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Living in Thailand on 0/Month - 100BI's, 1 Year Expenses Living in Thailand on 0/Month - 100BI's, 1 Year Expenses

05-17-2020 , 05:53 AM
You are insanely deluded
05-17-2020 , 05:55 AM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
Nah it's not obvious to me. I think there's nothing ridiculous about the goals and plans he makes.

There's an old saying:

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars.
As are you
05-17-2020 , 05:56 AM
Originally Posted by ejames209
For all the hate OP gets I think he would be the perfect person to raise a child. Good luck on your family OP!
And especially you
05-17-2020 , 06:12 AM
dude post a graph shut these haters up Living in Thailand on 0/Month - 100BI's, 1 Year ExpensesLiving in Thailand on 0/Month - 100BI's, 1 Year ExpensesLiving in Thailand on 0/Month - 100BI's, 1 Year ExpensesLiving in Thailand on 0/Month - 100BI's, 1 Year Expenses
05-17-2020 , 09:28 AM
In honesty OP, my comments were intended to be constructive, even if not relayed in the kindest manner. But you are just so full of bs that it's pointless posting
05-17-2020 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by adrianpk
dude post a graph shut these haters up Living in Thailand on 0/Month - 100BI's, 1 Year ExpensesLiving in Thailand on 0/Month - 100BI's, 1 Year ExpensesLiving in Thailand on 0/Month - 100BI's, 1 Year ExpensesLiving in Thailand on 0/Month - 100BI's, 1 Year Expenses
He would if he could.
05-17-2020 , 11:24 PM
Not sure 150k b/e graph is going to really shut down the haters.
05-18-2020 , 01:38 AM
Well, if you always lose set over set, lose boats, lose nut flushes, have your top set run into riv flushes, lose AA AIPF and run KK/QQ into AA and Have your Overpairs in 3bet pots lose to baby sets 90% out of 100 all in pots, it's only going to show that your EV as losing lol

My variance is not the "running 100 BI's below EV" type.

It's just 90 coolers out of 100 all in spots where I am salivating to shovel my money into the pot and yet they always have those 1 to 8 combo's that just have me beat.
05-18-2020 , 05:11 AM
been there numerous times and it's an awful awful feeling.

gl on your regrind
05-18-2020 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by p0ker_n00b
Well, if you always lose set over set, lose boats, lose nut flushes, have your top set run into riv flushes, lose AA AIPF and run KK/QQ into AA and Have your Overpairs in 3bet pots lose to baby sets 90% out of 100 all in pots, it's only going to show that your EV as losing lol

My variance is not the "running 100 BI's below EV" type.

It's just 90 coolers out of 100 all in spots where I am salivating to shovel my money into the pot and yet they always have those 1 to 8 combo's that just have me beat.
I know its hard, been there done that, BUT:

The only way to lose with nut flush is to boat or quads. Try not to shove river at the lower stakes (we are not talking 100nl here) if the board pairs. If you made the nut flush on the flop, and jam then (though most people want to milk it), then you MIGHT lose 30% of the time.

Losing boats means someone has better set or quads. Quads can't be helped, set over set, it is what it is.

Watched a coach fold QQ to a 5 bet, he would have folded to a shove. Because, that is often a face up AA. I probably would have called with QQ myself, definitely try not to go all in pre flop with 99, TT, JJ. Just my opinion.

The biggest thing with the fish in the pool right now, is not stacking off. They are calling stations. Bluff catchers are generally not good here. 50nl, 25nl, 10nl and 5nl are all soft right now. If you are in those categories, you want more exploitative vs gto right now, and maybe a little hero/overfolding.
05-18-2020 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by FutureInsights
I know its hard, been there done that, BUT:

The only way to lose with nut flush is to boat or quads. Try not to shove river at the lower stakes (we are not talking 100nl here) if the board pairs. If you made the nut flush on the flop, and jam then (though most people want to milk it), then you MIGHT lose 30% of the time.

Losing boats means someone has better set or quads. Quads can't be helped, set over set, it is what it is.

Watched a coach fold QQ to a 5 bet, he would have folded to a shove. Because, that is often a face up AA. I probably would have called with QQ myself, definitely try not to go all in pre flop with 99, TT, JJ. Just my opinion.

