid most of the American regs too.
Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-14-2010 , 10:10 AM
Just finished up a short session.

Had a bunch of huge stacks early on going into some FT's, but lost them all to bad beats and coolers... really frustrating. Think I got 2 8ths (both in $12s) and a couple of 10ths and was breakeven over about 20 games.

Threw the ol' mouse around a little bit and decided it was probably best to stop regging. Really happy I did that. Quitting sessions early definitely hurts my volume at times and I don't make a habit of it, but I felt it was in my best interests tonight. I played really well today and stopped when I felt my game was starting to deteriorate.

Was in for $27 in my first ever $3r/180 lol. Found it to be pretty soft (definitely softer than a $12) and I did go semi-deep in it. Will play some more of these in the future for sure.

Got a few things coming up this weekend. May or may not be able to get another session in before US Sunday.
Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-14-2010 , 09:49 PM
Played another short session of $12s.

Got deep in a few and made a couple of really thin (probably bad) calls, resulting in some more 10th-18th place finishes. Dropped around $100, nothing major.

Will be doing a bunch of stuff over the weekend, so won't be playing anymore until US Sunday. Hope to be fresh and motivated for a big grind once that day rolls around.
Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-15-2010 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by fernythrills
Was in for $27 in my first ever $3r/180 lol. Found it to be pretty soft (definitely softer than a $12) and I did go semi-deep in it. Will play some more of these in the future for sure.
I've prob played 5-6 of these this month, and dont think I've ever been in for more than $15.30. Did you have an incredibly insane table draw or what strategy are you using?
Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-15-2010 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by broken_jia
I've prob played 5-6 of these this month, and dont think I've ever been in for more than $15.30. Did you have an incredibly insane table draw or what strategy are you using?
Wasn't anything out of the ordinary. I am a bit of a lagtard, but I just played it like a normal 180 really... had a few decent hands in the rebuy period; just didn't win too many flips.

Was double-rebuying every time, took the add-on, etc... I reckon if I played these all the time my ABI would end up being around $12-$15.
Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-15-2010 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by fernythrills
Wasn't anything out of the ordinary. I am a bit of a lagtard, but I just played it like a normal 180 really... had a few decent hands in the rebuy period; just didn't win too many flips.

Was double-rebuying every time, took the add-on, etc... I reckon if I played these all the time my ABI would end up being around $12-$15.
mines 13.25 over like ~500 of em so yea, somewhere in there
Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-17-2010 , 09:12 AM
Had a really awesome weekend, partying it up with friends and chilling with the family.

Feeling super fresh and am genuinely looking forward to the Sunday grind.

Will be playing $3rs, $7s and $12s today, as well as a bunch of MTT's.

gl to all this Sunday!

Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-17-2010 , 08:10 PM
Just finished up my session... played for about 11 hours.

It went really well - grinded $12s and mixed in a few $3rs, $7s and MTT's. Managed to run really well in my $12s and shipped my first ever 4-figure day

Was down a bit on my usual Sunday volume because I was only playing 6-9 tables at a time (a choice I made at the start of my session). I felt like I was able to focus a lot more and was confident with every decision I made because of this.

All up I think I got 3 2nd places in $12s. Was a little frustrating to get to HU and not close it out 3 times, but I'm happy with the way I played HU... just couldn't sustain my luckbox for long enough in any of the matches.

Today was a real shot in the arm for the bankroll. I don't yet consider myself rolled for the $12s, but I am definitely getting there.

Will be back on the grind in a couple of days. I hope to continue my good progress then.

Last edited by fernythrills; 10-17-2010 at 08:28 PM.
Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-17-2010 , 08:19 PM
epic. good job ferny.

btw i love your taste in girls, must be an aussie thing.
Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-17-2010 , 09:15 PM
congrats to the 1st of hopefully many 4 figure days
Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-18-2010 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by WhiteRabbito
epic. good job ferny.

btw i love your taste in girls, must be an aussie thing.
Originally Posted by E-rex
congrats to the 1st of hopefully many 4 figure days
haha, thanks guys.


Just played a quick session, with about 15 $12s and a couple of MTT's.

Played really well, but only got a couple of min-cahses. Probably dropped around $130 or so... no big deal.

Going to take a couple of days off from poker. I've got a HH review session on Wednesday night (US time)... will be back on the grind then.
Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-19-2010 , 11:42 PM
Ended up playing a short session today after all. Made a few spewy moves, but played pretty well for the most part. Managed to bink my last $12 which was nice:

Will be doing HH reviews and playing a few games on the side tomorrow.
Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-21-2010 , 12:43 AM
Had a really good HH review session today and then grinded for a bit. Didn't play very many games, but once again managed to bink a $12:

Played okay, but did make a couple of small mistakes early on. Also misplayed one hand in the tourney where I got to HU, but thankfully ran like god and was able to win the match anyway.

Will be getting in another session of $12s and MTT's tomorrow. I hope to keep this good run going.
Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-21-2010 , 11:25 PM
Just finished a pretty lol session.

43 games played with -100% ROI... down around $500 on the day.

Played fairly well, but kept losing flips and running into aces. Pretty standard 180-man variance I think and I'm not going to get too worried about it.

Probably won't be putting any more significant volume in until US Sunday, but I will be doing some more HH reviews before then.
Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-24-2010 , 06:03 AM
Had a good weekend... poker-wise, I reviewed some of my HH's and also played some live $2/$4 the other night. I suck at cash, but even still, found the standard of play to be pretty soft

Going to chill out for a bit before getting on the grind. Will be playing $7s and $12s today, along with a pretty big MTT schedule. I've got the 2+2 pokercast and a bunch of good beats lined up for my sesh.

Thank god it's Sunday.

gl to all


Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-24-2010 , 07:30 AM
Gl ferny. Start of my session has been horrible, runing AKs and AQs semi deep in 180s into AA thrice, and losing a fairly crucial JJ vs 53o all in pre encounter (don't ask.)

Saving my run good for the mil which i sattied into earlier in the week imo
Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-24-2010 , 07:33 AM
Originally Posted by _Steven Levitt_
Saving my run good for the mil which i sattied into earlier in the week imo
Sick, gl
Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
10-24-2010 , 10:12 PM
Had a pretty frustrating day today. Made a bunch of final tables but the best I managed was one 2nd place. Also had some stacks in a few MTT's, but just couldn't get anything going when it really mattered:

Very happy with the way I played today. I put in solid volume and was focussed the whole time... just didn't run all that well.

Feeling really good about my game at the moment. Will be back on the grind tomorrow.
Making the leap: moving up from  ---> /180s Quote