The biggest thing with the fish in the pool right now, is not stacking off. They are calling stations. Bluff catchers are generally not good here. 50nl, 25nl, 10nl and 5nl are all soft right now. If you are in those categories, you want more exploitative vs gto right now, and maybe a little hero/overfolding.
Great post!

To add to this, when you get aces, then always limp, but never any other card. If a villain raises, then BAM! you can instantly min3bet them to grow the pot without them ever suspecting what you might have! Then if the board comes dangerous like KQJsss and you have no spades, you must go allin no matter what your stack is, because you do not want to get called. But if the board comes dry, keep minbetting to string that sucker along.

Also if you want to loosen up your preflop shoving range then do it with ace-king offsuit, not suited. With offsuit AK you have a chance to make 2 different flushes, greatly increasing your chances if villain does call. Suited AK is trash anyway, I believe it might be one of your biggest losing hands. It only makes 1 flush and if we do hit an ace or king, our hand is immediately face-up and we only get called by sets. Easy fold preflop tbh.
05-18-2020 , 03:01 PM
So far advice is:

-Don't stack off with 99 pre
-Limp AA
-AKs is trash but AKo can hit 2 flushes
-Exploit weaker pools instead of GTO
-Paired boards are bad for nut flushes

God damnit Thailand is going to have some serious photosynthesis problems bc looks like I'm gonna run out of ****in trees from all the notes I'm writing.

If only my ****in coaches told me those things, that's what I've been missing this whole time?
05-18-2020 , 03:09 PM
You didn’t even have to pay for the coaching this time!!! ...wait
05-18-2020 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by p0ker_n00b

If only my ****in coaches told me those things, that's what I've been missing this whole time?
Did they remind you to send 2 cents to kidpoker before every all-in? This is CRUCIAL.
05-18-2020 , 06:21 PM
Just caught up on thread, your doing better than I thought you would be , would of had a few quid on you being dead broke, in love with a lady of the night or in jail by now

Fair play
05-18-2020 , 07:27 PM
Those events are just delayed by the virus. Wait and see
05-18-2020 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by p0ker_n00b
So far advice is:

-Don't stack off with 99 pre
-Limp AA
-AKs is trash but AKo can hit 2 flushes
-Exploit weaker pools instead of GTO
-Paired boards are bad for nut flushes

God damnit Thailand is going to have some serious photosynthesis problems bc looks like I'm gonna run out of ****in trees from all the notes I'm writing.

If only my ****in coaches told me those things, that's what I've been missing this whole time?
With respect, I had cooler today in 25nl. I play Zone, the same site you play. i was reading your hand histories, and just rambling off what works for me.

My AA got out kicked by QQ with Q on flop. I will 4bet AKs whenever possible. Some of your moves that I saw might be questionable, which is why I stated the above.

Perhaps it might just be what works at 100nl doesn't work at 25nl. I myself lost 8 buy ins today, that is not my usual course. I came in later, and won one back.

And, never limp AA. That is a 5nl play.
05-18-2020 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by Escroc_Officiel
Those events are just delayed by the virus. Wait and see

Yeah the chance of me succeeding in this journey is the same chance as the fatty in your avatar has for losing weight.
05-18-2020 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by Duncan Ferguson
Just caught up on thread, your doing better than I thought you would be , would of had a few quid on you being dead broke, in love with a lady of the night or in jail by now

Fair play
150k breakeven stretch at 25nl during Corona is pretty much broke.
05-18-2020 , 10:16 PM
haha keep roasting me bitches, I'll have the last laugh
05-19-2020 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by p0ker_n00b
haha keep roasting me bitches, I'll have the last laugh
Big doubts.

Post some graphs instead of schizo ramblings please?
05-24-2020 , 12:42 PM
Your umility is inspiring. GL buddy
06-09-2020 , 05:56 PM
How's that last laugh going?
06-10-2020 , 11:25 AM
i think he quit because the cost of lamination was cutting into his win rate
06-10-2020 , 11:52 AM
OP is destroying 1/2 thanks to his self improvement posters and is too humble to post
